Ten-Year Index to FARMS Review of Books 1989-98

Ten-Year Index to FARMS Review of Books 1989-98
Publication Type
Journal Article
Year of Publication
Corporate Authors
FARMS Staff (Primary)
FARMS Review
Ten-Year Index to FARMS Review of Books 1989-98
By Author:
The entries in this section are listed by author, title, reviewer (in parentheses), volume number, and beginning page number.
- Allen, Joseph L., Exploring the Lands of the Book of Mormon (Michael J. Preece), 3:32.
- Andersen, H. Verlan, The Book of Mormon and the Constitution (Ralph C. Hancock), 9/2:1.
- Anderson, Lynn Matthews, The Easy-to-Read Book of Mormon: A Learning Companion (Camille S. Williams), 7/1:3; (Marvin Folsom), 7/1:13.
- Anderson, Rodger I., Joseph Smith’s New York Reputation Reexamined (Richard Lloyd Anderson), 3:52.
- Ankerberg, John, Behind the Mask of Mormonism (Daniel C. Peterson), 8/2:60.
- Ankerberg, John, Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about Mormonism (Daniel C. Peterson), 5:1.
- Arnold, Marilyn, Sweet Is the Word: Reflections on the Book of Mormon—Its Narrative, Teachings, and People (Karen Lynn Davidson), 9/1:1.
- Ashment, Edward H., “The Use of Egyptian Magical Papyri to Authenticate the Book of Abraham: A Critical Review” (John Gee), 7/1:19.
- Aston, Michaela Knoth, In the Footsteps of Lehi: New Evidence for Lehi’s Journey across Arabia to Bountiful (L. Ara Norwood), 7/1:85.
- Aston, Warren P., In the Footsteps of Lehi: New Evidence for Lehi’s Journey across Arabia to Bountiful (L. Ara Norwood), 7/1:85.
- Bagley, Pat, Norman the Nephite’s and Larry the Lamanite’s Book of Mormon Time Line (Ted L. Gibbons), 8/2:373.
- Bankhead, Reid E., Building Faith with the Book of Mormon (Richard I. Winwood), 9/1:31.
- Barlow, Philip L., Mormons and the Bible: The Place of the Latter-day Saints in American Religion (Marvin Folsom), 4:1.
- Bartley, Peter, Mormonism: The Prophet, the Book and the Cult (Daniel C. Peterson), 2:31.
- Basil, Robert, On the Barricades: Religion and Free Inquiry in Conflict (Louis Midgley), 4:5.
- Beardall, C. Douglas, About the Three Nephites (Richard L. Hill), 5:87.
- Beardall, Jewell N., About the Three Nephites (Richard L. Hill), 5:87.
- Beckwith, Francis J., The Mormon Concept of God: A Philosophical Analysis (Blake T. Ostler), 8/2:99.
- Benson, Ezra Taft, A Witness and a Warning: A Modern-Day Prophet Testifies of the Book of Mormon (John W. Welch), 1:1.
- Biddulph, Stephen, Dead Sea Scrolls and the Mormon Connection (Dana M. Pike), 9/2:88.
- Black, Susan Easton, ed., Expressions of Faith: Testimonies of Latter-day Saint Scholars (J. Howard Rytting), 9/2:39.
- Black, Susan Easton, ed., Stories from the Early Saints: Converted by the Book of Mormon (Daniel C. Peterson), 4:13.
- Black, Susan Easton, Finding Christ through the Book of Mormon (Camille Williams), 1:3.
- Bloom, Harold, The American Religion: The Emergence of the Post-Christian Nation (Alan Goff), 5:96.
- Brewster, Hoyt W., Jr., Isaiah Plain and Simple: The Message of Isaiah in the Book of Mormon (John S. Thompson), 9/2:11.
- Brodie, Fawn McKay, No Man Knows My History: The Life of Joseph Smith, the Mormon Prophet (Louis Midgley), 8/2:147.
- Brooke, John L., The Refiner’s Fire: The Making of Mormon Cosmology, 1644—1844 (William J. Hamblin, Daniel C. Peterson, George L. Mitton), 6/2:3.
- Brown, Wade, The God-Inspired Language of the Book of Mormon (Donald W. Parry), 1:5; (David P. Wright), 1:10.
- Buerger, David John, The Mysteries of Godliness: A History of Mormon Temple Worship (Matthew B. Brown), 10/1:97.
- Burgess, Allan K., Fun for Family Night: Book of Mormon Edition (Shirley S. Ricks), 3:81.
- Burgess, Allan K., Living the Book of Mormon: A Guide to Understanding and Applying Its Principles in Today’s World (Edward Snow), 4:20.
- Burgess, Allan K., Timely Truths from the Book of Mormon (Amy L. Livingstone), 9/1:4.
- Card, Orson Scott, The Folk of the Fringe; The Tales of Alvin Maker: Seventh Son; The Red Prophet; Prentice Alvin (Eugene England), 2:56.
- Card, Orson Scott, Homecoming, vols. 1—5; A Storyteller in Zion: Essays and Speeches; and “An Open Letter to those who are concerned about plagiarism’ in The Memory of Earth” (Eugene England), 6/2:59.
- Carlsen, Earl W., Christ’s Answer to the Atheist, to the Jew: Who Wrote It? (Paul Y. Hosskisson), 2:63.
- Charles, Melodie Moench, “Book of Mormon Christology” (Robert L. Millet), 6/1:187; (Ross David Baron), 7/1:91; (Martin S. Tanner), 7/2:6.
- Cheesman, Millie F., Ancient American Indians: Their Origins, Civilizations and Old World Connections (Martin Raish), 4:21.
- Cheesman, Paul R., Ancient American Indians: Their Origins, Civilizations and Old World Connections (Martin Raish), 4:21.
- Cheesman, Paul R., The Keystone of Mormonism: Early Visions of the Prophet Joseph Smith (Larry C. Porter), 2:65.
- Cheesman, Paul R., ed., The Book of Mormon: The Keystone Scripture (Lavina Fielding Anderson), 1:18.
- Christenson, Allen J., “Maya Harvest Festivals and the Book of Mormon” (1991 Annual FARMS lecture), 3:1.
- Clark, E. Douglas, Fathers and Sons in the Book of Mormon (Daniel McKinlay), 4:24; (Clark Johnson), 4:29.
- Clark, E. Douglas, The Grand Design: America from Columbus to Zion (John M. Beck), 5:109.
- Clark, Robert S., Fathers and Sons in the Book of Mormon (Daniel McKinlay), 4:24; (Clark Johnson), 4:29.
- Compton, Todd, In Sacred Loneliness: The Plural Wives of Joseph Smith (Richard Lloyd Anderson and Scott H. Faulring), 10/2:67; (Danel W. Bachman), 10/2:105.
- Cook, Lyndon W., ed., David Whitmer Interviews: A Restoration Witness (Daniel C. Peterson), 5:113.
- Cornforth, Leon, Meeting the Mormon Challenge with Love (John A. Tvedtnes), 10/1:264.
- Crane, Charles, Ashamed of Joseph: Mormon Foundations Crumble (LeIsle Jacobson), 8/1:80.
- Crane, Steven, Ashamed of Joseph: Mormon Foundations Crumble (LeIsle Jacobson), 8/1:80.
- Curtis, Delbert W., Christ in North America (John Clark), 6/2:79.
- Curtis, Delbert W., The Land of the Nephites (David A. Palmer), 2:67.
- Dant, Doris R., The Book of Mormon Paintings of Minerva Teichert (Edgar C. Snow Jr.), 10/2:62.
- Decker, Ed, Decker’s Complete Handbook on Mormonism (Daniel C. Peterson), 7/2:38.
- DeMaris, Richard E., “Corinthian Religion and Baptism for the Dead (1 Corinthians 15:29): Insights from Archaeology and Anthropology” (John W. Welch), 8/2:43.
- England, Eugene, Converted to Christ through the Book of Mormon (Susan Easton Black), 2:74.
- Enslen, John E., The Bible and the Book of Mormon: Connecting Links (Melvin J. Thorne), 10/2:1.
- Epperson, Steven, Mormons and Jews: Early Mormon Theologies of Israel (Frank F. Judd Jr. and Terrence L. Szink), 7/2:106.
- Farkas, John R., Mormonism: Changes, Contradictions, and Errors (Craig L. Foster), 9/1:51.
- Farkas, John R., Mormons Answered Verse by Verse (Keith J. Wilson), 8/1:92.
- Ferguson, Thomas Stuart, The Messiah in Ancient America (Terrence L. Szink), 1:132.
- Fingerhut, Eugene R., Explorers of Pre-Columbian America?: The Diffusionist-Inventionist Controversy (William J. Hamblin), 7/1:120.
- Fischer, Norma J., A Book of Mormon Guide: A Simple Way to Teach a Friend (John Gee), 2:77.
- Fischer, Wilford A., A Book of Mormon Guide: A Simple Way to Teach a Friend (John Gee), 2:77.
- Fritze, Ronald H., Legend and Lore of the Americas before 1492: An Encyclopedia of Visitors, Explorers, and Immigrants (William J. Hamblin), 7/1:120.
- Garr, Arnold K., Christopher Columbus: A Latter-day Saint Perspective (Daniel C. Peterson), 8/1:104.
- Gehrman, Mary Beth, On the Barricades: Religion and Free Inquiry in Conflict (Louis Midgley), 4:5.
- Gileadi, Avraham, The Book of Isaiah: A New Translation with Interpretive Keys from the Book of Mormon (Bruce D. Porter), 4:40; (Donald W. Parry), 4:52.
- Gileadi, Avraham, The Literary Message of Isaiah (David Rolph Seely), 8/1:69.
- Givens, Terryl L., The Viper on the Hearth: Mormons, Myths, and the Construction of Heresy (Richard H. Cracroft), 9/2:47; (Neal W. Kramer), 9/2:55.
- Goff, Alan, “A Hermeneutic of Sacred Texts: Historicism, Revisionism, Positivism, and the Bible and Book of Mormon” (Daniel B. McKinlay), 2:86.
- Gold, Lauramaery, Mormons on the Internet (Gregory Taggart), 10/2:206.
- Gorton, H. Clay, The Legacy of the Brass Plates of Laban: A Comparison of Biblical and Book of Mormon Isaiah Texts (Garold N. Davis), 7/1:123; (Mark J. Johnson), 7/1:130.
- Griffith, Michael T., One Lord, One Faith: Writings of the Early Christian Fathers as Evidences of the Restoration (John A. Tvedtnes), 9/1:33.
- Griffith, Michael T., Refuting the Critics: Evidences of the Book of Mormon’s Authenticity (K. Codell Carter, Christopher B Isaac), 6/2:114.
- Hainsworth, Brad E., If Men Were Angels: The Book of Mormon, Christ and the Constitution (Ralph C. Hancock), 9/2:1.
- Hales, Robert E., How to Hiss Forth with the Book of Mormon (Donald W. Parry), 3:84.
- Hales, Robert E., A Standard unto My People (John M. Beck), 4:63.
- Hales, Sandra L., How to Hiss Forth with the Book of Mormon (Donald W. Parry), 3:84.
- Hales, Sandra L., A Standard unto My People (John M. Beck), 4:63.
- Hamblin, William J., ed., Warfare in the Book of Mormon (David B. Honey), 3:118; (Kurt Weiland), 3:141.
- Harris, David T., Truths from the Earth, vol. 2: The Story of the Creations to the Floods (John A. Tvedtnes), 9/2:68.
- Harris, James R., Sr., Southwestern American Indian Rock Art and the Book of Mormon (Stephen E. Thompson), 4:65.
- Harris, James R., The Facsimiles of the Book of Abraham: A Study of the Joseph Smith Egyptian Papyri (John Gee), 8/2:46.
- Hauck, F. Richard, Deciphering the Geography of the Book of Mormon (John Clark), 1:20; (William J. Hamblin), 1:71; (Mark V. Withers), 1:78.
- Hauth, Rüdiger, Die Mormonen: Sekte oder neue Kirche Jesu Christi? (Daniel C. Peterson), 9/2:99.
- Hedengren, Paul, The Land of Lehi (John E. Clark), 8/2:1.
- Heimerdinger, Chris, Daniel and Nephi (Richard H. Cracroft), 6/2:118.
- Heimerdinger, Chris, Gadiantons and the Silver Sword: A Novel (Brent Hall), 4:77.
- Heimerdinger, Chris, Tennis Shoes among the Nephites: A Novel (Elouise Bell), 2:96.
- Heimerdinger, Chris, Tennis Shoes and the Feathered Serpent (Chris Crowe), 8/1:176.
- Helland, Dean Maurice, Meeting the Book of Mormon Challenge in Chile (Louis Midgley), 5:116.
- Hemmingway, Donald W., Christianity in America before Columbus? (Bruce W. Warren), 2:98.
- Hilton, Hope A., Discovering Lehi: New Evidence of Lehi and Nephi in Arabia (Warren P. Aston), 9/1:15.
- Hilton, Lynn M., Discovering Lehi: New Evidence of Lehi and Nephi in Arabia (Warren P. Aston), 9/1:15.
- Hobby, June M., Angular Chronology: The Precolumbian Dating of Ancient America (V. Garth Norman), 8/1:112; (Bruce W. Warren), 8/1:118.
- Hobby, Michael M., Angular Chronology: The Precolumbian Dating of Ancient America (V. Garth Norman), 8/1:112; (Bruce W. Warren), 8/1:118.
- Holland, Jeffrey R., Christ and the New Covenant: The Messianic Message of the Book of Mormon (John Gee), 10/2:7.
- Holley, Vernal, Book of Mormon Authorship: A Closer Look (L. Ara Norwood), 1:80.
- Horton, George A., Keys to Successful Scripture Study (Patricia Gunter Karamesines), 3:86.
- Hullinger, Robert N., Joseph Smith’s Response to Skepticism (Gary F. Novak), 7/1:139.
- Hutchinson, Anthony A., “The Word of God Is Enough: The Book of Mormon as Nineteenth-Century Scripture” (Louis Midgley), 6/1:200.
- Jackson, Kent P., ed., Studies in Scripture: vol. 7, 1 Nephi to Alma 29, and Studies in Scripture: vol. 8, Alma 30 to Moroni (Stephen D. Ricks), 1:89.
- Jarvis, Wesley, The Remnant (Robert E. Lewis), 10/1:341.
- Johnson, Eric, Questions to Ask Your Mormon Friend: Challenging the Claims of Latter-day Saints in a Constructive Manner (D. Charles Pyle), 8/2:231.
- Johnson, Eric, Questions to Ask Your Mormon Friend: Effective Ways to Challenge a Mormon’s Arguments without Being Offensive (LeIsle Jacobson), 7/1:155.
- Johnson, Sherrie, My First Scripture Stories (Elaine A. Andelin), 8/2:375.
- Keller, Roger R., Book of Mormon Authors: Their Words and Messages (John A. Tvedtnes), 9/2:16.
- Kocherhans, Arthur J., Lehi’s Isle of Promise: A Scriptural Account with Word Definitions and a Commentary (James H. Fleugel), 3:96.
- Kunich, John C., “Multiply Exceedingly: Book of Mormon Population Sizes” (James E. Smith), 6/1:255.
- Langfield, Weldon, The Truth about Mormonism: A Former Adherent Analyzes the LDS Faith (Matthew Roper), 4:78.
- Larson, Anthony E., Parallel Histories: The Nephites and the Americans (Bruce D. Porter), 3:101.
- Larson, Charles M., . . . By His Own Hand upon Papyrus: A New Look at the Joseph Smith Papyri (John Gee and John L. Sorenson), 4:93; (Michael D. Rhodes), 4:120.
- Larson, Stan, Quest for the Gold Plates: Thomas Stuart Ferguson’s Archaeological Search for the Book of Mormon (John Gee), 10/2:158.
- Lucas, James W., Working toward Zion: Principles of the United Order for the Modern World (T. Allen Lambert), 9/2:74; (Don Norton), 9/2:85; (Lindon J. Robison), 10/2:138.
- Ludlow, Daniel H., ed., The Encyclopedia of Mormonism (John Gee), 5:172.
- Ludlow, Daniel H., How to Get the Most from the Book of Mormon (cassette tapes) (Kay P. Edwards), 8/1:168.
- Lundquist, John M., ed., By Study and Also by Faith, vol. 2 (Gregory Dundas), 4:127.
- Madigan, Tim, On the Barricades: Religion and Free Inquiry in Conflict (Louis Midgley), 4:5.
- Marcum, Robert, Dominions of the Gadiantons (Stephen G. Nelson), 4:154.
- Marquardt, H. Michael, Inventing Mormonism: Tradition and the Historical Record (Richard L. Bushman), 6/2:122; (Larry C. Porter), 7/2:123.
- Matheny, Deanne G., “Does the Shoe Fit? A Critique of the Limited Tehuantepec Geography” (John L. Sorenson), 6/1:297.
- McConkie, Joseph Fielding, Doctrinal Commentary on the Book of Mormon: vol. 1, First and Second Nephi; and vol. 2, Jacob through Mosiah (Louis Midgley), 1:92.
- McConkie, Joseph Fielding, Doctrinal Commentary on the Book of Mormon: vol. 3, Alma through Helaman (Donald W. Parry), 4:139; (Michael J. Allen), 4:147.
- McConkie, Joseph Fielding, Doctrinal Commentary on the Book of Mormon: vol. 4, Third Nephi through Moroni (Darrell L. Matthews), 5:183.
- McKeever, Bill, Questions to Ask Your Mormon Friend: Challenging the Claims of Latter-day Saints in a Constructive Manner (D. Charles Pyle), 8/2:231.
- McKeever, Bill, Questions to Ask Your Mormon Friend: Effective Ways to Challenge a Mormon’s Arguments without Being Offensive (LeIsle Jacobson), 7/1:155.
- Mehew, Randall K., A Most Convincing Witness: Reasons Why the Book of Mormon Is the True Word of God (Todd G. Andersen), 3:104.
- Metcalfe, Brent Lee, “Apologetic and Critical Assumptions about Book of Mormon Historicity” (William J. Hamblin), 6/1:434; (Alan Goff), 7/1:170.
- Metcalfe, Brent Lee, “The Priority of Mosiah: A Prelude to Book of Mormon Exegesis” (Matthew Roper), 6/1:362.
- Metcalfe, Brent Lee, ed., New Approaches to the Book of Mormon: Explorations in Critical Methodology (Davis Bitton), 6/1:1; (John A. Tvedtnes), 6/1:8; (John Gee), 6/1:51; (Royal Skousen), 6/1:121; (John W. Welch), 6/1:145; (Kevin Christensen), 7/2:144; (John Wm. Maddox), 8/1:1.
- Miller, Jeannette W., ed., A Comprehensive Annotated Book of Mormon Bibliography (Richard D. Van Orden), 9/2:33.
- Miller, Jeannette W., ed., A Guide to Publications on the Book of Mormon: A Selected Annotated Bibliography (Richard D. Van Orden), 9/2:33.
- Millet, Robert L., By Grace Are We Saved (John Gee), 2:100.
- Millet, Robert L., Doctrinal Commentary on the Book of Mormon: vol. 1, First and Second Nephi; and vol. 2, Jacob through Mosiah (Louis Midgley), 1:92.
- Millet, Robert L., Doctrinal Commentary on the Book of Mormon: vol. 3, Alma through Helaman (Donald W. Parry), 4:139; (J. Michael Allen), 4:147.
- Millet, Robert L., Doctrinal Commentary on the Book of Mormon: vol. 4, Third Nephi through Moroni (Darrell L. Matthews), 5:183.
- Millet, Robert L., The Power of the Word: Saving Doctrines from the Book of Mormon (Dennis H. Karpowitz), 8/2:25.
- Miner, Alan C., Step by Step through the Book of Mormon (Fred W. Nelson), 9/1:25.
- Molgard, Max H., Fun for Family Night: Book of Mormon Edition (Shirley S. Ricks), 3:81.
- Moore, Thomas O., A Detailed Chronology of the Book of Mormon (Randall P. Spackman), 10/1:1.
- Moss, Robert H., I Nephi . . .—A Novel of the Sons of Lehi; The Covenant Coat—A Novel of Joseph; The Waters of Mormon—A Novel of Alma the Elder; That I Were an Angel, A Novel of Alma the Younger; Title of Liberty, A Novel of Helaman and Moroni; The Abridger, A Novel of Mormon; Valiant Witness, A Novel of Moroni (Richard H. Cracroft), 2:107.
- Mulholland, David H., A Reading Guide to the Book of Mormon (Daniel W. Graham), 2:118.
- Myers, Katherine, The Lehi Tree: A Novel (Shirley S. Ricks), 9/1:175.
- Nibley, Hugh W., An Approach to the Book of Mormon (Todd Compton), 1:114; (William J. Hamblin), 2:119.
- Nibley, Hugh W., Lehi in the Desert, The World of The Jaredites, There Were Jaredites (Todd Compton), 1:114; (Stephen D. Ricks), 2:128; (David B. Honey), 2:143.
- Nibley, Hugh W., The Prophetic Book of Mormon (Daniel C. Peterson), 2:164.
- Nibley, Hugh W., Since Cumorah (Todd Compton), 1:114; (John A. Tvedtnes), 2:175.
- Nibley, Hugh W., Teachings of the Book of Mormon: Semester Three Transcripts (David Rolph Seely), 5:190.
- Nielsen, Harold K., Mapping the Action Found in the Book of Mormon (John L. Sorenson), 1:119.
- Nyman, Monte S., An Ensign to All People: The Sacred Message and Mission of the Book of Mormon (L. Gary Lambert), 1:121.
- Nyman, Monte S., The Most Correct Book: Why the Book of Mormon Is the Keystone Scripture (Brian M. Hauglid), 4:155.
- Nyman, Monte S., ed., The Book of Mormon: 3 Nephi 9—30, This Is My Gospel (Jennifer Clark Lane), 6/2:134.
- Nyman, Monte S., ed., The Book of Mormon: Alma, The Testimony of the Word (Brian M. Hauglid), 5:198.
- Nyman, Monte S., ed., The Book of Mormon: First Nephi, The Doctrinal Foundation (Daniel C. Peterson), 1:124.
- Nyman, Monte S., ed., The Book of Mormon: Fourth Nephi through Moroni: From Zion to Destruction (Bryan J. Thomas), 8/1:27.
- Nyman, Monte S., ed., The Book of Mormon: Helaman through 3 Nephi 8, According to Thy Word (Mack C. Stirling), 7/1:208.
- Nyman, Monte S., ed., The Book of Mormon: Jacob through Words of Mormon, To Learn with Joy (Scott Woolley), 3:106.
- Nyman, Monte S., ed., The Book of Mormon: Mosiah, Salvation Only through Christ (Rand H. Johnson), 4:160.
- Nyman, Monte S., ed., The Book of Mormon: Second Nephi, The Doctrinal Structure (Noel B. Reynolds), 2:182.
- Owens, Lance S., “Joseph Smith and Kabbalah: The Occult Connection” (William J. Hamblin), 8/2:251.
- Palmer, William Rees, Two Pahute Indian Legends: “Why the Grand Canyon Was Made” and “The Three Days of Darkness” (Daniel C. Peterson), 1:129.
- Parrish, Stephen E., The Mormon Concept of God: A Philosophical Analysis (Blake T. Ostler), 8/2:99.
- Parry, Donald W., The Book of Mormon Text Reformatted according to Parallelistic Patterns (Jo Ann H. Seely), 5:203.
- Parry, Donald W., ed., A Comprehensive Annotated Book of Mormon Bibliography (Richard D. Van Orden), 9/2:33.
- Parry, Donald W., ed., A Guide to Publications on the Book of Mormon: A Selected Annotated Bibliography (Richard D. Van Orden), 9/2:33.
- Parry, Donald W., ed., LDS Perspectives on the Dead Sea Scrolls (S. Kent Brown), 10/2:141.
- Partridge, William N., Book of Mormon Insights: Points to Ponder from Every Chapter (Melvin J. Thorne), 10/2:1.
- Patai, Raphael, The Children of Noah: Jewish Seafaring in Ancient Times (John A. Tvedtnes), 10/2:147.
- Pearson, Carol Lynn, “Could Feminism Have Saved the Nephites?” (Kevin and Shauna Christensen), 10/2:9.
- Pearson, Glenn L., Building Faith with the Book of Mormon (Richard I. Winwood), 9/1:31.
- Pearson, Glenn L., Moroni’s Promise: The Converting Power of the Book of Mormon (Phillip R. Kunz), 8/2:32.
- Peay, E. L., The Lands of Zarahemla (Les Campbell), 6/2:139.
- Pement, Eric, The 1996 Directory of Cult Research Organizations: A Worldwide Listing of 752 Agencies and Individuals (Louis Midgley), 10/1:271.
- Persuitte, David, Joseph Smith and the Origins of the Book of Mormon (L. Ara Norwood), 2:187.
- Peterson, Clark A., Using the Book of Mormon to Combat Falsehoods in Organic Evolution (Michael F. Whiting), 5:209.
- Peterson, Daniel C., “Text and Context,” 6/1:524.
- Peterson, H. Donl, The Story of the Book of Abraham: Mummies, Manuscripts, and Mormonism (John Gee), 8/2:46.
- Pike, Dana M., ed., LDS Perspectives on the Dead Sea Scrolls (S. Kent Brown), 10/2:141.
- Poulson, Clair, Samuel, Gadianton’s Foe (cassette tapes) (Deborah Farmer), 8/1:178.
- Poulson, Clair, Samuel, Moroni’s Young Warrior (cassette tapes) (Deborah Farmer), 8/1:178.
- Poulson, Clair, Samuel, Moroni’s Young Warrior (Richard H. Cracroft), 6/2:118.
- Price, Lynn F., Every Person in the Book of Mormon: A Chronological Reference and Synopsis (Paul Hoskisson), 9/2:28.
- Proctor, Maurine Jensen, Light from the Dust: A Photographic Exploration into the Ancient World of the Book of Mormon (Fred W. Nelson), 6/2:146.
- Proctor, Paul D., “American Book of Mormon Map” (David A. Palmer), 2:205.
- Proctor, Scot Facer, Light from the Dust: A Photographic Exploration into the Ancient World of the Book of Mormon (Fred W. Nelson), 6/2:146.
- Quinn, D. Michael, Same-Sex Dynamics among Nineteenth-Century Americans: A Mormon Example (Klaus J. Hansen), 10/1:132; (George L. Mitton and Rhett S. James), 10/1:141.
- Quinn, D. Michael, The Mormon Hierarchy: Extensions of Power (Duane Boyce), 9/2:147.
- Raish, Martin H., Pre-Columbian Contact with the Americas across the Oceans: An Annotated Bibliography (William J. Hamblin), 3:154.
- Reed, David A., Mormonism: Changes, Contradictions, and Errors (Craig L. Foster), 9/1:51.
- Reed, David A., Mormons Answered Verse by Verse (Keith J. Wilson), 8/1:92.
- Reynolds, George, Book of Mormon Dictionary (Bruce A. Van Orden), 8/1:51.
- Ricks, Eldin, Book of Mormon: Wide Margin Edition (Lewis M. Bastian), 2:207.
- Ricks, Eldin, Eldin Ricks’s Thorough Concordance of the LDS Standard Works (Gary P. Gillum), 8/1:172.
- Ricks, Stephen D., ed., By Study and Also by Faith, vol. 2 (Gregory Dundas), 4:127.
- Ricks, Stephen D., ed., The Allegory of the Olive Tree: The Olive, the Bible, and Jacob 5 (Terry B. Ball), 8/1:61.
- Ricks, Stephen D., ed., Warfare in the Book of Mormon (David B. Honey), 3:118; (Kurt Weiland), 3:141.
- Ridges, David J., Isaiah Made Easier (Terrence L. Szink), 4:164.
- Ropp, Harry L., Are the Mormon Scriptures Reliable? (Diane E. Wirth), 2:209.
- Rust, Richard Dilworth, “The Book of Mormon, Designed for Our Day” (1990 Annual FARMS lecture), 2:1.
- Rust, Richard Dilworth, Feasting on the Word: The Literary Testimony of the Book of Mormon (Madison U. Sowell), 9/2:29.
- Salonimer, Joseph R., and Norrene V. Salonimer, I Know Thee by Name: Hebrew Roots of Lehi-ite Non-Biblical Names in the Book of Mormon (John A. Tvedtnes), 8/2:34.
- Sampson, Joe, Written by the Finger of God: A Testimony of Joseph Smith’s Translations (Frederick M. Huchel), 6/2:150; (John Gee), 7/1:219.
- Sánchez, Josué, trans. and ed., El Libro de Mormon ante la critica (Terrence L. Szink), 5:223.
- Schlesinger, Philip J., Isaiah and the Book of Mormon: A Study Guide for Understanding the Writings of Isaiah in the Book of Mormon (Victor L. Ludlow), 3:147.
- Shipps, Jan, Mormonism: The Story of a New Religious Tradition (Louis Midgley), 7/2:219.
- Silverman, David P., ed., For His Ka: Essays Offered in Memory of Klaus Baer (John Gee), 8/2:46.
- Smith, Ethan, View of the Hebrews (Andrew H. Hedges), 9/1:63.
- Smith, George D., ed., Faithful History: Essays on Writing Mormon History (Gary F. Novak), 5:231.
- Smith, George D., ed., Religion, Feminism, and Freedom of Conscience: A Mormon/Humanist Dialogue (Louis Midgley), 7/1:229.
- Smith, Troy J., Angular Chronology: The Precolumbian Dating of Ancient America (V. Garth Norman), 8/1:112; (Bruce W. Warren), 8/1:118.
- Sorenson, John L., ed., Rediscovering the Book of Mormon (Cherry B. Silver), 4:166.
- Sorenson, John L., Pre-Columbian Contact with the Americas across the Oceans: An Annotated Bibliography (William J. Hamblin), 3:154.
- Sorenson, John L., The Geography of Book of Mormon Events: A Source Book (Joel C. Janetski), 3:150.
- Spencer, James R., “The Disappointment of B. H. Roberts: Five Questions That Forced a Mormon General Authority to Abandon the Book of Mormon” (Daniel C. Peterson), 9/1:69.
- Stark, Rodney, The Rise of Christianity: A Sociologist Reconsiders History (Bruce A. Chadwick), 10/2:156.
- Tanner, Jerald, “Joseph Smith’s Use of the Apocrypha” (John A. Tvedtnes and Matthew Roper), 8/2:326.
- Tanner, Jerald, Answering Mormon Scholars: A Response to Criticism of the Book “Covering Up the Black Hole in the Book of Mormon,” vol. 1 (Matthew Roper), 6/2:156; (John A. Tvedtnes), 6/2:204.
- Tanner, Jerald, Answering Mormon Scholars: A Response to Criticism Raised by Mormon Defenders (Matthew Roper), 9/1:87.
- Tanner, Jerald, Archaeology and the Book of Mormon (William J. Hamblin), 5:250.
- Tanner, Jerald, Covering up the Black Hole in the Book of Mormon (L. Ara Norwood), 3:158; (Matthew Roper), 3:170; (John A. Tvedtnes), 3:188; (Tom Nibley), 5:273.
- Tanner, Jerald, Mormonism: Shadow or Reality? (Matthew Roper), 4:169.
- Tanner, Maurice R., Out of Darkness (Richard H. Cracroft), 4:216.
- Tanner, Sandra, “Joseph Smith’s Use of the Apocrypha” (John A. Tvedtnes and Matthew Roper), 8/2:326.
- Tanner, Sandra, Answering Mormon Scholars: A Response to Criticism of the Book “Covering Up the Black Hole in the Book of Mormon,” vol. 1 (Matthew Roper), 6/2:156; (John A. Tvedtnes), 6/2:204.
- Tanner, Sandra, Answering Mormon Scholars: A Response to Criticism Raised by Mormon Defenders (Matthew Roper), 9/1:87.
- Tanner, Sandra, Archaeology and the Book of Mormon (William J. Hamblin), 5:250.
- Tanner, Sandra, Covering up the Black Hole in the Book of Mormon (L. Ara Norwood), 3:158; (Matthew Roper), 3:170; (John A. Tvedtnes), 3:188; (Tom Nibley), 5:273.
- Tanner, Sandra, Mormonism: Shadow or Reality? (Matthew Roper), 4:169.
- Tate, Charles D., Jr., ed., The Book of Mormon: 3 Nephi 9—30, This Is My Gospel (Jennifer Clark Lane), 6/2:134.
- Tate, Charles D., Jr., ed., The Book of Mormon: Alma, The Testimony of the Word (Brian M. Hauglid), 5:198.
- Tate, Charles D., Jr., ed., The Book of Mormon: First Nephi, The Doctrinal Foundation (Daniel C. Peterson), 1:124.
- Tate, Charles D., Jr., ed., The Book of Mormon: Fourth Nephi through Moroni: From Zion to Destruction (Bryan J. Thomas), 8/1:27.
- Tate, Charles D., Jr., ed., The Book of Mormon: Jacob through Words of Mormon, To Learn with Joy (Scott Woolley), 3:106.
