Index to Review of Books on the Book of Mormon, 1995

Index to Review of Books on the Book of Mormon, 1995
Publication Type
Journal Article
Year of Publication
FARMS Staff (Corporate/Institutional)
FARMS Review
Index to Review of Books on the Book of Mormon 1995
The entries in this section are listed by author, title, reviewer (in parentheses), volume number, and beginning page number.
Anderson, Lynn Matthews, The Easy-to-Read Book of Mormon: A Learning Companion (Marvin Folsom), 7/1:13.
Anderson, Lynn Matthews, The Easy-to-Read Book of Mormon: A Learning Companion (Camille S. Williams), 7/1:3.
Ashment, Edward H., “The Use of Egyptian Magical Papyri to Authenticate the Book of Abraham: A Critical Review” (John Gee), 7/1:19.
Aston, Michaela Knoth, In the Footsteps of Lehi: New Evidence for Lehi’s Journey across Arabia to Bountiful (L. Ara Norwood), 7/1:85.
Aston, Warren P., In the Footsteps of Lehi: New Evidence for Lehi’s Journey across Arabia to Bountiful (L. Ara Norwood), 7/1:85.
Charles, Melodie Moench, “Book of Mormon Christology” (Ross David Baron), 7/1:91.
Charles, Melodie Moench, “Book of Mormon Christology” (Martin S. Tanner), 7/2:6.
Decker, Ed, Decker’s Complete Handbook on Mormonism (Daniel C. Peterson), 7/2:38.
Epperson, Steven, Mormons and Jews: Early Mormon Theologies of Israel (Frank F. Judd, Jr., and Terrence L. Szink), 7/2:106.
Fingerhut, Eugene R., Explorers of Pre-Columbian America?: The Diffusionist-Inventionist Controversy (William J. Hamblin), 7/1:120.
Fritze, Ronald H., Legend and Lore of the Americas before 1492: An Encyclopedia of Visitors, Explorers, and Immigrants (William J. Hamblin), 7/1:120.
Gorton, H. Clay, The Legacy of the Brass Plates of Laban: A Comparison of Biblical and Book of Mormon Isaiah Texts (Garold N. Davis), 7/1:123.
Gorton, H. Clay, The Legacy of the Brass Plates of Laban: A Comparison of Biblical and Book of Mormon Isaiah Texts (Mark J. Johnson), 7/1:130.
Hullinger, Robert N., Joseph Smith’s Response to Skepticism (Gary F. Novak), 7/1:139.
Johnson, Eric, Questions to Ask Your Mormon Friend: Effective Ways to Challenge a Mormon’s Arguments without Being Offensive (LeIsle Jacobson), 7/1:155.
Marquardt, H. Michael, Inventing Mormonism: Tradition and the Historical Record (Larry C. Porter), 7/2:123.
McKeever, Bill, Questions to Ask Your Mormon Friend: Effective Ways to Challenge a Mormon’s Arguments without Being Offensive (LeIsle Jacobson), 7/1:155.
Metcalfe, Brent Lee, “Apologetic and Critical Assumptions about Book of Mormon Historicity” (Alan Goff), 7/1:170.
Metcalfe, Brent Lee, New Approaches to the Book of Mormon: Explorations in Critical Methodology (Kevin Christensen), 7/2:144.
Nyman, Monte S., The Book of Mormon: Helaman through 3 Nephi 8, According to Thy Word (Mack C. Stirling), 7/1:208.
Sampson, Joe, Written by the Finger of God: Testimony of Joseph Smith’s Translations (John Gee), 7/1:219.
Shipps, Jan, Mormonism: The Story of a New Religious Tradition (Louis Midgley), 7/2:219.
Smith, George D., ed., Religion, Feminism, and Freedom of Conscience: A Mormon/Humanist Dialogue (Louis Midgley), 7/1:229.
Tate, Charles D., Jr., The Book of Mormon: Helaman through 3 Nephi 8, According to Thy Word (Mack C. Stirling), 7/1:208.
Toscano, Paul, The Sanctity of Dissent (William J. Hamblin), 7/1:298.
Treat, Raymond C., ed., Recent Book of Mormon Developments: Articles from the Zarahemla Record, vol. 2 (Alison V. P. Coutts), 7/2:253.
