Why the Book of Mormon Deserves More Twenty-First Century Readers: A Question of Complexity


Why the Book of Mormon Deserves More Twenty-First Century Readers: A Question of Complexity

Publication Type

Journal Article

Year of Publication



Haws, J.B. (Primary)


Journal of Book of Mormon Studies





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In his 2013 book, Millions Call It Scripture: The Book of Mormon in the 21st Century, retired Community of Christ apostle Alan Tyree makes the case that the Book of Mormon can—and should—function as scripture in the lives of many more Christians. His target audience for such reappraisal of the Book of Mormon’s value seems to be pri-marily his fellows in the Community of Christ, but Tyree also contends that more readers generally will find spiritual benefit from the Book of Mormon’s witness of Christ. While Book of Mormon proponents will find Tyree’s advocacy admirable, this review suggests that many such pro-ponents will be disappointed by Tyree’s underestimation of the Book of Mormon’s complexity and richness. In an attempt to dissuade readers away from contests over the Book of Mormon’s historicity, Tyree also seems to ignore recent and robust scholarship on all facets of the Book of Mormon.

Community of Christ
Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

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