Index to Review of Books on the Book of Mormon 1989-94

Index to Review of Books on the Book of Mormon 1989-94
Publication Type
Journal Article
Year of Publication
FARMS Staff (Corporate/Institutional)
FARMS Review
Index to Review of Books on the Book of Mormon 1989-94
By Author
The entries in this section are listed by author, title, reviewer (in parentheses), volume number, and beginning page number.
Allen, Joseph L., Exploring the Lands of the Book of Mormon (Michael J. Preece), 3:32.
Anderson, Rodger I., Joseph Smith’s New York Reputation Reexamined (Richard Lloyd Anderson), 3:52.
Ankerberg, John, Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about Mormonism (Daniel C. Peterson), 5:1.
Barlow, Philip L., Mormons and the Bible: The Place of the Latter-day Saints in American Religion (Marvin Folsom), 4:1.
Bartley, Peter, Mormonism: The Prophet, the Book and the Cult (Daniel C. Peterson), 2:31.
Basil, Robert, On the Barricades: Religion and Free Inquiry in Conflict (Louis Midgley), 4:5.
Beardall, C. Douglas, About the Three Nephites (Richard L. Hill), 5:87.
Beardall, Jewell N., About the Three Nephites (Richard L. Hill), 5:87.
Benson, Ezra Taft, A Witness and a Warning: A Modern-Day Prophet Testifies of the Book of Mormon (John W. Welch), 1:1.
Black, Susan Easton, Finding Christ through the Book of Mormon (Camille Williams), 1:3.
Black, Susan Easton, ed., Stories from the Early Saints: Converted by the Book of Mormon (Daniel C. Peterson), 4:13.
Bloom, Harold, The American Religion: The Emergence of the Post-Christian Nation (Alan Goff), 5:96.
Brooke, John L., The Refiner’s Fire: The Making of Mormon Cosmology, 1644-1844 (William J. Hamblin, Daniel C. Peterson, George L. Mitton), 6/2:3.
Brown, Wade, The God-Inspired Language of the Book of Mormon (Donald W. Parry), 1:5.
Brown, Wade, The God-Inspired Language of the Book of Mormon (David P. Wright), 1:10.
Burgess, Allan K., Living the Book of Mormon: A Guide to Understanding and Applying Its Principles in Today’s World (Edward Snow), 4:20.
Burgess, Allan K., Fun for Family Night: Book of Mormon Edition (Shirley S. Ricks), 3:81.
Card, Orson Scott, The Folk of the Fringe; The Tales of Alvin Maker: Seventh Son; The Red Prophet; Prentice Alvin (Eugene England), 2:56.
Card, Orson Scott, Homecoming, vols. 1-5; A Storyteller in Zion: Essays and Speeches; and “An Open Letter to those who are concerned about “plagiarism’ in The Memory of Earth” (Eugene England), 6/2:59.
Carlsen, Earl W., Christ’s Answer to the Atheist, to the Jew: Who Wrote It? (Paul Y. Hosskisson), 2:63.
Charles, Melodie Moench, “Book of Mormon Christology”(Robert L. Millet), 6/1:187.
Cheesman, Millie F., Ancient American Indians: Their Origins, Civilizations and Old World Connections (Martin Raish), 4:21.
Cheesman, Paul R., Ancient American Indians: Their Origins, Civilizations and Old World Connections (Martin Raish), 4:21.
Cheesman, Paul R., ed., The Book of Mormon: The Keystone Scripture (Lavina Fielding Anderson), 1:18.
Cheesman, Paul R., The Keystone of Mormonism: Early Visions of the Prophet Joseph Smith (Larry C. Porter), 2:65.
Christenson, Allen J., “Maya Harvest Festivals and the Book of Mormon” (1991 Annual FARMS lecture), 3:1.
Clark, E. Douglas, Fathers and Sons in the Book of Mormon (Clark Johnson), 4:29.
Clark, E. Douglas, Fathers and Sons in the Book of Mormon (Daniel McKinlay), 4:24.
Clark, E. Douglas, The Grand Design: America from Columbus to Zion (John M. Beck), 5:109.
Clark, Robert S., Fathers and Sons in the Book of Mormon (Daniel McKinlay), 4:24.
Clark, Robert S., Fathers and Sons in the Book of Mormon (Clark Johnson), 4:29.
Cook, Lyndon W., ed., David Whitmer Interviews: A Restoration Witness (Daniel C. Peterson), 5:113.
Curtis, Delbert W., Christ in North America (John Clark), 6/2:79.
Curtis, Delbert W., The Land of the Nephites (David A. Palmer), 2:67.
England, Eugene, Converted to Christ through the Book of Mormon (Susan Easton Black), 2:74.
Ferguson, Thomas Stuart, The Messiah in Ancient America (Terrence L. Szink), 1:132.
Fischer, Norma J., A Book of Mormon Guide: A Simple Way to Teach a Friend (John Gee), 2:77.
Fischer, Wilford A., A Book of Mormon Guide: A Simple Way to Teach a Friend (John Gee), 2:77.
Gehrman, Mary Beth, On the Barricades: Religion and Free Inquiry in Conflict (Louis Midgley), 4:5.
Gileadi, Avraham, The Book of Isaiah: A New Translation with Interpretive Keys from the Book of Mormon (Donald W. Parry), 4:52.
Gileadi, Avraham, The Book of Isaiah: A New Translation with Interpretive Keys from the Book of Mormon (Bruce D. Porter), 4:40.
Goff, Alan, ” A Hermeneutic of Sacred Texts: Historicism, Revisionism, Positivism, and the Bible and Book of Mormon” (Daniel B. McKinlay), 2:86.
Griffith, Michael T., Refuting the Critics: Evidences of the Book of Mormon’s Authenticity (K. Codell Carter, Christopher B Isaac), 6/2:114.
Hales, Robert E., How to Hiss Forth with the Book of Mormon (Donald W. Parry), 3:84.
Hales, Robert E., A Standard unto My People (John M. Beck), 4:63.
Hales, Sandra L., How to Hiss Forth with the Book of Mormon (Donald W. Parry), 3:84.
Hales, Sandra L., A Standard unto My People (John M. Beck), 4:63.
Hamblin, William J., ed.,Warfare in the Book of Mormon (David B. Honey), 3:118.
Hamblin, William J., ed., Warfare in the Book of Mormon (Kurt Weiland), 3:141.
Harris, James R., Sr., Southwestern American Indian Rock Art and the Book of Mormon (Stephen E. Thompson), 4:65.
Hauck, F. Richard, Deciphering the Geography of the Book of Mormon (John Clark), 1:20.
Hauck, F. Richard, Deciphering the Geography of the Book of Mormon (William J. Hamblin), 1:71.
Hauck, F. Richard, Deciphering the Geography of the Book of Mormon (Mark V. Withers), 1:78.
Heimerdinger, Chris, Daniel and Nephi (Richard H. Cracroft), 6/2:118.
Heimerdinger, Chris, Gadiantons and the Silver Sword: A Novel (Brent Hall), 4:77.
Heimerdinger, Chris, Tennis Shoes among the Nephites: A Novel (Elouise Bell), 2:96.
Helland, Dean Maurice, Meeting the Book of Mormon Challenge in Chile (Louis Midgley), 5:116.
Hemmingway, Donald W., Christianity in America before Columbus? (Bruce W. Warren), 2:98.
Holley, Vernal, Book of Mormon Authorship: A Closer Look (L. Ara Norwood), 1:80.
Horton, George A., Keys to Successful Scripture Study (Patricia Gunter Karamesines), 3:86.
Hutchinson, Anthony A., “The Word of God Is Enough: The Book of Mormon as Nineteenth-Century Scripture”(Louis Midgley), 6/1:200.
Jackson, Kent P., ed., Studies in Scripture: vol. 7, 1 Nephi to Alma 29, and Studies in Scripture: vol. 8, Alma 30 to Moroni (Stephen D. Ricks), 1:89.
Kocherhans, Arthur J., Lehi’s Isle of Promise: A Scriptural Account with Word Definitions and a Commentary (James H. Fleugel), 3:96.
Kunich, John C., “Multiply Exceedingly: Book of Mormon Population Sizes”(James E. Smith), 6/1:255.
Langfield, Weldon, The Truth about Mormonism: A Former Adherent Analyzes the LDS Faith (Matthew Roper), 4:78.
Larson, Anthony E., Parallel Histories: The Nephites and the Americans (Bruce D. Porter), 3:101.
Larson, Charles M., . . . By His Own Hand upon Papyrus: A New Look at the Joseph Smith Papyri (John Gee and John L. Sorenson), 4:93.
Larson, Charles M., . . . By His Own Hand upon Papyrus: A New Look at the Joseph Smith Papyri (Michael D. Rhodes), 4:120.