Walters, Wesley P., Inventing Mormonism: Tradition and the Historical Record (Larry C. Porter), 7/2:123.
Wilson, Timothy B., Mormon’s Story: An Adaptation Based on the Book of Mormon (Camille S. Williams), 7/1:3.
By Title
The entries in this section are listed by title, author, reviewer (in parentheses), volume number, and beginning page number.
“Apologetic and Critical Assumptions about Book of Mormon Historicity,” by Brent Lee Metcalfe (Alan Goff), 7/1:170.
“Book of Mormon Christology,” by Melodie Moench Charles (Ross David Baron), 7/1:91.
“Book of Mormon Christology,” by Melodie Moench Charles (Martin S. Tanner), 7/26.
The Book of Mormon: Helaman through 3 Nephi 8, According to Thy Word, by Monte S. Nyman and Charles D. Tate, Jr. (Mack C. Stirling), 7/1:208.
Decker’s Complete Handbook on Mormonism, by Ed Decker (Daniel C. Peterson), 7/2:38.
The Easy-to-Read Book of Mormon: A Learning Companion, by Lynn Matthews Anderson (Marvin Folsom), 7/1:13.
The Easy-to-Read Book of Mormon: A Learning Companion, by Lynn Matthews Anderson (Camille S. Williams), 7/1:3.
Explorers of Pre-Columbian America?: The Diffusionist-Inventionist Controversy, by Eugene R. Fingerhut (William J. Hamblin), 7/1:120.
First Nephi: Study Book of Mormon (Larry K. Smith), 7/23.
In the Footsteps of Lehi: New Evidence for Lehi’s Journey across Arabia to Bountiful, by Warren P. Aston and Michaela Knoth Aston (L. Ara Norwood), 7/1:85.
Inventing Mormonism: Tradition and the Historical Record, by H. Michael Marquardt and Wesley P. Walters (Larry C. Porter), 7/2:123.
Joseph Smith’s Response to Skepticism, by Robert N. Hullinger (Gary F. Novak), 7/1:139.
LDS Collectors Edition CD-ROM (Larry K. Smith), 7/2:256.
The Legacy of the Brass Plates of Laban: A Comparison of Biblical and Book of Mormon Isaiah Texts, by H. Clay Gorton (Garold N. Davis), 7/1:123.
The Legacy of the Brass Plates of Laban: A Comparison of Biblical and Book of Mormon Isaiah Texts, by H. Clay Gorton (Mark J. Johnson), 7/1:130.
Legend and Lore of the Americas before 1492: An Encyclopedia of Visitors, Explorers, and Immigrants, by Ronald H. Fritze (William J. Hamblin), 7/1:120.
Mormonism: The Story of a New Religious Tradition, by Jan Shipps (Louis Midgley), 7/2:219.
Mormons and Jews: Early Mormon Theologies of Israel, by Steven Epperson (Frank F. Judd, Jr., and Terrence L. Szink), 7/2:106.
Mormon’s Story: An Adaptation Based on the Book of Mormon, by Timothy B. Wilson (Camille S. Williams), 7/1:3.
New Approaches to the Book of Mormon: Explorations in Critical Methodology, edited by Brent Lee Metcalfe (Kevin Christensen), 7/2:144.
Overview of the Book of Mormon (Larry K. Smith), 7/2:1.
Recent Book of Mormon Developments: Articles from the Zarahemla Record, vol. 2, edited by Raymond C. Treat (Alison V. P. Coutts), 7/2:253.
Religion, Feminism, and Freedom of Conscience: A Mormon/ Humanist Dialogue, edited by George D. Smith (Louis Midgley), 7/1:229.
The Sanctity of Dissent, by Paul Toscano (William J. Hamblin), 7/1:298.
Questions to Ask Your Mormon Friend: Effective Ways to Challenge a Mormon’s Arguments without Being Offensive, by Bill McKeever and Eric Johnson (LeIsle Jacobson), 7/1:155.
“The Use of Egyptian Magical Papyri to Authenticate the Book of Abraham: A Critical Review,” by Edward H. Ashment (John Gee), 7/1:19.
Written by the Finger of God: Testimony of Joseph Smith’s Translations, by Joe Sampson (John Gee), 7/1:219.