- Tate, Charles D., Jr., ed., The Book of Mormon: Mosiah, Salvation Only through Christ (Rand H. Johnson), 4:160.
- Tate, Charles D., Jr., ed., The Book of Mormon: Second Nephi, The Doctrinal Structure (Noel B. Reynolds), 2:182.
- Tate, Charles D., Jr., ed., The Book of Mormon: Helaman through 3 Nephi 8, According to Thy Word (Mack C. Stirling), 7/1:208.
- Terry, Keith C., Into the Light: A Novel (Robert E. Lewis), 10/1:341.
- Terry, Keith C., Out of Darkness (Richard H. Cracroft), 4:216.
- Terry, Keith C., The Remnant (Robert E. Lewis), 10/1:341.
- Terry, Keith, Dead Sea Scrolls and the Mormon Connection (Dana M. Pike), 9/2:88.
- Thomas, Mark D., “A Rhetorical Approach to the Book of Mormon: Rediscovering Nephite Sacramental Language” (Richard Lloyd Anderson), 6/1:379.
- Thorne, Melvin J., ed., Rediscovering the Book of Mormon (Cherry B. Silver), 4:166.
- Thorne, Sandra A., ed., A Comprehensive Annotated Book of Mormon Bibliography (Richard D. Van Orden), 9/2:33.
- Thorne, Sandra A., ed., A Guide to Publications on the Book of Mormon: A Selected Annotated Bibliography (Richard D. Van Orden), 9/2:33.
- Todd, Michael R., Book of Mormon Stories (Charles D. Bush), 9/1:159.
- Tolbert, Keith Edward, The 1996 Directory of Cult Research Organizations: A Worldwide Listing of 752 Agencies and Individuals (Louis Midgley), 10/1:271.
- Top, Brent L., Doctrinal Commentary on the Book of Mormon: vol. 4, Third Nephi through Moroni (Darrell L. Matthews), 5:183.
- Top, Brent L., ed., Doctrines of the Book of Mormon: The 1991 Sperry Symposium (Mack C. Stirling), 5:290.
- Toscano, Margaret, Strangers in Paradox: Exploration in Mormon Theology (Brian M. Hauglid), 6/2:250.
- Toscano, Paul, Strangers in Paradox: Exploration in Mormon Theology (Brian M. Hauglid), 6/2:250.
- Toscano, Paul, The Sanctity of Dissent (William J. Hamblin), 7/1:298.
- Treat, Raymond C., ed., Recent Book of Mormon Developments: Articles from the Zarahemla Record, vol. 2 (Alison V. P. Coutts), 7/2:253.
- Tryk, Loftes, The Best Kept Secrets in the Book of Mormon (Daniel C. Peterson), 3:231.
- Van Gorden, Kurt, Mormonism (Daniel C. Peterson), 8/1:95; (L. Ara Norwood), 9/2:164.
- Van Horn, Mark, Book of Mormon Stories (Charles D. Bush), 9/1:159.
- Van Horn, Ted E., Book of Mormon Stories (Charles D. Bush), 9/1:159.
- Van Orden, Bruce A., ed., Doctrines of the Book of Mormon: The 1991 Sperry Symposium (Mack C. Stirling), 5:290.
- Vogel, Dan, “Anti-Universalist Rhetoric in the Book of Mormon” (Martin Tanner), 6/1:420.
- Vogel, Dan, ed., The Word of God: Essays on Mormon Scripture (Louis Midgley), 3:261; (Stephen E. Robinson), 3:312.
- Vogel, Dan, Indian Origins and the Book of Mormon (Kevin Christensen), 2:214.
- Walker, John Phillip, ed., Dale Morgan on Early Mormonism: Correspondence and a New History (Gary F. Novak), 8/1:122.
- Walters, Wesley P., Are the Mormon Scriptures Reliable? (Diane E. Wirth), 2:209.
- Walters, Wesley P., Inventing Mormonism: Tradition and the Historical Record (Richard L. Bushman), 6/2:122; (Larry C. Porter), 7/2:123.
- Walters, Wesley P., The Use of the Old Testament in the Book of Mormon (John A. Tvedtnes), 4:220; (Stephen D. Ricks), 4:235.
- Warren, Bruce W., The Messiah in Ancient America (Terrence L. Szink), 1:132.
- Welch, John W., ed., Reexploring the Book of Mormon: The F.A.R.M.S. Updates (David Rolph Seely), 5:305.
- Welch, John W., ed., The Allegory of the Olive Tree: The Olive, the Bible, and Jacob 5 (Terry B. Ball), 8/1:61.
- Welch, John W., The Book of Mormon Paintings of Minerva Teichert (Edgar C. Snow Jr.), 10/2:62.
- Welch, John W., The Sermon at the Temple and the Sermon on the Mount (Todd Compton), 3:319.
- Weldon, John, Behind the Mask of Mormonism (Daniel C. Peterson), 8/2:60.
- Weldon, John, Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about Mormonism (Daniel C. Peterson), 5:1.
- White, James R., Letters to a Mormon Elder (L. Ara Norwood), 5:317.
- White, James, “Of Cities and Swords: The Impossible Task of Mormon Apologetics” (Matthew Roper), 9/1:146.
- White, O. Kendall, Jr., Mormon Neo-Orthodoxy: A Crisis Theology (Louis Midgley), 6/2:283.
- Williams, Jeff, Who Was the Pharaoh of the Exodus? (John Gee), 9/1:43.
- Williams, Stephen, Fantastic Archaeology: The Wild Side of North American Prehistory (Diane E. Wirth), 4:251; (John L. Sorenson), 4:254.
- Wilson, Luke P., “Did Jesus Establish Baptism for the Dead?” (John A. Tvedtnes), 10/2:184.
- Wilson, Luke P., “Does the Bible Teach Salvation for the Dead? A Survey of the Evidence” (John A. Tvedtnes), 10/2:184.
- Wilson, Timothy B., Mormon’s Story: An Adaptation Based on the Book of Mormon (Camille S. Williams), 7/1:3.
- Woodworth, Warner P., Working toward Zion: Principles of the United Order for the Modern World (T. Allen Lambert), 9/2:74; (Don Norton), 9/2:85; (Lindon J. Robison), 10/2:138.
- Yorgason, Blaine, To Mothers and Fathers from the Book of Mormon (Lynn Nations Johnson), 4:258.
- Yorgason, Brenton G., Little Known Evidences of the Book of Mormon (Paul Y. Hoskisson), 2:258; (John A. Tvedtnes), 2:260.
- Yorgason, Brenton G., To Mothers and Fathers from the Book of Mormon (Lynn Nations Johnson), 4:258.
By Title:
The entries in this section are listed by title, author, reviewer (in parentheses), volume number, and beginning page number.
- The 1996 Directory of Cult Research Organizations: A Worldwide Listing of 752 Agencies and Individuals, by Keith Edward Tolbert and Eric Pement (Louis Midgley), 10/1:271.
- About the Three Nephites, by C. Douglas Beardall and Jewell N. Beardall (Richard L. Hill), 5:87.
- The Abridger, A Novel of Mormon, by Robert H. Moss (Richard H. Cracroft), 2:107.
- The Allegory of the Olive Tree: The Olive, the Bible, and Jacob 5, edited by Stephen D. Ricks and John W. Welch (Terry B. Ball), 8/1:61.
- “American Book of Mormon Map,” by Paul D. Proctor (David A. Palmer), 2:205.
- American Religion: The Emergence of the Post-Christian Nation, by Harold Bloom (Alan Goff), 5:96.
- Ancient American Indians: Their Origins, Civilizations and Old World Connections, by Paul R. Cheesman and Millie F. Cheesman (Martin Raish), 4:21.
- Angular Chronology: The Precolumbian Dating of Ancient America, by Michael M. Hobby, June M. Hobby, and Troy J. Smith (V. Garth Norman), 8/1:112; (Bruce W. Warren), 8/1:118.
- Answering Mormon Scholars: A Response to Criticism of the Book “Covering Up the Black Hole in the Book of Mormon,” vol. 1, by Jerald and Sandra Tanner (Matthew Roper), 6/2:156; (John A. Tvedtnes), 6/2:204.
- Answering Mormon Scholars: A Response to Criticism Raised by Mormon Defenders, by Jerald and Sandra Tanner (Matthew Roper), 9/1:87.
- “Anti-Universalist Rhetoric in the Book of Mormon,” by Dan Vogel (Martin Tanner), 6/1:420.
- “Apologetic and Critical Assumptions about Book of Mormon Historicity,” by Brent Lee Metcalfe (William J. Hamblin), 6/1:434; (Alan Goff), 7/1:170.
- An Approach to the Book of Mormon, by Hugh W. Nibley (Todd Compton), 1:114; (William J. Hamblin), 2:119.
- Archaeology and the Book of Mormon, by Jerald Tanner and Sandra Tanner (William J. Hamblin), 5:250.
- Are the Mormon Scriptures Reliable? by Wesley P. Walters and Harry L. Ropp (Diane E. Wirth), 2:209.
- Ashamed of Joseph: Mormon Foundations Crumble, by Charles and Steven Crane (LeIsle Jacobson), 8/1:80.
- Behind the Mask of Mormonism, by John Ankerberg and John Weldon (Daniel C. Peterson), 8/2:60.
- The Best Kept Secrets in the Book of Mormon, by Loftes Tryk (Daniel C. Peterson), 3:231.
- Bible II (Royal Skousen), 6/2:1.
- The Bible and the Book of Mormon: Connecting Links, by John E. Enslen (Melvin J. Thorne), 10/2:1.
- The Book of Isaiah: A New Translation with Interpretive Keys from the Book of Mormon, by Avraham Gileadi (Bruce D. Porter), 4:40; (Donald W. Parry), 4:52..
- The Book of Mormon: 3 Nephi 9—30, This Is My Gospel, edited by Monte S. Nyman and Charles D. Tate Jr. (Jennifer Clark Lane), 6/2:134.
- The Book of Mormon: Alma, The Testimony of the Word, edited by Monte S. Nyman and Charles D. Tate Jr. (Brian M. Hauglid), 5:198.
- The Book of Mormon and the Constitution, by H. Verlan Andersen (Ralph C. Hancock), 9/2:1.
- Book of Mormon Authors: Their Words and Messages, by Roger R. Keller (John A. Tvedtnes), 9/2:16.
- Book of Mormon Authorship: A Closer Look, by Vernal Holley (L. Ara Norwood), 1:80.
- “Book of Mormon Christology,” by Melodie Moench Charles (Robert L. Millet), 6/1:187; (Martin S. Tanner), 7/26; (Ross David Baron), 7/1:91.
- Book of Mormon Companion: Dictionary and More (Shirley S. Ricks), 2:24.
- Book of Mormon Dictionary, by George Reynolds (Bruce A. Van Orden), 8/1:51.
- The Book of Mormon: First Nephi, The Doctrinal Foundation, edited by Monte S. Nyman and Charles D. Tate Jr. (Daniel C. Peterson), 1:124.
- The Book of Mormon: Fourth Nephi through Moroni: From Zion to Destruction, edited by Monte S. Nyman and Charles D. Tate Jr. (Bryan J. Thomas), 8/1:27.
- A Book of Mormon Guide: A Simple Way to Teach a Friend, by Norma J. Fischer and Wilford A. Fischer (John Gee), 2:77.
- The Book of Mormon: Helaman through 3 Nephi 8, According to Thy Word, edited by Monte S. Nyman and Charles D. Tate Jr. (Mack C. Stirling), 7/1:208.
- Book of Mormon Insights: Points to Ponder from Every Chapter, by William N. Partridge (Melvin J. Thorne), 10/2:1.
- The Book of Mormon: Jacob through Words of Mormon, To Learn with Joy, edited by Monte S. Nyman and Charles D. Tate Jr. (Scott Woolley), 3:106.
- The Book of Mormon: Mosiah, Salvation Only through Christ, edited by Monte S. Nyman and Charles D. Tate Jr. (Rand H. Johnson), 4:160.
- The Book of Mormon Paintings of Minerva Teichert, by John W. Welch and Doris R. Dant (Edgar C. Snow Jr.), 10/2:62.
- Book of Mormon Reference Library (Alan C. Ashton), 8/2:377.
- The Book of Mormon: Second Nephi, The Doctrinal Structure, edited by Monte S. Nyman and Charles D. Tate Jr., (Noel B. Reynolds), 2:182.
- The Book of Mormon Text Reformatted According to Parallelistic Patterns, by Donald W. Parry (Jo Ann H. Seely), 5:203.
- The Book of Mormon: The Keystone Scripture, edited by Paul R. Cheesman with S. Kent Brown and Charles D. Tate Jr. (Lavina Fielding Anderson), 1:18.
- Book of Mormon Stories, by Michael R. Todd, Ted E. Van Horn, and Mark Van Horn (Charles D. Bush), 9/1:159.
- Book of Mormon Studybase (Alan C. Ashton), 8/2:377.
- Book of Mormon: Wide Margin Edition, by Eldin Ricks (Lewis M. Bastian), 2:207.
- Building Faith with the Book of Mormon, by Glenn L. Pearson and Reid E. Bankhead (Richard I. Winwood), 9/1:31.
- By Grace Are We Saved, by Robert L. Millet (John Gee), 2:100.
- . . . By His Own Hand upon Papyrus: A New Look at the Joseph Smith Papyri, by Charles M. Larson (John Gee and John L. Sorenson), 4:93; (Michael D. Rhodes), 4:120.
- By Study and Also by Faith, vol. 2, edited by John M. Lundquist and Stephen D. Ricks (Gregory Dundas), 4:127.
- The Children of Noah: Jewish Seafaring in Ancient Times, by Raphael Patai (John A. Tvedtnes), 10/2:147.
- Christ and the New Covenant: The Messianic Message of the Book of Mormon, by Jeffrey R. Holland (John Gee), 10/2:7.
- Christianity in America Before Columbus? by Donald W. Hemmingway (Bruce W. Warren), 2:98.
- Christ in North America, by Delbert W. Curtis (John Clark), 6/2:79.
- Christopher Columbus: A Latter-day Saint Perspective, by Arnold K. Garr (Daniel C. Peterson), 8/1:104.
- Christ’s Answer to the Atheist, to the Jew: Who Wrote It? by Earl W. Carlsen (Paul Y. Hosskisson), 2:63.
- A Comprehensive Annotated Book of Mormon Bibliography, edited by Donald W. Parry, Jeannette W. Miller, and Sandra A. Thorne (Richard D. Van Orden), 9/2:33.
- Converted to Christ through the Book of Mormon, by Eugene England (Susan Easton Black), 2:74.
- “Corinthian Religion and Baptism for the Dead (1 Corinthians 15:29): Insights from Archaeology and Anthropology,” by Richard E. DeMaris (John W. Welch), 8/2:43.
- “Could Feminism Have Saved the Nephites?” by Carol Lynn Pearson (Kevin and Shauna Christensen), 10/2:9.
- The Covenant Coat—A Novel of Joseph, by Robert H. Moss (Richard H. Cracroft), 2:107.
- Covering Up the Black Hole in the Book of Mormon, by Jerald Tanner and Sandra Tanner (L. Ara Norwood), 3:158; (Matthew Roper), 3:170; (John A. Tvedtnes), 3:188; (Tom Nibley), 5:273.
- Dale Morgan on Early Mormonism: Correspondence and a New History, edited by John Phillip Walker (Gary F. Novak), 8/1:122.
- Daniel and Nephi, by Chris Heimerdinger (Richard H. Cracroft), 6/2:118.
- David Whitmer Interviews: A Restoration Witness, edited by Lyndon W. Cook (Daniel C. Peterson), 5:113.
- Dead Sea Scrolls and the Mormon Connection, by Keith Terry and Stephen Biddulph (Dana M. Pike), 9/2:88.
- Deciphering the Geography of the Book of Mormon, by F. Richard Hauck (John Clark), 1:20; (William J. Hamblin), 1:71; (Mark V. Withers), 1:78.
- Decker’s Complete Handbook on Mormonism, by Ed Decker (Daniel C. Peterson), 7/2:38.
- A Detailed Chronology of the Book of Mormon, by Thomas O. Moore (Randall P. Spackman), 10/1:1.
- “Did Jesus Establish Baptism for the Dead?” by Luke P. Wilson (John A. Tvedtnes), 10/2:184.
- “The Disappointment of B. H. Roberts: Five Questions That Forced a Mormon General Authority to Abandon the Book of Mormon,” by James R. Spencer (Daniel C. Peterson), 9/1:69.
- Discovering Lehi: New Evidence of Lehi and Nephi in Arabia, by Lynn M. Hilton and Hope A. Hilton (Warren P. Aston), 9/1:15.
- Doctrinal Commentary on the Book of Mormon: vol. 1, First and Second Nephi, by Joseph Fielding McConkie and Robert L. Millet (Louis Midgley), 1:92.
- Doctrinal Commentary on the Book of Mormon: vol. 2, Jacob through Mosiah, by Joseph Fielding McConkie and Robert L. Millet (Louis Midgley), 1:92.
- Doctrinal Commentary on the Book of Mormon: vol. 3, Alma through Helaman, by Joseph Fielding McConkie and Robert L. Millet (Donald W. Parry), 4:139; (J. Michael Allen), 4:147.
- Doctrinal Commentary on the Book of Mormon: vol. 4, Third Nephi through Moroni, by Joseph Fielding McConkie, Robert L. Millet, and Brent L. Top (Darrell L. Matthews), 5:183.
- Doctrines of the Book of Mormon: The 1991 Sperry Symposium, edited by Bruce A. Van Orden and Brent L. Top (Mack C. Stirling), 5:290.
- “Does the Bible Teach Salvation for the Dead? A Survey of the Evidence,” by Luke P. Wilson (John A. Tvedtnes), 10/2:184.
- “Does the Shoe Fit? A Critique of the Limited Tehuantepec Geography,” by Deanne G. Matheny (John L. Sorenson), 6/1:297.
- Dominions of the Gadiantons, by Robert Marcum (Stephen G. Nelson), 4:154.
- The Easy-to-Read Book of Mormon: A Learning Companion, by Lynn Matthews Anderson (Camille S. Williams), 7/1:3; (Marvin Folsom), 7/1:13.
- Eldin Ricks’s Thorough Concordance of the LDS Standard Works, by Eldin Ricks (Gary P. Gillum), 8/1:172.
- The Encyclopedia of Mormonism, edited by Daniel H. Ludlow (John Gee), 5:172.
- An Ensign to All People: The Sacred Message and Mission of the Book of Mormon, by Monte S. Nyman (L. Gary Lambert), 1:121.
- Every Person in the Book of Mormon: A Chronological Reference and Synopsis, by Lynn F. Price (Paul Hoskisson), 9/2:28.
- Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about Mormonism, by John Ankerberg and John Weldon (Daniel C. Peterson), 5:1.
- Explorers of Pre-Columbian America?: The Diffusionist-Inventionist Controversy, by Eugene R. Fingerhut (William J. Hamblin), 7/1:120.
- Exploring the Lands of the Book of Mormon, by Joseph L. Allen (Michael J. Preece), 3:32.
- Expressions of Faith: Testimonies of Latter-day Saint Scholars, edited by Susan Easton Black (J. Howard Rytting), 9/2:39.
- The Facsimiles of the Book of Abraham: A Study of the Joseph Smith Egyptian Papyri, by James R. Harris (John Gee), 8/2:46.
- Faithful History: Essays on Writing Mormon History, edited by George D. Smith (Gary F. Novak), 5:231.
- Fantastic Archaeology: The Wild Side of North American Prehistory, by Stephen Williams (Diane E. Wirth), 4:251; (John L. Sorenson), 4:254.
- Fathers and Sons in the Book of Mormon by E. Douglas Clark and Robert S. Clark (Daniel B. McKinlay), 4:24; (Clark Johnson), 4:29.
- Feasting on the Word: The Literary Testimony of the Book of Mormon, by Richard Dilworth Rust (Madison U. Sowell), 9/2:29.
- Finding Christ through the Book of Mormon, by Susan Easton Black (Camille Williams), 1:3.
- First Nephi: Study Book of Mormon (Larry K. Smith), 7/2:3.
- Folk of the Fringe, by Orson Scott Card (Eugene England), 2:56.
- For His Ka: Essays Offered in Memory of Klaus Baer, edited by David P. Silverman (John Gee), 8/2:46.
- Fun for Family Night: Book of Mormon Edition, by Allan K. Burgess and Max H. Molgard (Shirley S. Ricks), 3:81.
- Gadiantons and the Silver Sword: A Novel, by Chris Heimerdinger (Brent Hall), 4:77.
- The Geography of Book of Mormon Events: A Source Book, by John L. Sorenson (Joel C. Janetski), 3:150.
- The God-Inspired Language of the Book of Mormon, by Wade Brown (Donald W. Parry), 1:5; (David P. Wright), 1:10.
- Grand Design: America from Columbus to Zion, by E. Douglas Clark (John M. Beck), 5:109.
- A Guide to Publications on the Book of Mormon: A Selected Annotated Bibliography, edited by Donald W. Parry, Jeannette W. Miller, and Sandra A. Thorne (Richard D. Van Orden), 9/2:33.
- “A Hermeneutic of Sacred Texts: Historicism, Revisionism, Positivism, and the Bible and Book of Mormon,” by Alan Goff (Daniel B. McKinlay), 2:86.
- Heroes from the Book of Mormon (Cristie B. Gardner), 9/1:7.
- Homecoming, vols. 1—5, by Orson Scott Card (Eugene England), 6/2:59.
- How to Get the Most from the Book of Mormon (cassette tapes), by Daniel H. Ludlow (Kay P. Edwards), 8/1:168.
- How to Hiss Forth with the Book of Mormon, by Robert E. Hales and Sandra L. Hales (Donald W. Parry), 3:84.
- If Men Were Angels: The Book of Mormon, Christ and the Constitution, by Brad E. Hainsworth (Ralph C. Hancock), 9/2:1.
- I Know Thee by Name: Hebrew Roots of Lehi-ite Non-Biblical Names in the Book of Mormon, by Joseph R. Salonimer and Norrene V. Salonimer (John A. Tvedtnes), 8/2:34.
- Indian Origins and the Book of Mormon, by Dan Vogel (Kevin Christensen), 2:214.
- I Nephi . . .—A Novel of the Sons of Lehi, by Robert H. Moss (Richard H. Cracroft), 2:107.
- In Sacred Loneliness: The Plural Wives of Joseph Smith, by Todd Compton (Richard Lloyd Anderson and Scott H. Faulring), 10/2:67; (Danel W. Bachman), 10/2:105.
- In the Footsteps of Lehi: New Evidence for Lehi’s Journey across Arabia to Bountiful, by Warren P. Aston and Michaela Knoth Aston (L. Ara Norwood), 7/1:85.
- Into the Light: A Novel, by Keith C. Terry (Robert E. Lewis), 10/1:341.
- Inventing Mormonism: Tradition and the Historical Record by H. Michael Marquardt and Wesley P. Walters (Richard L. Bushman), 6/2:122; (Larry C. Porter), 7/2:123.
- Isaiah and the Book of Mormon: A Study Guide for Understanding the Writings of Isaiah in the Book of Mormon, by Philip J. Schlesinger (Victor L. Ludlow), 3:147.
- Isaiah Made Easier, by David J. Ridges (Terrence L. Szink), 4:164.
- Isaiah Plain and Simple: The Message of Isaiah in the Book of Mormon, by Hoyt W. Brewster Jr. (John S. Thompson), 9/2:11.
- “Joseph Smith and Kabbalah: The Occult Connection,” by Lance S. Owens (William J. Hamblin), 8/2:251.
- Joseph Smith and the Origins of the Book of Mormon, by David Persuitte (L. Ara Norwood), 2:187.
- Joseph Smith’s New York Reputation Reexamined, by Rodger I. Anderson (Richard Lloyd Anderson), 3:52.
- Joseph Smith’s Response to Skepticism, by Robert N. Hullinger (Gary F. Novak), 7/1:139.
- “Joseph Smith’s Use of the Apocrypha,” by Jerald and Sandra Tanner (John A. Tvedtnes and Matthew Roper), 8/2:326.
- Keys to Successful Scripture Study, by George A. Horton (Patricia Gunter Karamesines), 3:86.
- The Keystone of Mormonism: Early Visions of the Prophet Joseph Smith, by Paul R. Cheesman (Larry C. Porter), 2:65.
- The Land of Lehi, by Paul Hedengren (John E. Clark), 8/2:1.
- The Land of the Nephites, by Delbert W. Curtis (David A. Palmer), 2:67.
- The Lands of Zarahemla, by E. L. Peay (Les Campbell), 6/2:139.
- LDS Collectors Edition CD-ROM (Larry K. Smith), 7/2:256.
- LDS Collectors Library 1995 Edition (Alan C. Ashton), 8/2:377.
- LDS Perspectives on the Dead Sea Scrolls, edited by Donald W. Parry and Dana M. Pike (S. Kent Brown), 10/2:141.
- The Legacy of the Brass Plates of Laban: A Comparison of Biblical and Book of Mormon Isaiah Texts, by H. Clay Gorton (Garold N. Davis), 7/1:123; (Mark J. Johnson), 7/1:130.
- Legend and Lore of the Americas before 1492: An Encyclopedia of Visitors, Explorers, and Immigrants, by Ronald H. Fritze (William J. Hamblin), 7/1:120.
- Lehi in the Desert, The World of the Jaredites, There Were Jaredites, by Hugh W. Nibley (Todd Compton), 1:114; (Stephen D. Ricks), 2:128; (David B. Honey), 2:143.
- Lehi’s Isle of Promise: A Scriptural Account with Word Definitions and a Commentary, by Arthur J. Kocherhans (James H. Fleugel), 3:96.
- The Lehi Tree: A Novel, by Katherine Myers (Shirley S. Ricks), 9/1:175.
- Letters to a Mormon Elder, by James R. White (L. Ara Norwood), 5:317.
- El Libro de Mormon ante la critica, translated and edited by Josué Sánchez (Terrence L. Szink), 5:223.
- Light from the Dust: A Photographic Exploration into the Ancient World of the Book of Mormon, by Scot Facer Proctor and Maurine Jensen Proctor (Fred W. Nelson), 6/2:146.
- The Literary Message of Isaiah, by Avraham Gileadi (David Rolph Seely), 8/1:69.
- Little Known Evidences of the Book of Mormon, by Brenton G. Yorgason (Paul Y. Hoskisson), 2:258; (John A. Tvedtnes), 2:260.
- Living the Book of Mormon: A Guide to Understanding and Applying Its Principles in Today’s World, by Allan K. Burgess (Edward Snow), 4:20.
- Mapping the Action Found in the Book of Mormon, by Harold K. Nielsen (John L. Sorenson), 1:119.
- Meeting the Book of Mormon Challenge in Chile, Dean Maurice Helland (Louis Midgley), 5:116.
- Meeting the Mormon Challenge with Love, by Leon Cornforth (John A. Tvedtnes), 10/1:264.
- The Messiah in Ancient America, by Bruce W. Warren and Thomas Stuart Ferguson (Terrence L. Szink), 1:132.
- The Mormon Concept of God: A Philosophical Analysis, by Francis J. Beckwith and Stephen E. Parrish (Blake T. Ostler), 8/2:99.
- Die Mormonen: Sekte oder neue Kirche Jesu Christi? by Rüdiger Hauth (Daniel C. Peterson), 9/2:99.
- The Mormon Hierarchy: Extensions of Power, by D. Michael Quinn (Duane Boyce), 9/2:147.
- Mormon Neo-Orthodoxy: A Crisis Theology, by O. Kendall White Jr. (Louis Midgley), 6/2:283.
- Mormonism on the Internet (Gregory Taggart), 9/1:161.
- Mormonism on the Internet II (Gregory Taggart), 10/2:200.
- Mormonism, by Kurt Van Gorden (Daniel C. Peterson), 8/1:95; (L. Ara Norwood), 9/2:164.
- Mormonism: Changes, Contradictions, and Errors, by John R. Farkas and David A. Reed (Craig L. Foster), 9/1:51.
- Mormonism: Shadow or Reality? by Jerald Tanner and Sandra Tanner (Matthew Roper), 4:169.
- Mormonism: The Prophet, the Book, and the Cult, by Peter Bartley (Daniel C. Peterson), 2:31.
- Mormonism: The Story of a New Religious Tradition, by Jan Shipps (Louis Midgley), 7/2:219.
- The Mormon Puzzle: Understanding and Witnessing to Latter-day Saints (Daniel C. Peterson), 10/1:12.
- Mormons and Jews: Early Mormon Theologies of Israel, by Steven Epperson (Frank F. Judd Jr. and Terrence L. Szink), 7/2:106.
- Mormons and the Bible: The Place of the Latter-day Saints in American Religion, by Philip L. Barlow (Marvin Folsom), 4:1.
- Mormons Answered Verse by Verse, by David A. Reed and John R. Farkas (Keith J. Wilson), 8/1:92.
- Mormons on the Internet, by Lauramaery Gold (Gregory Taggart), 10/2:206.
- Mormon’s Story: An Adaptation Based on the Book of Mormon, by Timothy B. Wilson (Camille S. Williams), 7/1:3.
- Moroni’s Promise: The Converting Power of the Book of Mormon, by Glenn L. Pearson (Phillip R. Kunz), 8/2:32.
- A Most Convincing Witness: Reasons Why the Book of Mormon Is the True Word of God, by Randall K. Mehew (Todd G. Andersen), 3:104.
- The Most Correct Book: Why the Book of Mormon Is the Keystone Scripture, by Monte S. Nyman (Brian M. Hauglid), 4:155.
- “Multiply Exceedingly: Book of Mormon Population Sizes,” by John C. Kunich (James E. Smith), 6/1:255.
- My First Scripture Stories, by Sherrie Johnson (Elaine A. Andelin), 8/2:375.
- The Mysteries of Godliness: A History of Mormon Temple Worship, by David John Buerger (Matthew B. Brown), 10/1:97.
- New Approaches to the Book of Mormon: Explorations in Critical Methodology, by Brent Lee Metcalfe (Davis Bitton), 6/1:1; (John A. Tvedtnes), 6/1:8; (John Gee), 6/1:51; (Royal Skousen), 6/1:121; (John W. Welch), 6/1:145; (Kevin Christensen), 7/2:144; (John Wm. Maddox), 8/1:1.
- No Man Knows My History: The Life of Joseph Smith, the Mormon Prophet, by Fawn McKay Brodie (Louis Midgley), 8/2:147.
- Norman the Nephite’s and Larry the Lamanite’s Book of Mormon Time Line, by Pat Bagley (Ted L. Gibbons), 8/2:373.
- Nurturing Faith through the Book of Mormon (Marilyn Higbee Walker), 9/1:28.
- “Of Cities and Swords: The Impossible Task of Mormon Apologetics,” by James White (Matthew Roper), 9/1:146.
- One Lord, One Faith: Writings of the Early Christian Fathers as Evidences of the Restoration, by Michael T. Griffith (John A. Tvedtnes), 9/1:33.
- On the Barricades: Religion and Free Inquiry in Conflict, by Robert Basil, Mary Beth Gehrman, and Tim Madigan (Louis Midgley), 4:5.
- “An Open Letter to those who are concerned about ‘plagiarism’ in The Memory of Earth,” by Orson Scott Card (Eugene England), 6/2:59.
- Out of Darkness, by Keith C. Terry with Maurice R. Tanner (Richard H. Cracroft), 4:216.
- Overview of the Book of Mormon (Larry K. Smith), 7/2:1.
- Parallel Histories: The Nephites and the Americans, by Anthony E. Larson (Bruce D. Porter), 3:101.
- The Power of the Word: Saving Doctrines from the Book of Mormon, by Robert L. Millet (Dennis H. Karpowitz), 8/2:25.
- Pre-Columbian Contact with the Americas across the Oceans: An Annotated Bibliography, by John L. Sorenson and Martin H. Raish (William J. Hamblin), 3:154.
- Prentice Alvin, by Orson Scott Card (Eugene England), 2:56.
- “Priority of Mosiah: A Prelude to Book of Mormon Exegesis,” by Brent Lee Metcalfe (Matthew Roper), 6/1:362.
- The Prophetic Book of Mormon, by Hugh W. Nibley (Daniel C. Peterson), 2:164.
- Quest for the Gold Plates: Thomas Stuart Ferguson’s Archaeological Search for the Book of Mormon, by Stan Larson (John Gee), 10/2:158.
- Questions to Ask Your Mormon Friend: Challenging the Claims of Latter-day Saints in a Constructive Manner, by Bill McKeever and Eric Johnson (D. Charles Pyle), 8/2:231.
- Questions to Ask Your Mormon Friend: Effective Ways to Challenge a Mormon’s Arguments without Being Offensive, by Bill McKeever and Eric Johnson (LeIsle Jacobson), 7/1:155.
- A Reading Guide to the Book of Mormon, by David H. Mulholland (Daniel W. Graham), 2:118.
- Recent Book of Mormon Developments: Articles from the Zarahemla Record, vol. 2, edited by Raymond C. Treat (Alison V. P. Coutts), 7/2:253.