Ludlow, Daniel H., ed.,The Encyclopedia of Mormonism (John Gee), 5:172.
Lundquist, John M., ed., By Study and Also by Faith, vol. 2(Gregory Dundas), 4:127.
Madigan, Tim, On the Barricades: Religion and Free Inquiry in Conflict (Louis Midgley), 4:5.
Marcum, Robert, Dominions of the Gadiantons (Stephen G. Nelson), 4:154.
Marquardt, H. Michael, Inventing Mormonism: Tradition and the Historical Record (Richard L. Bushman), 6/2:122.
Matheny, Deanne G., “Does the Shoe Fit? A Critique of the Limited Tehuantepec Geography”(John L. Sorenson), 6/1:297.
McConkie, Joseph Fielding, Doctrinal Commentary on the Book of Mormon: vol. 1, First and Second Nephi; and vol. 2, Jacob through Mosiah (Louis Midgley), 1:92.
McConkie, Joseph Fielding, Doctrinal Commentary on the Book of Mormon: vol. 3, Alma through Helaman (Michael J. Allen), 4:147.
McConkie, Joseph Fielding, Doctrinal Commentary on the Book of Mormon: vol. 3, Alma through Helaman (Donald W. Parry), 4:139.
McConkie, Joseph Fielding, Doctrinal Commentary on the Book of Mormon: vol. 4, Third Nephi through Moroni (Darrell L. Matthews), 5:183.
Mehew, Randall K., A Most Convincing Witness: Reasons Why the Book of Mormon Is the True Word of God (Todd G. Andersen), 3:104.
Metcalfe, Brent Lee, “Apologetic and Critical Assumptions about Book of Mormon Historicity” (William J. Hamblin), 6/1:434.
Metcalfe, Brent Lee, ed., New Approaches to the Book of Mormon (Davis Bitton), 6/1:1.
Metcalfe, Brent Lee, ed., New Approaches to the Book of Mormon (John Gee), 6/1:51.
Metcalfe, Brent Lee, ed., New Approaches to the Book of Mormon (Royal Skousen), 6/1:121.
Metcalfe, Brent Lee, ed., New Approaches to the Book of Mormon (John A. Tvedtnes), 6/1:8.
Metcalfe, Brent Lee, ed., New Approaches to the Book of Mormon (John W. Welch), 6/1:145.
Metcalfe, Brent Lee, “The Priority of Mosiah: A Prelude to Book of Mormon Exegesis”(Matthew Roper), 6/1:362.
Millet, Robert L., By Grace Are We Saved (John Gee), 2:100.
Millet, Robert L., Doctrinal Commentary on the Book of Mormon: vol. 3, Alma through Helaman (J. Michael Allen), 4:147.
Millet, Robert L., Doctrinal Commentary on the Book of Mormon: vol. 3, Alma through Helaman (Donald W. Parry), 4:139.
Millet, Robert L., Doctrinal Commentary on the Book of Mormon: vol. 1, First and Second Nephi; and vol. 2, Jacob through Mosiah (Louis Midgley), 1:92.
Millet, Robert L., Doctrinal Commentary on the Book of Mormon: vol. 4, Third Nephi through Moroni (Darrell L. Matthews), 5:183.
Molgard, Max H., Fun for Family Night: Book of Mormon Edition (Shirley S. Ricks), 3:81.
Moss, Robert H., I Nephi . . .—A Novel of the Sons of Lehi; The Covenant Coat—A Novel of Joseph; The Waters of Mormon—A Novel of Alma the Elder; That I Were an Angel, A Novel of Alma the Younger; Title of Liberty, A Novel of Helaman and Moroni; The Abridger, A Novel of Mormon; Valiant Witness, A Novel of Moroni (Richard H. Cracroft), 2:107.
Mulholland, David H., A Reading Guide to the Book of Mormon (Daniel W. Graham), 2:118.
Nibley, Hugh W., An Approach to the Book of Mormon (William J. Hamblin), 2:119.
Nibley, Hugh W., Lehi in the Desert, The World of the Jaredites, There Were Jaredites; An Approach to the Book of Mormon; Since Cumorah (Todd Compton), 1:114.
Nibley Hugh W., Lehi in the Desert, The World of The Jaredites, There Were Jaredites (David B. Honey), 2:143.
Nibley, Hugh W., Lehi in the Desert, The World of The Jaredites, There Were Jaredites (Stephen D. Ricks), 2:128.
Nibley, Hugh W., The Prophetic Book of Mormon (Daniel C. Peterson, 2:164.
Nibley, Hugh W., Since Cumorah (John A. Tvedtnes), 2:175.
Nibley, Hugh W., Teachings of the Book of Mormon: Semester Three Transcripts (David Rolph Seely), 5:190.
Nielsen, Harold K., Mapping the Action Found in the Book of Mormon (John L. Sorenson), 1:119.
Nyman, Monte S., ed., The Book of Mormon: Alma, The Testimony of the Word (Brian M. Hauglid), 5:198.
Nyman, Monte S., ed., The Book of Mormon: First Nephi, The Doctrinal Foundation (Daniel C. Peterson), 1:124.
Nyman, Monte S., ed., The Book of Mormon: Jacob through Words of Mormon, To Learn with Joy (Scott Woolley), 3:106.
Nyman, Monte S., ed., The Book of Mormon: Mosiah, Salvation Only through Christ (Rand H. Johnson), 4:160.
Nyman, Monte S., ed., The Book of Mormon: Second Nephi, The Doctrinal Structure (Noel B. Reynolds), 2:182.
Nyman, Monte S., ed., The Book of Mormon: 3 Nephi 9-30, This Is My Gospel (Jennifer Clark Lane), 6/2:134.
Nyman, Monte S., An Ensign to All People: The Sacred Message and Mission of the Book of Mormon (L. Gary Lambert), 1:121.
Nyman, Monte S., The Most Correct Book: Why the Book of Mormon Is the Keystone Scripture (Brian M. Hauglid), 4:155.
Palmer, William Rees, Two Pahute Indian Legends: “Why the Grand Canyon Was Made” and “The Three Days of Darkness” (Daniel C. Peterson), 1:129.
Parry, Donald W., The Book of Mormon Text Reformatted according to Parallelistic Patterns (Jo Ann H. Seely), 5:203.
Peay, E. L., The Lands of Zarahemla (Les Campbell), 6/2:139.
Persuitte, David, Joseph Smith and the Origins of the Book of Mormon (L. Ara Norwood), 2:187.
Peterson, Clark A., Using the Book of Mormon to Combat Falsehoods in Organic Evolution (Michael F. Whiting), 5:209.
Peterson, Daniel C., “Text and Context,” 6/1:524.
Poulson, Clair, Samuel, Moroni’s Young Warrior (Richard H. Cracroft), 6/2:118.
Proctor, Paul D., “American Book of Mormon Map”(David A. Palmer), 2:205.
Proctor, Maurine Jensen, Light from the Dust: A Photographic Exploration into the Ancient World of the Book of Mormon (Fred W. Nelson), 6/2:146.
Proctor, Scot Facer, Light from the Dust: A Photographic Exploration into the Ancient World of the Book of Mormon (Fred W. Nelson), 6/2:146.
Raish, Martin H., Pre-Columbian Contact with the Americas across the Oceans: An Annotated Bibliography (William J. Hamblin), 3:154.
Ricks, Eldin, Book of Mormon: Wide Margin Edition (Lewis M. Bastian), 2:207.
Ricks, Stephen D., ed., By Study and Also by Faith, vol. 2 (Gregory Dundas), 4:127.
Ricks, Stephen D., ed., Warfare in the Book of Mormon (David B. Honey), 3:118.
Ricks, Stephen D., ed.,Warfare in the Book of Mormon (Kurt Weiland), 3:141.
Ridges, David J., Isaiah Made Easier (Terrence L. Szink), 4:164.
Ropp, Harry L., Are the Mormon Scriptures Reliable? (Diane E. Wirth), 2:209.
Rust, Richard Dilworth, “The Book of Mormon, Designed for Our Day” (1990 Annual FARMS lecture), 2:1.
Sampson, Joe, Written by the Finger of God: A Testimony of Joseph Smith’s Translations (Frederick M. Huchel), 6/2:150.
Sánchez, Josué, trans. and ed., El Libro de Mormon ante la critica (Terrence L. Szink), 5:223.
Schlesinger, Philip J., Isaiah and the Book of Mormon: A Study Guide for Understanding the Writings of Isaiah in the Book of Mormon (Victor L. Ludlow), 3:147.
Smith, George D., ed., Faithful History: Essays on Writing Mormon History (Gary F. Novak), 5:231.
Sorenson, John L., The Geography of Book of Mormon Events: A Source Book (Joel C. Janetski), 3:150.
Sorenson, John L., Pre-Columbian Contact with the Americas across the Oceans: An Annotated Bibliography (William J. Hamblin), 3:154.