By Reviewer
The entries in this section are listed by reviewer, author, title, volume number, and beginning page number.
Baron, Ross David, review of Melodie Moench Charles, “Book of Mormon Christology,” 7/1:91.
Davis, Garold N., review of H. Clay Gorton, The Legacy of the Brass Plates of Laban: A Comparison of Biblical and Book of Mormon Isaiah Texts, 7/1:123.
Christensen, Kevin, review of Brent Lee Metcalfe, ed., New Approaches to the Book of Mormon: Explorations in Critical Methodology, 7/2:144.
Coutts, Alison V. P., review of Raymond C. Treat, ed., Recent Book of Mormon Developments: Articles from the Zarahemla Record, vol. 2, 7/2:253.
Folsom, Marvin, review of Lynn Matthews Anderson, The Easy-to-Read Book of Mormon: A Learning Companion, 7/1:13.
Gee, John, review of Edward H. Ashment, “The Use of Egyptian Magical Papyri to Authenticate the Book of Abraham: A Critical Review,” 7/1:19.
Gee, John, review of Joe Sampson, Written by the Finger of God: Testimony of Joseph Smith’s Translations, 7/1:219.
Goff, Alan, review of Brent Lee Metcalfe, “Apologetic and Critical Assumptions about Book of Mormon Historicity,” 7/1:170.
Hamblin, William J., review of Eugene R. Fingerhut, Explorers of Pre-Columbian America?: The Diffusionist-Inventionist Controversy, 7/1:120.
Hamblin, William J., review of Ronald H. Fritze, Legend and Lore of the Americas before 1492: An Encyclopedia of Visitors, Explorers, and Immigrants, 7/1:120.
Hamblin, William J., review of Paul Toscano, The Sanctity of Dissent, 7/1:298.
Jacobson, LeIsle, review of Bill McKeever and Eric Johnson, Questions to Ask Your Mormon Friend: Effective Ways to Challenge a Mormon’s Arguments without Being Offensive, 7/1:155.
Johnson, Mark J., review of H. Clay Gorton, The Legacy of the Brass Plates of Laban: A Comparison of Biblical and Book of Mormon Isaiah Texts, 7/1:123.
Judd, Frank F., Jr., review of Steven Epperson, Mormons and Jews: Early Mormon Theologies of Israel, 7/2:106.
Midgley, Louis, review of Jan Shipps, Mormonism: The Story of a New Religious Tradition, 7/2:219.
Midgley, Louis, review of George D. Smith, ed., Religion, Feminism, and Freedom of Conscience: A Mormon/Humanist Dialogue, 7/1:229.
Norwood, L. Ara, review of Warren P. Aston and Michaela Knoth Aston, In the Footsteps of Lehi: New Evidence for Lehi’s Journey across Arabia to Bountiful, 7/1:85.
Novak, Gary F., review of Robert N. Hullinger, Joseph Smith’s Response to Skepticism, 7/1:139.
Peterson, Daniel C., review of Ed Decker, Decker’s Complete Handbook on Mormonism, 7/2:38.
Porter, Larry C., review of H. Michael Marquardt and Wesley P. Walters, Inventing Mormonism: Tradition and the Historical Record, 7/2:123.
Smith, Larry K., review of First Nephi: Study Book of Mormon, 7/2:3.
Smith, Larry K., review of LDS Collectors Edition CD-ROM, 7/2:1.
Smith, Larry K., review of Overview of the Book of Mormon, 7/2:1.
Sterling, Mack C., review of Monte S. Nyman and Charles D. Tate, Jr., The Book of Mormon: Helaman through 3 Nephi 8, According to Thy Word, 7/1:208.
Szink, Terrence L., review of Steven Epperson, Mormons and Jews: Early Mormon Theologies of Israel, 7/2:106.
Tanner, Martin S., review of Melodie Moench Charles, “Book of Mormon Christology,” 7/2:6.
Williams, Camille S., review of Lynn Matthews Anderson, The Easy-to-Read Book of Mormon: A Learning Companion, 7/1:3.
Williams, Camille S., review of Timothy B. Wilson, Mormon’s Story: An Adaptation Based on the Book of Mormon, 7/1:3.
