The Religious and Cultural Background of Joseph Smith Papyrus I


The Religious and Cultural Background of Joseph Smith Papyrus I

Publication Type

Journal Article

Year of Publication




Journal of Book of Mormon Studies







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Throughout its history, ancient Egyptian religion showed a remarkable capacity for adopting new religious ideas and characters and adapting them for use in an already existing system of worship. This process continued, and perhaps accelerated, during the Greco-Roman era of Egyptian history. Egyptian priests readily used foreign religious characters in their rituals and religious formulas, particularly from Greek and Jewish religions. Religious texts demonstrate that Egyptian priests knew of both biblical and nonbiblical accounts of many Jewish figures—especially Jehovah, Abraham, and Moses—by about 200 bc. Knowing this religio-cultural background helps us understand how the priest in Thebes who owned Joseph Smith Papyrus I would have been familiar with stories of Abraham.

Pearl of Great Price
Joseph Smith Papyri
Moses (Prophet)
Abraham (Prophet)
Ancient Egypt
Book of Abraham Translation
Jesus Christ–Jehovah
Smith, Joseph, Jr.

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