Sorenson, John L., ed., Rediscovering the Book of Mormon (Cherry B. Silver), 4:166.
Tanner, Jerald, Answering Mormon Scholars: A Response to Criticism of the Book “Covering Up the Black Hole in the Book of Mormon,” vol. 1 (Matthew Roper), 6/2:156.
Tanner, Jerald, Answering Mormon Scholars: A Response to Criticism of the Book “Covering Up the Black Hole in the Book of Mormon,” vol. 1 (John A. Tvedtnes), 6/2:204.
Tanner, Jerald, Archaeology and the Book of Mormon (William J. Hamblin), 5:250.
Tanner, Jerald, Covering up the Black Hole in the Book of Mormon (Tom Nibley), 5:273.
Tanner, Jerald, Covering up the Black Hole in the Book of Mormon (L. Ara Norwood), 3:158.
Tanner, Jerald, Covering up the Black Hole in the Book of Mormon (Matthew Roper), 3:170.
Tanner, Jerald, Covering up the Black Hole in the Book of Mormon (John A. Tvedtnes), 3:188.
Tanner, Jerald, Mormonism: Shadow or Reality? (Matthew Roper), 4:169.
Tanner, Maurice R., Out of Darkness (Richard H. Cracroft), 4:216.
Tanner, Sandra, Answering Mormon Scholars: A Response to Criticism of the Book “Covering Up the Black Hole in the Book of Mormon,” vol. 1 (Matthew Roper), 6/2:156.
Tanner, Sandra, Answering Mormon Scholars: A Response to Criticism of the Book “Covering Up the Black Hole in the Book of Mormon,” vol. 1 (John A. Tvedtnes), 6/2:204.
Tanner, Sandra, Archaeology and the Book of Mormon (William J. Hamblin), 5:250.
Tanner, Sandra, Covering up the Black Hole in the Book of Mormon (Tom Nibley), 5:273.
Tanner, Sandra, Covering up the Black Hole in the Book of Mormon (L. Ara Norwood), 3:158.
Tanner, Sandra, Covering up the Black Hole in the Book of Mormon (Matthew Roper), 3:170.
Tanner, Sandra, Covering up the Black Hole in the Book of Mormon (John A. Tvedtnes), 3:188.
Tanner, Sandra, Mormonism: Shadow or Reality? (Matthew Roper), 4:169.
Tate, Charles D., Jr., ed., The Book of Mormon: First Nephi, The Doctrinal Foundation (Daniel C. Peterson), 1:124.
Tate, Charles D., Jr., ed., The Book of Mormon: Second Nephi, The Doctrinal Structure (Noel B. Reynolds), 2:182.
Tate, Charles D., Jr., ed., The Book of Mormon: Jacob through Words of Mormon, To Learn with Joy (Scott Woolley), 3:106.
Tate, Charles D., Jr., ed., The Book of Mormon: Alma, The Testimony of the Word (Brian M. Hauglid), 5:198.
Tate, Charles D., Jr., ed., The Book of Mormon: Mosiah, Salvation Only through Christ (Rand H. Johnson), 4:160.
Tate, Charles D., Jr., ed., The Book of Mormon: 3 Nephi 9-30, This Is My Gospel (Jennifer Clark Lane), 6/2:134.
Terry, Keith C., Out of Darkness (Richard H. Cracroft), 4:216.
Thomas, Mark D., “A Rhetorical Approach to the Book of Mormon: Rediscovering Nephite Sacramental Language”(Richard Lloyd Anderson), 6/1:379.
Thorne, Melvin J., ed., Rediscovering the Book of Mormon (Cherry B. Silver), 4:166.
Top, Brent L., Doctrinal Commentary on the Book of Mormon: vol. 4, Third Nephi through Moroni (Darrell L. Matthews), 5:183.
Top, Brent L., ed., Doctrines of the Book of Mormon: The 1991 Sperry Symposium (Mack C. Stirling), 5:290.
Toscano, Margaret, Strangers in Paradox: Exploration in Mormon Theology (Brian M. Hauglid), 6/2:250.
Toscano, Paul, Strangers in Paradox: Exploration in Mormon Theology (Brian M. Hauglid), 6/2:250.
Tryk, Loftes, The Best Kept Secrets in the Book of Mormon (Daniel C. Peterson), 3:231.
Van Orden, Bruce A., ed., Doctrines of the Book of Mormon: The 1991 Sperry Symposium (Mack C. Stirling), 5:290.
Vogel, Dan, “Anti-Universalist Rhetoric in the Book of Mormon”(Martin Tanner), 6/1:420.
Vogel, Dan, Indian Origins and the Book of Mormon (Kevin Christensen), 2:214.
Vogel, Dan, ed., The Word of God: Essays on Mormon Scripture (Louis Midgley), 3:261.
Vogel, Dan, ed., The Word of God: Essays on Mormon Scripture (Stephen E. Robinson), 3:312.
Walters, Wesley P., Are the Mormon Scriptures Reliable? (Diane E. Wirth), 2:209.
Walters, Wesley P., Inventing Mormonism: Tradition and the Historical Record (Richard L. Bushman), 6/2:122.
Walters, Wesley P., The Use of the Old Testament in the Book of Mormon (Stephen D. Ricks), 4:235.
Walters, Wesley P., The Use of the Old Testament in the Book of Mormon (John A. Tvedtnes), 4:220.
Warren, Bruce W., The Messiah in Ancient America (Terrence L. Szink), 1:132.
Welch, John W., ed., Reexploring the Book of Mormon: The F.A.R.M.S. Updates (David Rolph Seely), 5:305.
Welch, John W., The Sermon at the Temple and the Sermon on the Mount (Todd Compton), 3:319.
Weldon, John, Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about Mormonism (Daniel C. Peterson), 5:1.
White, James R., Letters to a Mormon Elder (L. Ara Norwood), 5:317.
White, O. Kendall, Jr., Mormon Neo-Orthodoxy: A Crisis Theology (Louis Midgley), 6/2:283.
Williams, Stephen, Fantastic Archaeology: The Wild Side of North American Prehistory (John L. Sorenson), 4:254.
Williams, Stephen, Fantastic Archaeology: The Wild Side of North American Prehistory (Diane E. Wirth), 4:251.
Yorgason, Blaine, To Mothers and Fathers from the Book of Mormon (Lynn Nations Johnson), 4:258.
Yorgason, Brenton G., Little Known Evidences of the Book of Mormon (Paul Y. Hoskisson), 2:258.
Yorgason, Brenton G., Little Known Evidences of the Book of Mormon (John A. Tvedtnes), 2:260.
Yorgason, Brenton G., To Mothers and Fathers from the Book of Mormon (Lynn Nations Johnson), 4:258.
By Title
The entries in this section are listed by title, author, reviewer (in parentheses), volume number, and beginning page number.
About the Three Nephites, by C. Douglas Beardall and Jewell N. Beardall (Richard L. Hill), 5:87.
The Abridger, A Novel of Mormon, by Robert H. Moss (Richard H. Cracroft), 2:107.
“American Book of Mormon Map,” by Paul D. Proctor (David A. Palmer), 2:205.
American Religion: The Emergence of the Post-Christian Nation, by Harold Bloom (Alan Goff), 5:96.
Ancient American Indians: Their Origins, Civilizations and Old World Connections, by Paul R. Cheesman and Millie F. Cheesman (Martin Raish), 4:21.
Answering Mormon Scholars: A Response to Criticism of the Book “Covering Up the Black Hole in the Book of Mormon,” vol. 1, by Jerald and Sandra Tanner (Matthew Roper), 6/2:156.
Answering Mormon Scholars: A Response to Criticism of the Book “Covering Up the Black Hole in the Book of Mormon,” vol. 1, by Jerald and Sandra Tanner (John A. Tvedtnes), 6/2:204.
“Anti-Universalist Rhetoric in the Book of Mormon,” by Dan Vogel (Martin Tanner), 6/1:420.
“Apologetic and Critical Assumptions about Book of Mormon Historicity,” by Brent Lee Metcalfe (William J. Hamblin), 6/1:434.
An Approach to the Book of Mormon, by Hugh W. Nibley (Todd Compton), 1:114.
An Approach to the Book of Mormon, by Hugh W. Nibley (William J. Hamblin), 2:119.
Archaeology and the Book of Mormon, by Jerald Tanner and Sandra Tanner (William J. Hamblin), 5:250.
Are the Mormon Scriptures Reliable? by Wesley P. Walters and Harry L. Ropp (Diane E. Wirth), 2:209.
The Best Kept Secrets in the Book of Mormon, by Loftes Tryk (Daniel C. Peterson), 3:231.
Bible II (Royal Skousen), 6/2:1.