By Subject
Abinadi, disguise of, 7/1:194
Abinadi, teaching of, on God and Jesus Christ, 7/1:92
Abraham, book of
relationship to Joseph Smith Papyri, 7/1:71
Abraham, name of, among Egyptian documents, 7/1:19, 22-23, 28, 29 n. 35, 29-35
Abrasax, name of, 7/1:32-34
absolute and unchanging doctrine, belief in, 7/1:269
academic freedom, at Brigham Young University, 7/1:245, 250, 264, 274
accuracy of key predictions, a value in evaluating paradigms, 7/2:161-73
acids of modernity, and return to Christian faith, 7/1:290
Allred, Janice Merrill, belief of, that Father and Son are one being, 7/1:309-11
allusion, as indication of sophistication, 7/1:192-206
Alma 32, discussion of, 7/2:145, 161, 172-73, 176-77, 181, 187, 208-10, 214
Alphabet and Grammar, from the Kirtland Egyptian Papers, 7/1:219
America, and its civilizations, 7/1:212
Anastasi archive
Egyptian nature of, 7/1:45
significance of, for the book of Abraham, 7/1:72-74, 76
anti-Mormonism, 7/1:229-30
and destruction, 7/1:214
criticism leading to, 7/1:300
stages in development of, in society, 7/1:212
Arminianism, elements of, in Book of Mormon, 7/1:146
Ashment, Ed, versus Hugh Nibley on Hebraisms in the Book of Mormon, 7/2:193-95
according to Ed Decker, 7/2:76-77
of Jesus Christ, as explained in Encyclopedia of Mormonism, 7/2:77-78
role of Paul Toscano’s deities in, 7/1:307-8
appeal to, 7/2:180 n. 102
divine investiture of, 7/1:109
of the standard works, 7/1:v
Benjamin, King, speech of, as nineteenth-century revival, 7/2:174
Betz, Hans Dieter, use of term magic, 7/1:66 n. 240
Book of Mormon
and belief in its truth, 7/2:229
and link with Joseph Smith’s role as prophet, 7/2:232
archaeological evidence supporting, 7/1:88 n. 2
as a self-contained literary unit, 7/2:107
as a trance-related production, 7/2:227
as an authentic ancient text, 7/1:90, 231
as ancient scripture, 7/2:24
as Book of the Restoration of the Covenant, 7/2:253
as inspired fiction, 7/2:185
as keystone of the faith, 7/2:213
as modern work of fiction, 7/1:92, 141, 151, 263, 268
as most correct book, 7/1:1, 15
as nineteenth-century fiction, 7/2:146
as second witness for Jesus Christ, 7/1:99
authors of, 7/2:1
authorship, 7/2:247
belief of Saints in its truth, 7/2:251
book-by-book summary of, 7/2:1
changes in text of, 7/2:90-92
complexity of, 7/1:207
differences in the manuscripts of, 7/2:254
geographic location of, 7/2:2
historicity of, attacked in New Approaches, 7/2:144
literary studies of, 7/2:179
Book of Mormon
modern-language versions of, 7/1:x, 1-2, 3-12
history of, 7/1:13-14
naturalistic explanation of, according to Jan Shipps, 7/2:224-25
overview of, 7/2:1
peoples of, 7/2:1
plausibility of, versus proof of, 7/2:234
population issues of, 7/2:164-70
purposes of, 7/2:1
records of, 7/2:2
simplified text in double columns, 7/1:7
simplified text in parallel columns, 7/1:3
spiritual message of, 7/1:15
subtitle of, 7/2:72
time line of, 7/2:2
truth claims of, 7/2:222
truthfulness of, not based on peripheral issues, 7/2:171
versification according to 1830 edition of, 7/2:3
site where Nephi built his ship, 7/1:86
Wadi Sayq as site of, 7/1:88
Brigham Young University, issues of academic freedom, 7/1:253-54
Brodie, Fawn M., and view of Joseph Smith, 7/2:224
Bultmann, Rudolph, cosmology of, 7/1:95
challenging a Mormon’s arguments, 7/1:155
Charles, Melodie Moench, contradictory conclusions of, 7/2:36
children, and understanding Book of Mormon, 7/1:3
Christian terminology, adopted by Mormonism with its own definitions, 7/1:158-60
Christians, Mormons as, 7/1: vii, 160