- Rediscovering the Book of Mormon, edited by John L. Sorenson and Melvin J. Thorne (Cherry B. Silver), 4:166.
- The Red Prophet, by Orson Scott Card (Eugene England), 2:56.
- Reexploring the Book of Mormon: The F.A.R.M.S. Updates, edited by John W. Welch (David Rolph Seely), 5:305.
- The Refiner’s Fire: The Making of Mormon Cosmology, 1644-1844, by John L. Brooke (William J. Hamblin, Daniel C. Peterson, George L. Mitton), 6/2:3.
- Refuting the Critics: Evidences of the Book of Mormon’s Authenticity, by Michael T. Griffith (K. Codell Carter, Christopher B Isaac), 6/2:114.
- Religion, Feminism, and Freedom of Conscience: A Mormon/ Humanist Dialogue, edited by George D. Smith (Louis Midgley), 7/1:229.
- The Remnant, by Keith C. Terry and Wesley Jarvis (Robert E. Lewis), 10/1:341.
- “A Rhetorical Approach to the Book of Mormon: Rediscovering Nephite Sacramental Language,” by Mark D. Thomas (Richard Lloyd Anderson), 6/1:379.
- The Rise of Christianity: A Sociologist Reconsiders History, by Rodney Stark (Bruce A. Chadwick), 10/2:156.
- Same-Sex Dynamics among Nineteenth-Century Americans: A Mormon Example, by D. Michael Quinn (Klaus J. Hansen), 10/1:132; (George L. Mitton and Rhett S. James), 10/1:141.
- Samuel, Gadianton’s Foe (cassette tapes), by Clair Poulson (Deborah Farmer), 8/1:178.
- Samuel, Moroni’s Young Warrior (cassette tapes), by Clair Poulson (Deborah Farmer), 8/1:178.
- Samuel, Moroni’s Young Warrior, by Clair Poulson (Richard H. Cracroft), 6/2:118.
- The Sanctity of Dissent, by Paul Toscano (William J. Hamblin), 7/1:298.
- The Sermon at the Temple and the Sermon on the Mount, by John W. Welch (Todd Compton), 3:319.
- Seventh Son, by Orson Scott Card (Eugene England), 2:56.
- Since Cumorah, by Hugh W. Nibley (Todd Compton), 1:114; (John A. Tvedtnes), 2:175.
- Southwestern American Indian Rock Art and the Book of Mormon, by James R. Harris, Sr. (Stephen E. Thompson), 4:65.
- A Standard unto My People, by Robert E. Hales and Sandra L. Hales (John M. Beck), 4:63.
- Step by Step through the Book of Mormon, by Alan C. Miner (Fred W. Nelson), 9/1:25.
- Stories from the Early Saints: Converted by the Book of Mormon, edited by Susan Easton Black (Daniel C. Peterson), 4:13.
- The Story of the Book of Abraham: Mummies, Manuscripts, and Mormonism, by H. Donl Peterson (John Gee), 8/2:46.
- A Storyteller in Zion: Essays and Speeches, by Orson Scott Card (Eugene England), 6/2:59.
- Strangers in Paradox: Exploration in Mormon Theology, by Margaret Toscano and Paul Toscano (Brian M. Hauglid), 6/2:250.
- Studies in Scripture: vol. 7, 1 Nephi to Alma 29, edited by Kent P. Jackson (Stephen D. Ricks), 1:89.
- Studies in Scripture: vol. 8, Alma 30 to Moroni, edited by Kent P. Jackson (Stephen D. Ricks), 1:89.
- A Sure Foundation: Answers to Difficult Gospel Questions (Gary P. Gillum), 2:26.
- Sweet Is the Word: Reflections on the Book of Mormon—Its Narrative, Teachings, and People, by Marilyn Arnold (Karen Lynn Davidson), 9/1:1.
- Teachings of the Book of Mormon: Semester Three Transcripts, by Hugh W. Nibley (David Rolph Seely), 5:190.
- Tennis Shoes among the Nephites: A Novel, by Chris Heimerdinger (Elouise Bell), 2:96.
- Tennis Shoes and the Feathered Serpent, by Chris Heimerdinger (Chris Crowe), 8/1:176.
- That I Were an Angel, A Novel of Alma the Younger, by Robert H. Moss (Richard H. Cracroft), 2:107.
- Timely Truths from the Book of Mormon, by Allan K. Burgess (Amy L. Livingstone), 9/1:4.
- Title of Liberty, A Novel of Helaman and Moroni, by Robert H. Moss (Richard H. Cracroft), 2:107.
- To Mothers and Fathers from the Book of Mormon, by Blaine Yorgason and Brenton G. Yorgason (Lynn Nations Johnson), 4:258.
- The Truth about Mormonism: A Former Adherent Analyzes the LDS Faith, by Weldon Langfield (Matthew Roper), 4:78.
- Truths from the Earth, vol. 2: The Story of the Creations to the Floods, by David T. Harris (John A. Tvedtnes), 9/2:68.
- Two Pahute Indian Legends: “Why the Grand Canyon Was Made” and “The Three Days of Darkness,” by William Rees Palmer (Daniel C. Peterson), 1:129.
- “The Use of Egyptian Magical Papyri to Authenticate the Book of Abraham: A Critical Review,” by Edward H. Ashment (John Gee), 7/1:19.
- Use of the Old Testament in the Book of Mormon, by Wesley P. Walters (John A. Tvedtnes), 4:220; (Stephen D. Ricks), 4:235.
- Using the Book of Mormon to Combat Falsehoods in Organic Evolution, by Clark A. Peterson (Michael F. Whiting), 5:209.
- Valiant Witness, A Novel of Moroni, by Robert H. Moss (Richard H. Cracroft), 2:107.
- View of the Hebrews, by Ethan Smith (Andrew H. Hedges), 9/1:63.
- The Viper on the Hearth: Mormons, Myths, and the Construction of Heresy, by Terryl L. Givens (Richard H. Cracroft) 9/2:47; (Neal W. Kramer), 9/2:55.
- Warfare in the Book of Mormon, edited by Stephen D. Ricks and William J. Hamblin (David B. Honey), 3:118; (Kurt Weiland), 3:141.
- The Waters of Mormon—A Novel of Alma the Elder, by Robert H. Moss (Richard H. Cracroft), 2:107.
- Who Was the Pharaoh of the Exodus? by Jeff Williams (John Gee), 9/1:43.
- A Witness and a Warning: A Modern-Day Prophet Testifies of the Book of Mormon, by Ezra Taft Benson (John W. Welch), 1:1.
- The Word of God: Essays on Mormon Scripture, edited by Dan Vogel (Louis Midgley), 3:261; (Stephen E. Robinson), 3:312.
- “The Word of God Is Enough: The Book of Mormon as Nineteenth-Century Scripture,” by Anthony A. Hutchinson (Louis Midgley), 6/1:200.
- Working toward Zion: Principles of the United Order for the Modern World, by James W. Lucas and Warner P. Woodworth (T. Allen Lambert), 9/2:74; (Don Norton), 9/2:85; (Lindon J. Robison), 10/2:138.
- Written by the Finger of God: A Testimony of Joseph Smith’s Translations, by Joe Sampson (Frederick M. Huchel), 6/2:150; (John Gee), 7/1:219.
By Reviewer:
The entries in this section are listed by reviewer, author, title, volume number, and beginning page number.
- Allen, J. Michael, review of Joseph Fielding McConkie and Robert L. Millet, Doctrinal Commentary on the Book of Mormon: vol. 3, Alma through Helaman, 4:147.
- Andelin, Elaine A., review of Sherrie Johnson, My First Scripture Stories, 8/2:375.
- Andersen, Todd G., review of Randall K. Mehew, A Most Convincing Witness: Reasons Why the Book of Mormon Is the True Word of God, 3:104.
- Anderson, Lavina Fielding, review of Paul R. Cheesman, ed., assisted by Charles D. Tate Jr. and S. Kent Brown, The Book of Mormon: The Keystone Scripture, 1:18.
- Anderson, Richard Lloyd, review of Mark D. Thomas, “A Rhetorical Approach to the Book of Mormon: Rediscovering Nephite Sacramental Language,” 6/1:379.
- Anderson, Richard Lloyd, review of Rodger I. Anderson, Joseph Smith’s New York Reputation Reexamined, 3:52.
- Anderson, Richard Lloyd, review of Todd Compton, In Sacred Loneliness: The Plural Wives of Joseph Smith, 10/2:67.
- Ashton, Alan C., review of Book of Mormon Reference Library, 8/2:377.
- Ashton, Alan C., review of Book of Mormon Studybase, 8/2:377.
- Ashton, Alan C., review of LDS Collectors Library 1995 Edition, 8/2:377.
- Aston, Warren P., review of Lynn M. Hilton and Hope A. Hilton, Discovering Lehi: New Evidence of Lehi and Nephi in Arabia, 9/1:15.
- Bachman, Danel W., review of Todd Compton, In Sacred Loneliness: The Plural Wives of Joseph Smith, 10/2:105.
- Ball, Terry B., review of Stephen D. Ricks and John W. Welch, eds., The Allegory of the Olive Tree: The Olive, the Bible, and Jacob 5, 8/1:61.
- Baron, Ross David, review of Melodie Moench Charles, “Book of Mormon Christology,” 7/1:91.
- Bastian, Lewis M., review of Eldin Ricks, Book of Mormon: Wide Margin Edition, 2:207.
- Beck, John M., review of E. Douglas Clark, The Grand Design: America from Columbus to Zion, 5:109.
- Beck, John M., review of Robert E. Hales and Sandra L. Hales, A Standard unto My People, 4:63.
- Bell, Elouise, review of Chris Heimerdinger, Tennis Shoes among the Nephites: A Novel, 2:96.
- Bitton, Davis, review of Brent Lee Metcalfe, ed., New Approaches to the Book of Mormon, 6/1:1.
- Black, Susan Easton, review of Eugene England, Converted to Christ through the Book of Mormon, 2:74.
- Boyce, Duane, review of D. Michael Quinn, The Mormon Hierarchy: Extensions of Power, 9/2:147.
- Brown, Matthew B., review of David John Buerger, The Mysteries of Godliness: A History of Mormon Temple Worship, 10/1:97.
- Brown, S. Kent, review of Donald W. Parry and Dana M. Pike, eds., LDS Perspectives on the Dead Sea Scrolls, 10/2:141.
- Bush, Charles D., review of Michael R. Todd, Ted E. Van Horn, and Mark Van Horn, Book of Mormon Stories, 9/1:159.
- Bushman, Richard L., review of H. Michael Marquardt and Wesley P. Walters, Inventing Mormonism: Tradition and the Historical Record, 6/2:122.
- Campbell, Les, review of E. L. Peay, The Lands of Zarahemla, 6/2:139.
- Carter, K. Codell, review of Michael T. Griffith, Refuting the Critics: Evidences of the Book of Mormon’s Authenticity, 6/2:114.
- Chadwick, Bruce A., review of Rodney Stark, The Rise of Christianity: A Sociologist Reconsiders History, 10/2:156.
- Christensen, Kevin, review of Brent Lee Metcalfe, ed., New Approaches to the Book of Mormon, 7/2:144.
- Christensen, Kevin, review of Carol Lynn Pearson, “Could Feminism Have Saved the Nephites?” 10/2:9.
- Christensen, Kevin, review of Dan Vogel, Indian Origins and the Book of Mormon, 2:214.
- Christensen, Shauna, review of Carol Lynn Pearson, “Could Feminism Have Saved the Nephites?” 10/2:9.
- Clark, John E., review of Paul Hedengren, The Land of Lehi, 8/2:1.
- Clark, John, review of Delbert W. Curtis, Christ in North America, 6/2:79.
- Clark, John, review of F. Richard Hauck, Deciphering the Geography of the Book of Mormon, 1:20.
- Compton, Todd, review of Hugh W. Nibley, Lehi in the Desert, The World of the Jaredites, There Were Jaredites; An Approach to the Book of Mormon; Since Cumorah, 1:114.
- Compton, Todd, review of John W. Welch, The Sermon at the Temple and the Sermon on the Mount, 3:319.
- Coutts, Alison V. P., review of Raymond C. Treat, ed., Recent Book of Mormon Developments: Articles from the Zarahemla Record, vol. 2, 7/2:253.
- Cracroft, Richard H., review of Chris Heimerdinger, Daniel and Nephi, 6/2:118.
- Cracroft, Richard H., review of Clair Poulson, Samuel, Moroni’s Young Warrior, 6/2:118.
- Cracroft, Richard H., review of Keith C. Terry with Maurice R. Tanner, Out of Darkness, 4:216.
- Cracroft, Richard H., review of Robert H. Moss, I Nephi . . .—A Novel of the Sons of Lehi; The Covenant Coat—A Novel of Joseph; The Waters of Mormon—A Novel of Alma the Elder; That I Were an Angel, A Novel of Alma the Younger; Title of Liberty, A Novel of Helaman and Moroni; The Abridger, A Novel of Mormon; Valiant Witness, A Novel of Moroni, 2:107.
- Cracroft, Richard H., review of Terryl L. Givens, The Viper on the Hearth: Mormons, Myths, and the Construction of Heresy, 9/2:47.
- Crowe, Chris, review of Chris Heimerdinger, Tennis Shoes and the Feathered Serpent, 8/1:176.
- Davidson, Karen Lynn, review of Marilyn Arnold, Sweet Is the Word: Reflections on the Book of Mormon—Its Narrative, Teachings, and People, 9/1:1.
- Davis, Garold N., review of H. Clay Gorton, The Legacy of the Brass Plates of Laban: A Comparison of Biblical and Book of Mormon Isaiah Texts, 7/1:123.
- Dundas, Gregory, review of John M. Lundquist and Stephen D. Ricks, eds., By Study and Also by Faith, vol. 2, 4:127.
- Edwards, Kay P., review of Daniel H. Ludlow, How to Get the Most from the Book of Mormon (cassette tapes), 8/1:168.
- England, Eugene, review of Orson Scott Card, Homecoming, vols. 1—5; A Storyteller in Zion: Essays and Speeches; and “An Open Letter to those who are concerned about ‘plagiarism’ in The Memory of Earth,” 6/2:59.
- England, Eugene, review of Orson Scott Card, The Folk of the Fringe; The Tales of Alvin Maker: Seventh Son; Red Prophet; Prentice Alvin, 2:56.
- Farmer, Deborah, review of Clair Poulson, Samuel, Gadianton’s Foe (cassette tapes), 8/1:178.
- Farmer, Deborah, review of Clair Poulson, Samuel, Moroni’s Young Warrior (cassette tapes), 8/1:178.
- Faulring, Scott H., review of Todd Compton, In Sacred Loneliness: The Plural Wives of Joseph Smith, 10/2:67.
- Fleugel, James H., review of Arthur J. Kocherhans, Lehi’s Isle of Promise: A Scriptural Account with Word Definitions and a Commentary, 3:96.
- Folsom, Marvin, review of Lynn Matthews Anderson, The Easy-to-Read Book of Mormon: A Learning Companion, 7/1:13.
- Folsom, Marvin, review of Philip L. Barlow, Mormons and the Bible: The Place of the Latter-day Saints in American Religion, 4:1.
- Foster, Craig L., review of John R. Farkas and David A. Reed, Mormonism: Changes, Contradictions, and Errors, 9/1:51.
- Gardner, Cristie B., review of Heroes from the Book of Mormon, 9/1:7.
- Gee, John, review of Brent Lee Metcalfe, ed., New Approaches to the Book of Mormon, 6/1:51.
- Gee, John, review of Charles M. Larson, . . . By His Own Hand upon Papyrus: A New Look at the Joseph Smith Papyri, 4:93.
- Gee, John, review of Daniel H. Ludlow, ed., The Encyclopedia of Mormonism, 5:172.
- Gee, John, review of David P. Silverman, ed., For His Ka: Essays Offered in Memory of Klaus Baer, 8/2:46.
- Gee, John, review of Edward H. Ashment, “The Use of Egyptian Magical Papyri to Authenticate the Book of Abraham: A Critical Review,” 7/1:19.
- Gee, John, review of H. Donl Peterson, The Story of the Book of Abraham: Mummies, Manuscripts, and Mormonism, 8/2:46.
- Gee, John, review of James R. Harris, The Facsimiles of the Book of Abraham: A Study of the Joseph Smith Egyptian Papyri, 8/2:46.
- Gee, John, review of Jeff Williams, Who Was the Pharaoh of the Exodus? 9/1:43.
- Gee, John, review of Jeffrey R. Holland, Christ and the New Covenant: The Messianic Message of the Book of Mormon, 10/2:7.
- Gee, John, review of Joe Sampson, Written by the Finger of God: Testimony of Joseph Smith’s Translations, 7/1:219.
- Gee, John, review of Robert L. Millet, By Grace Are We Saved, 2:100.
- Gee, John, review of Stan Larson, Quest for the Gold Plates: Thomas Stuart Ferguson’s Archaeological Search for the Book of Mormon, 10/2:158.
- Gee, John, review of Wilford A. Fischer and Norma J. Fischer, A Book of Mormon Guide: A Simple Way to Teach a Friend, 2:77.
- Gibbons, Ted L., review of Pat Bagley, Norman the Nephite’s and Larry the Lamanite’s Book of Mormon Time Line, 8/2:373.
- Gillum, Gary P., review of A Sure Foundation: Answers to Difficult Gospel Questions, 2:26.
- Gillum, Gary P., review of Eldin Ricks, Eldin Ricks’s Thorough Concordance of the LDS Standard Works, 8/1:172.
- Goff, Alan, review of Brent Lee Metcalfe, “Apologetic and Critical Assumptions about Book of Mormon Historicity,” 7/1:170.
- Goff, Alan, review of Harold Bloom, The American Religion: The Emergence of the Post-Christian Nation, 5:96.
- Graham, Daniel W., review of David H. Mulholland, A Reading Guide to the Book of Mormon, 2:118.
- Hall, Brent, review of Chris Heimerdinger, Gadiantons and the Silver Sword: A Novel, 4:77.
- Hamblin, William J., review of Brent Lee Metcalfe, “Apologetic and Critical Assumptions about Book of Mormon Historicity,” 6/1:434.
- Hamblin, William J., review of Eugene R. Fingerhut, Explorers of Pre-Columbian America?: The Diffusionist-Inventionist Controversy, 7/1:120.
- Hamblin, William J., review of F. Richard Hauck, Deciphering the Geography of the Book of Mormon, 1:71.
- Hamblin, William J., review of Hugh W. Nibley, An Approach to the Book of Mormon, 2:119.
- Hamblin, William J., review of Jerald Tanner and Sandra Tanner, Archaeology and the Book of Mormon, 5:250.
- Hamblin, William J., review of John L. Brooke, The Refiner’s Fire: The Making of Mormon Cosmology, 1644—1844, 6/2:3.
- Hamblin, William J., review of John L. Sorenson and Martin H. Raish, Pre-Columbian Contact with the Americas across the Oceans: An Annotated Bibliography, 3:154.
- Hamblin, William J., review of Lance S. Owens, “Joseph Smith and Kabbalah: The Occult Connection,” 8/2:251.
- Hamblin, William J., review of Paul Toscano, The Sanctity of Dissent, 7/1:298.
- Hamblin, William J., review of Ronald H. Fritze, Legend and Lore of the Americas before 1492: An Encyclopedia of Visitors, Explorers, and Immigrants, 7/1:120.
- Hancock, Ralph C., review of Brad E. Hainsworth, If Men Were Angels: The Book of Mormon, Christ and the Constitution, 9/2:1.
- Hancock, Ralph C., review of H. Verlan Andersen, The Book of Mormon and the Constitution, 9/2:1.
- Hansen, Klaus J., review of D. Michael Quinn, Same-Sex Dynamics among Nineteenth-Century Americans: A Mormon Example, 10/1:132.
- Hauglid, Brian M. review of Margaret Toscano and Paul Toscano, Strangers in Paradox: Exploration in Mormon Theology, 6/2:250.
- Hauglid, Brian M., review of Monte S. Nyman and Charles D. Tate Jr., eds., The Book of Mormon: Alma, The Testimony of the Word, 5:198.
- Hauglid, Brian M., review of Monte S. Nyman, The Most Correct Book: Why the Book of Mormon Is the Keystone Scripture, 4:155.
- Hedges, Andrew H., review of Ethan Smith, View of the Hebrews, 9/1:63.
- Hill, Richard L., review of C. Douglas Beardall and Jewell N. Beardall, About the Three Nephites, 5:87.
- Honey, David B., review of Hugh W. Nibley, Lehi in the Desert, The World of the Jaredites, There Were Jaredites, 2:143.
- Honey, David B., review of Stephen D. Ricks and William J. Hamblin, eds., Warfare in the Book of Mormon, 3:118.
- Hoskisson, Paul Y., review of Brenton G. Yorgason, Little Known Evidences of the Book of Mormon, 2:258.
- Hosskisson, Paul Y., review of Earl W. Carlsen, Christ’s Answer to the Atheist, to the Jew: Who Wrote It? 2:63.
- Hoskisson, Paul Y., review of Lynn F. Price, Every Person in the Book of Mormon: A Chronological Reference and Synopsis, 9/2:28.
- Huchel, Frederick M., review of Joe Sampson, Written by the Finger of God: A Testimony of Joseph Smith’s Translations, 6/2:150.
- Isaac, Christopher B, review of Michael T. Griffith, Refuting the Critics: Evidences of the Book of Mormon’s Authenticity, 6/2:114.
- Jacobson, LeIsle, review of Bill McKeever and Eric Johnson, Questions to Ask Your Mormon Friend: Effective Ways to Challenge a Mormon’s Arguments without Being Offensive, 7/1:155.
- Jacobson, LeIsle, review of Charles and Steven Crane, Ashamed of Joseph: Mormon Foundations Crumble, 8/1:80.
- James, Rhett S., review of D. Michael Quinn, Same-Sex Dynamics among Nineteenth-Century Americans: A Mormon Example, 10/1:141.
- Janetski, Joel C., review of John L. Sorenson, The Geography of Book of Mormon Events: A Source Book, 3:150.
- Johnson, Clark, review of E. Douglas Clark and Robert S. Clark, Fathers and Sons in the Book of Mormon, 4:29.
- Johnson, Lynn Nations, review of Blaine Yorgason and Brenton G. Yorgason, To Mothers and Fathers from the Book of Mormon, 4:258.
- Johnson, Mark J., review of H. Clay Gorton, The Legacy of the Brass Plates of Laban: A Comparison of Biblical and Book of Mormon Isaiah Texts, 7/1:123.
- Johnson, Rand H., review of Monte S. Nyman and Charles D. Tate Jr., eds., The Book of Mormon: Mosiah, Salvation Only through Christ, 4:160.
- Judd, Frank F. Jr., review of Steven Epperson, Mormons and Jews: Early Mormon Theologies of Israel, 7/2:106.
- Karamesines, Patricia Gunter, review of George A. Horton, Keys to Successful Scripture Study, 3:86.
- Karpowitz, Dennis H., review of Robert L. Millet, The Power of the Word: Saving Doctrines from the Book of Mormon, 8/2:25.
- Kramer, Neal W., review of Terryl L. Givens, The Viper on the Hearth: Mormons, Myths, and the Construction of Heresy, 9/2:55.
- Kunz, Phillip R., review of Glenn L. Pearson, Moroni’s Promise: The Converting Power of the Book of Mormon, 8/2:32.
- Lambert, L. Gary, review of Monte S. Nyman, An Ensign to All People: The Sacred Message and Mission of the Book of Mormon, 1:121.
- Lambert, T. Allen, review of James W. Lucas and Warner P. Woodworth, Working toward Zion: Principles of the United Order for the Modern World, 9/2:74.
- Lane, Jennifer Clark, review of Monte S. Nyman and Charles D. Tate Jr., eds., The Book of Mormon: 3 Nephi 9—30, This Is My Gospel, 6/2:134.
- Lewis, Robert E., review of Keith C. Terry and Wesley Jarvis, The Remnant, 10/1:341.
- Lewis, Robert E., review of Keith C. Terry, Into the Light: A Novel, 10/1:341.
- Livingstone, Amy L., review of Allan K. Burgess, Timely Truths from the Book of Mormon, 9/1:4.
- Ludlow, Victor L., review of Philip J. Schlesinger, Isaiah and the Book of Mormon: A Study Guide for Understanding the Writings of Isaiah in the Book of Mormon, 3:147.
- Maddox, John Wm., review of Brent Lee Metcalfe, ed., New Approaches to the Book of Mormon, 8/1:1.
- Matthews, Darrell L., review of Joseph Fielding McConkie, Robert L. Millet, and Brent L. Top, Doctrinal Commentary on the Book of Mormon: vol. 4, Third Nephi through Moroni, 5:183.
- McKinlay, Daniel B., review of Alan Goff, “A Hermeneutic of Sacred Texts: Historicism, Revisionism, Positivism, and the Bible and Book of Mormon,” 2:86.
- McKinlay, Daniel B., review of E. Douglas Clark and Robert S. Clark, Fathers and Sons in the Book of Mormon, 4:24.
- Midgley, Louis, review of Anthony A. Hutchinson, “The Word of God Is Enough: The Book of Mormon as Nineteenth-Century Scripture,” 6/1:200.
- Midgley, Louis, review of Dan Vogel, ed., The Word of God: Essays on Mormon Scripture, 3:261.
- Midgley, Louis, review of Dean Maurice Helland, Meeting the Book of Mormon Challenge in Chile, 5:116.
- Midgley, Louis, review of Fawn McKay Brodie, No Man Knows My History: The Life of Joseph Smith, the Mormon Prophet, 8/2:147.
- Midgley, Louis, review of George D. Smith, ed., Religion, Feminism, and Freedom of Conscience: A Mormon/Humanist Dialogue, 7/1:229.
- Midgley, Louis, review of Jan Shipps, Mormonism: The Story of a New Religious Tradition, 7/2:219.
- Midgley, Louis, review of Joseph Fielding McConkie and Robert L. Millet, Doctrinal Commentary on the Book of Mormon: vol. 1, First and Second Nephi, vol. 2, Jacob through Mosiah, 1:92.
- Midgley, Louis, review of Keith Edward Tolbert and Eric Pement, The 1996 Directory of Cult Research Organizations: A Worldwide Listing of 752 Agencies and Individuals, 10/1:271.
- Midgley, Louis, review of O. Kendall White Jr., Mormon Neo-Orthodoxy: A Crisis Theology, 6/2:283.
- Midgley, Louis, review of Robert Basil, Mary Beth Gehrman, and Tim Madigan, On the Barricades: Religion and Free Inquiry in Conflict, 4:5.
- Millet, Robert L., review of Melodie Moench Charles, “Book of Mormon Christology,” 6/1:187.
- Mitton, George L., review of D. Michael Quinn, Same-Sex Dynamics among Nineteenth-Century Americans: A Mormon Example, 10/1:141.
- Mitton, George L., review of John L. Brooke, The Refiner’s Fire: The Making of Mormon Cosmology, 1644—1844, 6/2:3.
- Nelson, Fred W., review of Alan C. Miner, Step by Step through the Book of Mormon, 9/1:25.
- Nelson, Fred W., review of Scot Facer Proctor and Maurine Jensen Proctor, Light from the Dust: A Photographic Exploration into the Ancient World of the Book of Mormon, 6/2:146.
- Nelson, Stephen G., review of Robert Marcum, Dominions of the Gadiantons, 4:154.
- Nibley, Tom, review of Sandra Tanner and Jerald Tanner, Covering Up the Black Hole in the Book of Mormon, 5:273.
- Norman, V. Garth, review of Michael M. Hobby, June M. Hobby, and Troy J. Smith, Angular Chronology: The Precolumbian Dating of Ancient America, 8/1:112.
- Norton, Don, review of James W. Lucas and Warner P. Woodworth, Working toward Zion: Principles of the United Order for the Modern World, 9/2:85.
- Norwood, L. Ara, review of David Persuitte, Joseph Smith and the Origins of the Book of Mormon, 2:187.
- Norwood, L. Ara, review of James R. White, Letters to a Mormon Elder, 5:317.
- Norwood, L. Ara, review of Jerald Tanner and Sandra Tanner, Covering Up the Black Hole in the Book of Mormon, 3:158.
- Norwood, L. Ara, review of Kurt Van Gorden, Mormonism, 9/2:164.
- Norwood, L. Ara, review of Vernal Holley, Book of Mormon Authorship: A Closer Look, 1:80.
- Norwood, L. Ara, review of Warren P. Aston and Michaela Knoth Aston, In the Footsteps of Lehi: New Evidence for Lehi’s Journey across Arabia to Bountiful, 7/1:85.
- Novak, Gary F., review of George D. Smith, ed., Faithful History: Essays on Writing Mormon History, 5:231.
- Novak, Gary F., review of John Phillip Walker, ed., Dale Morgan on Early Mormonism: Correspondence and a New History, 8/1:122.
- Novak, Gary F., review of Robert N. Hullinger, Joseph Smith’s Response to Skepticism, 7/1:139.
- Ostler, Blake T., review of Francis J. Beckwith and Stephen E. Parrish, The Mormon Concept of God: A Philosophical Analysis, 8/2:99.
- Palmer, David A., review of Delbert W. Curtis, The Land of the Nephites, 2:67.
- Palmer, David A., review of Paul D. Proctor, “American Book of Mormon Map,” 2:205.
- Parry, Donald W., review of Avraham Gileadi, The Book of Isaiah: A New Translation with Interpretive Keys from the Book of Mormon, 4:52.
- Parry, Donald W., review of Joseph Fielding McConkie and Robert L. Millet, Doctrinal Commentary on the Book of Mormon: vol. 3, Alma through Helaman, 4:139.
- Parry, Donald W., review of Robert E. Hales and Sandra L. Hales, How to Hiss Forth with the Book of Mormon, 3:84.
- Parry, Donald W., review of Wade Brown, The God-Inspired Language of the Book of Mormon, 1:5.
- Peterson, Daniel C., review of Arnold K. Garr, Christopher Columbus: A Latter-day Saint Perspective, 8/1:104.
- Peterson, Daniel C., review of Ed Decker, Decker’s Complete Handbook on Mormonism, 7/2:38.
- Peterson, Daniel C., review of Hugh W. Nibley, The Prophetic Book of Mormon, 2:164.
- Peterson, Daniel C., review of James R. Spencer, “The Disappointment of B. H. Roberts: Five Questions That Forced a Mormon General Authority to Abandon the Book of Mormon,” 9/1:69.
- Peterson, Daniel C., review of John Ankerberg and John Weldon, Behind the Mask of Mormonism, 8/2:60.
- Peterson, Daniel C., review of John Ankerberg and John Weldon, Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about Mormonism, 5:1.
- Peterson, Daniel C., review of John L. Brooke, The Refiner’s Fire: The Making of Mormon Cosmology, 1644—1844, 6/2:3.
- Peterson, Daniel C., review of Kurt Van Gorden, Mormonism, 8/1:95.
- Peterson, Daniel C., review of Loftes Tryk, The Best Kept Secrets in the Book of Mormon, 3:231.
- Peterson, Daniel C., review of Lyndon W. Cook, ed., David Whitmer Interviews: A Restoration Witness, 5:113.
- Peterson, Daniel C., review of Monte S. Nyman and Charles D. Tate Jr., eds., The Book of Mormon: First Nephi, The Doctrinal Foundation, 1:124.
- Peterson, Daniel C., review of Peter Bartley, Mormonism: The Prophet, the Book, and the Cult, 2:31.
- Peterson, Daniel C., review of Rüdiger Hauth, Die Mormonen: Sekte oder neue Kirche Jesu Christi? 9/2:99.
- Peterson, Daniel C., review of Susan Easton Black, ed., Stories from the Early Saints Converted by the Book of Mormon, 4:13.
- Peterson, Daniel C., review of The Mormon Puzzle: Understanding and Witnessing to Latter-day Saints, 10/1:12.
- Peterson, Daniel C., review of William Rees Palmer, Two Pahute Indian Legends: “Why the Grand Canyon Was Made” and “The Three Days of Darkness,” 1:129.
- Pike, Dana M., review of Keith Terry and Stephen Biddulph, Dead Sea Scrolls and the Mormon Connection, 9/2:88.
- Porter, Bruce D., review of Anthony E. Larson, Parallel Histories: The Nephites and the Americans, 3:101.
- Porter, Bruce D., review of Avraham Gileadi, The Book of Isaiah: A New Translation with Interpretive Keys from the Book of Mormon, 4:40.
- Porter, Larry C., review of H. Michael Marquardt and Wesley P. Walters, Inventing Mormonism: Tradition and the Historical Record, 7/2:123.
- Porter, Larry C., review of Paul R. Cheesman, The Keystone of Mormonism: Early Visions of the Prophet Joseph Smith, 2:65.
- Preece, Michael J., review of Joseph L. Allen, Exploring the Lands of the Book of Mormon, 3:32.
- Pyle, D. Charles, review of Bill McKeever and Eric Johnson, Questions to Ask Your Mormon Friend: Challenging the Claims of Latter-day Saints in a Constructive Manner, 8/2:231.