The Book of Isaiah: A New Translation with Interpretive Keys from the Book of Mormon, by Avraham Gileadi (Donald W. Parry), 4:52.
The Book of Isaiah: A New Translation with Interpretive Keys from the Book of Mormon, by Avraham Gileadi (Bruce D. Porter), 4:40.
The Book of Mormon: Alma, The Testimony of the Word, edited by Monte S. Nyman and Charles D. Tate (Brian M. Hauglid), 5:198.
Book of Mormon Authorship: A Closer Look, by Vernal Holley (L. Ara Norwood), 1:80.
“Book of Mormon Christology,” by Melodie Moench Charles (Robert L. Millet), 6/1:187.
Book of Mormon Companion: Dictionary and More (Shirley S. Ricks), 2:24.
The Book of Mormon: First Nephi, The Doctrinal Foundation, edited by Monte S. Nyman and Charles D. Tate, Jr. (Daniel C. Peterson), 1:124.
A Book of Mormon Guide: A Simple Way to Teach a Friend, by Norma J. Fischer and Wilford A. Fischer (John Gee), 2:77.
The Book of Mormon: Jacob through Words of Mormon, To Learn with Joy, edited by Monte S. Nyman and Charles D. Tate, Jr. (Scott Woolley), 3:106.
The Book of Mormon: The Keystone Scripture, edited by Paul R. Cheesman with S. Kent Brown and Charles D. Tate, Jr. (Lavina Fielding Anderson), 1:18.
The Book of Mormon: Mosiah, Salvation Only through Christ, edited by Monte S. Nyman and Charles D. Tate, Jr. (Rand H. Johnson), 4:160.
The Book of Mormon: Second Nephi, The Doctrinal Structure, edited by Monte S. Nyman and Charles D. Tate, Jr., (Noel B. Reynolds), 2:182.
The Book of Mormon Text Reformatted According to Parallelistic Patterns, by Donald W. Parry (Jo Ann H. Seely), 5:203.
The Book of Mormon: 3 Nephi 9-30, This Is My Gospel, edited by Monte S. Nyman and Charles D. Tate, Jr.(Jennifer Clark Lane), 6/2:134.
Book of Mormon: Wide Margin Edition, by Eldin Ricks (Lewis M. Bastian), 2:207.
By Grace Are We Saved, by Robert L. Millet (John Gee), 2:100.
. . . By His Own Hand upon Papyrus: A New Look at the Joseph Smith Papyri, by Charles M. Larson (John Gee and John L. Sorenson), 4:93.
. . . By His Own Hand upon Papyrus: A New Look at the Joseph Smith Papyri, by Charles M. Larson (Michael D. Rhodes), 4:120.
By Study and Also by Faith, vol. 2, edited by John M. Lundquist and Stephen D. Ricks (Gregory Dundas), 4:127.
Christianity in America Before Columbus? by Donald W. Hemmingway (Bruce W. Warren), 2:98.
Christ in North America, by Delbert W. Curtis (John Clark), 6/2:79.
Christ’s Answer to the Atheist, to the Jew: Who Wrote It? by Earl W. Carlsen (Paul Y. Hosskisson), 2:63.
Converted to Christ through the Book of Mormon, by Eugene England (Susan Easton Black), 2:74.
The Covenant Coat—A Novel of Joseph, by Robert H. Moss (Richard H. Cracroft), 2:107.
Covering Up the Black Hole in the Book of Mormon, by Jerald Tanner and Sandra Tanner (L. Ara Norwood), 3:158.
Covering Up the Black Hole in the Book of Mormon, by Jerald Tanner and Sandra Tanner (Tom Nibley), 5:273.
Covering Up the Black Hole in the Book of Mormon, by Jerald Tanner and Sandra Tanner (Matthew Roper), 3:170.
Covering Up the Black Hole in the Book of Mormon, by Jerald Tanner and Sandra Tanner (John A. Tvedtnes), 3:188.
Daniel and Nephi,by Chris Heimerdinger(Richard H. Cracroft), 6/2:118.
David Whitmer Interviews: A Restoration Witness, edited by Lyndon W. Cook (Daniel C. Peterson), 5:113.
Deciphering the Geography of the Book of Mormon, by F. Richard Hauck (John Clark), 1:20.
Deciphering the Geography of the Book of Mormon, by F. Richard Hauck (William J. Hamblin), 1:71.
Deciphering the Geography of the Book of Mormon, by F. Richard Hauck (Mark V. Withers), 1:78.
Doctrinal Commentary on the Book of Mormon: vol. 3, Alma through Helaman, by Joseph Fielding McConkie and Robert L. Millet (J. Michael Allen), 4:147.
Doctrinal Commentary on the Book of Mormon: vol. 3, Alma through Helaman, byJoseph Fielding McConkie and Robert L. Millet (Donald W. Parry), 4:139.
Doctrinal Commentary on the Book of Mormon: vol. 1, First and Second Nephi, by Joseph Fielding McConkie and Robert L. Millet (Louis Midgley), 1:92.
Doctrinal Commentary on the Book of Mormon: vol. 2, Jacob through Mosiah, by Joseph Fielding McConkie and Robert L. Millet (Louis Midgley), 1:92.
Doctrinal Commentary on the Book of Mormon: vol. 4, Third Nephi through Moroni, by Joseph Fielding McConkie, Robert L. Millet, and Brent L. Top (Darrell L. Matthews), 5:183.
Doctrines of the Book of Mormon: The 1991 Sperry Symposium, edited by Bruce A. Van Orden and Brent L. Top (Mack C. Stirling), 5:290.
“Does the Shoe Fit? A Critique of the Limited Tehuantepec Geography,” by Deanne G. Matheny (John L. Sorenson), 6/1:297.
Dominions of the Gadiantons, by Robert Marcum (Stephen G. Nelson), 4:154.
El Libro de Mormon ante la critica, translated and edited by Josué Sánchez (Terrence L. Szink), 5:223.
The Encyclopedia of Mormonism, edited by Daniel H. Ludlow (John Gee), 5:172.
An Ensign to All People: The Sacred Message and Mission of the Book of Mormon, by Monte S. Nyman (L. Gary Lambert), 1:121.
Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about Mormonism, by John Ankerberg and John Weldon (Daniel C. Peterson), 5:1.
Exploring the Lands of the Book of Mormon, by Joseph L. Allen (Michael J. Preece), 3:32.
Faithful History: Essays on Writing Mormon History, edited by George D. Smith (Gary F. Novak), 5:231.
Fantastic Archaeology: The Wild Side of North American Prehistory, by Stephen Williams (John L. Sorenson), 4:254.
Fantastic Archaeology: The Wild Side of North American Prehistory, by Stephen Williams (Diane E. Wirth), 4:251.
Fathers and Sons in the Book of Mormon by E. Douglas Clark and Robert S. Clark (Clark Johnson), 4:29.
Fathers and Sons in the Book of Mormon, by E. Douglas Clark and Robert S. Clark (Daniel B. McKinlay), 4:24.
Finding Christ through the Book of Mormon, by Susan Easton Black (Camille Williams), 1:3.
Folk of the Fringe, by Orson Scott Card (Eugene England), 2:56.
Fun for Family Night: Book of Mormon Edition, by Allan K. Burgess and Max H. Molgard (Shirley S. Ricks), 3:81.
Gadiantons and the Silver Sword: A Novel, by Chris Heimerdinger (Brent Hall), 4:77.
The Geography of Book of Mormon Events: A Source Book, by John L. Sorenson (Joel C. Janetski), 3:150.
The God-Inspired Language of the Book of Mormon, by Wade Brown (Donald W. Parry), 1:5.
The God-Inspired Language of the Book of Mormon, by Wade Brown (David P. Wright), 1:10.
Grand Design: America from Columbus to Zion, by E. Douglas Clark (John M. Beck), 5:109.
“A Hermeneutic of Sacred Texts: Historicism, Revisionism, Positivism, and the Bible and Book of Mormon,” by Alan Goff (Daniel B. McKinlay), 2:86.
Homecoming, vols. 1-5, by Orson Scott Card (Eugene England), 6/2:59.
How to Hiss Forth with the Book of Mormon, by Robert E. Hales and Sandra L. Hales (Donald W. Parry), 3:84.
Indian Origins and the Book of Mormon, by Dan Vogel (Kevin Christensen), 2:214.
I Nephi . . .—A Novel of the Sons of Lehi, by Robert H. Moss (Richard H. Cracroft), 2:107.
Inventing Mormonism: Tradition and the Historical Record by H. Michael Marquardt and Wesley P. Walters(Richard L. Bushman), 6/2:122.
Isaiah and the Book of Mormon: A Study Guide for Understanding the Writings of Isaiah in the Book of Mormon, by Philip J. Schlesinger (Victor L. Ludlow), 3:147.
Isaiah Made Easier, by David J. Ridges (Terrence L. Szink), 4:164.