according to Abinadi, 7/2:8
Book of Mormon, 7/2:12-16, 91
chronology of early Mormon events
according to Marquardt and Walters, 7/2:125-26
limitations of, 7/2:125
church and state, relationship between, 7/2:65
Church, details of organization of, 7/2:135-37
churches, equality of, 7/1:303-4
comprehensiveness and coherence, values in evaluating paradigms, 7/2:173-76
Comte, Auguste, coined term positivism, 7/1:171
context, as a limit on human perspective, 7/2:198-208
counter-Mormon movements, Protestant evangelical attacks, 7/1:236
covenant making, pattern of, in the Old Testament, 7/1:211
covenant of Abraham, for literal descendants of Israel, 7/2:113
among secret combinations, 7/1:215
as central concept in overview, 7/2:1
curse, simile, and obedience to law, 7/1:200
d’Anastasi, Giovanni
collector of Egyptian antiquities, 7/1:35
papyri collections of, 7/1:35, 38-41
data, as theory-laden, 7/2:151, 159
Decker’s Complete Handbook on Mormonism, typographical errors in, 7/2:92-93
Decker, Ed
and his charges against the Mormons, 7/2:67-70
and his questionable commitment to religious liberty, 7/2:63-66
critical look at, 7/2:38 n. 3
deification, human, doctrine of, 7/2:74-75
devil, casting out of, 7/1:49 n. 154
disguise type-scenes, 7/1:194-204
dissent from within, threatening the Saints, 7/2:233
commitments of, 7/1:314
excommunication of, 7/1:313-16
dissidents and critics, response of Brethren to, 7/1:259
doctrinal errors, introduction of, 7/1:1, 15
Documentary History of the Church, reliability of,7/2:54-55
documents, relating to the origins of the restored Church, 7/2:123
economic expansion, in Mesoamerica, 7/1:218
ecumenical movement, and the Latter-day Saints, 7/2:122
Editor’s Picks, 7/1:xii, 7/2:vii-viii
Egyptology, discipline of, 7/1:25-27
Elohim, as father of Jehovah, 7/1:114
environmental explanation, of the Book of Mormon, 7/1:141, 150, 153-54
errors, methodological, in misrepresentation of Book of Mormon and early Latter-day Saint teachings about the Jews, 7/2:120
errors, purported, in Mormon scripture, 7/2:93-96
eternal life, promise of, 7/1:211
Ethan Smith theory, evaluation of, 7/1:150 n. 22
Ethan Smith’s View of the Hebrews, reputedly borrowed by Joseph Smith, 7/1:149
ethical teachings of Book of Mormon, compared to historical authenticity, 7/1:152
excommunication, of dissidents, 7/1:270
Facsimile 1, Figure 3, of book of Abraham, restoration of head, 7/1:79-82
and naturalistic humanism, confrontation between, 7/1:278
basis of, 7/1:27-28
falsification, limits of, 7/2:153-59
Feast of Tabernacles, as model for King Benjamin’s speech, 7/2:175 and 175 n. 88
feminism, 7/1:254-57
First Nephi, study aids for, 7/2:3
First Vision, accounts of, 7/1:165, 7/2:32
forty-day ministry, of Jesus Christ, 7/2:109
Foster, Lawrence, and view of Book of Mormon, 7/2:226-27
“freedom of the mind,” expression of Hugh B. Brown, 7/1:266
free agency, use of term, 7/1:252
and humanism, 7/1:243
religious, in early Utah, 7/2:57-58
within the community of faith, 7/1:262
fruitfulness, a value in evaluating paradigms, 7/2:176-77
future promise, a value in evaluating paradigms, 7/2:181-87
Gadianton oaths, suppression of, 7/2:216 n. 183
geography, Book of Mormon, 7/1:150
concept of, 7/1:304-5
names of
Yahweh and Elohim, 7/2:100
trinitarian concept of, 7/2:25
members of, as distinct beings, 7/1:91 n. 2
statement of Joseph Smith on, 7/1:116
understanding of, in 1830-1835, 7/1:113
Paul Toscano’s teachings on, 7/1:307-9
God Makers (film), The, evaluation of, 7/2:70
gold plates, weight of, 7/1:165