- Raish, Martin, review of Paul R. Cheesman and Millie F. Cheesman, Ancient American Indians: Their Origins, Civilizations and Old World Connections, 4:21.
- Reynolds, Noel B., review of Monte S. Nyman and Charles D. Tate Jr., eds., The Book of Mormon: Second Nephi, The Doctrinal Structure, 2:182.
- Rhodes, Michael D., review of Charles M. Larson, . . . By His Own Hand upon Papyrus: A New Look at the Joseph Smith Papyri, 4:120.
- Ricks, Shirley S., review of Allan K. Burgess and Max H. Molgard, Fun for Family Night: Book of Mormon Edition, 3:81.
- Ricks, Shirley S., review of Book of Mormon Companion: Dictionary and More, 2:24.
- Ricks, Shirley S., review of Katherine Myers, The Lehi Tree: A Novel, 9/1:175.
- Ricks, Stephen D., review of Hugh W. Nibley, Lehi in the Desert, The World of The Jaredites, There Were Jaredites, 2:128.
- Ricks, Stephen D., review of Kent P. Jackson, ed., Studies in Scripture: vol. 7, 1 Nephi to Alma 29; Studies in Scripture: vol. 8, Alma 30 to Moroni, 1:89.
- Ricks, Stephen D., review of Wesley P. Walters, The Use of the Old Testament in the Book of Mormon, 4:235.
- Robinson, Stephen E., review of Dan Vogel, ed., The Word of God: Essays on Mormon Scripture, 3:312.
- Robison, Lindon J., review of James W. Lucas and Warner P. Woodworth, Working toward Zion: Principles of the United Order for the Modern World, 10/2:138.
- Roper, Matthew, review of Brent Lee Metcalfe, “The Priority of Mosiah: A Prelude to Book of Mormon Exegesis,” 6/1:362.
- Roper, Matthew, review of James White, “Of Cities and Swords: The Impossible Task of Mormon Apologetics,” 9/1:146.
- Roper, Matthew, review of Jerald and Sandra Tanner, “Joseph Smith’s Use of the Apocrypha,” 8/2:326.
- Roper, Matthew, review of Jerald and Sandra Tanner, Answering Mormon Scholars: A Response to Criticism Raised by Mormon Defenders, 9/1:87.
- Roper, Matthew, review of Jerald Tanner and Sandra Tanner, Answering Mormon Scholars: A Response to Criticism of the Book “Covering Up the Black Hole in the Book of Mormon,” vol. 1, 6/2:156.
- Roper, Matthew, review of Jerald Tanner and Sandra Tanner, Covering Up the Black Hole in the Book of Mormon, 3:170.
- Roper, Matthew, review of Jerald Tanner and Sandra Tanner, Mormonism: Shadow or Reality? 4:169.
- Roper, Matthew, review of Weldon Langfield, The Truth about Mormonism: A Former Adherent Analyzes the LDS Faith, 4:78.
- Rytting, J. Howard, review of Susan Easton Black, ed., Expressions of Faith: Testimonies of Latter-day Saint Scholars, 9/2:39.
- Seely, David Rolph, review of Avraham Gileadi, The Literary Message of Isaiah, 8/1:69.
- Seely, David Rolph, review of Hugh W. Nibley, Teachings of the Book of Mormon: Semester Three Transcripts, 5:190.
- Seely, David Rolph, review of John W. Welch, ed., Reexploring the Book of Mormon: The F.A.R.M.S. Updates, 5:305.
- Seely, Jo Ann H., review of Donald W. Parry, The Book of Mormon Text Reformatted according to Parallelistic Patterns, 5:203.
- Silver, Cherry B., review of John L. Sorenson and Melvin J. Thorne, eds., Rediscovering the Book of Mormon, 4:166.
- Skousen, Royal, review of Bible II, 6/2:1.
- Skousen, Royal, review of Brent Lee Metcalfe, ed., New Approaches to the Book of Mormon, 6/1:121.
- Smith, James E., review of John C. Kunich, “Multiply Exceedingly: Book of Mormon Population Sizes,” 6/1:255.
- Smith, Larry K., review of First Nephi: Study Book of Mormon, 7/2:3.
- Smith, Larry K., review of LDS Collectors Edition CD-ROM, 7/2:1.
- Smith, Larry K., review of Overview of the Book of Mormon, 7/2:1.
- Snow, Edgar C., Jr., review of John W. Welch and Doris R. Dant, The Book of Mormon Paintings of Minerva Teichert, 10/2:62.
- Snow, Edward, review of Allan K. Burgess, Living the Book of Mormon: A Guide to Understanding and Applying Its Principles in Today’s World, 4:20.
- Sorenson, John L., review of Charles M. Larson, . . . By His Own Hand upon Papyrus: A New Look at the Joseph Smith Papyri, 4:93.
- Sorenson, John L., review of Deanne G. Matheny, “Does the Shoe Fit? A Critique of the Limited Tehuantepec Geography,” 6/1:297.
- Sorenson, John L., review of Harold K. Nielsen, Mapping the Action Found in the Book of Mormon, 1:119.
- Sorenson, John L., review of Stephen Williams, Fantastic Archaeology: The Wild Side of North American Prehistory, 4:254.
- Sowell, Madison U., review of Richard Dilworth Rust, Feasting on the Word: The Literary Testimony of the Book of Mormon, 9/2:29.
- Spackman, Randall P., review of Thomas O. Moore, A Detailed Chronology of the Book of Mormon, 10/1:1.
- Stirling, Mack C., review of Bruce A. Van Orden and Brent L. Top, eds., Doctrines of the Book of Mormon: The 1991 Sperry Symposium, 5:290.
- Stirling, Mack C., review of Monte S. Nyman and Charles D. Tate Jr., eds., The Book of Mormon: Helaman through 3 Nephi 8, According to Thy Word, 7/1:208.
- Szink, Terrence L., review of Bruce W. Warren and Thomas Stuart Ferguson, The Messiah in Ancient America, 1:132.
- Szink, Terrence L., review of David J. Ridges, Isaiah Made Easier, 4:164.
- Szink, Terrence L., review of Josué Sánchez, trans. and ed., El Libro de Mormon ante la critica, 5:223.
- Szink, Terrence L., review of Steven Epperson, Mormons and Jews: Early Mormon Theologies of Israel, 7/2:106.
- Taggart, Gregory, review of Mormonism on the Internet, 9/1:161.
- Taggart, Gregory, review of Mormonism on the Internet II, 10/2:200.
- Taggart, Gregory, review of Lauramaery Gold, Mormons on the Internet, 10/2:206.
- Tanner, Martin S., review of Dan Vogel, “Anti-Universalist Rhetoric in the Book of Mormon,” 6/1:420.
- Tanner, Martin S., review of Melodie Moench Charles, “Book of Mormon Christology,” 7/2:6.
- Thomas, Bryan J., review of Monte S. Nyman and Charles D. Tate Jr., eds., The Book of Mormon: Fourth Nephi through Moroni: From Zion to Destruction, 8/1:27.
- Thompson, John S., review of Hoyt W. Brewster Jr., Isaiah Plain and Simple: The Message of Isaiah in the Book of Mormon, 9/2:11.
- Thompson, Stephen E., review of James R. Harris, Sr., Southwestern American Indian Rock Art and the Book of Mormon, 4:65.
- Thorne, Melvin J., review of John E. Enslen, The Bible and the Book of Mormon: Connecting Links, 10/2:1.
- Thorne, Melvin J., review of William N. Partridge, Book of Mormon Insights: Points to Ponder from Every Chapter, 10/2:1.
- Tvedtnes, John A., review of Brent Lee Metcalfe, ed., New Approaches to the Book of Mormon, 6/1:8.
- Tvedtnes, John A., review of Brenton G. Yorgason, Little Known Evidences of the Book of Mormon, 2:260.
- Tvedtnes, John A., review of David T. Harris, Truths from the Earth, vol. 2: The Story of the Creations to the Floods, 9/2:68.
- Tvedtnes, John A., review of Hugh W. Nibley, Since Cumorah, 2:175.
- Tvedtnes, John A., review of Jerald and Sandra Tanner, “Joseph Smith’s Use of the Apocrypha,” 8/2:326.
- Tvedtnes, John A., review of Jerald Tanner and Sandra Tanner, Answering Mormon Scholars: A Response to Criticism of the Book “Covering Up the Black Hole in the Book of Mormon,” vol. 1, 6/2:204.
- Tvedtnes, John A., review of Jerald Tanner and Sandra Tanner, Covering Up the Black Hole in the Book of Mormon, 3:188.
- Tvedtnes, John A., review of Joseph R. Salonimer and Norrene V. Salonimer, I Know Thee by Name: Hebrew Roots of Lehi-ite Non-Biblical Names in the Book of Mormon, 8/2:34.
- Tvedtnes, John A., review of Leon Cornforth, Meeting the Mormon Challenge with Love, 10/1:264.
- Tvedtnes, John A., review of Luke P. Wilson, “Does the Bible Teach Salvation for the Dead? A Survey of the Evidence” and “Did Jesus Establish Baptism for the Dead?” 10/2:184.
- Tvedtnes, John A., review of Michael T. Griffith, One Lord, One Faith: Writings of the Early Christian Fathers as Evidences of the Restoration, 9/1:33.
- Tvedtnes, John A., review of Raphael Patai, The Children of Noah: Jewish Seafaring in Ancient Times, 10/2:147.
- Tvedtnes, John A., review of Roger R. Keller, Book of Mormon Authors: Their Words and Messages, 9/2:16.
- Tvedtnes, John A., review of Wesley P. Walters, The Use of the Old Testament in the Book of Mormon, 4:220.
- Van Orden, Bruce A., review of George Reynolds, Book of Mormon Dictionary, 8/1:51.
- Van Orden, Richard, review of Donald W. Parry, Jeannette W. Miller, and Sandra A. Thorne, eds., A Comprehensive Annotated Book of Mormon Bibliography, 9/2:33.
- Van Orden, Richard, review of Donald W. Parry, Jeannette W. Miller, and Sandra A. Thorne, eds., A Guide to Publications on the Book of Mormon: A Selected Annotated Bibliography, 9/2:33.
- Walker, Marilyn Higbee, review of Nurturing Faith through the Book of Mormon, 9/1:28.
- Warren, Bruce W., review of Donald W. Hemmingway, Christianity in America before Columbus? 2:98.
- Warren, Bruce W., review of Michael M. Hobby, June M. Hobby, and Troy J. Smith, Angular Chronology: The Precolumbian Dating of Ancient America, 8/1:118.
- Weiland, Kurt, review of Stephen D. Ricks and William J. Hamblin, eds., Warfare in the Book of Mormon, 3:141.
- Welch, John W., review of Brent Lee Metcalfe, ed., New Approaches to the Book of Mormon, 6/1:145.
- Welch, John W., review of Ezra Taft Benson, A Witness and a Warning: A Modern-Day Prophet Testifies of the Book of Mormon, 1:1.
- Welch, John W., review of Richard E. DeMaris, “Corinthian Religion and Baptism for the Dead (1 Corinthians 15:29): Insights from Archaeology and Anthropology,” 8/2:43.
- Whiting, Michael F., review of Clark A. Peterson, Using the Book of Mormon to Combat Falsehoods in Organic Evolution, 5:209.
- Williams, Camille S., review of Lynn Matthews Anderson, The Easy-to-Read Book of Mormon: A Learning Companion, 7/1:3.
- Williams, Camille S., review of Timothy B. Wilson, Mormon’s Story: An Adaptation Based on the Book of Mormon, 7/1:3.
- Williams, Camille, review of Susan Easton Black, Finding Christ through the Book of Mormon, 1:3.
- Wilson, Keith J., review of David A. Reed and John R. Farkas, Mormons Answered Verse by Verse, 8/1:92.
- Winwood, Richard I., review of Glenn L. Pearson and Reid E. Bankhead, Building Faith with the Book of Mormon, 9/1:31.
- Wirth, Diane E., review of Harry L. Ropp and Wesley P. Walters, Are the Mormon Scriptures Reliable? 2:209.
- Wirth, Diane E., review of Stephen Williams, Fantastic Archaeology: The Wild Side of North American Prehistory, 4:251.
- Withers, Mark V., review of F. Richard Hauck, Deciphering the Geography of the Book of Mormon, 1:78.
- Woolley, Scott, review of Monte S. Nyman and Charles D. Tate Jr., eds., The Book of Mormon: Jacob through Words of Mormon, To Learn with Joy, 3:106.
- Wright, David P., review of Wade Brown, The God-Inspired Language of the Book of Mormon, 1:10.
By Subject:
- 1 Corinthians 6:9—10, 10/1:258
- 1 Corinthians 15:22, 10/1:62
- 1 Corinthians 15:29, 10/1:79, 10/2:186
interpretation of, 9/2:137—42, 191—92 Tertullian’s interpretation of, 10/2:196 attempts to explain, 8/2:43 discussion of, 8/2:245—47 struggle of anti-Mormons with, 8/2:75 n. 37
- 1 Corinthians 15:46, discussion of, 9/2:190
- 1 Nephi 13:12, referring to Columbus, 8/1:105
- 1 Peter 3:18—19, 10/2:189
- 1 Peter 3:19, 9/2:131—37, 10/1:79
- 1 Peter 3:19—22, 10/2:186
- 1 Peter 4:1—5, 10/2:187
- 1 Peter 4:6, 10/2:186
- 1 Samuel in the Dead Sea Scrolls, 10/2:143
- 2 Esdras, parallels with Book of Mormon, 8/2:337, 343—46
- 2 Maccabees, parallels with Book of Mormon, 8/2:346—48
- 2 Peter 2:5—9, 10/2:191
- 3 Nephi, insights into text of, 7/2:158 n. 37
- 4 Baruch, parallels with Book of Mormon, 8/2:353—56
- 600 B.C., as departure date for Lehi’s group, 10/1:7, 1
- Abinadi, 9/1:10
disguise of, 7/1:194 teaching of, on God and Jesus Christ, 7/1:92
- Abish, 10/2:14
strong deed and vision of, 10/2:16 aborigines, American, 9/1:64
- Abraham, Book of,
2:212, 4:91—126, 6/1:40, 112, 210, 6/2:212—14, 9/2:68, 124, 125, 10/1:84, 10/2:173—78 James Harris’s contributions to discussion on, 8/2:47 LDS scholarship on, 10/1:84 n. 228 publication of, 8/2:57 relationship to Joseph Smith Papyri, 7/1:71
- Abraham, name of, among Egyptian documents, 7/1:19, 22—23, 28, 29 n. 35, 29—35
- Abrasax, name of, 7/1:32—34
- absolute and unchanging doctrine, belief in, 7/1:269
- academic freedom at Brigham Young University, 7/1:245, 250, 264, 274
- academic inquiry, limitations of, 9/2:45
- academic training, 10/2:4
- accuracy of key predictions, a value in evaluating paradigms, 7/2:161—73
- acids of modernity, and return to Christian faith, 7/1:290
- Adam, transgression or sin of, 8/2:28
- Adam and Eve, story of, 9/2:69
- Adam-God as Adam Kadmon, 8/2:317
- Adams, Daniel B., 9/1:136
- advocacy vs. inquiry among anti-Mormons, 9/2:199
- affluence and poverty, 9/2:87
- afterlife, concept of, 9/2:195
- agency, 2:182, 5:347—50
use of term, 7/1:252
- agenda, 2:vii—xv, 3:295—305, 4:vii—lxxv, 5:26—34, 6/1:54—57, 187—89, 198—99, 420—21, 526—52
- Akkadian, 6/1:82
- Alger, Fanny, 10/2:78, 79, 85
- Al-Ghazali 9/1:xiv, xv, 9/2:vi
- Allah
as an evil, pagan deity, 8/2:71 title of, 10/2:xi n. 9
- Allred, Janice Merrill, belief of, that Father and Son are one being, 7/1:309—11
- allusion, as indication of sophistication, 7/1:192—206
- Alma, book of, and the Epistle to the Hebrews, 8/1:14—16
- Alma, name of, 10/1:51
- Alma 32, discussion of, 7/2:145, 161, 172—73, 176—77, 181, 187, 208—10, 214
- Alma the Elder, 9/1:10, 176
- Alma the Younger, 9/1:11, 10/2:2
commandments and instructions of, to sons, 9/2:31—32
- Alpha & Omega, 10/2:203
- Alpha Internet Ministries, 9/1:173
- Alphabet and Grammar, from the Kirtland Egyptian Papers, 7/1:219
- Al-Shimas, Kamar, 9/1:129
- Alter, Robert, 10/2:19
- Amalickiah
death of, 10/2:66 rise of, to power, 10/2:40
- Amarna letters, 5:67—68, 73, 77
- amateurs
enthusiasm of, 10/2:1 works by, 10/2:3
- ambitious men, 9/2:8
- America and its civilizations, 7/1:212
- American history, 9/2:126
- American Indians. See Native Americans
- Amerindian languages, diversity of, 9/1:71
- Amherst Papyrus, 5:45—63
- Ammon, 9/1:12, 10/2:14
- Amulek, 9/1:11, 10/2:2
- Amulon, 9/1:176
- anachronism in the Book of Mormon
claims of, refuted, 8/1:2—3 reference to faith, hope, and charity, not an, 8/1:41—42, 42 n. 36
- Anastasi archive
Egyptian nature of, 7/1:45 significance of, for the Book of Abraham, 7/1:72—74, 76
- ancient Near East word category, 9/2:22
- Andersen, H. Verlan, 9/2:1
- Anderson, Einar, 9/2:125
- Anderson, Mary “May,” 10/1:191
role of, in Primary, 10/1:192
- Anderson, Richard Lloyd, 9/2:44
- Andrus, Hyrum L., 9/2:79
- angel, words of, to Nephi, 9/2:19
- angular chronology and pre-Columbian dating, 8/1:112
- animals, 2:148, 4:206—7, 6/1:10, 29—30, 299—300, 342—48
linguistic problems in naming, 9/1:132—33 names of, 9/1:131
- Ankerberg, John, 10/1:v
academic degrees of, 8/2:90—92
- annotations in Book of Mormon bibliography, 9/2:34
- annunciation, 10/2:19
- Anselm of Canterbury, St., 10/2:v, vi
- Anthon, Charles, 2:44, 200, 4:210—12, 5:260
and accounts of meeting with Martin Harris, 8/1:98—99
- Anthon episode, 9/2:171—72
- Anthon transcript, script of, 10/2:171
- anthropomorphism, 8/2:311, 9/2:118 n. 26
- anti-anti-Mormon, 9/1:88
- anti-Catholic ministries, 10/1:317 n. 124, 319
- anti-Christ, 1:14, 2:101, 6/1:12—13
- anti-Christ doctrines, 9/2:8
- anti-Christian, gospel portrayed as, 10/1:33
- anti-Christs in the Book of Mormon, 8/2:28
- anticult ideology, secular and sectarian, 10/1:307
- anticult movement, 10/1:273
- anti-Mormon. See also Book of Mormon, criticism, 1:x, 2:31—55, 110, 169, 187, 204, 3:52—80, 158—318, 4:vii—lxxv, 8—9, 78—126, 169—215, 247, 5:14, 101—2, 116—21, 126, 140, 350—54, 6/1:v—xii, 1, 117, 148, 219, 254, 524—25, 6/2:19—20, 114—17, 156—249
activism, 9/2:140 book, 9/1:61, 10/1:261 criticisms, 10/1:269 exposés, 10/1:107 individuals and agencies, 10/1:278 literature, study of, 10/1:267 ministries, 10/1:305—6 novels, 9/2:49 publications, 8/1:xlii, 8/2:61, 78, 80—84, 9/2:165 use of term, 10/1:327, 328 web sites, 9/1:172—73 web sites, mirroring of, 10/2:202 writing, 10/1:vi
- Anti-Mormon Almanac, 10/1:328
- anti-Mormonism, 7/1:229—30, 9/2:54, 10/1:v, 274
in Cairo weekly magazine, 10/1:xix—xxiv contemporary, 10/1:277 history of, 10/1:272 manifestations of, 10/1:271 in 19th-century American fiction, 9/2:47 in Russian newspaper, 10/1:xi sectarian, in 1830s and 1840s, 272 sources on, 10/1:84—85 n. 229 study of, 9/2:47
- anti-Mormons, 9/2:52, 10/1:15 n. 12
assault by, 10/1:19 flawed methods of, 9/2:198 motivated by insecurity, 9/2:200 phony degrees of some, 8/2:97, 97 n. 80 rejection of label by, 9/2:199—200, 199—200 nn. 62—63 at temple dedications and pageants, 10/1:94 united by disbelief, 8/1:xlii use by, of writers whose arguments would logically destroy own beliefs, 8/2:62 n. 6
- anti-polygamy turmoil in Utah, 9/2:48
- Apocrypha, 4:114—17, 122—23
King James, comparison of, with Book of Mormon, 8/2:326
- apocryphal gospels, modern, compared to Book of Mormon, 9/2:123
- apocryphal story of woman and husbands, 9/1:41
- apologetics, web sites linked to, 10/2:203
- apologists, 2:175, 203, 4:vii—lxxv, 5:5—16, 6/1:114—19, 434, 438—46, 461—67
- apostasy, 3:50, 6/1:65, 412—13, 454—55, 9/1:38, 10/1:74
criticism leading to, 7/1:300 denial of, 9/2:115 and destruction, 7/1:214 of the early Christian church, 9/2:177 in first centuries of our era, 8/1:xxxiii n. 80 Latter-day Saint works on, 10/1:75 in the primitive church, 8/1:33 n. 13 stages in development of, in society, 7/1:212
- apostates, 10/1:280
role of, 10/1:326
- apostles, summons of, to follow Christ, 10/1:46
- apostles and prophets, 9/2:168
- Apostles’ Creed, 9/2:132
- apotheosis or deification, 9/2:190—91
- Arabia
culture and customs of, 9/1:16 Lehi’s trail through, 9/1:15
- Arabia Felix, 9/1:118
- Arabian Peninsula, 10/2:6
- Arabic, 2:172, 258
- Aramaic, 6/1:11, 68—70, 153
- archaeological evidence
for house of David, 8/1:xxii presence of, 10/2:166
- archaeological method, 9/2:xxvi
- archaeological support for the Bible, 9/2:123
- archaeology, 2:71—72, 136, 209, 220, 260, 3:36, 50, 4:21—23, 117—19, 129, 202—4, 251—57, 5:33—37, 250—72, 6/1:303—4, 316—28, 348—54
Book of Mormon (see also Book of Mormon: archaeology), 8/1:20—21, 9/1:26 tentativeness and incompleteness of, 9/2:xxiii
- archetypal situations, 10/2:13
- arguments, responding to, 9/2:viii
- ark, glowing pearls or stones inside, 10/2:153
- Arminianism, elements of, in Book of Mormon, 7/1:146
- Arnold, Marilyn, 9/1:1, 9/2:45
- artifacts, discovery of, 9/2:xxvi
- Asay, Carlos E., 9/1:13
- Ashment, Edward H., 9/1:xi
vs. Hugh Nibley on Hebraisms in the Book of Mormon, 7/2:193—95
- Ashton, Marvin J., 9/1:88
- Asia, 2:143—53
- assertion without evidence or analysis, 9/2:166
- assumptions as ideological base of science, 8/1:xxvi
- Aston, Warren, 10/2:6
- Aston, Warren and Michaela, 9/1:116, 10/1:343
- Athanasian Creed, 9/2:132
- Athanasius, 10/1:71, 73
- atheism, 10/2:viii, 182
- atheistic presuppositions, 9/2:vi
- atheists, 10/2:viii
accusation that Mormons are, 10/2:v
- Atiya, Aziz, 9/2:124
- atonement of Christ. See also Jesus Christ: atonement of, 2:100—106, 181, 5:297, 352—53, 6/1:17—18, 6/2:20—29, 183—84, 270—71, 289—93, 9/1:9, 29, 10/1:35, 39, 62, 10/2:185
according to Ed Decker, 7/2:76—77 Book of Mormon teachings on, 10/2:8 efficacy of, 9/1:viii as explained in Encyclopedia of Mormonism, 7/2:77—78 limited, 10/1:320 location of, 9/2:192—93 role of Paul Toscano’s deities in, 7/1:307—8 as taught in the allegory of the olive tree, 8/1:62
- attitudes toward learning and testimony, 9/2:41
- author word use in the Book of Mormon, 9/2:27
- authority, 6/1:415
appeal to, 7/2:180 n. 102 divine investiture of, 7/1:109
- authors and principal word clusters, 9/2:26
- authorship
individual, within the Book of Mormon, 9/2:21 of the standard works, 7/1:v
- autobiographical genre in the Book of Mormon, 9/2:31
- Avard, Sampson, 10/2:93
- Aztec, 6/1:323, 328—29, 331—35
- Babel. See Tower of Babel
- Babylon, 10/2:46
- Baer, Klaus, 10/1:268, 10/2:176
memorial volume for, 8/2:48
- Baker Book, publications of, 9/1:54
- Ballard, M. Russell, 9/2:156
- Bancroft, Hubert Howe, 9/2:177
- baptism, 2:212, 252, 5:20, 6/1:45—47, 76—77, 192—93, 367—69, 391
biblical passages on, 10/2:198 equivalence of, to circumsion, 10/2:198 by immersion and washing rituals, 8/1:34 n. 15 infant, 4:182, 8/1:32—35, 33 nn. 13—14, 9/1:40 LDS, rejection of, as Christian, 9/2:141 proxy, 4:83 for the remission of sins, 10/2:197 required for membership, 10/1:38 use of term, 9/2:95
- baptism for the dead, 8/2:244—47, 9/1:41, 9/2:139, 142, 191, 10/1:79, 10/2:184, 194—97
as a necessary link between ancestors and posterity, 8/2:45 scholarly attention to, 8/2:43
- baptismal prayer, 9/1:56
- Baptists, advice of, to Latter-day Saints, 10/1:336—38
- Barker, Margaret, 9/1:36
- Barker, Stanley, 10/2:204
- barley, 9/1:135
found at Hohokam site, 9/1:136
- Barr, Stephen, 9/2:vii
- Bart, Peter, 10/1:vii
- Barth, Karl, 9/2:117
- Bartholow, Roberts, 9/2:59
- Basil, 10/1:71
- Bat Creek inscription, 4:22, 212, 5:207, 9/1:139—43
- Bateman, Merrill J., 9/1:8
- Bay Area Colloquium, 10/1:101
- Beckwith, Francis, 10/1:67
- Behind the Mask of Mormonism, by John Ankerberg and John Weldon
errors in current edition of, 8/2:63 n. 8 remaining problems and falsehoods of, 8/2:68—79 reprint of Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about Mormonism, 8/2:60 silent corrections in, 8/2:63—68
- belief, religious, 9/1:xi
- beliefs, LDS, 9/1:165, 168
compared to Christianity, 10/1:24 logical attack on, 8/2:231 misrepresented, 10/1:21
- Benjamin, King, 9/1:10
speech of, as 19th-century revival, 7/2:174
- Bennett, John C., 10/1:127, 154, 165, 258, 10/2:73, 130, 133
possible involvement of, in homosexual practices, 10/1:168
- Bennion, Steven D., 9/2:41
- Benson, Ezra Taft, 1:vi, 1—2, 8, 121—22, 2:74, 77, 173, 3:111, 4:13, 24, 29, 155—59, 5:109, 9/1:1, 9/2:1, 37, 152, 10/2:1
- Benz, Ernst W., 10/1:72
- Berge, Dale L., 9/2:xxiv
- Bergin, Allen E., 9/2:40
- Bergman, Ray, 10/1:202
- Berryman, Mildred J., 10/1:185
LDS membership of, 10/1:187 n. 114
- betrothed, encounter with, as type-scene, 10/2:19
- Betz, Hans Dieter, 10/1:58
use by, of term magic, 7/1:66 n. 240
- beverages, Native American, 9/1:137
- Bible, the, 1:127, 2:xi, xxi, 53, 77, 91—95, 220—21, 3:147—49, 4:1—3, 41—43, 55, 103—4, 220—50, 228—32, 6/1:232—33, 500
acceptance of, 9/2:171 animals of, 9/1:131 archaeological proofs for, 10/1:49 archaeological support for, 9/2:xxiii attacks on Mormon use of, 8/1:92—93 in the Book of Mormon, 2:187—204, 214—57, 3:110, 124, 160, 167—68, 171—84, 197—98, 213, 321, 4:40—62, 86—91, 195—97, 220—50, 5:298—300, 6/1:3—4, 11, 17—18, 19—23, 39, 62, 67—71, 99—102, 125—32, 152—81, 375—77, 6/2:39—43, 162—74, 231—49 contradictions and textual problems in, 8/2:238 feminist criticism of, 10/2:23 historicity of, 2:175—81, 214—57, 6/1:384—90, 396—412, 547—48 links between Book of Mormon and, 10/2:2 as only legitimate source of doctrine for Christians, 10/1:58 Protestant beliefs based on, 10/1:60 scholarship (see also documentary hypothesis), 6/1:108—11, 121—25, 384—90 sufficiency of, 10/1:56 translations, 2:140 truth of, 10/1:60 use of, during translation of Book of Mormon, 9/1:91—93 as the word of God, 10/1:58
- Bible Baptist Ministry, 10/1:285 n. 30
- biblical books, missing, 9/1:59
- biblical prophecies, format of, 9/1:61
- biblical prophets, magical practices of, 9/1:95
- biblical scholarship
contemporary, 9/2:ix, xviii procedures and premises in, 8/1:xxv
- biblical stories, proof of, 10/1:53
- bibliography
categories of, 9/2:35 electronic format of, 9/2:37 on Zion and economics, 9/2:79—80
- bibliolatry, 10/1:59
- bifid structure of book of Isaiah, 8/1:71
- Big Fifteen, Hauth’s designation of, 9/2:111
- biographies, purpose for, 10/2:158
- bishop, office of, 9/1:39
- “Black Hole” theory, 9/1:143
- Black, Susan Easton, 9/2:40
- blessing and cursing, cycles of, 8/1:36
- Blomberg, Craig, 9/2:198
- blood, 3:167, 5:297, 352—53
- blood group evidence, 10/1:344
- Bloom, Harold, 9/2:51
- Bond, Christopher S., 10/1:88
- Bonneville LDS Radio Network, 9/1:169
- Book of Abraham. See also Abraham, Book of, 10/2:173—78
- Book of Breathings, 4:94, 100, 105, 10/2:160
- Book of Mormon, the
