A New Beginning for the Pageant: 1948 to 1951


A New Beginning for the Pageant: 1948 to 1951

Publication Type

Journal Article

Year of Publication




Journal of Book of Mormon Studies


88-97, 171





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Bibliographic Citation


Harold I. Hansen directed the Hill Cumorah Pageant from 1937 to 1977 (excluding the years 1943–47 when the pageant was suspended for the duration of World War II). He passed away in 1992. This article is an excerpt from his unfinished history of the pageant. His narrative includes details of his efforts to revive the pageant in 1948 and mentions the assistance of Bishop Thorpe B. Isaacson of the Presiding Bishopric, who visited the pageant in 1949. Because of his visit and recommendation to the First Presidency, the pageant was again established as an annual event and moved from an Eastern States Mission activity to a church-recognized production. Hansen includes a statement of support from President David O. McKay and reminisences of Elder Richard L. Evans, the missionaries, and Harris Cooper, who provided lighting for the production for many years.

Missionary Work
Hill Cumorah Pageant
Hill Cumorah (New York)
Hill Cumorah

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