Christian, compared to restored gospel, 7/2:71
restored, as response to cultural conditions, 7/1:148
Gottwald, Norman K., cosmology of, 7/1:95
grace, necessity of, 7/2:77, 210
Harris-Anthon affair, 7/1:146
Hebraisms in the Book of Mormon
and it came to pass, 7/1:v-vii, 4
Hebrew poetry, use of, 7/2:254
Hinckley, Gordon B., prophet of our time, 7/1:316
early, of the Latter-day Saints, and voids in information, 7/2:124
liberalizing role of, 7/1:293
sacred versus ordinary, according to Jan Shipps, 7/2:234-35
Holy Ghost
gift of, by laying on of hands, 7/2:103
role in bringing souls to Christ, 7/1:161
homeoteleuton, type of scribal error, 7/2:91
imperfection of our knowledge, 7/2:218
infinite sins, concept of, originating with Anselm of Canterbury, 7/2:22
authorship of, 7/1:127
Book of Mormon version as oldest text, 7/1:126
Isaiah passages, Book of Mormon, 7/1:123, 146
chiastic structures in, 7/1:124, 134
compared with other texts, 7/1:124, 130, 138
Jehovah, as God of the Old Testament, 7/1:114
Jesus Christ
and God as separate beings, 7/2:6
as distinct from the Father, 7/1:111
as God and man, 7/2:12-14 n. 11
as God and man, scriptural basis for, 7/2:14 n. 12
as God of the Old Testament, 7/2:28, 34-36
as Messiah, 7/1:103 n. 27
as mortal during his ministry, 7/1:98
as Son of God, 7/1:103 n. 27
as the Father, 7/2:27
knowledge of, hundreds of years before his coming, 7/2:111
names and roles of, 7/1:209
postresurrection appearance of, 7/2:72
prophecies of
in the Book of Mormon, 7/1:97 n. 16
in the Old Testament, 7/1:117
worship of, in New Testament, 7/1:101 n. 22
Jesus Seminar, and analysis of Jesus’ sayings in canonical Gospels, 7/2:111
and recognition of Jesus Christ as the true Messiah, 7/2:114-19
and their acceptance of the fulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ, 7/2:116-19
conversion of, to the Church of Jesus Christ, 7/2:114, 119
Latter-day Saint attitudes and beliefs regarding, 7/2:106
justification, relationship with sanctification, 7/1:209
Kabbalah game, according to Sampson, 7/1:224-25
kabbalistic keys, used to unlock Book of Mormon, 7/1:219
keywords, repetition of, 7/1:213
Kimball, Spencer W., teachings of, concerning the law of the gathering Israel in the latter days, 7/2:120
King Lear, as inspiredwork, 7/2:186 n. 115
Kirtland Egyptian Papers, collection of documents, 7/1:226
Lamanites, identification of, with Indians, 7/1:144
Lamanites, interrelationships with Nephites, 7/1:212
Lane, Rev. George, and opportunities for Joseph Smith to hear him, 7/2:128-31
language, scriptural, 7/1:11
Last Temptation of Christ (film), The, and its portrayal of Jesus Christ,7/2:73-74
law of Moses, Nephite knowledge of, 7/2:112
LDS Collectors Edition CD-ROM
contents of, 7/2:257-58
hypertext and search capabilities of, 7/2:258-60
Macintosh version of, 7/2:260-62
Windows version of, 7/2:262
Lectures on Faith, never canonized, 7/2:90
limits, on human perspective, 7/2:187-88
literary and narrative theory
claim of, that ideology is inevitable, 7/1:174, 180-82
undermining historical claims of Book of Mormon, according to Metcalfe, 7/1:170
literary patterns
in Book of Mormon, 7/1:174
presence of, denies possibility of being authentic history, 7/1:182-87
and reason, to counter arguments, 7/1:160
circular argument, 7/1:100
fallacies of negative proof, 7/1:25
fallacy of equivocation, 7/1:46, 111
traditional, in examining Latter-day Saint beliefs, 7/1:vii-x
Lucifer, as spirit brother of Jesus Christ, 7/2:85-86
as distinguished from religion, 7/1:50-66
definition of, 7/1: 46-50, 83