19th-century explanation of, 9/1:107 abridgment of, by Moroni, 9/1:143 as alleged 19th-century fiction, 7/2:146, 8/1:2—10, 8/2:179 alleged anti-Masonic sentiment of, 8/1:162 alleged biblical plagiarism of, 8/1:93 and alleged contradictions with the Bible, 8/1:18 as an alleged scheme to make money, 8/1:157 as ancient scripture, 7/2:24 animals of, 9/1:131 another testament of Christ, 8/2:25 Arabian portion of, 9/1:15 archaeological anachronisms alleged in, 8/1:93 archaeological evidence for, lack of, 9/2:xxiii archaeological proofs for, 10/1:49 archaeology, 9/1:26 archaeology as means of authenticating, 8/1:96 archetypal or ritual backgrounds of, 10/2:20 archaeological evidence supporting, 7/1:88 n. 2 assumptions about, 9/1:101 attempt to separate restored church from, 10/1:38 as an authentic ancient text, 7/1:90, 231, 9/2:44 authors of, 7/2:1, 9/1:xvii, 9/2:26 authorship, 2:200, 6/1:v—562, 7/2:247 autobiographical genre in, 9/2:31 on baptism for the dead, 10/2:184 and belief in its truth, 7/2:229 belief of Saints in its truth, 7/2:251 bibliography, 9/2:33—38 book-by-book summary of, 7/2:1 as Book of the Restoration of the Covenant, 7/2:253 changes in text of, 7/2:90—92 chapters in, 6/1:137—40, 6/2:1 christology of, 10/2:7 chronology of, 2:24—25, 3:34, 50, 193—94, 264, 5:24—25, 6/2:180—84, 220—22, 9/1:25, 10/1:1, 6 commentary, standards for, 8/1:28—30 commentary on, 9/1:26 compared to modern apocryphal gospels, 9/2:123 compared with Old Testament passages, 9/1:114 complexity of, 7/1:207 computer software for, 9/1:159 conversions through, 10/1:342 criticisms of (see also anti-Mormon), 1:vii—x, 2:ix—xv, 87—95, 132, 139, 165, 187—204, 234—35, 3:52—80, 158—318, 4:vii—lxxv, 82—92, 169—215, 220—50, 5:25—26, 40, 53, 61—84, 101, 123, 150—54, 162—70, 231—89, 350—54, 6/1:v—562, 6/2:v—ix, 3—9, 156—203, 9/1:143—45, 9/2:xxiii culture of, 9/1:25 dates in, 8/1:53 differences in the manuscripts of, 7/2:254 directional system in, 10/2:181 divine origin and antiquity of, 9/1:85 doctrinal sections of, 10/1:4 editions of, 6/2:1—2 Eight Witnesses to, 10/1:xii elements of, 10/1:5 emphasis on, by Ezra Taft Benson, 8/2:32 and epics, 9/2:30 evidence for, 2:28, 54, 90, 137—39, 167—68, 199, 258—66, 4:65, 117—19, 129, 166, 5:35, 114, 256—57, 8/1:20—25, 9/1:70 n. 2, 10/1:49—51 female actions and words in, 10/2:14 female imagery in, 10/2:24 fictionalization of, 8/1:176, 177, 180 flora and fauna in, 8/1:22—23 Friberg’s depiction of, 10/2:63 gender-inclusive language of, 10/2:11 geographic location of, 7/2:2 geography, diverse theories on, 10/2:159 geography of, 9/1:16, 25, 123, 9/2:36, 10/1:6, 10/2:179 healthy societies in, 10/2:44 heroes of, 9/1:7 historicity of (see also Book of Mormon, translation into English), 1:90—91, 93—100, 106—9, 116, 127, 2:87, 119—27, 134—38, 214, 257, 3:32, 52—80, 101, 118, 158—318, 4:9—12, 78—92, 176—79, 186, 191—92, 5:231—50, 271, 328—34, 6/1:1—10, 12, 40—48, 56—57, 65, 111—12, 116—17, 119, 135—37, 150—69, 180—86, 200—259, 280—82, 362—433, 452—56, 527—62, 6/2:3—58, 61—66, 121—33, 7/2:144, 8/1:9—10, 9/1:22, 70, 9/2:144 history of, 7/1:13—14, 9/1:25 imagery in, 9/2:32 important events in, 10/2:1 individual authorship within, 9/2:21 individuals, groups, and events in, 8/2:373 as inspired fiction, 7/2:185 intended audience of, 8/1:4 internal consistency of, 9/2:45 invitation of, to come unto Christ, 8/2:26 Isaiah, quotations of, in, 10/2:8 Isaiah passages in (see also Isaiah passages in the Book of Mormon), 9/2:12 issues relevant to, 10/1:10 Jesus Christ as protagonist in, 9/2:30 as keystone of the faith, 7/2:213 and King James Bible, 8/1:13—14 language claims of, 8/1:10—12 language of, 8/1:10—17 legal details of, 9/2:46 letters in, 9/2:31 linguistic style of, 2:165—67, 237—47, 262—66, 4:41—42, 52—62, 167, 5:73—74, 81, 163, 286, 307—8, 310—11, 6/1:11, 14—15, 30—48, 71—72, 88—106, 140—43, 379—417, 6/2:150—55 links between the Bible and, 10/2:2 and link with Joseph Smith’s role as prophet, 7/2:232 literary analysis of, 9/2:29 literary aspects of (see also poetry), 1:5—9, 10—17, 126, 2:xx—xxii, 28, 51—52, 93, 3:108—10, 243, 264, 4:30—31, 167, 5:203—7, 284—86, 6/1:67—71, 9/2:45 literary beauty of, 10/2:64 literary studies of, 7/2:179 major sermons of, 8/2:25 manuscripts, 1:12, 2:28—29, 3:159, 170—71, 190, 199—201, 6/1:40—48, 124—27, 131—32, 135—37, 144, 6/2:174—79, 217—20 maternal imagery in, 10/2:35 message for women from, 10/2:10 modern-language versions of, 7/1:x, 1—2, 3—12 as a modern product of Joseph Smith, 9/1:102 as modern work of fiction, 7/1:92, 141, 151, 263, 268 as most correct book, 7/1:1, 15 motivational vs. instructional approach to, 9/1:5 as myth, 8/1:10 names in, 9/1:119—22 narratives of repetition and contrast in, 9/2:30 naturalistic arguments concerning, 9/1:99 naturalistic assumptions of, according to Dale Morgan, 8/1:151—52 naturalistic explanation of, 7/2:224—25, 8/1:165—66, 8/2:149, 180, 183, 185—86 online access to, 9/1:164 overview of, 7/2:1 paintings of, by Minerva Teichert, 10/2:58 parallels of, with Wonders of Nature and Providence Displayed, 9/1:110—11 peoples of, 7/2:1, 9/1:25 personal names in, 9/2:28 physical evidences for, 10/1:342 places of, 9/1:25 plant-life test for, 10/2:161 plausibility of, vs. proof of, 7/2:234 poetic qualities of, 9/2:31 population issues of, 7/2:164—70 and possible internal errors, 8/1:18—20 potential criticisms of, 9/1:98 preface, 8/2:15—17 promises of, to descendants, 10/1:346 prophets of, 9/1:13 prophets’ revelations in, 10/2:8 purposes of, 7/2:1 as a recent composition, 8/2:214 n. 244, 215 recent writings on, 10/2:204 records of, 7/2:2 Roberts’s conclusions about, 9/1:100—102 on salvation for the dead, 10/2:184 saving principles and doctrines of, 8/2:25 scholarship, 1:vii—x, 3—4, 90, 93—100, 105—13, 115—16, 2:vii—xxv, 32—33, 40, 54, 86—95, 141, 176, 234, 3:261—318, 158, 4:vii—lxxv, 21—23, 26, 137, 148, 150—53, 162—63, 5:17—19, 39, 6/1:v—xii, 1—8, 33, 52—66, 102, 114—19, 145—52, 182—86, 198—99, 201—3, 295—96, 306, 358—61, 379—81, 416—17, 434—523, 527—62, 6/2:37—39, 156—208, 9/1:26 scholarship, pioneering efforts of George Reynolds in, 8/1:57 as second witness for Jesus Christ, 7/1:99 as a second witness to the Gospels, 9/1:xvii as a self .contained literary unit, 7/2:107 sermons in, 9/2:31 simplified text in double columns, 7/1:7 simplified text in parallel columns, 7/1:3 sophistication in, 1:v, 2:xxi—xxii, 168, 4:26, 91, 137, 6/1:146, 182, 6/2:61—62, 202—3 sources for, 10/1:55 spiritual message of, 7/1:15 study guide for, 9/1:31 study helps for, 8/1:168—71 study of, 2:77—85, 118, 207—8, 3:86—95, 4:24, 63—64, 164—65 subtitle of, 7/2:72 supposed 19th-century sources of, 8/2:183 Teichert’s depiction of, 10/2:63 terms, dictionary of, 8/1:53—54 testimony of, 9/1:xxii testimony of, leads to testimony of Christ, 8/2:32 testimony of witnesses of, 8/1:159—60 text, alleged sources of, 8/1:83 n. 2 textual discoveries about, in novel, 10/1:341 themes of, 4:28, 130, 6/2:134—38, 199—202, 9/1:4 Three Witnesses to, 8/1:99 time line of, 7/2:2, 8/2:373 as a tool for conversion, 8/2:32 as a trance-related production, 7/2:227 translation of, into English, 2:51—54, 65, 93, 200, 236—47, 261, 3:164, 171—72, 201—13, 228—29, 263—64, 4:9, 5:163, 337—39, 6/1:v, 33—48, 74—102, 122—23, 130—31, 135—37, 181, 362—78, 6/2:12—95, 208—9, 9/1:91 translation of, into other languages, 2:82, 264 as a true classic of literature, 9/2:46 truth claims of, 7/2:222 truth of, 7/2:171, 9/1:xviii, 81, 10/1:6 n. 2 type-scenes of, 10/2:19—20 typology in, 9/2:32 understanding and appreciation of, 9/1:29 verse arrangement of, 9/2:31 versification according to 1830 edition of, 7/2:3 vs. Maya archaeology, 10/2:168 witnesses to, 9/1:xviii, 91, 9/2:175 women in, 9/1:10 wordprint studies of, 9/2:16 as a written document, 9/1:29
- Booth, Ezra, 9/1:89
- botany in Mesoamerica, 9/1:134—36
- Bountiful, 9/1:20, 23, 10/2:6
characteristics of, 9/1:118—19 site where Nephi built his ship, 7/1:86 Wadi Sayq as site of, 7/1:88
- Bowie, David, 9/1:164
- “boy chum,” 10/1:225
- bridal figures, 10/2:31—32
- Brigham Young University, issues of academic freedom at, 7/1:253—54
- Bringhurst, Newell, preparing biography of Fawn Brodie, 8/2:189
- Britain, Latter-day Saints in, 9/2:113
- Brodie, Fawn M., 10/1:335
assisted by Dale Morgan, 8/1:124, 138—39 literary style of, 8/2:158 and view of Joseph Smith, 7/2:224
- Brooks, Juanita, and critique of Hugh Nibley, 8/1:140 n. 43
- brother of Jared and knowledge of the Godhead, 8/1:38, 38 n. 26
- Brough, Monte J., 9/1:13
- Brown, Benjamin, 9/1:xxiv
- Brownlee, William (biblical scholar), 8/1:71
- Buerger, David J., 10/1:100—103
- Bullough, Vern and Bonnie, 10/1:186
- Bultmann, Rudolph, cosmology of, 7/1:95
- Buonarroti, Michelangelo, 9/2:170
- Burgess, Harrison, 9/1:xxiv
- burial of family members in nearby graves, 10/1:157
- Burton, Sir Richard, 10/1:23
- Bushman, Richard L., 9/2:42
- “By the Brooklet,” poem by Evan Stephens, 10/1:221
- Cage, Nicholas, 9/2:53
- calling and election process, 8/1:35, 35 n. 18
- Calvinism, 5:348—49
- Campbell, Alexander, 9/2:57
- Cannon, George, 9/1:xxvi
- Cannon, George Q., 9/1:124, 10/1:138, 180, 183
- Cannon, James W., 9/2:42
- Calvinism, 10/1:320
- Canaanites, 2:140
- canon
equated with Bible, 9/2:180 n. 34 New Testament, 10/1:57 open, 10/1:56 open vs. closed, 9/2:173, 179
- capitalism, use of term, 9/2:82
- Card, Orson Scott, fiction of, 10/2:58
- cardinal-shift hypothesis, 8/1:114
- Carmack, John K., 9/1:12
- Carnegie, Andrew, 9/2:79
- Carthage Jail, 10/1:137
events at, 10/1:90
- Catholic mass in LDS buildings, 10/1:28—29
- Catholicism, 1:127, 2:54—55, 2:84—85, 2:165, 2:201, 2:223, 3:1—12, 3:40, 3:314, 5:33
- Cave 1, 10/2:145
- CD-ROM libraries
advantages of, 8/2:377—78 Book of Mormon Reference Library, 8/2:390—92 Book of Mormon Studybase, 8/2:387—90 content of, 8/2:381—84 creation and use of multiple copies of, 8/2:385 cross-reference links of, 8/2:386 Folio Bound VIEWS technology, 8/2:378—79 LDS Collectors Library, 8/2:392—94 Lesson Planner/Talk Writer program, 8/2:388—90 Macintosh versions of, 8/2:379 nn. 8—9 searching capabilities of, 8/2:384—85 use of, in word processing, 8/2:380, 386—87
- celestial kingdom, 10/1:79
- celestial marriage, 10/1:83
- Cenez, compared with Zenos and Zenock, 8/1:63
- Central Park, love of, by Evan Stephens, 10/1:252
- censorship, 5:238—40
- Central America. See Mesoamerica
- challenging a Mormon’s arguments, 7/1:155
- Chamberlain, Solomon, 9/1:xxiv
- Chandler, Michael, relationship of, to Antonio Lebolo, 8/2:58
- charitable organizations, 9/2:75
- charity as a fruit of the Spirit, 8/2:29
- Charles, Melodie Moench, contradictory conclusions of, 7/2:36
- Charvatt, Charles, 10/1:130
- chiasmus. See also poetry, 2:64, 3:244—46, 4:42, 167—68, 216, 5:204—8, 6/1:493—99, 9/1:170
- Chick publications, 10/1:viii
- children, 1:24—25, 2:165, 3:81—83
angelic ministrations to, 10/2:65 and understanding Book of Mormon, 7/1:3
- Choctaw, 1:19
- Christ. See Jesus Christ
- Christensen, Joe J., 9/1:12
- Christensen, Ross, 9/1:116
- Christian
determination of who is, 10/1:299—300 God, efforts to identify with the god of sophisticated paganism, 8/2:71—72 n. 31 LDS claims to be, 10/1:27 term of, 10/2:xvii terminology adopted by Mormonism with its own definitions, 7/1:158—60 themes in Book of Mormon and Qumran documents, 8/1:163 writing and art about Christ’s visit to the spirit world, 9/2:132—37
- Christianity, 9/2:107
based on Jesus-centered discipleship, 9/2:65 biblical, 10/1:22, 299 definition of, 9/2:119 difficulties of defining, 10/1:30 early and late, 10/1:74 early converts of, 10/2:156 emergence of, 10/2:156 god’s support for, 10/2:157 historical tradition of, 9/2:65 LDS doctrines in disagreement with, 10/1:95 n. 253 of Mormons, 9/2:49 rehistoricizing of, 9/2:63 teachings of, 9/2:44 vs. magic, 9/2:130 vs. Mormonism, 10/2:199
- Christian Research Institute, 10/1:284, 288
- Christians
charge that Mormons are not, 9/2:65 definition of, 10/1:297—98 family practices of, 10/2:156 life span of, 10/2:156 Mormons as, 7/1:vii, 160 Saints as, 10/1:340
- Christology
according to Abinadi, 7/2:8 Book of Mormon, 7/2:12—16, 91
- Christopherson, Willard, 10/1:210
- chronological arguments for borrowing from Masonic rites, 10/1:120—21 n. 42
- chronology
of the Book of Mormon, 9/1:25 of early Mormon events, according to Marquardt and Walters, 7/2:125—26 of early Mormon events, limitations of, 7/2:125 Egyptian, 9/1:43 elements of detailed, 10/1:5 issues relevant to detailed, 10/1:10
- church
critics of, 10/2:106 great and abominable, 10/2:26, 55 Internet guide to, 10/2:200 and state, relationship between, 7/2:65 three-fold mission of, 10/2:209
- Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the
details of organization of, 7/2:135—37 origin of, 10/1:321
- churches
attacking other churches, 10/1:25 beliefs and practices of, attacked by individuals and agencies, 10/1:272 equality of, 7/1:303—4
- cimeters in the Book of Mormon, 9/1:77
- circumcision, 9/1:40
- cities, feminine gender of, 10/2:36
- Civil War, prophecy of, 9/1:60
- civilizations, annihilation of, 8/1:37—38 n. 24
- claims, unsubstantiated, 10/1:112
- Clancy, Tom, fiction of, 9/2:53
- Clark, J. Reuben, 9/2:156
- Cleveland, Sarah, 10/2:76
- cloth, 3:196
- Coe, Michael, 9/1:113
- coercion and bondage, tales of, 9/2:51
- coins, not mentioned in Book of Mormon, 8/1:97, 8/2:61
- colleges and universities, church, 9/1:169
- Cologne Mani Codex, parallels with Book of Mormon, 8/2:360—63
- colophon. See also poetry, 4:167
- Columbus, Christopher, 1:125, 3:97—98, 5:109
first transoceanic voyage of, 8/1:107 life of, 8/1:104 referred to in 1 Nephi 13:12, 8/1:105 role of, predicted by ancient prophets, 8/1:108 seven themes relating to, 8/1:105—6 vicarious baptism for, 8/1:110
- combinations, 9/2:8
- commandments, 2:181, 5:181, 295, 6/1:404—5
- commentary
Book of Mormon, 8/1:53 on Isaiah passages, 9/2:12
- communism, 9/2:2, 4
- compass and the square, 8/2:261, 261—62 n. 31
- comprehensiveness and coherence, values in evaluating paradigms, 7/2:173—76
- computer, 1:119
- computerized story programs, 9/1:159
- computers as substitutes for books, 8/2:395
- computer software, 9/1:159
- Comte, Auguste, coined term positivism, 7/1:171
- Conan Doyle, Sir Arthur, 10/1:vi
- concordance
Book of Mormon, 8/1:53 of three LDS standard works, by Eldin Ricks, 8/1:172—75
- condescension of God, 5:297
- Condie, Spencer J., 9/1:13
- conflict, causes of and cure for, 10/2:50
- conspiracy theories, 9/2:94, 10/1:325
- Constitution, U.S., 9/2:2, 4
produced by wise men, 9/2:5 prophetic warnings about, 9/2:8
- constitutional amendments, 9/2:8
- constitutional themes, 9/2:7
- context, as a limit on human perspective, 7/2:198—208
- conversion, 1:3—4, 2:74—76, 4:12—19
- conversion stories, 9/1:169
- converts portrayed as victims, 9/2:61
- Cook, J. E., 10/1:62
- cooperatives, 9/2:76
Mondragon in Spain, 9/2:76, 87
- Coppenger, Mark, 10/1:82 n. 218
- Coptic, 4:75
- copyright, 2:200
- Corbin, Henry, 9/2:107
- Cornwall, J. Spencer, 10/1:255
- corporate contributions, 9/2:76
- corporeality of the Father and the Son, 9/1:35
- Corrill, John, 10/2:93
- cosmology, 6/2:3—58
- cosmos, explanation of, 9/2:vii
- council in heaven, 9/1:37
- Council of the Twelve Apostles, 9/2:111
- councils
debates in, 10/1:61 divinely appointed, 9/2:157
- countercult movement, 10/1:271, 274
- countercultism, directory of, 10/1:283
- Cowdery, Oliver, 9/1:xix
charge of, to the Twelve, 9/2:153
- covenant, 1:99, 4:127—28, 6/1:65—66, 6/1:396—412, 6/2:137—38
- covenant law and conflict with law of agency, 8/1:37
- covenant making, patterns of, 8/1:36—38, 36 n. 21
- covenant people, obliteration of, 8/1:37 n. 22
- covenantor vs. uncovenanted, 8/1:37 n. 23
- covenants in the Book of Mormon as a reflection of modern theology, 8/1:3
- covenant, new and everlasting, 10/2:70
- covenants
premortal, 10/2:92, 128
- counter-Mormon movements, Protestant evangelical attacks, 7/1:236
- covenant making, pattern of, in the Old Testament, 7/1:211
- covenant of Abraham, for literal descendants of Israel, 7/2:113
- covenants
among secret combinations, 7/1:215 as central concept in overview, 7/2:1
- Cowdery, Oliver
and connection to supposed forgery, 8/1:159 n. 75 and first meeting with Joseph Smith, 8/1:158
- Cox, Paul Alan, 9/2:43
- Craddock, P. T., 9/1:140
- Crane, Charles, contradictions and sensationalism of, 8/1:89—91
- creation, 2:60, 2:248—49, 2:252, 3:115, 5:209—10, 5:221—22
ex nihilo, 8/2:101, 8/2:134—36, 304, 9/2:118, 10/1:67, 67 n. 181, 10/2:xvi Mormon concept of, 8/2:101 story of, 9/2:68
- credentials in scholarly methodology, 8/1:xxiv
- creeds, Christian, 10/1:61
- criminal code, establishment of, 10/1:178
- critics, professional, 10/1:26
- critics, 9/2:143
response to, 9/1:167, 168
- Cross, Frank Moore, 9/1:141
- cross, symbolism of, 9/1:40
- Cudworth, Ralph, 10/1:73
- Cult & Occult Unification Program, 10/1:292
- cult vs. new religious movement, 10/1:315
- cult, term of, 10/1:310—12, 328, 10/2:xvii
- “cults,” characteristics of, 9/2:108
- culture
Mesoamerican, 3:28, 3:40—43, 3:128 Mormon, 6/1:206—8 Near Eastern, 2:119—27, 2:143—63, 2:175—81, 6/1:145
- Cumorah, 1:56—61, 2:68—73, 2:205, 2:232—33, 2:260—62, 3:49, 3:57, 4:77, 6/1:476—81, 6/2:79—113
- Cumorah, location of, 8/2:2
- Cumorah, theories of, 9/1:126 n. 97, 147
- curse, simile, and obedience to law, 7/1:200
- curses, 2:182
- Custer, Solomon, 10/2:79
- cyber Mormonism, 10/2:207
- Cyrus, coming of, prophesied by Isaiah, 9/2:xxi
- Cyrus (Persian king), 8/1:70
- D&C 132, crisis precipitating, 10/2:86
- D&C 138, 10/2:190, 193
- d’Anastasi, Giovanni
collector of Egyptian antiquities, 7/1:35 papyri collections of, 7/1:35, 38—41
- dances, male-only, 10/1:176
- Daniels, Sarah, 10/1:209
loneliness of, 10/1:214 sealing of, to Evan Stephens, 10/1:214
- Danites, 10/1:x, xi, 10/2:93
- darkness, skin of, 9/1:18
- data, as theory-laden, 7/2:151, 159
- database for scriptures, 8/1:172
- David and Jonathan, brotherly love of, 10/1:184
- Davidic king, 4:40—51, 57
latter-day, to bring temporal salvation, 8/1:75
- Davies, Rachel, 10/1:210
- Davis, Tal, 10/1:27, 31, 53, 73, 334
- Dead Sea Scrolls, 2:140, 173, 175, 238, 3:173, 4:54, 231, 6/1:17, 20—22, 6/2:241—46, 10/2:141
discovery of, 10/2:142 DNA analysis of, 10/2:144
early work on, 10/2:142 messianic hopes in, 10/2:141 and the Mormon connection, 9/2:95 people who produced the, 10/2:142 plan of salvation in, 10/2:143 as sacred writings, 9/2:96 value of, 9/2:88
- Dead Sea Scrolls Database, 10/2:145
- dead, redeeming the, 10/1:76, 10/2:209
- dead, work for, Jewish beliefs in, 10/2:185 n. 3
- deaf church members, 9/1:170
- Dealy, Steven J., 10/1:302 n. 95
- death, 6/1:108
continuing existence of the spirit after, 10/1:269
- death penalty, 9/2:2
- deception, supposed, by LDS, 10/1:26
- decision-making, 10/2:140
- Decker’s Complete Handbook on Mormonism, typographical errors in, 7/2:92—93
- Decker, Ed, 9/2:102, 10/1:v, viii, 19, 96, 281, 300
and his charges against the Mormons, 7/2:67—70 critical look at, 7/2:38 n. 3 followers of, 10/1:324 and his questionable commitment to religious liberty, 7/2:63—66 and refusal to debate publicly, 8/1:xi Tanners’ opinion of, 9/2:103
- Decker, Rod, 9/1:x
- defense, fortified line of, 9/1:127
- defensive line “from the east to the west sea,” 9/1:129
- deification, human, 7/2:74—75, 8/2:141—42, 8/2:247—48, 262—64, 9/2:190—91
- deHoyos, Art, 10/1:101 n. 8
- Deir el-Bahri, 10/2:163
- deities, genuine, 10/2:xviii
- deity
Neoplatonic, 10/2:xvi term of, 10/2:xi worship of, 10/2:xviii
- deliverance, 4:25
- Demke, Jared, 9/1:170
- demographics in the Book of Mormon, 8/1:23—25
- Department of Religious Education, BYU, 9/1:163
- Descartes, René, 9/2:vii
- Descensus, 9/2:132
- Descent into Limbo, 9/2:132
- destruction, 2:78—85
- destruction in 3 Nephi, 9/1:111—14
- devil, 3:234, 3:242—43
casting out of, 7/1:49 n. 154 spirit of, 10/2:188
- DeVoto, Bernard, 8/2:156, 199—200
- Dhofar, 9/1:22
- Dickens, Charles, 10/1:182
- Didache, 6/1:390—92
- differences, mocking vs. understanding, 9/2:198
- directional system in the Book of Mormon, 10/2:181
- disciple, life of, 9/1:8
- disguise type-scenes, 7/1:194—204
- dissent from within, threatening the Saints, 7/2:233
- dissenters
commitments of, 7/1:314 excommunication of, 7/1:313—16
- dissidents and critics, response of Brethren to, 7/1:259
- dissimilarity, criterion of, rejects statements attributed to Christ, 8/1:xvi
- distance as estimated by speed, 9/1:127
- diversity, 6/2:59—78
- diversity in the Amerindian languages, 9/1:71
- divination practices, biblical, 9/1:95
- divine nature, respect for, 8/2:29
- DNA analysis of, from the Dead Sea Scrolls, 10/2:144
- Dobson, James, 10/1:285
- doctrinal errors, introduction of, 7/1:1, 15
- doctrine. See theology
- doctrines, fundamental and objectionable, 9/2:59—60
- Documentary History of the Church
online access to, 9/1:163 reliability of, 7/2:54—55
- documentary hypothesis. See also Bible, scholarship, 2:31, 89—95
documents. See texts, ancient- documents relating to the origins of the restored Church, 7/2:123
- documentation, adequate, 10/1:105
- documents online, 9/1:164
- dominion, 10/2:135
- doubt as an invitation to think, 9/2:vii
- Dürer, Albrecht, 9/2:137
- Durfee, Elizabeth, 10/2:76
- Durham, Reed, claims of, 10/1:110
- dynasticism, 10/2:107
- dynasties, Egyptian, 9/1:45
- earth, use of word, 9/2:22—25
- Easter, 9/1:xv
- Eby, Arden L., 9/1:171
- ecclesiolatry, 10/1:33
- economic equity, principles of, 9/2:87
- economic expansion, in Mesoamerica, 7/1:218
- economic systems, differences in, 9/2:84
- economic topics, discussion of, 9/2:81
- economy, 2:148
- ecumenical movement and the Latter-day Saints, 7/2:122
- Eden, Garden of, 3:222
- editorial slips, 9/2:89—90
- editor’s picks, 7/1:xii, 7/2:vii—viii, 8/1:xliv—xlv, 8/2:vi—vii, 9/1:xxviii—xxix, 9/2:xxvii—xxix, 10/1:xxv—xxvi, 10/2:xxi—xxii
- education and religious commitment, 9/2:39—40
- egocentricity, 10/1:132
- Egypt, 9/1:16
chronology of, 9/1:43 dynasties of, 9/1:45
- Egyptian, 2:201, 210—12, 235, 258, 4:67—76, 90—117, 120—26, 5:44, 6/1:30—40, 39—40, 79—88, 94—99, 106—8, 112—14, 6/2:150—55, 9/1:139
- Egyptian Alphabet and Grammar, 10/2:160
- Egyptian papyri, 10/1:84
- Egyptian script, Jewish writings in, 8/2:329
- Egyptology, discipline of, 7/1:25—27
- Eight Witnesses to the Book of Mormon, 9/2:175
- elder, office of, 9/1:39
- electronic format of bibliography, 9/2:37
- Eliot, John, 9/1:64
- Eliot, T. S., 10/1:35
- Ells, Josiah, 10/2:95
- Elohim, 10/2:xiv
as father of Jehovah, 7/1:114
- Emerald Tablet, 8/2:259, 259 n. 25
- end of time, sequence of events leading up to, 8/1:76
- Enders, Donald L., 9/2:xxv
- enemies of the Latter-day Saints, murderous spirit of, 10/1:93 n. 248
- Engels, Friedrich, 9/2:82
- Englund, Wade, 10/2:202
- Enlightenment
an intellectual movement, 8/2:268 Jewish, 8/2:269
- Enos, 9/1:10, 10/2:52
- environmental explanation of the Book of Mormon, 7/1:141, 150, 153—54
- Epicurus, 9/1:xiv
- epiphany in the field, 10/2:19
- Episcopalianism, 2:xx
- errors
methodological, in misrepresentation of Book of Mormon and early Latter-day Saint teachings about the Jews, 7/2:120 purported, in Mormon scripture, 7/2:93—96
- Essene Gate of ancient Jerusalem, 10/2:142
- Essenes, 2:140
- eternal increase, 10/1:155
- eternal life, 8/2:247, 10/1:34
promise of, 7/1:211
- eternal marriage, doctrine of, 10/1:159
- eternal progression. See progression, eternal
- eternal security, 10/1:337
- Ether, 9/1:13
- ethical teachings of Book of Mormon, compared to historical authenticity, 7/1:152
- Evangelical Ministries to New Religions, 10/1:284
- Evans, Vella Neil, 10/1:194
- Eve
and joy, 10/2:23—24 scapegoating of, 10/2:23
- evidence, failure to examine, 10/1:52
- evolution, 3:106—8, 5:212—16
- excommunication, of dissidents, 7/1:270
- Ex-Mormons for Jesus, 10/1:303
- Exodus 20:16, 10/1:62
- extermination order, 10/1:86
rescission of, 10/1:88
- external evidences of gospel principles, 9/2:45
- Eyring, Henry B., 9/1:11, 9/2:43
- Facsimile 1, 10/2:160
- Facsimile 1, fig. 3, restoration of head in, 7/1:79—82
- Facsimile 2, 4:109, 123—26, 10/1:123
- Facsimile 3, 4:100, 109
- fact and fiction, line drawn between, 10/1:343
- factual errors, 9/2:90—93
- faith, 4:126, 6/1:4—6, 211, 6/2:285—87
attacks on, 10/1:283 basis of, 7/1:27—28 historical foundations of, 8/2:188—89, 229 hope, and charity, essays on, 8/1:41—43 and naturalistic humanism, confrontation between, 7/1:278 nurturing of, 9/1:29 political implications of, 9/2:6
- fall, the, 9/1:29
- false doctrines and principles, 8/2:236—38
- falsehoods, response to, 9/1:88 n. 3
- falsification, limits of, 7/2:153—59
- familial obligations, denial of, 10/2:25
- family, 3:81—83, 4:24—39, 133—34, 258—61
- family history web sites, 9/1:166
- family, nuclear, values of, 9/2:9
- famine, 4:145
- FARMS, 1:vi, 116—18, 126, 2:xxv, 40, 119, 126, 234, 257, 3:86, 118, 5:11—12, 34, 223—24, 305—6, 6/1:v—xii, 4, 23, 114, 146, 532—36, 6/2:37, 119, 206—7
- FARMS home page, 9/1:162
- Farrer, Austin, 9/1:91
- fasting when a ship is in danger, 10/2:152
- Father
appearance of, in the Sacred Grove, 10/1:80 Son’s subordination of, to the, 9/1:36 voice of, 10/1:80
- Father and the Son, 8/1:39 n. 28
First Presidency’s doctrinal exposition on, 10/2:8
as two separate personages, 9/2:186
- father, charges of, to sons, 9/2:32
- fathering, promotion of good, 9/1:169
- fathers and husbands, errant, 10/2:14
- fathers, early Christian, 9/1:33
- Faust, James E., 9/2:156, 10/1:139
- Feast of Tabernacles, as model for King Benjamin’s speech, 7/2:175, 175 n. 88
- feasts. See festivals
- Felt, Joseph H., 10/1:195
- Felt, Louie B., 10/1:191
role of, in Primary, 10/1:192
- female actions and words in Book of Mormon, 10/2:14
- female imagery, negative, in the Book of Mormon, 10/2:24
- feminism, 7/1:254—57, 10/2:46
- feminist bias, 10/2:116
- Ferguson, Thomas Stuart (student of archaeology), 8/1:96
assumptions of, 10/2:173
- festivals, 2:122—25, 3:1—31, 185—86, 4:134, 179—81, 5:309, 6/2:223—30
- fiction, 2:57—62, 96—97, 107—17, 4:77, 154, 216—19, 6/2:59—78, 118—21
Book of Mormon as, 6/1:6, 200, 210, 222—35 as a means of civilizing Mormons, 9/2:56
- fictionalization of Book of Mormon, 8/1:176, 177, 180
- fifth Gospel (3 Nephi), 8/2:29
- Filson, Floyd V., 10/1:59
- finitude of being, 10/2:ix
- First Nephi, study aids for, 7/2:3
- First Presidency, 9/2:111, 168
- First Presidency assisted by the Twelve, 96
- first vision, 8/1:vi, 10/1:83
accounts of, 7/1:165, 7/2:32, 8/1:86, 8/2:177—78, 232, 232 n. 2, 9/1:164 dating of, 8/1:154 n. 66 Fawn Brodie’s explanation of, as a “half-remembered dream,” 8/1:151 paintings of, 9/2:169
- first vision of Paul, accounts of, 8/2:233—34
- Fisher, Irving, 9/2:viii
- flesh and bones, body of, 9/1:35 n. 2
- flood, 3:111—15
- flood story, 10/2:152
- food, 2:149, 3:43, 3:160
- footnotes in Quinn’s book, 10/1:149
- foreknowledge, and free will, compatibility of, 8/2:107—10, 108—9 nn. 13—14
