Witnessing to the New Witness


Witnessing to the New Witness

Publication Type

Journal Article

Year of Publication




Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship





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Robert A. Rees has written about the Book of Mormon for over sixty years. In this book are collected sixteen essays that all focus on different aspects of the text of the Book of Mormon, and two that provide a personalized interaction. The topics range from the examination of the spiritual biographies of Nephi and Ammon to the issue of automatic writing as a possibility for the dictation of the Book of Mormon to an essay examining the Nephite 200-year peace.

Review of Robert A. Rees, A New Witness to the World (Salt Lake City: By Common Consent Press, 2020). 244 pages. $9.95 (paperback).

For a summary of this article, check out Interpreting Interpreterhttps://journal.interpreterfoundation.org/witnessing-to-the-new-witness/

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