according to D. Michael Quinn, 7/1:59-60
according to Hans Dieter Betz, 7/1:66-67 n. 240
according to Jerald and Sandra Tanner, 7/1:60-62
in scholarly discourse, 7/1:64-66
in the Hekhalot literature, 7/1:56
outside of one’s beliefs, 7/1:57-58
in ancient Egyptian religion, 7/1:56-57
in Mormonism, according to Ed Decker, 7/2:41
magic and the occult, involvement of the Smith family in, 7/2:231
manic depression, associated with genius, 7/2:227 n. 26
Marquardt, H. Michael, and search for Mormon documents, 7/2:123-24
marriage, interracial and intercultural, 7/2:68
Marxism, as response to cultural conditions, 7/1:148
masks, use of, by Egyptian priests, 7/1:82 n. 315
Masonry, Book of Mormon as response to, 7/1:149
McMurrin, Sterling, opinions on naturalistic humanism, 7/1:278-94
as expected by the Israelites, 7/2:16-24
New Testament expectations of, 7/1:100-105
prophetic statements about, 7/2:21 n. 29
and his philosophy of history, 7/1:215
as an editor, 7/1:215
Mormon historians, history of positivism among, 7/1:176
Moroni, Angel, timing of visits of, 7/2:132-35
Mosiah 15:1-4, analysis of, 7/1:118-19
Mother Goddess, Paul Toscano’s concept of, 7/1:306-7
Mother in Heaven
as the Holy Ghost, 7/1:307, 309
LDS concept of, 7/1:306
Mound Builder myth, 7/2:154 n. 26
mysticism, as explanation of early revelations, 7/1:147-48 n. 14
as ancient place-name in southern Arabia, 7/1:87
Ishmael’s place of burial, 7/1:85
research on, 7/1:87
narrative repetitions, 7/1:187-92
naturalistic explanations, implications of, 7/2:225, 228
Nephi2, life of, 7/1:210
Nephites, interrelationships with Lamanites, 7/1:212
New Approaches (book),designed to provide escape from faith, 7/2:211
New World, pre-Columbian explorations of, 7/1:120
objectivity, and the historical method, 7/2:228, 237
oneness, in reference to deity, 7/2:26
original sin, denial by Mormons, 7/2:98
overview, of the Book of Mormon, 7/2:1
background of, 7/1:35
magical, use and content of, 7/1:83
Papyri, Greek Magical (PGM)
contents of, 7/1:38
definition of, 7/1:46
nature of, 7/1:42
Papyri, Joseph Smith
dating of, 7/1:71 n. 272
relationship of, to book of Abraham, 7/1:71
paradigm debate, makes real communication possible, 7/2:159-60
choice between, based on application of values, not rules, 7/2:161
source of assumptions and methods, 7/2:148
versus self-evident facts, 7/2:209
patriarchal blessing, Ed Decker’s view of, 7/2:41
patriolatry, the idolatry of God the Father, 7/1:303-5
perdition, son of, 7/2:88
perplexity, as precursor to all learning, 7/1:213
personality type, authoritarian, 7/2:179 n. 100
plagiarism, alleged, in 3 Nephi 12-14, 7/2:178-79
plain and precious parts of the gospel, restoration of, 7/1:211
poetry in the Book of Mormon, 7/1:7
and ideology, 7/1:175
as conception of scientific approach to human understanding, 7/1:171
historical development of, 7/1:172
positivist claims for neutrality and objectivity, 7/1:172-73
positivist distinction between literature and history, 7/1:174
postpositivist position, disseminated through literary and narrative theory, 7/1:172
pre-Columbian contacts, between the New and Old worlds, 7/1:121
Preisendanz, Karl, publisher of Papyri Graecae Magicae, 7/1:38
Presbyterianism, and Smith family membership, 7/2:131-32, 134
priesthood blessings, as demonically empowered, according to Ed Decker, 7/2:41
of coming of Christ, 7/1:96
prophecy, before-the-fact, 7/1:95, 108-11, 7/2:14-16
rivalry between, and skeptics, 7/2:183
living, putting trust in, 7/1:161
punishment theme, parallels between Jeroboam and Noah, 7/1:200-206