- forty-day ministry, of Jesus Christ, 7/2:109
- Foster, Lawrence, and view of Book of Mormon, 7/2:226—27
- Foucault, Michel, 9/2:56
- franchises to push ideology and sell products, 10/1:322
- free agency. See agency
- freedom
within the community of faith, 7/1:262 counterfactuals of, 8/2:105, 105 n. 6 and humanism, 7/1:243 individual, argument for, 9/2:5 intellectual, in the LDS Church, 8/1:xxxv religious, in early Utah, 7/2:57—58
- “freedom of the mind,” expression of Hugh B. Brown, 7/1:266
- Free Inquiry, 10/1:308
- free will, 10/1:80
- Freemasonry, 8/2:256, 257 n. 19, 286—89, 10/1:97 n. 1
origin of, 10/1:112
- free speech, 6/1:531—34
- friendship, poem on, 10/1:228
- fruitfulness, a value in evaluating paradigms, 7/2:176—77
- Fullmer, John S., 10/1:163
- fundamentalism among religious believers, 8/1:xxxix
- fundamentalists, 5:49
- fundamentals for Latter-day Saints, 10/1:39
- funerary text in conjunction with other texts, 10/2: 175, 175 n. 60
- Fussell, Paul, 9/2:52
- future, knowledge of, 9/2:xxi
- future events, predictions of, 8/2:118
- future promise, a value in evaluating paradigms, 7/2:181—87
- Gadianton oaths, suppression of, 7/2:216 n. 183
- Gadianton robbers, 9/1:xiii, 10/1:3
- Gadianton’s band, 10/2:64
- GarcÃa MartÃnez, Florentino, 10/2:141
- Geer, Thelma, 10/1:20, 39—40
- gematria, 4:58
- gender-inclusive language of Book of Mormon, 10/2:11
- genealogical records, microfilming of, 9/2:141
- genealogy web sites, 9/1:166
- General Authorities, photographs and biographies of, 9/1:167
- general conference talks, online access to, 9/1:162
- generosity and redemption, Book of Mormon teachings on, 9/1:3
- Genesis, multiple authorship of, 9/2:ix, xiii
- Genesis 1:1, interpretation of, from Zohar, 8/2:299
- geography, Book of Mormon, 1:20—79, 84—88, 119—20, 2:67—73, 125—26, 231—35, 3:150—53, 32—51, 150—53, 194—96, 4:252—55, 6/1:10—11, 29—30, 264—70, 297—361, 470—74, 6/2:79—113, 139—49, 7/1:150, 8/1:23, 9/1:16, 25, 9/2:36
beginnings of, 8/1:52—53 bibliography of LDS works on, 8/1:96 n. 3 construction of internal map of, 8/2:21, 23 directions in, 1:20, 23—25, 73, 3:33, 5:63—64, 74—77, 6/1:10—11, 299—300, 305—15 distances in, 1:76, 25—58, 120 extended view of, 8/1:56 Hedengren’s key for evaluating, 8/2:18 limited, 9/1:122, 126 limited Great Lakes geography, 8/2:1, 22 n. 13 and location of Cumorah, 8/2:5 maps, 1:23—70, 76, 85—88, 119—20, 2:205—6, 3:150—53, 6/2:141—42 problems with Hedengren’s view of, 8/2:13—18 scale of Book of Mormon lands in, 8/2:5 scholarship, 6/1:318—19, 358—61, 471—74, 6/2:80—82, 110—13, 140—48 typology, 1:67—70 variations of, based on initial assumptions, 8/2:5
- Gid, city of, 10/2:64
- Gideon, 9/1:176
- Ginzberg, Louis, 9/2:72
- Givens, Terryl, 10/1:x, 29, 58
- glass looking, Joseph Smith accused of, 8/1:84
- glory, kingdoms of, 10/1:63
- glowing pearls or stones inside ark, 10/2:153
- gnosticism, 2:140, 175
- God
anthropomorphism of, 8/2:143—46, 144 n. 62, 10/1:68 attributes of, 10/2:xiii becoming like, 8/2:141—42, 9/1:36 of the Bible, 10/1:66 biblical concept of, 8/2:132—34, 9/2:117, 119 concept of, 7/1:304—5 as deity, 9/2:170 different, 10/1:67 existence of, 9/2:v, 10/2:vi existence of only one, 8/2:142—43 the Father, 8/2:139—40, 9/2:167, 186, 10/1:71 immutability and timelessness of, 8/2:120—25 inadequate attempts to describe, 9/2:169 infallible foreknowledge of, 8/2:110—14 kingdom of, 9/2:183, 10/1:271 knowledge of, 8/1:38, 10/2:xx of the Latter-day Saints, 9/2:119 LDS concept of, 8/2:262—64, 99, 10/2:v love of, 10/1:66 as a man, 9/2:170 middle knowledge of, 8/2:104—5 moral perfection of, 10/2:xx nature of, 8/2:249, 9/1:62, 9/2:185 as an object of worship, 10/2:xvii omniscience of, 8/2:106 oneness of, 10/1:68 open view of, 8/2:115—20 perfect goodness of, 8/2:125—26 power of, 8/2:103—6, 10/2:xx rejection of, 9/2:v relationship of, to man, 9/1:xvi self-sufficiency (aseity) of, 8/2:101—3 as a spirit, 9/1:35 supposed ignorance of, 9/2:120 term of, 10/1:70 Thomist view of, 8/2:102—3 trinitarian concept of, 7/2:25 as Yahweh and Elohim, 7/2:100
- God the Father, incorporeality of, 9/2:167
- goddess, role of, in resurrection of husband, 10/2:18
- Godhead
members of, as distinct beings, 7/1:91 n. 2 Paul Toscano’s teachings on, 7/1:307—9 as separate deities, 9/1:34 statement of Joseph Smith on, 7/1:116 understanding of, 8/1:38, 38 n. 26, 39 n. 27, 8/2:101 n. 3, 138—42 understanding of, in 1830—1835, 7/1:113 unity of, 10/1:69
- godhood, criterion for, 10/2:xix
- God Makers (film), The, evaluation of, 7/2:70
- gods, plurality of, 8/2:305
- Goff, Alan, 9/1:121
- golden plates. See plates
possible composition of, 8/1:84 n. 4 weight of, 7/1:165 , 8/1:83
- Golden Rule, 9/2:5
- Gomes, Alan, 10/1:310
- goodness in the world, 10/2:60
- goodness, perfect moral, 10/2:xix
- good Samaritan, 10/2:153
- Gookin, Daniel, 9/1:64
- Gordon, Cyrus, 9/1:139, 142
- gospel
acceptance of, 9/1:vii Christian, compared to restored gospel, 7/2:71 definition of, 10/2:184 portrayed as anti-Christian, 10/1:33 preached by the Savior to the dead, 9/2:131 proclaiming the, 10/2:209 promises and obligations for all, 10/2:13 restoration of, 10/1:271 restored as response to cultural conditions, 7/1:148 themes of, 9/1:4
- Gospel of Nicodemus, 9/2:132
- Gospel of Thomas, reliance on, by Jesus Seminar, 8/1:xv
- Gottwald, Norman K., cosmology of, 7/1:95
- government
minimalist, identified with Ten Commandments, 9/2:5 scope of, 9/2:4 theory of, 9/2:7
- grace, 2:100—106, 5:343—50
emphasis on, 8/2:28 necessity of, 7/2:77, 210 salvation by, 10/1:336 and works, 10/1:62
- grains, New World, 9/1:135
- Granger, Oliver, 9/1:xxiv
- Grant, Heber J., 9/1:55, 9/2:154
- Gray, James M., 10/1:291
- Gray, Mike, 10/1:14
- great and spacious building, 8/2:367—69
- Great Basin, flight to, 10/1:92
- Great Depression, 9/2:viii
- Great Divide, separating accounts of Mormon past, 8/2:157, 223
- greatest being, existence of, 10/2:xx
- Greek, 2:101, 136—37, 154, 3:21—22, 6/1:11, 49—50, 68—70, 150—68, 438—39
- Greene, John, 9/1:xxiii
- Grey, Zane, 10/1:xi
- Griggs, C. Wilfred, 9/2:45
- Groat, Joel B., 10/2:106—7 n. 6, 119 n. 19
- Groberg, John H., 9/1:10, 9/2:155
- growth, spiritual, 9/1:10
- Gutches, Drew, 9/1:169, 170
- Hades, 10/1:76
- Hadfield, Gary M., 10/1:55
- Hadhramaut coast, 9/1:21
- Hafen, Bruce C., 9/2:42
- Hall, William, 10/2:127, 129
- Halpern, Baruch, 9/2:xx
- Hamblin, William J., 9/1:147, 156, 10/2:180
- Hancock, Mosiah, 10/2:78
- Hancock, Ralph C., 10/1:xvi
- hand as a cup in ancient temple worship, 9/1:19
- Hanegraaff, Hank, 9/1:viii, 10/1:300
- Hardison, Richard, 9/1:168
- Harris-Anthon affair, 7/1:146
- Harris, George, 10/2:109
- Harris, Lucinda Morgan, 10/2:75, 110—11
- Harrison, R. K. (biblical scholar), 8/1:71
background of, 9/2:104
- Harrowing of Hell, 9/2:132—37
- Hart, James H., 9/1:xxvi
- harvest, 3:1—31
- Haskalah (Jewish Enlightenment), 8/2:294
- Hassig, Ross, 9/1:128, 155, 157
- Hatshepsut, 10/2:163
- Hauck, Richard, 10/1:343
- Hauth, Rüdiger, 9/2:103, 10/1:vii
- Haynes, Carlyle B., 10/1:291
- healthy societies in the Book of Mormon, 10/2:44
- Hebraisms in the Book of Mormon, 8/1:17
and it came to pass, 7/1:v—vii, 4
- Hebrew, 1:5—6, 10—12, 2:42—43, 210, 4:41—43, 52—62, 216, 6/1:11, 30—40, 49—50, 68—70, 79—99, 132—35, 145, 325, 344—45, 6/2:150—55, 9/1:139
presence of, in Indian languages, 9/1:73
- Hebrew phonology, 8/2:36
- Hebrew poetry, use of, 7/2:254
- Hebrews 9:27, 10/2:187
- Hedengren, Paul, fallacious argument of, for Book of Mormon geography, 8/2:13
- Helaman, stripling warriors of, 10/2:39—40
- hell, 2:29, 5:301—3
concept of, 9/2:195 descent of Christ into, and rescue of spirits from, 10/2:190
- Hellenism, 1:viii, 127
- heresy, 10/1:286
identification of, 9/2:56 vs. orthodoxy, 9/2:62
- Hermetica, citing of, 8/2:255
- hermeticism, 6/2:12—58
decline of, 8/2:268 in the early 19th-century United States, 8/2:267
- hero, testament of dying, 10/2:19
- heroes in the Book of Mormon, 9/1:7
- Herzog, Rolf, 10/2:165
- hidden things, 10/1:126, 126 n. 52
- hieratic paleography, 10/2:177
- Hill Cumorah, 9/1:125
- Hill, Marvin, 9/1:x
and his “middle ground” (between prophet and faker), 8/1:144, 8/2:218, 224
- Hilton, John, 9/2:18
- Hilton, Lynn M. and Hope A., 9/1:15, 116
- Hinckley, Gordon B., 9/1:xxvi, 13, 9/2:37, 10/1:6 n. 2, 89
prophet of our time, 7/1:316
- Hinduism, 10/1:23
- historians, 9/2:56
- historical evidence and rhetoric, 10/2:109
- history, 2:87—95, 5:231, 236—37
early, of the Latter-day Saints and voids in information, 7/2:124 liberalizing role of, 7/1:293 manipulation of, 8/2:171, 221—23 sacred vs. ordinary, according to Jan Shipps, 7/2:234—35
- Hittites, 9/1:47
- Hobby, Michael (director of Zarahemla Foundation), 8/1:112
- Hofmann, Mark, 335
- holistic approach, tools of, 8/1:72
- Holland, Jeffrey R., 9/1:9, 28
- Holy Ghost
gift of, by laying on of hands, 7/2:103 vs. Holy Spirit, 9/2:189 role of, in bringing souls to Christ, 7/1:161 as teacher, 48
- Holy Spirit, 9/2:185
- Holzapfel, Richard Neitzel, 9/2:45
- homeoteleuton, type of scribal error, 7/2:91
- home schooling, 10/2:210
- Homer, Michael, 10/1:102 n. 8, 120
- homoerotic behavior, 10/1:135
- homosexual conduct, Quinn as apologist for, 10/1:143
- homosexual orientation, inborn, 10/1:140
- homosexuality, 6/2:71—73
church teachings on, 10/1:256 tolerance for, 10/1:141
- Hook, Sidney, 9/1:xvi
- Hope, Edward R., 9/1:131
- horse, 2:148—49, 3:43, 4:208, 6/1:10, 344
existence of, 9/1:74
- Houtman, C., 9/1:97
- Howard, F. Burton, 9/1:12
- Howe, E. D., 9/2:58
- Howsepian, A. A., 10/2:v
Anselmian assumptions of, 10/2:xiv use of religious terms by, 10/2:x
- Huggins, Ronald V., 9/2:146
- Hughes, Robert D., 10/1:291
- human deification, 9/2:117, 10/1:72 , 10/2:xiii
- humanization of deity, 10/2:vii
- human religious needs, 10/2:xiii
- humor, LDS, 9/1:164, 10/2:210
- Huntington, Presendia, 10/2:82
- Hurlbut affidavits, conflicting tales of, 8/1:153
- husbands and fathers, errant, 10/2:14
- Hutchinson, Anthony, 10/1:103
- Hutchinson, Janis, 10/1:viii
- Hyde, Orson, 9/1:144
and the Tree of the Sefirot, 8/2:319
- hymn composed by Evan Stephens, 10/1:200
- hymn, sacramental, 10/1:41
- hypocephalus collection, 8/2:47
- hypotheses, 9/2:164
- idolatry, 6/1:5—7
- imagery. See also symbolism
in the Book of Mormon, 9/2:32 positive and negative, 10/2:26
- Immanuel prophecy, 9/2:12
- immorality, 6/1:537—42
- immortality, 10/1:62, 10/2:xiii
- imperfection of our knowledge, 7/2:218
- Indians, American, and the priesthood, 8/1:102—3
- Indians. See Native Americans
- individualism and the minimal state, political theory of, 9/2:9
- infallibility, 9/2:156, 158 n. 19
- infinite, possibility of an actual, 8/2:126—30
- infinite sins, concept of, originating with Anselm of Canterbury, 7/2:22
- Infobases, online links of, 9/1:172
- information, outdated, 10/1:111
- Inner Circle, 10/1:52
- inquiry vs. advocacy among anti-Mormons, 9/2:199
- inspiration and diligent study, 9/2:42
- Institute for Religious Research, 4:93
- interest groups, 9/2:8
- Internet, use of, to prepare church lessons, 10/2:208
- interpretive keys to a sealed book, 8/1:72
- intolerance, 10/1:94
- Introvigne, Massimo, 9/2:143, 10/1:307, 318
- Iraq, 2:137
- iron
in the Americas, 9/1:75, 75—76 n. 14 mention of, 9/1:150
- Irvine, Robert, 9/2:53
- Irvine, William C., 10/1:291
- Isabel, 10/2:33
- Isaiah
as favorite author of Columbus, 8/1:109 prophecies of, relevant to a latter-day audience, 8/1:74 quotations of, in Book of Mormon, 9/2:12, 10/2:8 words of, 9/2:11
- Isaiah, book of, 3:147—49, 4:40—62, 164—65
authorship of, 7/1:127, 8/1:69—70 Book of Mormon version as oldest text of, 7/1:126 commentaries on, 8/1:77—78 concordance of, 8/1:71 holistic approach to, 8/1:78 index of literary analysis of, 8/1:71 interpretation of and commentary on, by Avraham Gileadi, 8/1:74 literary analysis of, 8/1:73 literary unity of, 8/1:69—70 methodology of interpretation of, by Avraham Gileadi, 8/1:70—71 multiple authorship of, 9/2:xx reference works on, 8/1:71 rhetorical analysis of, 8/1:73 seven themes of, 8/1:72—73 translation of, by Avraham Gileadi, 8/1:71, 76 typology in, 8/1:73
- Isaiah (prophet), 2:180
- Isaiah passages
Book of Mormon context of, 9/2:13—14 parallel versions of, 3:163, 9/2:12 selection of, by Book of Mormon writers, 9/2:14—15 variants of, 2:237
- Isaiah passages in the Book of Mormon, 2:183, 7/1:123, 146, 4:227—28, 6/2:238—46, 9/2:12
chiastic structures in, 7/1:124, 134 compared with other texts, 7/1:124, 130, 138 as filler material, 3:183—84
- Isaiah problem, 2:90, 3:264
- Islam, 2:xv—xix, 263, 5:1, 267—68
attacking faith of, 10/2:xi n. 9
- Israel
decadence of, 10/2:26 house of, destiny of, 9/1:28 use of word, 9/2:26
- Israelites, 2:92—93, 121—22, 6/1:269—70
pre-Christian migration of, 9/1:65
- Ivins, Anthony W., 9/1:89, 125, 129—30
- Izapa, site of, 8/1:113
- Izapa Stela 5, 1:126, 3:23—25, 39, 5:267—68, 10/2:160
- Jackson, Joseph, 10/2:130
- Jacob, son of Lehi, 9/1:9
- Jakeman, M. Wells, 10/2:160
- James, Ken, 10/1:79
- James, William, 10/2:xiii
- Japanese as possible descendants of Nephites, 10/1:350
- Japanese nation, 10/1:347
- Jared, daughter of, 10/2:33—35
- Jared, brother of, 9/1:13
encounter of, with Jehovah, 9/1:28
- Jaredite record, types and patterns in, 8/1:45
- Jaredites, 1:8, 23—70, 116, 2:53, 68—69, 143, 159, 163, 205, 228, 3:33—36, 4:90, 6/1:24, 27, 253—59
- Jasher, book of, 9/2:70—71
- Jaspers, Karl, 9/1:vi
- Jastrow, Morris, Jr., 9/2:xxii
- Jehovah, as God of the Old Testament, 7/1:114
- Jehovah of the Old Testament, 9/1:36
- Jehovah’s Witnesses, 9/1:53
concentration on, by countercult agencies, 10/1:295
- Jensen, Harold H., 10/1:255
- Jenson, Andrew, 10/2:74
- Jeremiah, book of, different versions of, 8/2:238
- Jershon, 9/1:119
- Jerusalem, 2:169, 226, 3:26, 34—35, 194, 215, 242, 4:88—89, 5:75—77
city of, 9/1:16 destruction of, 10/1:9 land of, 9/1:16 second Babylonian siege of, 10/1:8
- Jesus
as the Christ, the Eternal God, 10/1:70 worshiping a different, 10/1:29
- Jesus Christ
acceptance of, 10/1:37 atonement of (see also atonement of Christ), 9/1:viii, 9, 9/2:192, 10/1:35, 10/2:185 baptism of, 10/1:80 biblical view of, 65 as a brother to Lucifer, 10/1:81 descent of, into hell, 10/2:190 as distinct from the Father, 7/1:111 dying in ignorance of, 10/2:187 false stories about, 8/1:87 n. 12 as the Father, 7/2:27 as the Firstborn, 9/1:37 as God and man, 7/2:12—14 n. 11, 10/1:67 as God and man, scriptural basis for, 7/2:14 n. 12 and God as separate beings, 7/2:6 as God (Jehovah) of the Old Testament, 7/2:28, 34—36, 9/1:36 incarnation of, 10/1:68 Jerusalem as birthplace of, 8/1:98 knowledge of, hundreds of years before his coming, 7/2:111 Latter-day Saint teachings on, 9/2:114 LDS works on, 10/1:77—79 life and exaltation of, 9/2:170 as the Messiah, 7/1:103 n. 27, 9/2:97 miracles of, 9/2:183 mission of, in Ether 3—4, 8/1:35 as mortal during his ministry, 7/1:98 names and roles of, 7/1:209 necessity of, in our lives, 10/1:337 as personal Savior, 10/1:45 postresurrection appearance of, 7/2:72 prophecies of, in the Book of Mormon, 7/1:97 n. 16 prophecies of, in the Old Testament, 7/1:117 as prophet like unto Moses, 9/1:39 as protagonist in the Book of Mormon, 9/2:30 resurrection of, 8/2:xii, 9/1:84, 10/2:17 as Rock, 10/2:152 salvation through, 9/2:114 as savior of the whole world, 10/1:44 sinlessness of, 10/1:77—79 as son of God, 7/1:103 n. 27, 10/1:79 trust in, 10/1:65 understanding the premortal, 9/1:28 virgin birth of, 10/2:vii visit of, to the spirit world, 9/2:131 worship of, in New Testament, 7/1:101 n. 22
- Jesus Movement, 10/1:293
- Jesus Seminar, 9/1:xi, xiii, xv
and analysis of Jesus’ sayings in canonical Gospels, 7/2:111 and its lack of true critical scholarship, 8/1:xviii—xix and quest for historical Jesus, 8/1:xii—xxxv
- Jew, use of the term, 8/2:86, 88—89
- Jewish writings in Egyptian script, 8/2:329
- Jews, 1:3, 2:180, 201
and their acceptance of the fulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ, 7/2:116—19 conversion of, to the Church of Jesus Christ, 7/2:114, 119 in the Diaspora, 10/2:156 and recognition of Jesus Christ as the true Messiah, 7/2:114—19 Latter-day Saint attitudes and beliefs regarding, 7/2:106 and Nephites, 8/2:84—89
- John, the apostle, 9/2:182
- Johnson, Benjamin, 10/2:78
- Johnson, Jeffrey O., 10/1:224
- Johnson, Paul, 9/2:6
- Johnson, Phillip E., 9/2:vi
- Jones, Cleo, 9/2:53
- Jones, Dan, 10/1:137, 163
- Jones, Melba Thomas, 10/1:237
- Joseph Smith Papyri. See also Papyri, Joseph Smith, 4:93—117, 120—26, 5:274—75, 6/1:207—8, 10/2:160, 174
color of ink on, 10/2:160 journal entries on, 8/2:52 journey of, from Thebes to Kirtland to Salt Lake City, 8/2:56—57 studies on, 8/2:46 n. 1
- judgment, 10/1:22, 63
apostolic, of the twelve tribes of Israel, 8/1:40 four angels of, 8/1:40, 40 n. 32
- Judith, apocryphal book of, parallels with Book of Mormon, 8/2:338—42
- Jungian Type Theory, 10/2:56
- justice, 10/2:57
- justification, relationship with sanctification, 7/1:209
- Kabbalah, Christian, 6/2:150—55, 8/2:258—59
- Kabbalah game, according to Sampson, 7/1:224—25
- kabbalism
and hermeticism, Lance Owens’s blurring of distinctions between, 8/2:277 origin of, 8/2:260
- kabbalistic ideas and LDS thought, 8/2:313
- kabbalistic keys used to unlock Book of Mormon, 7/1:219
- kabbalistic materials, compilation of, 8/2:297
- Kenison, David, 9/1:165, 166
- Kerr, Marion Belnap, 10/1:194, 197
- keywords, repetition of, 7/1:213
- Khor Kharfot as site of Bountiful, 9/1:20, 21
- Kiddle, Lawrence, 9/1:132
- Kimball, Heber C., 9/1:xxiii, 10/1:115, 172
- Kimball, Helen Mar, 10/2:78, 79—81, 92
- Kimball, Lucy Walker, 10/2:102
- Kimball, Spencer W., 9/2:160
teachings of, concerning the law of the gathering of Israel in the latter days, 7/2:120
- Kimball, Vilate, 9/1:xxiii
- Kinderhook plates, 2:210—11, 4:252—53
- kindred spirits, doctrine of, 10/2:92, 127
- kingdom of God, inheritance of, 9/2:114
- kingdoms of glory, 10/1:63
- King Follett discourse, unique LDS doctrines of, 8/2:299
- King Lear, as inspired work, 7/2:186 n. 115
- kingship, 2:251, 3:161—62, 192—93
- Kirk, Russell, 9/2:6
- Kirtland Egyptian Papers, 4:109—14, 4:121, 6/1:39—40, 112—14, 6/2:150—55, 7/1:226
- Kirtland, Ohio, archaeological evidence at, 10/2:166
- Knight, Joseph, Jr., 9/1:xxiii
- Knight, Vinson, 10/2:94, 98
- knowledge, secular, vs. saving principles of the gospel, 9/2:42
- Kofford, Cree-L, 9/1:10
- Koran, 2:xv—xix, 3:143, 5:59
- Kurtz, Paul, 10/1:308
- Kushner, Tony, 9/2:53
- Kwas, Mary, 9/1:141
- Laban, Nephi’s encounter with, parallels later parts of Book of Mormon, 8/2:349—52
- La Barre, Weston, 9/1:137
- Lamanite bondage and captivity, 9/1:175
- Lamanite daughters, 9/1:176
- Lamanite skin of darkness, 9/1:18
- Lamanites, 1:15—16, 23—70, 3:26, 30, 49—50, 102, 128, 136, 4:128—29, 5:225—29, 6/1:259—60, 268—69, 284—94, 474—76
identification of, with Indians, 7/1:144 interrelationships with Nephites, 7/1:212
- Lamb, M. T., 9/1:112
- Lamoni
conversion of, 10/2:14 father of, 10/2:20
- land, promised, 6/2:82—93
- land(s), use of terms, 9/2:25
- Lane, Rev. George, and opportunities for Joseph Smith to hear him, 7/2:128—31
- Langland, William, 9/2:134
- language
inclusive of women, 10/2:45—46 scriptural, 7/1:11
- languages, New World, 9/1:139
- Larsen, Dean L., 9/1:11
- Larson, Charles M., 10/1:303—4 n. 98
- Larson, John, and information on Joseph Smith Papyri, 8/2:50—55
- Larson, Stan, 9/2:146
- Laslett, Peter, 10/1:133
- Last Temptation of Christ (film), The, and its portrayal of Jesus Christ, 7/2:73—74
- Latter-day Saints
and Christian beliefs, criticism of, 10/2:203 and Christians, 9/2:115 distinguised leaders among, 9/2:110 love for and liberation of, 10/1:326 negative portrayal of, 9/2:109
- law of consecration as a precursor to a Zion society, 8/1:44
- law of Moses, 9/2:98, 184
as foreshadowing sacrifice of Christ, 9/1:xvii Nephite knowledge of, 7/2:112
- law/command category, 9/2:25
- Law, William, 10/2:90
- Lawrence assets, Joseph Smith’s legal responsibilities for, 10/2:91
- Lawrence, Maria and Sarah, 10/2:85, 90—91
- Lazarus and rich man, 10/2:188
- Lazarus, raising of, 10/2:189
- LDS beliefs, understanding, 9/1:165
- LDS business driven to bankruptcy, 9/2:140
- LDS Church
official name of, 10/1:31 growth of, illustrating social science hypotheses, 10/2:157
- LDS Collectors Edition CD-ROM
contents of, 7/2:257—58 hypertext and search capabilities of, 7/2:258—60 Macintosh version of, 7/2:260—62 Windows version of, 7/2:262
- LDS corporate cultures, 9/2:78
- LDS link sites, 9/1:171
- LDS music online, 9/1:170
- LDS singles, 9/1:171
- LDS web sites, 9/1:167, 172
- Lears, Jackson, 10/1:133
- Leazer, Gary, 10/1:334
- Lebolo, Antonia, 10/2:177
background of, 8/2:58—59
- Le Carré, John, 9/2:53
- learning
by faith, 9/2:43 interest in, 9/2:40 and testimony, attitudes toward, 9/2:41
- Lectures on Faith, never canonized, 7/2:90
- Lee, Harold B., 9/2:43, 152
- Lee, John D., 10/2:122, 125
- Leftow, Brian, 10/2:xiv, xix
- legal details of the Book of Mormon, 9/2:46
- legal system, 9/1:12
- Lehi
as an author, 9/2:19 descendants of, 10/1:347 prophetic calling of, 10/1:7 seven tribes of, 10/1:351 trail of, 9/1:15—24
- Lehi Cave, 9/1:16
- Lehi’s group, travels of, 10/2:151
- Lehyanites, 9/1:17
- Leigh, Allen, 9/1:165
- letters in the Book of Mormon, 9/2:31
- Lewis, Catherine, 10/1:120
- Lewis, C. S., 9/1:xii
- Liahona, 2:175, 221—22, 3:99, 5:290—91
- Liberty Jail, Joseph Smith’s letter from, 10/1:89
- library collections of Mormon materials, 9/2:33
- Lightner, Mary Elizabeth, 10/2:82, 126—27
- Limhi, King, 9/1:176
- limits on human perspective, 7/2:187—88
- Lincoln, Abraham, 9/2:139, 10/1:137
- Lindsay, Jeff, 9/1:163
- linen, 3:180
- linguistics, pre-Columbian, 9/1:72
- link site to articles online, 9/1:165
- linking from web sites, 10/2:208
- literary and narrative theory
claim of, that ideology is inevitable, 7/1:174, 180—82 undermining historical claims of Book of Mormon, according to Metcalfe, 7/1:170
- literary patterns in the Book of Mormon, 7/1:174
presence of, denies possibility of its being authentic history, 7/1:182—87
- literature, 2:107—17
- literature, anti-Mormon, 10/1:277, 281, 329
- Literski, Nick, 9/1:170
- living arrangements, strict, in Stephens’s home, 10/1:230
- living conditions of church members, 10/2:138
- Lloyd, Wesley, journal of, 9/1:106
- Locke, John, 9/2:5
- logic
argument from silence, 8/2:14 begging the question, 10/2:xviii circular argument, 7/1:100 of a claim, 10/1:60 fallacies of negative proof, 7/1:25 fallacy of argument ad verecundiam, 10/2:176 fallacy of equivocation, 7/1:46, 111, 10/2:ix problems of causality, 8/2:278—81 propter hoc fallacy, 10/1:139 question-begging, 10/1:311 and reason, to counter arguments, 7/1:160 semantic equivocation, 8/2:270—71 straw man arguments, 9/2:168—71 straw man fallacy, 8/1:vi—x traditional, in examining Latter-day Saint beliefs, 7/1:vii—x
- loneliness of plural wives, 10/2:71, 115
- Lord, recognition of, 65
- Lord, use of title, 9/2:20
- Lott, Melissa, 10/2:86—88, 112
- love feast, 10/1:233
- love feasting, 10/1:194
- Lucifer, 3:234, 242—43
as a brother of Jesus Christ, 7/2:85—86, 10/1:81
- Lucretius, 9/1:xiv
- Ludlow, Daniel H., 9/1:28, 9/2:43
- Luke 16:19—31, 10/2:187—88
- Luke 18:18—27, 10/1:64
- Lund, Gerald N., 9/2:41
- Luther, Martin, 10/1:94
- Luther Rice Seminary, 8/2:90—91, 91 n. 71
- Lyon, T. Edgar, 10/1:171
- Maccabaeus, Judas, 10/2:185 n. 3
- MacDonald, George, 9/1:90
- Mackey, Albert, 10/1:117
- macuahuitl, 9/1:148, 151, 156
- Madsen, Brigham D., 9/2:144
- Madsen, Gordon, 10/2:90
- Madsen, Truman G., 9/2:41
- magic, 2:58—62, 5:143—45
in ancient Egyptian religion, 7/1:56—57 definition of, 7/1: 46—50, 83 as distinguished from religion, 7/1:50—66 defined by D. Michael Quinn, 7/1:59—60 defined by Hans Dieter Betz, 7/1:66—67 n. 240 defined by Jerald and Sandra Tanner, 7/1:60—62 defined in scholarly discourse, 7/1:64—66 defined in the Hekhalot literature, 7/1:56 defined outside of one’s beliefs, 7/1:57—58 issue of, 9/1:94—98, 95 n. 20 in Mormonism, according to Ed Decker, 7/2:41 and the occult, involvement of the Smith family in, 7/2:231 vs. Christianity, 9/2:130
- magical artifacts, 8/2:281—84
- “magical” practices, 9/2:130—31 n. 65
- Magnus, Albertus (medieval author), 8/2:261
- maidens, Lamanite, abduction of, 10/2:37—39
- Mainfort, Robert, 9/1:141
- man, divine potential of, 9/1:38
- Manetho, 9/1:48—49
- manic depression, associated with genius, 7/2:227 n. 26
- map of Book of Mormon events, 9/1:124
- marketplace, Latter-day Saint prominence in, 9/2:110
- markets and equality, problem of, 9/2:83
- Marks, William, 10/2:95
- Marquardt, H. Michael, and search for Mormon documents, 7/2:123—24
- marriage, interracial and intercultural, 7/2:68
- marriage
celestial, as priesthood ordinance, 10/1:79 civil, rejection of, 10/2:124 covenant, eternal nature of, 10/1:81, 155 customs, Semitic, 9/1:17 as earthly ordinance, 10/1:82 following the resurrection, 9/2:117 ideal, 10/2:vii importance of, 10/1:173 of Ishmael’s daughters to Lehi’s sons, 10/2:64 plural, 9/1:57 as a religious ordinance, 10/2:123 scriptural basis for, 10/1:173 of a woman to more than one husband, 10/2:81
- marriages
posthumous, 10/2:74 previous, 10/2:122
- Marrs, Texe, 10/1:274, 274—75 n. 5
- Martin, Walter, 9/1:viii, 146, 10/1:286—93, 330, 10/2:vii, viii n. 5, 204
works of, 10/1:287—88 n. 38
- Marty, Martin, 9/2:52
- martyrs, acceptance of death by, 10/2:157
- Marx, Karl, 9/2:82
- Marxism, as response to cultural conditions, 7/1:148
- Mary, 10/2:29