Joseph Smith and the Origins of the Book of Mormon, by David Persuitte (L. Ara Norwood), 2:187.
Joseph Smith’s New York Reputation Reexamined, by Rodger I. Anderson (Richard Lloyd Anderson), 3:52.
The Keystone of Mormonism: Early Visions of the Prophet Joseph Smith, by Paul R. Cheesman (Larry C. Porter), 2:65.
Keys to Successful Scripture Study, by George A. Horton (Patricia Gunter Karamesines), 3:86.
The Land of the Nephites, by Delbert W. Curtis (David A. Palmer), 2:67.
The Lands of Zarahemla, by E. L. Peay(Les Campbell), 6/2:139.
Lehi in the Desert, The World of the Jaredites, There Were Jaredites, by Hugh W. Nibley (Todd Compton), 1:114.
Lehi in the Desert, The World of the Jaredites, There Were Jaredites, by Hugh W. Nibley (David B. Honey), 2:143.
Lehi in the Desert, The World of the Jaredites, There Were Jaredites, by Hugh W. Nibley (Stephen D. Ricks), 2:128.
Lehi’s Isle of Promise: A Scriptural Account with Word Definitions and a Commentary, by Arthur J. Kocherhans (James H. Fleugel), 3:96.
Letters to a Mormon Elder, by James R. White (L. Ara Norwood), 5:317.
Light from the Dust: A Photographic Exploration into the Ancient World of the Book of Mormon, by Scot Facer Proctor and Maurine Jensen Proctor(Fred W. Nelson), 6/2:146.
Little Known Evidences of the Book of Mormon, by Brenton G. Yorgason (Paul Y. Hoskisson), 2:258.
Little Known Evidences of the Book of Mormon, by Brenton G. Yorgason (John A. Tvedtnes), 2:260.
Living the Book of Mormon: A Guide to Understanding and Applying Its Principles in Today’s World, by Allan K. Burgess (Edward Snow), 4:20.
Mapping the Action Found in the Book of Mormon, by Harold K. Nielsen (John L. Sorenson), 1:119.
Meeting the Book of Mormon Challenge in Chile, Dean Maurice Helland (Louis Midgley), 5:116.
The Messiah in Ancient America, by Bruce W. Warren and Thomas Stuart Ferguson (Terrence L. Szink), 1:132.
Mormonism: The Prophet, the Book, and the Cult, by Peter Bartley (Daniel C. Peterson), 2:31.
Mormonism: Shadow or Reality? by Jerald Tanner and Sandra Tanner (Matthew Roper), 4:169.
Mormon Neo-Orthodoxy: A Crisis Theology, by O. Kendall White, Jr. (Louis Midgley), 6/2:283.
Mormons and the Bible: The Place of the Latter-day Saints in American Religion, by Philip L. Barlow (Marvin Folsom), 4:1.
A Most Convincing Witness: Reasons Why the Book of Mormon Is the True Word of God, by Randall K. Mehew (Todd G. Andersen), 3:104.
The Most Correct Book: Why the Book of Mormon Is the Keystone Scripture, by Monte S. Nyman (Brian M. Hauglid), 4:155.
“Multiply Exceedingly: Book of Mormon Population Sizes,” by John C. Kunich (James E. Smith), 6/1:255.
New Approaches to the Book of Mormon, by Brent Lee Metcalfe (Davis Bitton), 6/1:1.
New Approaches to the Book of Mormon, by Brent Lee Metcalfe (John Gee), 6/1:51.
New Approaches to the Book of Mormon, by Brent Lee Metcalfe (Royal Skousen), 6/1:121.
New Approaches to the Book of Mormon, by Brent Lee Metcalfe (John A. Tvedtnes), 6/1:8.
New Approaches to the Book of Mormon, by Brent Lee Metcalfe (John W. Welch), 6/1:145.
On the Barricades: Religion and Free Inquiry in Conflict, by Robert Basil, Mary Beth Gehrman, and Tim Madigan (Louis Midgley), 4:5.
“An Open Letter to those who are concerned about “plagiarism’ in The Memory of Earth,” by Orson Scott Card (Eugene England), 6/2:59.
Out of Darkness, by Keith C. Terry with Maurice R. Tanner (Richard H. Cracroft), 4:216.
Parallel Histories: The Nephites and the Americans, by Anthony E. Larson (Bruce D. Porter), 3:101.
Pre-Columbian Contact with the Americas across the Oceans: An Annotated Bibliography, by John L. Sorenson and Martin H. Raish (William J. Hamblin), 3:154.
Prentice Alvin, by Orson Scott Card (Eugene England), 2:56.
“Priority of Mosiah: A Prelude to Book of Mormon Exegesis,” by Brent Lee Metcalfe (Matthew Roper), 6/1:362.
The Prophetic Book of Mormon, by Hugh W. Nibley (Daniel C. Peterson), 2:164.
A Reading Guide to the Book of Mormon, by David H. Mulholland (Daniel W. Graham), 2:118.
Rediscovering the Book of Mormon, edited by John L. Sorenson and Melvin J. Thorne (Cherry B. Silver), 4:166.
The Red Prophet, by Orson Scott Card (Eugene England), 2:56.
Reexploring the Book of Mormon: The F.A.R.M.S. Updates, edited by John W. Welch (David Rolph Seely), 5:305.
The Refiner’s Fire: The Making of Mormon Cosmology, 1644-1844, by John L. Brooke (William J. Hamblin, Daniel C. Peterson, George L. Mitton), 6/2:3.
Refuting the Critics: Evidences of the Book of Mormon’s Authenticity,by Michael T. Griffith(K. Codell Carter, Christopher B Isaac), 6/2:114.
“A Rhetorical Approach to the Book of Mormon: Rediscovering Nephite Sacramental Language,” by Mark D. Thomas (Richard Lloyd Anderson), 6/1:379.
Samuel, Moroni’s Young Warrior, by Clair Poulson (Richard H. Cracroft), 6/2:118.
The Sermon at the Temple and the Sermon on the Mount, by John W. Welch (Todd Compton), 3:319.
Seventh Son, by Orson Scott Card (Eugene England), 2:56.
Since Cumorah, by Hugh W. Nibley (Todd Compton), 1:114.
Since Cumorah, by Hugh W. Nibley (John A. Tvedtnes), 2:175.
Southwestern American Indian Rock Art and the Book of Mormon, by James R. Harris, Sr. (Stephen E. Thompson), 4:65.
A Standard unto My People, by Robert E. Hales and Sandra L. Hales (John M. Beck), 4:63.
Stories from the Early Saints: Converted by the Book of Mormon, edited by Susan Easton Black (Daniel C. Peterson), 4:13.
A Storyteller in Zion: Essays and Speeches, by Orson Scott Card (Eugene England), 6/2:59.
Strangers in Paradox: Exploration in Mormon Theology, by Margaret Toscano and Paul Toscano (Brian M. Hauglid), 6/2:250.
Studies in Scripture: vol. 8, Alma 30 to Moroni, edited by Kent P. Jackson (Stephen D. Ricks), 1:89.
Studies in Scripture: vol. 7, 1 Nephi to Alma 29, edited by Kent P. Jackson (Stephen D. Ricks), 1:89.
A Sure Foundation: Answers to Difficult Gospel Questions (Gary P. Gillum), 2:26.
Teachings of the Book of Mormon: Semester Three Transcripts, by Hugh W. Nibley (David Rolph Seely), 5:190.
Tennis Shoes among the Nephites: A Novel, by Chris Heimerdinger (Elouise Bell), 2:96.
That I Were an Angel, A Novel of Alma the Younger, by Robert H. Moss (Richard H. Cracroft), 2:107.
Title of Liberty, A Novel of Helaman and Moroni, by Robert H. Moss (Richard H. Cracroft), 2:107.
To Mothers and Fathers from the Book of Mormon, by Blaine Yorgason and Brenton G. Yorgason (Lynn Nations Johnson), 4:258.
The Truth about Mormonism: A Former Adherent Analyzes the LDS Faith, by Weldon Langfield (Matthew Roper), 4:78.
Two Pahute Indian Legends: “Why the Grand Canyon Was Made” and “The Three Days of Darkness,” by William Rees Palmer (Daniel C. Peterson), 1:129.
Use of the Old Testament in the Book of Mormon, by Wesley P. Walters (Stephen D. Ricks), 4:235.
Use of the Old Testament in the Book of Mormon, by Wesley P. Walters (John A. Tvedtnes), 4:220.
Using the Book of Mormon to Combat Falsehoods in Organic Evolution, by Clark A. Peterson (Michael F. Whiting), 5:209.
Valiant Witness, A Novel of Moroni, by Robert H. Moss (Richard H. Cracroft), 2:107.
Warfare in the Book of Mormon, edited by Stephen D. Ricks and William J. Hamblin (David B. Honey), 3:118.