pupil of the wedjat-eye, Abraham called, 7/1:76-79
Quinn, D. Michael, as source for Ed Decker, 7/2:41 n. 15
religion, as distinguished from magic, 7/1:50-66
position of LDS Church, 7/2:7
purpose of, 7/1:299
divine, defense of, 7/1:296
explanation of, 7/1:147
revisionist agenda, of Signature Books, 7/1:231
revivals, religious, timing of, 7/2:127-31
Sabellianism, doctrine of, regarding Godhead, 7/1:105-7, 7/2:26-28, 31
sacrament prayers, paraphrase of, 7/1:8
by works and grace, 7/2:77-80
in modern Christianity, 7/2:81-82
only through Jesus Christ, 7/2:119
principle of, 7/1:208
relationship with justification, 7/1:209
scholarship, and faith, 7/2:182
science, history of, includes many instances of intolerance and resistance to new theories, 7/2:155 n. 31
scientific method, influence on knowledge, 7/1:171
scripture, proof of, through the power of the Holy Ghost, 7/1:24
scriptures, interpretations of, 7/1:168
sealed book, Book of Mormon, 7/1:219
Second Comforter, 7/1:211
secular humanism, advanced by Paul Kurtz, 7/1:237
selectivity, as a limit on human perspective, 7/2:192-95
Sermon on the Mount, in Matthew, compared to 3 Nephi version, 7/2:9-10
Shipps, Jan
and reviews of Mormonism, 7/2:220 n. 3
background of, 7/2:221-22
simplicity and aesthetics, values in evaluating paradigms, 7/2:177-81
Skepticism, Joseph Smith’s response to, 7/1:146
Smith, Alvin, death of, and knowledge of Moroni, 7/2:132-35
Smith, Joseph
and efforts to debase his character, 7/2:124
and his ideas about revelation, 7/1:146
as a false prophet, according to Ed Decker, 7/2:48-50
as a mystic, 7/2:241-46
environment of, influencing Book of Mormon, 7/1:146
historical narrative of, 7/2:138
misinformation on, by Ed Decker, 7/2:50-55
teachings and opinions of, 7/1:143
Smith, Robert Morton, author of Jesus the Magician, 7/1:67-71
social stratification, in Mesoamerica, 7/1:218
social, economic, and political conditions, in Helaman and 3 Nephi, 7/1:217
spiritual abuse
accusations against the Church, 7/1:254, 304
subjectivity, as a limit on human perspective, 7/2:195-98
hatred and hostility toward, 7/2:82-83
objection to, by Ed Decker, 7/2:83-85
temporality, as a limit on human perspective, 7/2:188-92
testimony bearing, as a means of sharing faith, 7/2:55-57
Textual Comparison Chart, notes changes in various editions of 1 Nephi, 7/2:4
Third Nephi, insights into text of, 7/2:158 n. 37
Thompson, Stephen, and his response to reviews of New Approaches, 7/2:146-47 n. 4
Topical Index, like a concordance, 7/2:4
Toscano, Paul, accusations of, against the LDS Church, 7/1:298, 302
“touch me not,” vs. “do not hold on to me,” 7/2:94-95
tradition, appeal to, 7/2:180 n. 102
true believer, characteristics of, 7/2:181 n. 103
true church, only, belief in, 7/1:268
truth claims, avoidance of, 7/2:223
truths, restored, 7/2:7
tumbaga, alloy of gold and copper, 7/1:166
Universalism, and the Book of Mormon, 7/2:201-8
verification, limits of, 7/2:151-53
vocabulary, religious, ranging from formal to colloquial, 7/1:11
Wadi Sayq, as site of Bountiful, 7/1:88
Walters, Wesley P.
and search for Mormon documents, 7/2:123-24
with Fred Poffarl, unethical use of source documents, 7/2:139-43
Witnesses, to the Book of Mormon, 7/2:51-53
women, and their relationship to men, 7/2:59
works, salvation by, and grace, 7/2:76-80
world views, competing, 7/2:181
Wright, David P., teachings of, 7/1:268 n. 89
Young, Brigham, quotation on Jews and gentiles misused, 7/2:120-21
Zosimus, Egyptian pagan, 7/1:45
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