- masks, use of, by Egyptian priests, 7/1:82 n. 315
- Masonry, 2:169, 4:184, 6/1:499—500, 6/2:31—32, 52—56
- Masonry, Book of Mormon as response to, 7/1:149
- Masonic influence in architecture of Kirtland Temple, 10/1:110
- Masonic lodge, layout of, 10/1:111 n. 24
- masonic, term of, 10/1:108, 108—9 n. 20
- Masoretic Text clarified by Dead Sea Scrolls and Septuagint, 8/1:76
- materialism, 5:192—93, 6/1:328
- materialistic ideology, 9/2:vi
- maternal imagery in the Book of Mormon, 10/2:35
- Matthews, Robert J., 9/1:29, 9/2:44
- Maxwell, Neal A., 9/1:10, 90, 9/2:148
- Maya, 2:46, 50, 3:1, 8, 30, 34, 37, 42, 135, 6/1:82—83, 302—3, 312—15, 334
- Maya archaeology, 10/2:168
- Maya people and possible connection with Nephites, 10/2:169
- McCarter, P. Kyle, 9/1:140
- McConkie, Bruce R., 9/2:37, 44, 153
- McCulloch, J. Huston, 9/1:140
- McKay, Robert, 9/2:143, 10/1:21, 31, 33, 37, 39, 48, 52 n. 120, 55, 331
- McKeever, William J., 10/1:95 n. 253
- McKenzie, John L., 9/2:xx
- McKinney, Joyce, 10/1:316
- McMurrin, Sterling, opinions on naturalistic humanism, 7/1:278—94
- McQuown, Madeline Reeder, relationship of, with Dale Morgan, 8/1:128—33
- media manipulation by the Jesus Seminar, 8/1:xvii—xviii
- medieval English mystery drama, 9/2:136
- Meeks, Priddy, journal of, 8/1:153
- Melchizedek, 6/1:19—23, 170—74
- Melchizedek Priesthood, 9/2:168
- Melton, Gordon, 10/1:306 n. 105
- membership only through baptism, 10/1:38
- men and women
gospel promises and obligations for, 10/2:13 mutual dependence and independent agency of, 10/2:13
- Mendoza Codex, 9/1:155
- mercy, 10/2:57
- Merrill, Brent, 9/1:147
- Mesoamerica. See also culture, Mesoamerican, 2:67—73, 98—99, 134, 137, 205, 218, 220, 256, 3:1, 32—33, 96, 4:252, 5:259—63, 6/1:29—30, 299—301, 310—16, 10/2:161
- Messiah
as expected by the Israelites, 7/2:16—24 New Testament expectations of, 7/1:100—105 prophetic statements about, 7/2:21 n. 29 visit of, to hell, 10/2:194
- messianic figures and hopes in the Dead Sea Scrolls, 10/2:141
- metal tablets used for sacred texts, 10/2:148
- metallurgy, 2:48—49, 3:43, 146, 4:209, 6/1:30—31, 299—300, 319—28, 6/2:30—31
and the Book of Mormon, 8/1:21—22
- metals, 9/1:138—39
- Metcalfe, Brent Lee, 9/2:145
- methodological issues, 10/2:108
- methodology, 1:71—74, 2:86—95, 123—26, 134—35, 139—41, 214—19, 3:53, 291—95, 321—22, 4:72—76, 6/1:52—57, 59—66, 91—92, 102, 116, 119, 121, 144—47, 182—86, 223—24, 259—63, 297—98, 301—4, 319, 358—61, 379—81, 422—32, 434—523, 552, 434—523, 6/2:48—52
relationship between parallelism and causality in, 8/2:320
- Meyer, Eduard, 9/2:103
- “middle ground” (between prophet and faker) of Marvin Hill, 8/1:144, 8/2:218, 224
- militarism, 10/2:49
of the Nephites, 10/2:10
- military. See warfare
- millennium, 5:183
- Mill, John Stuart, 9/1:xiii, 9/2:55
- millet, 9/1:134
- Millet, Robert L., 9/1:29, 9/2:42, 10/1:19
- mind, redemption of, 9/1:30
- minutes (of meetings)
consulting of, 9/2:159 tailoring of, 9/2:149—50
- mission of the church, threefold, 9/1:167, 10/2:209
- missionary activities, 9/2:172
- missionary lessons, teachings within, 9/2:105
- missionary opportunity with anti-Mormon literature, 8/2:250
- missions, description of current LDS, 9/1:168
- Missouri
flight from, 10/1:85
Mormon resistance in, 10/2:93
- Missouri persecutions, 9/2:57
religious component of, 9/2:57—58
- Mitton, Samuel B., 10/1:214, 239
- Mixtec people, royal genealogies of, 8/1:118—21
- Möller, Georg, 10/2:177
- Mondragon cooperative in Spain, 9/2:76, 87
- monetary terms, 9/2:21
- money, love of, 9/2:86
- Mongolia, 2:229—31, 4:210
- monotheism vs. plurality of gods, 8/2:136—43
- moral conduct of business, 9/2:78
- Morey, Robert, 10/1:331, 335
- Morgan, Dale
assistance of, to Fawn Brodie, 8/1:137—44, 8/2:184 biographical sketch of, 8/1:127—33 plans of, to write history of LDS, 8/1:133—37 unfinished history of, 8/1:164—65
- Morgan, William, 10/1:120
- Morianton, 10/2:41
- Mormon
account of, 10/2:46—47 and correlations with Joseph Smith, 8/1:41 as an editor, 7/1:215 and his philosophy of history, 7/1:215
- Mormon culture, 9/2:57
- Mormon doctrine, 9/2:114
- Mormon historians, history of positivism among, 7/1:176
- Mormon History Association, 9/1:xi, 9/2:127
book award from, 10/2:69
- Mormon leaders
Quinn’s treatment of, 10/1:149 teachings of, 9/2:105
- Mormon mind-control, 9/2:109
- Mormon offenses, 9/2:49
- Mormon politics or culture, condemnation of, 9/2:56
- Mormon position, strength of, 9/2:67
- Mormon’s abridgment, 9/2:18
- Mormon stereotype, 9/2:52
- Mormon texts, allegations of secret changes in, 8/2:68
- Mormon theology, naturalistic conception of, 10/2:112
- Mormonism
attempt to separate Jesus from, 10/1:38 basic beliefs of, 9/1:168 and Christianity, 9/2:115 compared with Hinduism, 9/2:100 concentration on, by countercult agencies, 10/1:294 criticism of, 9/1:173 as a “cult,” 9/1:54 cultural, 8/1:166—67 cyber, 10/2:207 errors and contradictions of, 9/1:51 and fiction, 9/2:49 non-Christian designation of, 9/2:48 puzzle of, 10/1:14 as a religion, 9/2:66 religious persecution of, 9/2:47 response to critics of, 9/1:167 so-called “crimes” of, 9/2:47 syncretism of, 9/2:107 vs. Christianity, 10/2:199 vs. conservative Protestantism, 10/1:17 web sites for, 9/1:161
- Mormonism Research Ministry, 10/1:95 n. 253
anti-Mormon activities of, 8/1:viii
- Mormons
accused of being atheists, 10/2:v, xv claim by others that they are not Christians, 10/1:15, 296 defined out of Christendom, 9/2:143 described as a new and inferior race, 9/2:58 faithful, online recountings of, 10/2:208 faithful worship of, 10/2:xvi as an indigenously developed ethnic minority, 9/2:47 ostensible racism of, toward American Indians, 9/2:176 popular image of, 9/2:49
- Moroni (captain), 9/1:12, 10/2:51
- Moroni (son of Mormon), 9/1:13
timing of visits of, as angel, 7/2:132—35
- Morris, Nephi, 10/1:92
- Morse, Jedidiah, 9/1:118
- Moses
book of, 9/2:68 law of, 9/2:98 n. 3
- Mosiah 15:1—4, analysis of, 7/1:118—19
- mother earth, 10/2:27—28, 27
- Mother Goddess, Paul Toscano’s concept of, 7/1:306—7
- Mother, Heavenly, 9/1:37
- Mother in Heaven
as the Holy Ghost, 7/1:307, 309 LDS concept of, 7/1:306
- mother of abominations, 10/2:26
- Mound Builder myth, 7/2:154 n. 26
- Muhammad, Joseph Smith compared to, 9/2:58
- Mulekites, 2:200—201, 228—29, 3:26, 33, 36—38, 161—62, 199—210, 6/1:24, 27—28, 259—60, 289—91
- Munson, Eliza, 10/1:129
- music, LDS, online, 9/1:170
- mystery, term of, 10/2:30
- mysticism, as explanation of early revelations, 7/1:147—48 n. 14
- Nabopolassar, 10/1:7 n. 4
- NAFTA, 9/2:79
- Nahom, 9/1:18, 23, 116, 117, 120—22
as ancient place-name in southern Arabia, 7/1:87 Ishmael’s place of burial, 7/1:85 research on, 7/1:87
- names, Book of Mormon, 8/1:13, 53
Egyptian etymologies for, 8/2:34, 37—38, 40, 42 gentilic or nisbeh, 8/2:40 Hebrew etymologies for, 8/2:38
- nonbiblical, 8/2:34
- names, people, 3:191—93, 246—51, 4:132, 198—202, 232—33, 6/1:37—40, 102—6, 131, 6/2:144, 237—38
- names, places, 1:85—88, 2:24, 76, 3:195
- narrative forms, 9/2:56
- narrative repetitions, 7/1:187—92
- narratives
of coercion and captivity, 9/2:60—62 of conversion, 9/2:60
- narrow neck of land, 9/1:126
Panama as, 8/1:112
- narrow passage, 9/1:126
- Native Americans, 1:129—31, 2:41—42, 134, 165—68,:171, 173, 197, 220, 225, 229—31, 257, 261, 3:101—2, 4:21—23, 65—76, 6/1:474—76
- naturalism, 9/1:xiv
- naturalistic explanations, implications of, 7/2:225, 228
- Nauvoo Expositor, 10/2:109
- Nauvoo Temple
endowment rooms in, 10/1:105 weather vane of, 10/1:106
- Nauvoo, archaeological evidence at, 10/2:166
- Near East. See culture, Near Eastern
- neas, 9/1:176
- Nebuchadrezzar, 10/1:8 n. 5
- Necho II, 9/1:46
- Nehem, 9/1:116
- Neibaur, Alexander
and knowledge of Aramaic, 8/2:293 as Lance Owens’s candidate for Joseph Smith’s kabbalistic mentor, 8/2:269 supposed owner of kabbalistic texts, 8/2:289, 296
- Nelson, Dee Jay, 9/2:100
credentials of, 10/1:267
- Nelson, Russell M., 9/1:7
- Nelson, William O., 10/1:298
- Nephi, name of, in the Apocrypha, 8/2:327 n. 4
- Nephi (son of Lehi), discipleship of, 9/1:7
- Nephi (son of Helaman), 7/1:210, 9/1:12
- Nephite architecture, 10/2:169
- Nephite artwork, 10/2:170
- Nephite city, defense of, 10/2:64
- Nephite interrelationships with Lamanites, 7/1:212
- Nephites, 1:23—70, 2:68—69, 96—97, 3:26—28, 38, 102—9, 128, 136, 161, 5:227—29, 6/1:24—29, 253, 259—61, 268—69, 284—94, 371—72, 378—84
on the American continent, 10/1:349 cultural definition of, 10/1:349 and Jews, 8/2:84—89 possible connection of, with Maya people, 10/2:169 remnant of, 10/1:346, 349
- Nevada, prosperity of, 9/2:77
- New Age Movement, concentration on, by countercult agencies, 10/1:295
- New Approaches (book) designed to provide escape from faith, 7/2:211
- Newark stones, 5:70
- New Historicism, 9/2:56
- Newman, John Henry, 10/1:30, 32, 58, 61, 71, 74
- New Mormon History, 9/2:56
- new religious movement vs. cult, 10/1:315
- new religious movements, sociological approach to, 10/1:315
- New Testament expressions in Book of Mormon, 8/2:326
- New World
population of, 9/1:18 pre-Columbian explorations of, 7/1:120
- New World Archaeological Foundation, 1:133, 4:117—18, 5:55—56
- Nibley, Hugh W., 2:53, 55, 3:52—56, 125, 162—63, 182—85, 244—46, 283—89, 322, 4:26, 87, 96—97, 105, 137, 242, 5:9, 17, 190—97, 6/1:vi, 146, 148, 394—96, 6/2:37, 300—302, 9/2:44, 124—25, 10/1:329, 10/2:5, 176
Book of Mormon essays of, 8/2:210—11 and critique of Fawn Brodie’s No Man Knows My History, 8/1:141—44, 8/2:155 vs. Dale Morgan on Fawn Brodie, 8/1:140—44
- Nibley, Tom, 9/1:146
- Noah, King, 9/1:175, 9/2:7
priests of, 10/2:15
- No Man Knows My History, by Fawn Brodie
as “definitive” biography of Joseph Smith, 8/2:148, 213 celebratory reviews of, 8/2:150 criticisms of, 8/2:151—52, 151 n. 11, 217 errors and mistakes in, 8/2:176—77 Hugh Nibley’s response to, in No Ma’am, That’s Not History, 8/1:141—44, 8/2:155 reviews of, by historians, 8/2:190—97 reviews of, by literary gentlemen, 8/2:197—210 RLDS reaction to, 8/2:186—88
- nonaggression, 10/1:87
- Noyes, John Humphrey, 10/2:130
- Nubia, archaeological evidences for, 10/2:167
- Oaks, Dallin H., 9/1:130, 9/2:149, 156
- obedience, 10/1:36
of Nephi, 9/1:7
- objective history, Dale Morgan’s position on, 8/1:149—51
- objectivity
in analyzing Book of Mormon, 8/1:19 functional, 10/1:145 and the historical method, 7/2:228, 237 scholarly, 10/1:104 in scholarship, 8/1: xviii, xxi, xxvi—xxxii in writing history, 8/2:223
- obsidian, 9/1:152
- Occam, William of, 9/2:9
- occult sciences, Lance Owens’s introduction to, 8/2:253
- O’Connor, David, 10/2:165
- O’Donovan, Rocky, 10/1:145
- Ofstedahl, Jeff, 10/1:152
- Old Testament passages, LDS interpretation of, 8/1:92
- olive, origin, significance, use, and cultivation of, in the ancient Near East, 8/1:65—66
- olive oil, use and symbolism of, 8/1:66—67
- olives, 2:178—79, 3:112—13, 225, 4:216
- olive tree, allegory of
botanical metaphors in, 8/1:65 botanical studies of, 8/1:67—68 cognates in Old Testament texts, 8/1:63 comparative studies of, 8/1:63—65 historical studies of, 8/1:65—67 interpretive studies of, 8/1:61—63 similarities in ancient Near Eastern texts, 8/1:64 similarities in the Bible and extracanonical books, 8/1:64 similarities in Romans 11, 8/1:64 textual studies of, 8/1:67 understanding of, in the early period of the restored Church, 8/1:62
- Olmec, 2:46, 3:36—37, 6/1:320, 355—59
- Oneida Community, 10/2:130
- oneness, in reference to deity, 7/2:26
- online forum for discussion of issues of interest to faithful Latter-day Saints, 9/1:168
- Only Begotten, designation of, 9/2:167
- ontological argument for the existence of God, 10/2:vi
- opposition, 2:60, 183, 252, 3:158, 270
- ordeal, worship following, 10/2:23
- ordinances, 2:81
- ordinances invalid without priesthood authority, 10/2:121—22
- organic evolution, 8/2:vii—xii, vii, 33
- original sin, 9/2:187, 188
denial of, by Mormons, 7/2:98
- orthodoxy vs. heresy, 9/2:62
- Ostler, Blake, 10/2:vi
- other people, presence of, 9/1:130
- overstatement in Mormon Puzzle material, 10/1:22
- overview, of the Book of Mormon, 7/2:1
- Owens, Lance
Mormon History Association’s Best Article Award for 1995, 8/2:251 unsupported assertions of, 8/2:265—66
- ownership, 9/2:84
shared, 10/2:140
- Pacific College of Graduate Studies, 8/2:92—96, 93 n. 76
- Packer, Boyd K., 9/2:148, 152, 10/1:36
- Pahoran, 9/1:12
- Palmer, David, 9/1:127
- Palmer, Mrs., 9/1:xxiv
- Palmyra, New York, 9/2:xxiv
- Palmyra Reflector and story of Walters the magician, 8/1:153
- Palmyra, possible revival in, 8/1:155
- papyri
background of, 7/1:35 magical, use and content of, 7/1:83
- Papyri, Greek Magical (PGM)
contents of, 7/1:38 definition of, 7/1:46 nature of, 7/1:42
- Papyri, Joseph Smith. See also Joseph Smith Papyri
dating of, 7/1:71 n. 272 relationship of, to Book of Abraham, 7/1:71
- papyrus find at the Metropolitan Museum in New York City, 9/2:124
- paradigm debate, makes real communication possible, 7/2:159—60
- paradigms
choice between, based on application of values, not rules, 7/2:161 source of assumptions and methods, 7/2:148 vs. self-evident facts, 7/2:209
- parallels between View of the Hebrews and the Book of Mormon, 9/1:103 n. 41
- Parry, Donald W., 9/2:45
- Palenque as a Book of Mormon site, 10/2:159, 179
- Parahyba text, 5:269
- parallelism. See also poetry, 1:5—9, 10—17, 2:13, 4:53, 5:202—8, 6/1:178—79
- parallels, 1:80—88, 2:90, 189—204, 3:101—2, 170, 4:91—92, 5:1, 17—19, 105—7, 227—29, 6/1:67, 382—412, 488—93
between temple rites and Masonic rites, 10/1:120 transoceanic. See transoceanic comparisons
- Parker, Richard, 10/2:176
- Parry, Donald W., 10/2:143
- Partridge, Emily, 10/2:97, 102
- Partridge, Emily and Eliza, 10/2:85, 88—90
- passivism, moral complexity of, 10/2:50
- Passover, 6/1:388
- Patai, Raphael, 10/2:147
- patriarchal blessing, Ed Decker’s view of, 7/2:41
- patriarchal order, 10/2:xviii
- patriarchy, 10/2:49
- patriolatry, the idolatry of God the Father, 7/1:303—5
- Paul, apostle
letters of, 10/1:57 warnings of, 9/1:vii
- Paul, Joshua A., 10/1:217
- peace and love, gospel message of, 9/1:177
- peace, preservation of, 10/2:50
- Pearce, Mike, 9/1:172
- Pearl of Great Price, 9/2:68
recent writings on, 10/2:204
- Pement, Eric, 10/1:279
- Penrose, Charles W., 9/1:89
- perdition, son of, 7/2:88
- perfection, 8/2:249—50
of God, 8/2:100—103 Mormon view of, in contrast to classical view, 8/2:100
- perplexity, as precursor to all learning, 7/1:213
- Perry, L. Tom, 9/1:11
- personal names. See names, people
- personal property, 9/2:83
- personality determinants, 10/2:57
- personality type, authoritarian, 7/2:179 n. 100
- Peter, 10/1:73
- Peters, Karl, 10/2:165
- Peterson, Andrew W., 9/1:12
- Peterson, Daniel C., 9/2:44
response of, to Van Gorden, 9/2:196—98
- Peterson, Mary Ann, 10/2:127
- petroglyphs, 4:65, 72
- pharaoh of the oppression, 9/1:44
- philosopher’s stone, 8/2:259—60, 260 n. 27
- philosophy, 9/1:vi
- phrenology, 10/1:174
- Piers Plowman, 9/2:134
- Pike, Dana, 10/2:143
- Pinker, Steven, 9/2:vii
- pioneers, 5:195
- Pistis Sophia, parallels with the Book of Mormon, 8/2:356—60
- Piute Indians, 1:129—31
- Pixner, Bargil, 10/2:142
- place names. See names, places
- plagiarism, 9/2:73
alleged, by Joseph Smith, 8/2:326 alleged, in 3 Nephi 12—14, 7/2:178—79 possible, by Buerger, 10/1:105
- plain and precious parts of the gospel, restoration of, 7/1:211
- plan of salvation, 9/2:195
- plants, nomenclature of, 10/2:162
- plates, 2:29, 68—69, 183, 3:159, 170, 185, 190, 193—96, 201—10, 4:135—36, 6/1:39, 111, 463—70, 6/2:186—99, 217—23
- Plato, 10/2:xx
- plurality of gods vs. monotheism, 8/2:136—43
- plural marriage, 9/1:57
campaign against, 10/2:70 conversion to, 10/2:101 dissatisfaction with, 10/2:101 doctrinal foundations of, 10/2:99 experimental nature of, 10/2:135 as a failed practice, 10/2:118 as harmful to women, 10/2:137 implementation of, 10/2:99 motivation for, 10/1:172, 10/2:107 n. 6 revelation on, 9/2:127 as a social system, 10/2:117 theology of, 10/2:120
- Pluto, 10/1:76
- poetic qualities in the Book of Mormon
- poetry. See also chiasmus; colophon; parallelism; and Book of Mormon: literary qualities of, 1:5—17, 90, 2:153—55, 4:167, 5:203—8
in the Book of Mormon, 7/1:7, 9/2:31
- polemics, lexical, 10/2:v
- politics, 5:97—99
- polyandrous marriages, nature of, 10/2:82
- polyandry, 10/2:81, 99—101, 118
Joseph Smith’s involvement in, 10/2:119
- polygamists, Mormon, 10/2:114
- polygamy, 9/2:50, 53, 58
early Mormon, 10/2:71 Emma Smith’s reaction to, 10/2:84—86 environmental influences on, 10/2:92 introduction of, 10/2:68
- polygyny, contradictions concerning, 9/2:174
- polytheism, 10/2:xi
- Popper, Sir Karl, 9/2:xx
- population, 6/1:24—29, 259—94
- Porter, Muriel, 9/1:113
- Porter, Roger B., 9/2:41
- positivism
as conception of scientific approach to human understanding, 7/1:171 historical development of, 7/1:172 and ideology, 7/1:175
- positivist claims for neutrality and objectivity, 7/1:172—73
- positivist distinction between literature and history, 7/1:174
- postpositivist position, disseminated through literary and narrative theory, 7/1:172
- poverty and affluence, 9/2:87
- power and the powerless, 10/2:40—42
- praise and thanks, 10/2:xix
- Pratt, Noel S., 10/1:211
childlessness of, 10/1:238
- Pratt, Orson, 9/1:xx, 10/1:169
- Pratt, Parley P., 9/1:xxv, 10/1:138, 10/2:132
- Pratt, Sarah M., 10/2:130
- prayer, 2:255, 5:35, 326—28, 6/1:72—74, 396—403, 9/2:44
- Preclassic Mesoamerican sites, widespread cardinal shift in, 8/1:113
- pre-Columbian, 2:50, 98—99, 5:259—60, 6/1:266—68, 335—42
contacts, between the New and Old worlds, 7/1:121 grain, 2:49—50 linguistics, 9/1:72 metal, 2:48—49 metallurgy, 6/1:30—31, 299—300, 319—28 people, 6/1:266—68 plants, 6/1:335—42
- predestination, 10/1:320
- preferences, interaction of, in determining personality, 10/2:57
- Preisendanz, Karl, publisher of Papyri Graecae Magicae, 7/1:38
- prejudice. See agenda
- premortal existence, doctrine of, 10/2:126
- Presbyterianism, and Smith family membership, 7/2:131—32, 134
- pride, 3:111—12, 5:295
- priesthood blessings, as demonically empowered, according to Ed Decker, 7/2:41
- Priest, Josiah, 9/1:110
- priest, office of, 9/1:39
- priestcraft, 4:183, 9/2:86
Book of Mormon warnings against, 9/2:3
practice of, 9/2:3
- priesthood, 4:161, 6/1:23, 6/2:259—82, 9/2:110
authority, 9/2:176 ordination, policy of, 9/2:112 revelation on, 9/2:162
- Priesthood
Aaronic and Melchizedek, 8/2:239—41 Seal of the, 8/2:317
- Primary lesson, preparation for, 10/2:210
- primitive church, 9/2:115
- Prince, Gregory, 10/1:117
- principles
of the gospel, 8/2:26—27 of Mormonism, according to Joseph Smith, 8/2:30
- printed word vs. Internet, 10/2:206
- process theology, views of, 8/2:100 n. 2
- progression, eternal, 10/1:72, 10/2:xiii
- Prometheus Books, 10/1:308
- propaganda, anti-Mormon, 10/1:299, 320
- property, private ownership of, 10/2:139
- prophecies
of coming of Christ, 7/1:96
- prophecy, 3:198—99, 312—13, 6/1:62—63, 362—78, 453—56
before-the-fact, 7/1:95, 108—11, 7/2:14—16, 8/1:70 types of, 8/2:111—14
- prophet and revelation, Lance Owens’s use of words, 8/2:272—77
- prophet-fraud dichotomy, 8/1:145—47
- prophetic fulfillment, 9/2:11
- prophetic narrative, 10/2:26
- prophetic statements, 9/2:3
- prophetic truth claims, rejection of, by Fawn Brodie, 8/2:188
- prophet like unto Moses, 9/1:39
- prophets, 2:58, 84, 115—16, 6/1:199, 452—56, 10/1:80
and apostles, necessity of, 9/2:183 in the Book of Mormon, 9/1:13 continuation of, 9/2:173 foundational, 9/2:184 function of, 10/1:81 living, putting trust in, 7/1:161 Old Testament, 9/2:183 reliance of, on Christ, 40 revelation of, in the Book of Mormon, 10/2:8 revelation to, in latter days, 9/2:173 rivalry between, and skeptics, 7/2:183 test for genuineness of, 10/1:82
- prophet spectacles, 9/2:111
- proselyting new members, 9/2:59
- Protestantism, 1:102, 2:xx, 165, 6/1:14, 382—84, 393, 407—15, 6/2:290—334
conservative, vs. Mormonism, 10/1:17 inadequate for salvation, 9/2:63
- Pseudepigrapha, 4:122
- pseudepigraphic texts, 10/2:192
- Pseudo-Philo writes of Cenez, 8/1:63
- psychohistory, attempt at, 10/2:71
- punishment theme, parallels between Jeroboam and Noah, 7/1:200—206
- Punt
archaeology of land of, 10/2:162—68 locations proposed for, 10/2:163
- pupil of the wedjat-eye, Abraham called, 7/1:76—79
- Pyper, George D., 10/1:205, 206
- Quagebeur, Jan, 10/2:178
- queen, Lamanite (wife of Lamoni’s father), 10/2:20
- queen, Lamanite, husband of, slain by Amalickiah, 10/2:40
- queen, Lamoni’s, 10/2:14
faith of, 10/2:15
- Queener, 10/1:243
- quenching of iron, 9/1:149
- quest for the historical Jesus, 8/1:xiii—xv, xiii
- questions asked by non-Mormons, 8/2:232
- questions of B. H. Roberts, 9/1:70
- Quetzalcoatl, 1:132—34, 2:43, 56, 64, 3:41—43, 5:266—67
Pyramid of, dating of, 8/1:118
- Quiché-Mayan language, 10/1:352
- Quinn, D. Michael, 8/2:225—99/1:x, 9/2:147, 10/1:103, 133
background of, 10/1:141 n. 2 book of, reactions to, 10/1:150—52 errors by, 9/2:161 as historian, 10/1:143 homosexual view of, 10/1:261 professed homosexuality of, 10/1:134 research of, 9/2:147 as source for Ed Decker, 7/2:41 n. 15 special vocabulary of, 10/1:147
- Quinnspeak, 10/1:136, 148
- Quiriguá as a Book of Mormon site, 10/2:160, 179
- Qumran community, 9/2:97
inhabitants of, 9/2:97, 98 n. 3 worship practices at, 10/2:144
- Qumran documents, concealment of, 9/2:94
- quorum, unanimity in, 9/2:160
- quorum votes, negative outcome of, 9/2:160
- Qur’an. See Koran
- Rabbinic legal provisions related to seafaring, 10/2:149
- Ralson, Colleen, 10/1:87
- Ramses II, 9/1:46
- Rasmussen, Ellis T., 9/1:28
- records. See texts, ancient
- Recovery from Mormonism, 9/1:172, 173
- redemption and generosity, Book of Mormon teachings on, 9/1:3
- redemption of the mind, 9/1:30
- Redford, Donald, 10/2:x
- redness, quality of, 9/2:vii
- reformation, 9/2:62
- Reformation, Protestant, 10/1:74, 94, 320
- reformed Egyptian, 8/1:97, 9/1:138—39
- reign of judges, 9/2:2
- Relief Society, 10/2:111 n. 13
- religion
ancient Near Eastern, 10/2:18 as distinguished from magic, 7/1:50—66 and politics, separation of, 9/2:1 on radio and TV, 10/1:301
- religions, world, 9/1:165, 171
- religious beliefs, political implications of, 9/2:1
- religious bigotry, 10/1:271, 272
- religious commitment and education, 9/2:39—40
- religious nonconformity vs. heresy, 9/2:48
- religious orthodoxy, 10/1:272
- Religious Studies Center, BYU, 2:185—86, 9/1:163
- religious texts online, 9/1:165
- remarriage without prior divorce, 10/2:124
- remembrance, 6/1:400—403, 9/1:2
- Renaissance, 6/2:3—58
- Rencher, Alvin, 9/2:18
- Reorganized Church, 10/2:86
- repentance, 5:292—93
encouraged by church, 10/1:260 after death, 10/2:188 fruit of, 10/1:338
- repetition, 2:165
and contrast in Book of Mormon narratives, 9/2:30
- responsibility, individual and collective, 9/2:87
- restoration, 2:165, 3:265, 271, 4:15, 6/1:413, 6/2:3—9
founding narratives of, 9/2:126 by Joseph Smith, 9/2:116 and modern evils, connection between, 9/2:8 necessity of, 9/1:38 reformation vs., 9/2:49 writings on, 9/2:127
- restored gospel and the ancient church, 9/2:44
- resurrection, 3:11, 35, 6/1:75—76
of Christ, reality of, 8/1:xiii familial joy at time of, 10/1:158 funeral sermon on, 10/1:156 of husband with assistance of goddess, 10/2:18
- revelation, 2:35, 65—66, 80—81, 3:314—15, 5:277, 6/1:199, 10/1:47, 61
continuing, 8/1:29 n. 5, 7/1:299, 7/2:7 divine, defense of, 7/1:296 explanation of, 7/1:147 Mormon concept of, 9/2:117 necessity of ongoing, 9/2:183 rejection of, 9/2:180 worldview based on, 9/2:vi
- revisionist agenda of Signature Books, 7/1:231
- revival, 4:179
- revivals, religious, timing of, 7/2:127—31
- Reynolds, Michael H., 10/1:15, 15 n. 12, 21, 40, 52 n. 120, 56, 60, 61, 63, 338
- Reynolds, George
biographical sketch of, 8/1:52 as Book of Mormon scholar, 8/1:51 concordance of, for Book of Mormon, 8/1:173
- Reynolds-Sjodahl Commentary on the Book of Mormon as a fraud, 8/1:58—60
- rhetoric, 6/1:418—33
- Rich, Adrienne, 10/1:132
- rich man and Lazarus, 10/2:188
- riches, 5:192—93, 6/1:328
grasping for, 9/1:11
- Richards, Willard, 10/1:90, 153, 157
- Ricks, Stephen D., 9/2:44, 10/2:144
- Rigdon, Sidney, 9/1:89, 10/1:83
- righteous, rescue of, 10/2:191
- Riley, I. Woodbridge, 9/1:63, 107
- rituals. See festivals
- rivers of water, 8/2:366—67
- RLDS, 3:56, 68, 70, 110, 261—311
- Roberts, B. H., 1:125, 2:27, 30, 110, 188, 214, 219, 233, 4:193—94, 215, 5:10, 315, 9/1:69, 78, 9/2:144, 10/1:92, 156
and the Book of Mormon, 9/1:98—110 Book of Mormon study of, 9/1:100—106 faith of, 9/1:79—86 literature on, 9/2:144—45 questions of, 9/1:70
- Roberts, Philip, 10/1:17, 19, 27, 31
- Robertson, Lavoid, 10/1:21, 27, 83
- Robinson, Stephen, 9/2:198, 10/1:19, 10/2:55
- Rock, as Christ, 10/2:152
- rod and root of Jesse, 9/2:13
- Rollins, Mary Elizabeth, 10/2:112
- Roman Catholic approach, 10/1:317
- Romans 1:24—32, 10/1:257, 5:12,
interpretation of, 9/2:187, 11:17—24 bibliography of commentaries to, 8/1:64
- Roper, Matthew, acknowledgment of error of, 9/1:105—6
- Rosicrucian movement, 8/2:256, 256 n. 17
- Rotundo, E. Anthony, 10/1:136, 229
- Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyam, 10/1:219
- Ruckman, Peter S., 10/1:285 n. 30
- ruler, rich young, 10/1:64
- Rust, Richard Dilworth, 9/2:45
- Sabbatean movement, messianic and mystical excesses of, 8/2:268
- Sabbath worship, 10/1:269
- Sabellianism, doctrine of, regarding Godhead, 7/1:105—7, 7/2:26—28, 31
- sacrament, 2:251—52, 4:127—28, 6/1:14—15, 71—74, 379—417, 10/1:42