Warfare in the Book of Mormon, edited by Stephen D. Ricks and William J. Hamblin (Kurt Weiland), 3:141.
The Waters of Mormon—A Novel of Alma the Elder, by Robert H. Moss (Richard H. Cracroft), 2:107.
A Witness and a Warning: A Modern-Day Prophet Testifies of the Book of Mormon, by Ezra Taft Benson (John W. Welch), 1:1.
The Word of God: Essays on Mormon Scripture, edited by Dan Vogel (Louis Midgley), 3:261.
The Word of God: Essays on Mormon Scripture, edited by Dan Vogel (Stephen E. Robinson), 3:312.
“The Word of God Is Enough: The Book of Mormon as Nineteenth-Century Scripture,” by Anthony A. Hutchinson (Louis Midgley), 6/1:200.
Written by the Finger of God: A Testimony of Joseph Smith’s Translations, by Joe Sampson (Frederick M. Huchel), 6/2:150.
By Reviewer
The entries in this section are listed by reviewer, author, title, volume number, and beginning page number.
Allen, J. Michael, review of Joseph Fielding McConkie and Robert L. Millet, Doctrinal Commentary on the Book of Mormon: vol. 3, Alma through Helaman, 4:147.
Anderson, Lavina Fielding, review of Paul R. Cheesman, ed., assisted by Charles D. Tate, Jr., and S. Kent Brown, The Book of Mormon: The Keystone Scripture, 1:18.
Anderson, Richard Lloyd, review of Rodger I. Anderson, Joseph Smith’s New York Reputation Reexamined, 3:52.
Anderson, Richard Lloyd, review of Mark D. Thomas, “A Rhetorical Approach to the Book of Mormon: Rediscovering Nephite Sacramental Language,” 6/1:379.
Andersen, Todd G., review of Randall K. Mehew, A Most Convincing Witness: Reasons Why the Book of Mormon Is the True Word of God, 3:104.
Bastian, Lewis M., review of Eldin Ricks, Book of Mormon: Wide Margin Edition, 2:207.
Beck, John M., review of E. Douglas Clark, The Grand Design: America from Columbus to Zion, 5:109.
Beck, John M., review of Robert E. Hales and Sandra L. Hales, A Standard unto My People, 4:63.
Bell, Elouise, review of Chris Heimerdinger, Tennis Shoes among the Nephites: A Novel, 2:96.
Bitton, Davis, review of Brent Lee Metcalfe, New Approaches to the Book of Mormon, 6/1:1.
Black, Susan Easton, review of Eugene England, Converted to Christ through the Book of Mormon, 2:74.
Bushman, Richard L., review of H. Michael Marquardt and Wesley P. Walters, Inventing Mormonism: Tradition and the Historical Record, 6/2:122.
Campbell, Les, review of E. L. Peay, The Lands of Zarahemla, 6/2:139.
Carter, K. Codell, review of Michael T. Griffith, Refuting the Critics: Evidences of the Book of Mormon’s Authenticity, 6/2:114.
Christensen, Kevin, review of Dan Vogel, Indian Origins and the Book of Mormon, 2:214.
Clark, John, review of Delbert W. Curtis, Christ in North America, 6/2:79.
Clark, John, review of F. Richard Hauck, Deciphering the Geography of the Book of Mormon, 1:20.
Compton, Todd, review of Hugh W. Nibley, Lehi in the Desert, The World of the Jaredites, There Were Jaredites; An Approach to the Book of Mormon; Since Cumorah, 1:114.
Compton, Todd, review of John W. Welch, The Sermon at the Temple and the Sermon on the Mount, 3:319.
Cracroft, Richard H., review of Chris Heimerdinger, Daniel and Nephi, 6/2:118.
Cracroft, Richard H., review of Robert H. Moss, I Nephi . . .—A Novel of the Sons of Lehi; The Covenant Coat—A Novel of Joseph; The Waters of Mormon—A Novel of Alma the Elder; That I Were an Angel, A Novel of Alma the Younger; Title of Liberty, A Novel of Helaman and Moroni; The Abridger, A Novel of Mormon; Valiant Witness, A Novel of Moroni, 2:107.
Cracroft, Richard H., review of Clair Poulson, Samuel, Moroni’s Young Warrior, 6/2:118.
Cracroft, Richard H., review of Keith C. Terry with Maurice R. Tanner, Out of Darkness, 4:216.
Dundas, Gregory, review of John M. Lundquist and Stephen D. Ricks, eds., By Study and Also by Faith, vol. 2, 4:127.
England, Eugene, review of Orson Scott Card, The Folk of the Fringe; The Tales of Alvin Maker: Seventh Son; Red Prophet; Prentice Alvin, 2:56.
England, Eugene, review of Orson Scott Card, Homecoming, vols. 1-5; A Storyteller in Zion: Essays and Speeches; and “An Open Letter to those who are concerned about “plagiarism’ in The Memory of Earth,” 6/2:59.
Fleugel, James H., review of Arthur J. Kocherhans, Lehi’s Isle of Promise: A Scriptural Account with Word Definitions and a Commentary, 3:96.
Folsom, Marvin, review of Philip L. Barlow, Mormons and the Bible: The Place of the Latter-day Saints in American Religion, 4:1.
Gee, John, review of Wilford A. Fischer and Norma J. Fischer, A Book of Mormon Guide: A Simple Way to Teach a Friend, 2:77.
Gee, John, review of Charles M. Larson, . . . By His Own Hand upon Papyrus: A New Look at the Joseph Smith Papyri, 4:93.
Gee, John, review of Daniel H. Ludlow, ed., The Encyclopedia of Mormonism, 5:172.
Gee, John, review of Brent Lee Metcalfe, New Approaches to the Book of Mormon, 6/1:51.
Gee, John, review of Robert L. Millet, By Grace Are We Saved, 2:100.
Gillum, Gary P., review of A Sure Foundation: Answers to Difficult Gospel Questions, 2:26.
Goff, Alan, review of Harold Bloom, The American Religion: The Emergence of the Post-Christian Nation, 5:96.
Graham, Daniel W., review of David H. Mulholland, A Reading Guide to the Book of Mormon, 2:118.
Hall, Brent, review of Chris Heimerdinger, Gadiantons and the Silver Sword: A Novel, 4:77.
Hamblin, William J., review of John L. Brooke, The Refiner’s Fire: The Making of Mormon Cosmology, 1644-1844, 6/2:3.
Hamblin, William J., review of F. Richard Hauck, Deciphering the Geography of the Book of Mormon, 1:71.
Hamblin, William J., review of Brent Lee Metcalfe, “Apologetic and Critical Assumptions about Book of Mormon Historicity,” 6/1:434.
Hamblin, William J., review of Hugh W. Nibley, An Approach to the Book of Mormon, 2:119.
Hamblin, William J., review of John L. Sorenson and Martin H. Raish, Pre-Columbian Contact with the Americas across the Oceans: An Annotated Bibliography, 3:154.
Hamblin, William J., review of Jerald Tanner and Sandra Tanner, Archaeology and the Book of Mormon, 5:250.
Hauglid, Brian M., review of Monte S. Nyman and Charles D. Tate, Jr., eds., The Book of Mormon: Alma, The Testimony of the Word, 5:198.
Hauglid, Brian M., review of Monte S. Nyman, The Most Correct Book: Why the Book of Mormon Is the Keystone Scripture, 4:155.
Hauglid, Brian M. review of Margaret Toscano and Paul Toscano, Strangers in Paradox: Exploration in Mormon Theology, 6/2:250.
Hill, Richard L., review of C. Douglas Beardall and Jewell N. Beardall, About the Three Nephites, 5:87.
Honey, David B., review of Hugh W. Nibley, Lehi in the Desert, The World of the Jaredites, There Were Jaredites, 2:143.
Honey, David B., review of Stephen D. Ricks and William J. Hamblin, eds., Warfare in the Book of Mormon, 3:118.
Hosskisson, Paul Y., review of Earl W. Carlsen, Christ’s Answer to the Atheist, to the Jew: Who Wrote It? 2:63.
Hoskisson, Paul Y., review of Brenton G. Yorgason, Little Known Evidences of the Book of Mormon, 2:258.
Huchel, Frederick M., review of Joe Sampson, Written by the Finger of God: A Testimony of Joseph Smith’s Translations, 6/2:150.
Isaac, Christopher B, review of Michael T. Griffith, Refuting the Critics: Evidences of the Book of Mormon’s Authenticity, 6/2:114.
Janetski, Joel C., review of John L. Sorenson, The Geography of Book of Mormon Events: A Source Book, 3:150.
Johnson, Clark, review of E. Douglas Clark and Robert S. Clark, Fathers and Sons in the Book of Mormon, 4:29.
