Recovering the Lost Concept of Truth in the Restoration Scriptures: Another Key to Understanding God’s Word


Recovering the Lost Concept of Truth in the Restoration Scriptures: Another Key to Understanding God’s Word

Publication Type

Journal Article

Year of Publication



Hart, Blaine L. (Primary)


Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship





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The word “truth” has for practical purposes lost one of its original English-language meanings, and this has significant implications for understanding scriptures. The obvious, well-understood meaning is that which is real or factual. However, the earliest meaning in English is that which is true in an entirely different way, in the sense of fidelity, loyalty, and faithfulness. The King James translators frequently used “truth” in this latter sense. The sense of “truth” as “faithfulness” remained well known in the nineteenth century. Some passages in the Book of Mormon and other Restoration scriptures reveal deeper insights when read with this understanding. Pondering both meanings of “truth” in the scriptures can serve as a source of inspiration and learning.

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