use of wine and water for, 9/1:40, 55
- sacrament prayers, paraphrase of, 7/1:8
- sacrament ordinance in the Book of Mormon, 8/1:4—6
- sacred experiences of modern apostles, 9/2:151
- sacred space, 9/1:176
- sacred texts on metal tablets, 10/2:148
- sacrifice, 3:14—16, 165—66, 6/2:143—44, 169—74
- sacrifice, human, in Egyptian practice, 8/2:49, 49 n. 10
- Sagan, Carl, 9/2:vi
- Saints
perfecting the, 10/2:209 persecution of, 9/2:106
- Saints Alive, 10/1:303
- Salisbury, Katherine Smith, 9/1:xxi
- salvation, 5:343—50, 6/1:424—33, 9/1:vi, 10/2:135
for the dead, 10/2:184, 186—94 by faith alone, 9/2:194 by grace, 9/1:ix through Jesus Christ, 7/2:119, 9/2:114, 10/1:33, 35 in modern Christianity, 7/2:81—82 Mormon concept of, 10/1:103 obtaining, 10/1:62 plan of, 9/2:195, 10/1:35, 36 plan of, in the Dead Sea Scrolls, 10/2:143 by works and grace, 7/2:77—80
- same-sex attraction as an inherited genetic trait, 10/1:135
- same-sex dynamics, 10/1:148
of 19th-century Mormonism, 10/1:133 as term to replace homosexuality, 10/1:135
- same-sex past, 10/1:133
- Samuel the Lamanite, 9/1:12
- Samuelson, Cecil O., Jr., 9/1:13
- sanctification
principle of, 7/1:208 relationship of, with justification, 7/1:209
- Sanders, John, 10/2:xii
- Sapp, John N., 10/2:93
- Sariah, 10/2:21
comforting of, 10/2:22 likening of, to widow of Zarephath, 10/2:22
- Satan, 3:234, 242—43
malevolent activites of, 10/2:153 as a spirit child of God, 9/1:37
- Satanic ritual child abuse, 10/1:324
- satanism, claim that Mormonism is a form of, 8/2:72
- saving principles of the gospel vs. secular knowledge, 9/2:42
- Savior
Jesus as, 10/1:63 among the Nephites, 10/1:44
- Schnoebelen, Bill, 10/1:280
- scholarly methodology, 9/2:56
- scholarly tools for understanding the gospel, 9/2:45
- scholars, 9/2:ix
biblical, 9/2:xx Book of Mormon, 9/1:2 New Testament, 9/2:131 testimonies and experiences of, 9/2:39
- scholarship, 9/1:52
Book of Mormon, 9/1:26 books critical of radical biblical, 8/1:xxv n. 56 and faith, 7/2:182 naive and dishonest, 9/2:xix radical revisionist, 8/1:xx—xxxvii weaknesses of traditional, 9/2:42
- science, history of, includes many instances of intolerance and resistance to new theories, 7/2:155 n. 31
- science and scholarship, 9/2:v
- scientific method, influence on knowledge, 7/1:171
- Scott, Richard G., 9/1:12
- scouting, 9/1:171
- scriptural authority, 9/2:179—83
- scriptural books, acceptance of, 10/1:56
- scripture, 6/1:228—42
- scripture, proof of, through the power of the Holy Ghost, 7/1:24
- scripture-marking system, 9/1:31
- scriptures
extrabiblical, 9/2:118 interpretations of, 7/1:168 possible correction of, 10/2:54—56 tools for studying, 10/2:3 women in, 10/2:9 n. 1
- scripture scholarship, 10/2:4
- scripture study, 10/2:4
- scrolls. See texts, ancient
- seafaring
biblical and Book of Mormon, 10/2:150 in biblical times, 10/2:151 parables and traditions of, 10/2:151 Rabbinic legal provisions related to, 10/2:149
- sealed book, Book of Mormon as, 7/1:219
- sealing vs. marriage, 10/2:80
- search engines, 10/2:209
- Second Comforter, 7/1:211
- second coming, 3:102—3
events leading up to, 9/1:167
- second death, 5:302
- secrecy and Christianity, 9/2:120
- secret combinations, 4:184, 9/2:2
Book of Mormon warnings against, 9/2:3 of Gadianton, identified with communism, 9/2:3
- secret signs and symbols of early Christians, 9/1:56
- secret teachings in ancient Christianity, 9/1:40
- sect, recognition of, as Christian, 9/2:63
- secular humanism, 4:vii—lxxv, 5, 144, 6/1:v—562, 10/1:309
advanced by Paul Kurtz, 7/1:237
- secularization, process of, 9/2:9
- seed of Alma vs. Lehi’s tree, 9/1:8
- Seely, David, 10/2:144
- seer stone, 8/2:259, 9/2:175
- Sefer Nishmat Hayyim of Manasseh ben Israel, compilation of kabbalistic materials, 8/2:297
- selectivity, as a limit on human perspective, 7/2:192—95
- self and other, awareness of, 9/2:viii
- self-interest and special interest groups, role of, 9/2:7
- Semitic languages, roots in, 9/1:117
- seniority, role of, in decision making, 9/2:158
- Septuagint helps clarify Masoretic Text, 8/1:76
- Sermon at the Temple, 3:319—22, 6/1:152—68, 10/2:8
antiquity of, 9/2:146
- Sermon on the Mount, 3:319—22, 6/1:121, 152—68, 10/2:8
compared with 3 Nephi, 7/2:9—10, 8/1:16—17
- sermons in the Book of Mormon, 9/2:31
- serpents, 3:43
- services, institutionalization of, 9/2:86
- Sessions, Patty, 10/2:113
- Sessions, Sylvia, 10/2:82, 83
- sexual immorality, rationalizations for, 10/2:131
- sexuality and sexual identity in 19th-century America, 10/1:134
- sexual sin, social costs of, 9/2:5
- Shakespeare, parallels of, to Book of Mormon, 9/1:114—15
- Shanks, Hershel, 9/1:149
- Shaw, George Bernard, 9/2:131
- sheath of Laban’s sword, 9/1:152
- Sheets, Payson, 9/1:113
- Sheol, 10/1:76
- Sherem, 9/1:9
- sheum, 9/1:120
- shilum, 9/1:120
- Shipps, Jan
background of, 7/2:221—22 and Mormonism as a new religious tradition, 8/2:182 and reviews of Mormonism, 7/2:220 n. 3
- shipwrecks, 10/2:152
- Shiz, beheading of, 10/1:55
- Shurtliff, Luman, 9/1:xxiv
- Siedenschnur, G nther, 9/2:106
- sign seeking, 9/2:153
- Signature Books, 3:305—11, 4:vii—lxxv, 9, 6/1:v—xii, 52—54, 56, 114, 121, 200, 212—14, 524—62, 9/1:x, 10/1:308
- Signorile, Michelangelo, 10/1:262
- signs of the times, 9/1:61
- silk in pre-Columbian America, 9/1:78
- similes, 10/2:154
- simplicity and aesthetics as values in evaluating paradigms, 7/2:177—81
- sinners, 10/1:44
Mormons as, 10/1:336
- skepticism
in contemporary biblical studies, 8/1:xii Joseph Smith’s response to, 7/1:146
- Skinner, Andrew, 10/2:142
- Smith, Adam, 9/2:5
linked to Joseph Smith, 9/2:81
- Smith, Agnes Coolbrith, 10/2:70, 108
- Smith, Alvin, death of, and knowledge of Moroni, 7/2:132—35
- Smith, Andrew, 10/1:167
- Smith, Don Carlos, 10/2:70
- Smith, Emma, 9/1:xxii, 10/2:110—11
Joseph’s expressions of friendship to, 10/1:160
- Smith, Ethan, 9/1:63
evaluation of theory of, 7/1:150 n. 22 and View of the Hebrews, reputedly borrowed by Joseph Smith, 7/1:149
- Smith, George Albert, 9/1:x, 10/2:71
- Smith, George D., 9/1:x, 10/1:308
- Smith, Gerald, 9/1:168
- Smith, Hyrum, 9/1:xxi, 10/2:131
death of, 10/1:89
- Smith, Hyrum (continued)
teachings of, on eternal marriage, 10/2:132 n. 33
- Smith, John L., 10/1:vii, ix, ix n. 13, 18, 21, 31, 44, 51
doctorate of, 10/1:15 n. 12
- Smith, Joseph, 9/1:89, 125, 9/2:58, 10/1:34, 39, 53, 89
and 1826 trial, 9/1:94 and access to the Bible, 8/2:330—32 children of, 10/2:83 compared to Muhammad, 9/2:58 daguerreotype of, 9/1:166 and comparison of his theology with Book of Mormon theology, 8/1:7—9 and correlations with the prophet Mormon, 8/1:41 and efforts to debase his character, 7/2:124 encounters of, with angelic messengers, 10/1:271 environment of, influencing Book of Mormon, 7/1:146 as a false prophet, according to Ed Decker, 7/2:48—50 and his family, 9/2:119 and first meeting with Oliver Cowdery, 8/1:158 first vision of, 10/2:103 and folk magic, 8/2:281 as a good worker, 9/1:xxv historical narrative of, 7/2:138 humanizing of, 8/2:215 and his ideas about revelation, 7/1:146 influenced by Kabbalah, 8/2:289 inspiration of, for sealings, 10/2:82 knowledge of, concerning Nauvoo temple ceremonies, 10/1:123 and knowledge of Aramaic, 8/2:293 and knowledge of Hebrew, 8/2:292 linked to Adam Smith, 9/2:81 and links to kabbalism, 8/2:252 literacy of, 10/1:53 and magic and superstition, 10/1:321 marital theology of, 10/2:137 misinformation on, by Ed Decker, 7/2:50—55 money digging, alleged involvement in, 8/1:84, 8/2:174 murder of, 10/1:89 as a mystic, 7/2:241—46 naturalistic biography of, by Marvin Hill, 8/2:216 naturalistic explanation of, 8/2:152, 154, 221 negative reports of, 8/1:87 number of wives of, 10/2:72 persecution of, 10/1:92 and plural marriage, 10/2:105 as prophet, 10/1:270, 10/2:103 prophetic calling of, 10/2:102 prophetic truth claims of, 8/2:214 prophet or conscious fraud in Brodie’s approach, 8/2:153, 176, 218, 220 Quinn’s treatment of, 10/1:137, 153 and references to South American civilizations, 8/1:28 n. 3 religion of parents of, 9/2:175 Rosicrucian influences on, 8/2:269 shots fired by, in Carthage Jail, 10/1:90 n. 240 status of wives of, at marriage, 10/2:77 story of, 9/2:126 supposed plagiarization by, of ritual elements from Freemasonry, 10/1:97 supposed plagiarization of, for the Book of Mormon, 10/1:54 teachings and opinions of, 7/1:143 teachings of, on marriage and the family, 10/1:154 translation by, of Book of Abraham, 10/1:123 understanding by, of Freemasonry, 10/1:122 view of, 10/2:70 visions of, 9/2:64 wives of, 10/2:67 wives of, biographies of, 10/2:113 wives of, later sealing of, to apostles, 10/2:97
- Smith, Joseph, III, 9/1:xx
- Smith, Joseph F., 9/1:xx, 55, 9/2:43, 10/1:203, 10/2:193
- Smith, Joseph F., II, 10/1:260
- Smith, Joseph Fielding, 9/2:37, 157, 10/1:85
- Smith, Lucy Mack, 9/2:119—20
biography by, about Joseph Smith, 8/1:88 personal revelations of, 8/1:88
- Smith, Robert Morton (author of Jesus the Magician), 7/1:67—71
- Smith, T. Michael, 9/2:xxv
- Smith, William, 9/1:xxi, 10/2:133
- Smith family cabin, excavation of, 9/2:xxiv—xxvi
- Smithsonian statement, 4:204, 5:258—59
- Smoot, Reed, 10/1:92
- Snow, Eliza, 10/2:86, 96
- social, economic, and political conditions, in Helaman and 3 Nephi, 7/1:217
- socialism, principles of, in contrast to united order principles, 10/2:139—40
- social science hypotheses, 10/2:157
- social stratification, in Mesoamerica, 7/1:218
- Society for Early Historic Archaeology, 4:117—18
- Society for the Study of New Religions, 10/1:318
- Society of Biblical Literature, 9/2:ix, 10/1:58
- Sodom, destruction of, 10/1:137, 154
- sodomy, tolerance for, in 19th century, 10/1:142
- Solis (Spanish historian), 9/1:157
- Sorenson, John L., 9/1:147, 9/2:xxiv, 10/1:344, 10/2:181
- souls, premortal existence of, 9/2:167, 190
- source criticism, 9/2:ix—xxiii
- source materials, lack of, during translation of the Book of Mormon, 9/1:93
- Southern Baptist Convention, 9/2:109
- Southern Baptist Convention, 10/1:283 n. 21, 310, 333
annual national meeting of, 10/1:13
- Spanish Archive Manuscripts, 9/2:68
- Spanish, 1:133, 3:1—10, 115, 5:223—25, 229—30, 6/1:331—34, 346
- Spaulding, Samuel, 1:80—88, 2:29, 91, 224, 3:60, 4:84—86
- Spaulding manuscript, 1:80—88, 2:187—99, 221—24, 235, 3:60—61, 4:7, 84—86, 235, 6/2:114—17 8/1:82—83
- Spaulding theory, 8/2:176 n. 90, 9/2:100, 122
- Spencer, Daniel, Jr., 9/1:xxv
- Spencer, James R., 10/1:335
- Sperry, Sidney B., tribute to, 9/1:28
- spirit, continuing existence of, after death, 10/1:269
- spirit prison, 9/2:195, 10/1:80
- spirits, righteous, organized to preach to disobedient spirits in prison, 10/2:190
- Spirit teaches spiritual things, 47
- spiritual abuse, accusations against the Church of, 7/1:254, 304
- spiritual body, 9/1:35 n. 2
- spiritual death, 5:302—4
- spiritual gifts, importance of seeking, 8/1:43—44, 44 n. 42
- spiritual growth, 9/1:10
- spiritual things, knowledge of, 10/1:47
- spiritual wifery, 10/2:68, 129, 130
denunciation of, 10/2:131
- spiritual wives, 10/2:92, 129
- spirit world, 5:202, 10/1:76
Christ’s visit to, 10/2:187
- Stafford, Tim, 10/1:284
- standard works, online access to, 9/1:163
- Standing, Joseph, murder of, 10/1:93 n. 248
- steel
mention of, 9/1:150 in Nephi’s time, 9/1:74 presence of, in New World, 9/1:149
- Steinmetz, David, 10/1:30
- Stenhouse, T. B. H., 10/2:74
- Stephen, vision of, 9/2:188—89
- Stephens, Evan, 10/1:139
as author of “Friends,” 10/1:227 as author of articles for children, 10/1:223 as a case study, 10/1:198 as an example for youth, 10/1:191 as Mitton’s mentor in music, 10/1:242 reasons of, for never marrying, 10/1:202, 204 resignation of, as director of Tabernacle Choir, 10/1:245 sealing of, to Sarah Daniels, 10/1:214 travels of, 10/1:250
- Stephens family photograph, 10/1:211
- stewardships of consumption and production, 9/2:83
- Stone, Erasmus, 10/2:92
- stories, scripture, 8/2:375—76
- storm on the sea, 10/2:152
- Stout, Richard, 9/2:140
- Strang, James J., 10/1:xii
claim by Van Gorden that witnesses followed, 9/2:175—76, 176 n. 23
- study and inspiration, 9/2:42
- study guide for the Book of Mormon, 9/1:31
- subjectivity, as a limit on human perspective, 7/2:195—98
- Sumerian, 6/1:82
- Supreme Court, 9/2:7
- survivor witnesses, 10/2:47—48
- sword found near Jericho, 9/1:149
- swords
in the Book of Mormon, 9/1:148—58 drawing of, 9/1:152—53 hilts of, 9/1:156 Mexican, 9/1:154 pointed, 9/1:155—56
staining of, 9/1:151
- symbolism, 3:147—49, 4:40—62, 143, 6/2:150—55, 261—68
- symbols, opposing, 10/2:26
- symbols of sun, moon, stars on Nauvoo Temple, 8/2:260
- synagogues, 2:177
- Tabernacle Choir, 10/1:231
Stephens’s resignation of, as director, 10/1:245
- Talmage, James E., 9/1:125
- Talmage, Thomas De Witt, 9/2:48, 10/1:92
- Tanner, Jerald, 9/2:101
- Tanner, Jerald and Sandra, 2:188, 4:94—95, 220, 235, 5:20—22, 42, 5:171, 250—57, 9/1:87, 146, 9/2:125, 10/1:315
critique of writings of, 9/2:101 investigative techniques of, 8/2:xii—xiv omissions of evidence by, 9/1:109—10 response to criticisms of, 8/2:76—79
- Tanner, Sandra, 9/2:100, 10/1:vi, 19, 20, 23, 38
- tapir, 9/1:133
- Tate, Charles D., Jr., 9/1:63, 67
- Taylor, John, 9/1:xxii, 10/1:90, 92, 167
- Taylor, John (not president of church), 10/2:131
- Taylor, Samuel W., 10/1:167
- Taylor, William, 10/1:138
- Teacher of Righteousness, 9/2:97
- Tehuantepec, 9/1:126, 128
- Teichert, Minerva, 10/2:58, 62
- temple at Jerusalem, 9/2:122
- temple ceremony
discussion of, 10/1:99 introduced in May 1842, 10/1:123 as restoration of ancient Masonic rites, 10/1:115 n. 30 sacred nature of, 10/1:99
- temple clothing, 10/1:129, 129—30 n. 60
- temple garments, 9/2:176
- temple endowment
angelic delivery of, 10/1:129 n. 59 within biblical texts, 10/1:118, 118—20 n. 41 derivation of, 10/1:101 n. 8 divine authenticity of, 10/1:98 origins of, 10/1: 98 n. 3, 113—14 n. 28 revelation on, 10/1:127, 128
- Temple Lot Case, 10/2:86
- “temple Mormons,” 9/2:111
- temple mysteries, 10/2:30
- temple ordinances, 9/2:114
knowledge of, 10/2:31
- temple practices, ancient and modern, 9/2:121, 121 n. 36
- temple recommends, 8/2:242—43
- temples, 2:247—56, 3:16—18, 181, 234, 319—22, 5:78—81, 6/2:52—58, 262
ancient, 9/2:122 dedicatory prayers of, 9/1:170 Greco-Roman, near Corinth, 8/2:43 hatred and hostility toward, 7/2:82—83 objection to, by Ed Decker, 7/2:83—85 and temple worthiness, 8/2:241—42
- Temple Square tours, 8/1:80—81
- temple worship, components of, in Nauvoo, 10/1:125—26
- temporality, as a limit on human perspective, 7/2:188—92
- temporal welfare, 9/2:87
- Ten Commandments, 9/2:5
- tents, 2:148, 161, 6/1:299—300, 331—35
- Teotihuacan, 8/1:113, 9/1:113
- terms used as weapons, 9/2:129
- testability as a feature of science, 9/2:xx
- Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs, translations of, 8/2:334—37
- testimonies, 9/1:169
and experiences of scholars, 9/2:39 sharing of, 10/1:42 unifying factor of, 10/1:267
- testimony, 2:74—76, 3:104—5, 4:13—19, 5:96—97, 189, 6/1:151, 404—5, 453—55
bearing, as a means of sharing faith, 7/2:55—57 belief in, 10/2:17 characteristics of, 9/2:43 of a Latter-day Saint, 10/1:33 meeting, 10/1:41—44 process of obtaining a, 9/2:42
- text of the scriptures, 9/1:160
- texts, ancient, 1:115, 2:125, 5:194, 269, 6/1:23, 40—48, 70—71, 6/2:261—68, 9/1:34
- Textual Comparison Chart notes changes in various editions of 1 Nephi, 7/2:4
- thanks and praise, 10/2:xix
- theologians, “absolute sovereignty” and “limited sovereignty” of, 8/2:100
- theology, 1:3—4, 90—104, 2:xx, 27—28, 78—79, 100—106, 182—86, 3:110—13, 4:20, 64, 139—53, 155—59, 5:57—58, 181—84, 200, 290—304, 6/1:145, 6/2:34—39, 250—334
- theory, judging a, 9/1:vi
- theos, term of, 10/2:xiii
- theosis, or human deification, 9/2:117, 117 n. 5
- thinking for oneself, 9/1:ix
- Thomas, Agnes Olsen, 10/1:236
- Thomas, Robert K., 9/2:29
- Thomas, Thomas Stephens, 10/1:242
- Thomas Jefferson, by Fawn Brodie
advertising blurbs for, 8/2:168—71 criticisms of, 8/2:160—64 quality of reviews of, 8/2:166—68 success of, 8/2:159
- Thompson, Stephen, and his response to reviews of New Approaches, 7/2:146—47 n. 4
- three Nephites, 5:87—92
- Tillich, Paul, theology of, 10/1:339
- title page, 2:191, 6/1:189, 225, 6/2:179—80
- Titt, William, reputed analogue of Joseph Smith, 8/1:153
- Tocqueville, Alexis de, 10/1:298
- Todd, Jay, 9/1:15
- Tolbert, Keith, 10/1:279, 325
- toleration, approaches to, 9/2:63
- Topical Guide to the Scriptures, 8/1:172
- Topical Index, like a concordance, 7/2:4
- Toscano, Paul, accusations of, against the LDS Church, 7/1:298, 302
- “touch me not,” vs. “do not hold on to me,” 7/2:94—95
- Tower of Babel, 2:145, 227, 246
- tradition, appeal to, 7/2:180 n. 102
- traditions
Arabic and Persian, 9/2:vi of the fathers, 9/1:vi of the gospel, 9/1:xxvii of men, 9/1:vi, vii overcoming false, 9/1:vi of the world, 9/1:xxvii
- Transfiguration, Mount of, 10/1:80
- transoceanic comparisons, 2:119—27, 136—42, 3:154—57, 4:21—23, 129, 212—15
- transoceanic crossings, 1:19, 126, 132, 34, 2:41—43, 230, 298—99
- treaty/covenant pattern, 1:90—98, 106—7
- tree of Lehi vs. Alma’s seed, 9/1:8
- tree of life, 2:177—80, 3:15—16, 6/2:76, 9/1:176, 10/2:20
association of, with Mary and birth of Son of God, 10/2:30 in Jeremiah, 8/2:369—72 vision of, 10/2:29
- tree of life visions, parallels with, 8/2:363—66
- Trever, John, 10/2:142
- trial, initiatory, 10/2:19
- Trinity, 10/1:69
Christian doctrine of, 9/2:118 Nicene doctrine of, 9/2:188 representation of, on Norman baptismal font, 9/2:134
- Trosset, Carol, 10/1:236
- true believer, characteristics of, 7/2:181 n. 103
- true church, only, belief in, 7/1:268
- trust
in author’s conclusions, 9/2:163 in the Lord, 9/1:8
- truth, 2:181, 6/1:9—10
in other religions, 10/1:83 possession of, 10/1:354 recognizing and accepting, 9/1:vi religious, 10/1:48 source of, 10/1:275
- truth claims, avoidance of, 7/2:223
- truths
plain and precious, 9/2:96 restored, 7/2:7 worth of, 9/2:42
- truths of restored gospel to be presented in scholarly way, 8/1:29 n. 3
- Tryk, Loftes, 10/1:v
- Tsemminis papyrus, 10/2:174
- Tuckett, Henry A., 10/1:235
- tumbaga, alloy of gold and copper, 7/1:166
- Twelve
authority of, in 1843—44, 10/2:94—96 relationship between senior and junior members of, 9/2:159
- types. See symbolism
- type-scene, 10/2:17
- type-scenes
biblical, 10/2:19 in the Book of Mormon, 10/2:19—20
- typology in the Book of Mormon, 9/2:32
- Uniformitarianism, 5:214—15
- united-order living, failure of, 9/2:87
- united order principles, 9/2:77, 10/2:139, 140
application of, 9/2:78, 85
- united order principles inspired enterprises (UOPIEs), 9/2:77
- units of value, 9/1:176
- universal toleration, 9/2:48
- Universalism, 2:223, 6/1:12-13, 418—33
- Universalism and the Book of Mormon, 7/2:201—8, 8/1:6
- universities, church colleges and, 9/1:169
- unpardonable sin, 9/2:196
- Urim and Thummim
biblical use of, 9/1:96 use of, for translation, 9/2:175
- URL listings, 10/2:206
- Utah Evangel, 10/1:ix, 51, 87
- Utah Lighthouse Ministry, 10/1:315, 323, 333 n. 172
- Utah Missions, Inc., 10/1:ix, 15 n. 12, 18, 51, 52, 52 n. 120, 332, 333 n. 172
- utopian society and spiritual conversion, 8/1:46
- Vanatter, Scott, 9/1:170
- Van Baalen, Jan Karel, 10/1:291
- Van Dam, Cornelis, 9/1:96
- VanderKam, James, 10/2:142
- Van Gorden, Kurt, 10/1:xii, 327
testimonials of, 9/1:67
- Van Nattan, Steve, 10/1:316, 316 n. 123
- veil, splitting of, 9/2:122
- verbal legerdemain, 10/2:v
- verification, limits of, 7/2:151—53
- View of the Hebrews, by Ethan Smith. See also Spaulding manuscript, 9/1:63, 78, 99, 102, 9/2:122
and the Book of Mormon, 8/2:211—12 as discussed by B. H. Roberts, 8/1:161 n. 81 as possible influence on Joseph Smith, 8/1:161
- violence, 10/1:271
- violence in the Book of Mormon, 10/2:48
- vision of an army of soldiers, 9/1:xxiii
- vision of the redemption of the dead, 9/2:132
- Visser, John, 9/1:172
- vocabulary, religious, ranging from formal to colloquial, 7/1:11
- volcanic activity in Mesoamerica, 9/1:112
- volcanic eruption in 3 Nephi, 8/2:22
- Wadi Sayq, as site of Bountiful, 7/1:88, 9/1:20
- Walgren, Kent, and view of Dale Morgan, 8/1:123—24 n. 5
- Walker, Lucy, 10/2:98
- Walter, Luman
as occult mentor, 8/2:284—86 supposedly influenced by Rosicrucian ideas, 8/2:269
- Walters, Wesley P., 9/1:94, 94 n. 18
and search for Mormon documents, 7/2:123—24 with Fred Poffarl, unethical use of source documents, 7/2:139—43
- Walters the magician, attempts to identify, 8/1:153
- wandering or journey motif, 8/1:45, 45 n. 44
- war among all nations, 9/1:60
- Ward, Maria, 9/2:61
- warfare, 2:138, 153, 122, 3:118—46, 196—97, 4:216, 5:39, 192, 6/1:25—27
- warfare, Mesoamerican, 9/1:154
- Warren, Bruce, 9/1:112
- Washington D.C. Temple, 10/1:93
- Washington, George, 1:125, 3:270
- water, blessing on, 10/1:42
- waters, dangers on, 10/2:153
- weaknesses or strengths, 9/2:44
- wealth, 2:181
accumulation of, 9/2:8 distribution of, 9/2:87 inequitable distribution of, 9/2:86 in the perspective of the Zion society, 9/2:85 uses and abuses of, 9/2:85 uses of, 9/2:87
- weapons, 2:260, 3:43, 132, 146, 4:226, 6/1:299—300, 328—31, 481—86
- Weber, Max, 10/1:20
- web publishers, identity of, 10/2:207
- web sites
devoted to Mormonism, 10/2:210, 10/2:210, 10/2:202, 10/2:204, 10/2:205, 10/1:xxiv, 10/2:208, 10/2:208, 10/2:210, 10/2:210, 10/2:203, 10/2:209
- Weeks, William, 10/1:106
- Welch, John W., 9/1:29, 9/2:46, 146, 10/1:343, 10/2:5
- Weldon, John, 10/1:v
academic degrees of, 8/2:92—98
- Wentworth, Richard, 10/1:261
- Wentworth Letter, 2:225—31, 5:107
- Western civilization, traditions of, 9/2:9
- westward migration of the Saints, 10/1:91
- Whalen, William, 9/2:125
- wheat, 9/1:135
- White, Ellen, 10/1:270
- White, James R., 9/1:146, 10/1:95 n. 253, 276 , 10/2:203
- White, Stephen, 10/1:xi
- white vs. pure in Book of Mormon, 10/2:55
- Whitmer, David, 9/1:xix
interviews of, 9/1:xix, xx statements of, 8/1:100—102
- Whitney, Elizabeth A., 10/1:128
- Whitney, Orson F., 9/2:66, 10/1:107, 10/2:71, 133
- Whitney, Sarah Ann, 10/2:84
- whore, image of, 10/2:32
- wicked
of Noah’s time, 10/2:191 of Sodom and Gomorrah, 10/2:191
- widow of Zarephath, 10/2:21
likening of, to Sariah, 10/2:22
- Widtsoe, John A., 9/1:125, 10/1:255
- wilderness, notion of, 8/2:20—21, 20 n. 12
- Williams, Fredrick G., statement of, 9/1:124
- Winchester, Nancy Maria, 10/2:76
- wine, Book of Mormon references to, 9/1:136
- Wirthlin, Joseph B., 9/1:10
- wisdom
as feminine, 10/2:28—29 opposition to, 10/2:30
- witch burnings, 10/2:23
- witches, not, but murderers, 10/2:24
- Witnesses, 2:xxvi, 29, 35—37, 66, 182, 4:170—76, 5:48, 113—15, 6/1:47, 111, 373—75, 404—5, 506—20, 553, 7/2:51—53
to the Book of Mormon, 9/1:xviii, 91 credibility of, 8/1:26, 99 Eight, to the Book of Mormon, 10/1:xii testimony of Three, 10/1:69
- wives
of Joseph Smith, 10/2:73, 113 number of supposedly related to degree of salvation, 10/2:134 plurality of, 10/1:171
- Wolfe, Alan, 10/1:xiii—xvi
- women, 2:91, 113—14, 4:258—61, 5:282, 6/2:65—71, 259—82
addressed in the Book of Mormon, 10/2:35 n. 30 behavior and treatment of, 10/2:43 blessing the sick, 10/2:116 Book of Mormon, in the foreground, 10/2:13 doctrines referring to, 10/2:12 entreaties of, 10/2:43 great, from the Bible, 10/2:59 involvement of, in spiritual gifts, 10/2:17 Lamanite, mention of, 10/2:36—37 leadership of, 10/2:25 message for, from Book of Mormon, 10/2:10 and men, gospel promises and obligations for, 10/2:13 and men, mutual dependence and independent agency of, 10/2:13 in Nephite culture, as property, 10/2:42 plural marriage harmful to, 10/2:137 positive aspects of lives of, 10/2:116 presence of, in Book of Mormon text, 10/2:11 and their relationship to men, 7/2:59 in the scriptures, 10/2:9 n. 1 silence and submissiveness of, 10/2:23 suffering of, in the desert, 10/2:42
- women’s voices, church’s tolerance for, 10/2:99
- Woodruff, Wilford, 10/1:153, 158
use by, of word friendship, 10/1:161
- Woodward, Scott, 10/2:144
- Word of Wisdom, 9/1:55, 10/1:80
- wordprint studies, 4:216,, 10/1:344
of the Book of Mormon, 9/2:16 statistical methodology for, 9/2:18
word groups or clusters for, 9/2:16, 20
- worker/employee ownership, 9/2:76
- worker motivation, 10/2:140
- works
and grace, 10/1:62 good, 10/1:337 salvation by, and grace, 7/2:76—80
- world, intelligent design of, 8/2:131—32
- worldview
antireligious, 9/2:vi based on revelation, 9/2:vi
- world views, competing, 7/2:181
- worship of deity, 10/2:xviii
- Wright, David P., teachings of, 7/1:268 n. 89
- Wright, Dennis A., 10/1:52 n. 120, 332
- Wright, John B., 10/1:xvii
- writing, 5:260—65
- Xochicalco, monuments at, 8/1:118
- Yacovone, David, 10/1:234
- Yadin, Yigael, 10/1:51, 10/2:142
- Yamauchi, Edwin, 9/2:xxiii
- Yemen, 9/1:116
- Yemen Arab Republic, 9/1:18
- Young, Ann-Eliza, 10/1:175
- Young, Brigham, 9/2:178, 10/1:39, 109, 138, 168, 10/2:103, 122
and attitude toward women, 10/1:171 as legitimate successor to Joseph Smith, 10/1:83 quotation of, on Jews and gentiles misused, 7/2:120—21 son of, 10/1:129
- Young, Lorenzo D., 10/2:93
- Zarahemla Foundation, 8/1:112
- Zeezrom, 9/1:11, 10/2:2
- Zelph the Lamanite, 9/1:58
- Zenos, allegory or parable of, 8/1:62—63
- Zerahemnah, 10/2:51
- Zion
analysis of, 8/1:43 working toward, 10/2:139
- Zion-building, 9/2:75—76, 79
- Zohar
kabbalistic text in Aramaic, 8/2:291 unique ideas from, 8/2:314—15
- Zoramites, 2:170, 223, 228, 5:192, 6/1:371—72
- Zosimus, Egyptian pagan, 7/1:45
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