Johnson, Lynn Nations, review of Blaine Yorgason and Brenton G. Yorgason, To Mothers and Fathers from the Book of Mormon, 4:258.
Johnson, Rand H., review of Monte S. Nyman and Charles D. Tate, Jr., eds., The Book of Mormon: Mosiah, Salvation Only through Christ, 4:160.
Karamesines, Patricia Gunter, review of George A. Horton, Keys to Successful Scripture Study, 3:86.
Lambert, L. Gary, review of Monte S. Nyman, An Ensign to All People: The Sacred Message and Mission of the Book of Mormon, 1:121.
Lane, Jennifer Clark, review of Monte S. Nyman and Charles D. Tate, Jr., eds., The Book of Mormon: 3 Nephi 9-30, This Is My Gospel, 6/2:134.
Ludlow, Victor L., review of Philip J. Schlesinger, Isaiah and the Book of Mormon: A Study Guide for Understanding the Writings of Isaiah in the Book of Mormon, 3:147.
Matthews, Darrell L., review of Joseph Fielding McConkie, Robert L. Millet, and Brent L. Top, Doctrinal Commentary on the Book of Mormon: vol. 4, Third Nephi through Moroni, 5:183.
McKinlay, Daniel B., review of E. Douglas Clark and Robert S. Clark, Fathers and Sons in the Book of Mormon, 4:24.
McKinlay, Daniel B., review of Alan Goff, “A Hermeneutic of Sacred Texts: Historicism, Revisionism, Positivism, and the Bible and Book of Mormon,” 2:86.
Midgley, Louis, review of Robert Basil, Mary Beth Gehrman, and Tim Madigan, On the Barricades: Religion and Free Inquiry in Conflict, 4:5.
Midgley, Louis, review of Dean Maurice Helland, Meeting the Book of Mormon Challenge in Chile, 5:116.
Midgley, Louis, review of Anthony A. Hutchinson, “The Word of God Is Enough: The Book of Mormon as Nineteenth-Century Scripture,” 6/1:200.
Midgley, Louis, review of Joseph Fielding McConkie and Robert L. Millet, Doctrinal Commentary on the Book of Mormon: vol. 1, First and Second Nephi, vol. 2, Jacob through Mosiah, 1:92.
Midgley, Louis, review of Dan Vogel, ed., The Word of God: Essays on Mormon Scripture, 3:261.
Midgley, Louis, review of O. Kendall White, Jr., Mormon Neo-Orthodoxy: A Crisis Theology, 6/2:283.
Mitton, George L., review of John L. Brooke, The Refiner’s Fire: The Making of Mormon Cosmology, 1644-1844, 6/2:3.
Millet, Robert L., review of Melodie Moench Charles, “Book of Mormon Christology,” 6/1:187.
Nelson, Fred W., review of Scot Facer Proctor and Maurine Jensen Proctor, Light from the Dust: A Photographic Exploration into the Ancient World of the Book of Mormon, 6/2:146.
Nelson, Stephen G., review of Robert Marcum, Dominions of the Gadiantons, 4:154.
Nibley, Tom, review of Sandra Tanner and Jerald Tanner, Covering Up the Black Hole in the Book of Mormon, 5:273.
Norwood, L. Ara, review of Vernal Holley, Book of Mormon Authorship: A Closer Look, 1:80.
Norwood, L. Ara, review of David Persuitte, Joseph Smith and the Origins of the Book of Mormon, 2:187.
Norwood, L. Ara, review of Jerald Tanner and Sandra Tanner, Covering Up the Black Hole in the Book of Mormon, 3:158.
Norwood, L. Ara, review of James R. White, Letters to a Mormon Elder, 5:317.
Novak, Gary F., review of George D. Smith, ed., Faithful History: Essays on Writing Mormon History, 5:231.
Palmer, David A., review of Delbert W. Curtis, The Land of the Nephites, 2:67.
Palmer, David A., review of Paul D. Proctor, “American Book of Mormon Map,” 2:205.
Parry, Donald W., review of Wade Brown, The God-Inspired Language of the Book of Mormon, 1:5.
Parry, Donald W., review of Avraham Gileadi, The Book of Isaiah: A New Translation with Interpretive Keys from the Book of Mormon, 4:52.
Parry, Donald W., review of Robert E. Hales and Sandra L. Hales, How to Hiss Forth with the Book of Mormon, 3:84.
Parry, Donald W., review of Joseph Fielding McConkie and Robert L. Millet, Doctrinal Commentary on the Book of Mormon: vol. 3, Alma through Helaman, 4:139.
Peterson, Daniel C., review of John Ankerberg and John Weldon, Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about Mormonism, 5:1.
Peterson, Daniel C., review of Peter Bartley, Mormonism: The Prophet, the Book, and the Cult, 2:31.
Peterson, Daniel C., review of Susan Easton Black, ed., Stories from the Early Saints Converted by the Book of Mormon, 4:13.
Peterson, Daniel C., review of John L. Brooke, The Refiner’s Fire: The Making of Mormon Cosmology, 1644-1844, 6/2:3.
Peterson, Daniel C., review of Lyndon W. Cook, ed., David Whitmer Interviews: A Restoration Witness, 5:113.
Peterson, Daniel C., review of Hugh W. Nibley, The Prophetic Book of Mormon, 2:164.
Peterson, Daniel C., review of William Rees Palmer, Two Pahute Indian Legends: “Why the Grand Canyon Was Made” and “The Three Days of Darkness,” 1:129.
Peterson, Daniel C., review of Monte S. Nyman and Charles D. Tate, Jr., eds., The Book of Mormon: First Nephi, The Doctrinal Foundation, 1:124.
Peterson, Daniel C., review of Loftes Tryk, The Best Kept Secrets in the Book of Mormon, 3:231.
Porter, Bruce D., review of Avraham Gileadi, The Book of Isaiah: A New Translation with Interpretive Keys from the Book of Mormon, 4:40.
Porter, Bruce D., review of Anthony E. Larson, Parallel Histories: The Nephites and the Americans, 3:101.
Porter, Larry C., review of Paul R. Cheesman, The Keystone of Mormonism: Early Visions of the Prophet Joseph Smith, 2:65.
Preece, Michael J., review of Joseph L. Allen, Exploring the Lands of the Book of Mormon, 3:32.
Raish, Martin, review of Paul R. Cheesman and Millie F. Cheesman, Ancient American Indians: Their Origins, Civilizations and Old World Connections, 4:21.
Reynolds, Noel B., review of Monte S. Nyman and Charles D. Tate, Jr., eds., The Book of Mormon: Second Nephi, The Doctrinal Structure, 2:182.
Rhodes, Michael D., review of Charles M. Larson, . . . By His Own Hand upon Papyrus: A New Look at the Joseph Smith Papyri, 4:120.
Ricks, Shirley S., review of Book of Mormon Companion: Dictionary and More, 2:24.
Ricks, Shirley S., review of Allan K. Burgess and Max H. Molgard, Fun for Family Night: Book of Mormon Edition, 3:81.
Ricks, Stephen D., review of Kent P. Jackson, ed., Studies in Scripture: vol. 7, 1 Nephi to Alma 29; Studies in Scripture: vol. 8, Alma 30 to Moroni, 1:89.
Ricks, Stephen D., review of Hugh W. Nibley, Lehi in the Desert, The World of The Jaredites, There Were Jaredites, 2:128.
Ricks, Stephen D., review of Wesley P. Walters, The Use of the Old Testament in the Book of Mormon, 4:235.
Robinson, Stephen E., review of Dan Vogel, ed., The Word of God: Essays on Mormon Scripture, 3:312.
Roper, Matthew, review of Weldon Langfield, The Truth about Mormonism: A Former Adherent Analyzes the LDS Faith, 4:78.
Roper, Matthew, review of Brent Lee Metcalfe, “The Priority of Mosiah: A Prelude to Book of Mormon Exegesis,” 6/1:362.
Roper, Matthew, review of Jerald Tanner and Sandra Tanner, Answering Mormon Scholars: A Response to Criticism of the Book “Covering Up the Black Hole in the Book of Mormon,” vol. 1, 6/2:156.
Roper, Matthew, review of Jerald Tanner and Sandra Tanner, Covering Up the Black Hole in the Book of Mormon, 3:170.
Roper, Matthew, review of Jerald Tanner and Sandra Tanner, Mormonism: Shadow or Reality? 4:169.
Seely, David Rolph, review of Hugh W. Nibley, Teachings of the Book of Mormon: Semester Three Transcripts, 5:190.
Seely, David Rolph, review of John W. Welch, ed., Reexploring the Book of Mormon: The F.A.R.M.S. Updates, 5:305.
Seely, Jo Ann H., review of Donald W. Parry, The Book of Mormon Text Reformatted according to Parallelistic Patterns, 5:203.
