Prolegomena to a Study of the Egyptian Alphabet Documents in the Joseph Smith Papers


Prolegomena to a Study of the Egyptian Alphabet Documents in the Joseph Smith Papers

Publication Type

Journal Article

Year of Publication



Gee, John (Primary)


Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship





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Bibliographic Citation


For many theories about the Book of Abraham, the Egyptian Alphabet documents are seen as the key to understanding the translation process. While the original publication of those documents allows many researchers access to the documents for the first time, careful attention to the Joseph Smith Papers as a whole and the practices of Joseph Smith’s scribes in particular allows for improvements in the date, labeling, and understanding of the historical context of the Egyptian Alphabet documents.This essay supports the understanding of these documents found in the other volumes of the Joseph Smith Papers that the Egyptian Alphabet documents are an incidental by-product of the translation process rather than an essential step in that process.

Pearl of Great Price
Book of Abraham
Egyptian Alphabet

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