Silver, Cherry B., review of John L. Sorenson and Melvin J. Thorne, eds., Rediscovering the Book of Mormon, 4:166.
Skousen, Royal, review of Brent Lee Metcalfe, ed., New Approaches to the Book of Mormon, 6/1:121.
Skousen, Royal, review of Bible II, 6/2:1.
Smith, James E., review of John C. Kunich, “Multiply Exceedingly: Book of Mormon Population Sizes,” 6/1:255.
Snow, Edward, review of Allan K. Burgess, Living the Book of Mormon: A Guide to Understanding and Applying Its Principles in Today’s World, 4:20.
Sorenson, John L., review of Charles M. Larson, . . . By His Own Hand upon Papyrus: A New Look at the Joseph Smith Papyri, 4:93.
Sorenson, John L., review of Deanne G. Matheny, “Does the Shoe Fit? A Critique of the Limited Tehuantepec Geography,” 6/1:297.
Sorenson, John L., review of Harold K. Nielsen, Mapping the Action Found in the Book of Mormon, 1:119.
Sorenson, John L., review of Stephen Williams, Fantastic Archaeology: The Wild Side of North American Prehistory, 4:254.
Stirling, Mack C., review of Bruce A. Van Orden and Brent L. Top, eds., Doctrines of the Book of Mormon: The 1991 Sperry Symposium, 5:290.
Szink, Terrence L., review of Bruce W. Warren and Thomas Stuart Ferguson, The Messiah in Ancient America, 1:132.
Szink, Terrence L., review of David J. Ridges, Isaiah Made Easier, 4:164.
Szink, Terrence L., review of Josué Sánchez, trans. and ed., El Libro de Mormon ante la critica, 5:223.
Tanner, Martin, review of Dan Vogel, “Anti-Universalist Rhetoric in the Book of Mormon,” 6/1:420.
Thompson, Stephen E., review of James R. Harris, Sr., Southwestern American Indian Rock Art and the Book of Mormon, 4:65.
Tvedtnes, John A., review of Brent Lee Metcalfe, ed., New Approaches to the Book of Mormon, 6/1:8.
Tvedtnes, John A., review of Hugh W. Nibley, Since Cumorah, 2:175.
Tvedtnes, John A., review of Jerald Tanner and Sandra Tanner, Answering Mormon Scholars: A Response to Criticism of the Book “Covering Up the Black Hole in the Book of Mormon,” vol. 1, 6/2:204.
Tvedtnes, John A., review of Jerald Tanner and Sandra Tanner, Covering Up the Black Hole in the Book of Mormon, 3:188.
Tvedtnes, John A., review of Wesley P. Walters, The Use of the Old Testament in the Book of Mormon, 4:220.
Tvedtnes, John A., review of Brenton G. Yorgason, Little Known Evidences of the Book of Mormon, 2:260.
Warren, Bruce W., review of Donald W. Hemmingway, Christianity in America before Columbus? 2:98.
Weiland, Kurt, review of Stephen D. Ricks and William J. Hamblin, eds., Warfare in the Book of Mormon, 3:141.
Welch, John W., review of Ezra Taft Benson, A Witness and a Warning: A Modern-Day Prophet Testifies of the Book of Mormon, 1:1.
Welch, John W., review of Brent Lee Metcalfe, ed., New Approaches to the Book of Mormon, 6/1:145.
Whiting, Michael F., review of Clark A. Peterson, Using the Book of Mormon to Combat Falsehoods in Organic Evolution, 5:209.
Williams, Camille, review of Susan Easton Black, Finding Christ through the Book of Mormon, 1:3.
Wirth, Diane E., review of Harry L. Ropp and Wesley P. Walters, Are the Mormon Scriptures Reliable? 2:209.
Wirth, Diane E., review of Stephen Williams, Fantastic Archaeology: The Wild Side of North American Prehistory, 4:251.
Withers, Mark V., review of F. Richard Hauck, Deciphering the Geography of the Book of Mormon, 1:78.
Woolley, Scott, review of Monte S. Nyman and Charles D. Tate, Jr., eds., The Book of Mormon: Jacob through Words of Mormon, To Learn with Joy, 3:106.
Wright, David P., review of Wade Brown, The God-Inspired Language of the Book of Mormon, 1:10.
By Subject
Abraham, book of, 2:212, 4:91-126, 6/1:40, 6/1:112, 6/1:210, 6/2:212-14
Agency, 2:182, 5:347-50
Agenda, 2:vii-xv, 3:295-305, 4:vii-lxxv, 5:26-34, 6/1:54-57, 6/1:187-89, 6/1:198-99, 6/1:420-21, 6/1:526-52
Akkadian, 6/1:82
Amarna letters, 5:67-68, 5:73, 5:77
American Indians. See Native Americans
Amherst papyrus, 5:45-63
Animals, 2:148, 4:206-7, 6/1:10, 6/1:29-30, 6/1:299-300, 6/1:342-48
Anthon, Charles, 2:44, 2:200, 4:210-12, 5:260
Anti-Christ, 1:14, 2:101, 6/1:12-13
Anti-Mormon. See also Book of Mormon, criticism, 1:x, 2:31-55, 2:110, 2:169, 2:187, 2:204, 3:52-80, 3:158-318, 4:vii-lxxv, 4:8-9, 4:78-126, 4:169-215, 4:247, 5:14, 5:101-2, 5:116-21, 5:126, 5:140, 5:350-54, 6/1:v-xii, 6/1:1, 6/1:117, 6/1:148, 6/1:219, 6/1:254, 6/1:524-25, 6/2:19-20, 6/2:114-17, 6/2:156-249
Apocrypha, 4:114-17, 4:122-23
Apologists, 2:175, 2:203, 4:vii-lxxv, 5:5-16, 6/1:114-19, 6/1:434, 6/1:438-46, 6/1:461-67
Apostasy, 3:50, 6/1:65, 6/1:412-13, 6/1:454-55
Arabic, 2:172, 2:258
Aramaic, 6/1:11, 6/1:68-70, 6/1:153
Archaeology, 2:71-72, 2:136, 2:209, 2:220, 2:260, 3:36, 3:50, 4:21-23, 4:117-19, 4:129, 4:202-4, 4:251-57, 5:33-37, 5:250-72, 6/1:303-4, 6/1:316-28, 6/1:348-54
Asia, 2:143-53
Atonement, 2:100-106, 2:181, 5:297, 5:352-53, 6/1:17-18, 6/2:20-29, 6/2:183-84, 6/2:270-71, 6/2:289-93
Authority, 6/1:415
Aztec, 6/1:323, 6/1:328-29, 6/1:331-35
Babel. See Tower of Babel
Baptism, 2:212, 2:252, 5:20, 6/1:45-47, 6/1:76-77, 6/1:192-93, 6/1:367-69, 6/1:391
infant, 4:182
proxy, 4:83
Bat Creek Inscription, 4:22, 4:212, 5:207
Benson, Ezra Taft, 1:vi, 1:1-2, 1:8, 1:121-22, 2:74, 2:77, 2:173, 3:111, 4:13, 4:24, 4:29, 4:155-59, 5:109
Bible, 1:127, 2:xi, 2:xxi, 2:53, 2:77, 2:91-95, 2:220-21, 3:147-49, 4:1-3, 4:41-43, 4:55, 4:103-4, 4:220-50, 4:228-32, 6/1:232-33, 6/1:286
in the Book of Mormon, 2:187-204, 2:214-57, 3:110, 3:124, 3:160, 3:167-68, 3:171-84, 3:197-98, 3:213, 3:321, 4:40-62, 4:86-91, 4:195-97, 4:220-50, 5:298-300, 6/1:3-4, 6/1:11, 6/1:17-18, 6/1:19-23, 6/1:39, 6/1:62, 6/1:67-71, 6/1:99-102, 6/1:125-32, 6/1:152-81, 6/1:375-77, 6/2:39-43, 6/2:162-74, 6/2:231-49
historicity, 2:175-81, 2:214-57, 6/1:384-90, 6/1:396-412, 6/1:547-48
translations, 2:140
scholarship(see also Documentary hypothesis), 6/1:108-11, 6/1:121-25, 6/1:384-90
Blood, 3:167, 5:297, 5:352-53
Book of Breathings, 4:94, 4:100, 4:105
Book of Mormon
authorship, 2:200, 6/1:v-562
chapters, 6/1:137-40, 6/2:1
chronology, 2:24-25, 3:34, 3:50, 3:193-94, 3:264, 5:24-25, 6/2:180-84, 6/2:220-22
criticism(see also Anti-Mormon), 1:vii-x, 2:ix-xv, 2:87-95, 2:132, 2:139, 2:165, 2:187-204, 2:234-35, 3:52-80, 3:158-318, 4:vii-lxxv, 4:82-92, 4:169-215, 4:220-50, 5:25-26, 5:40, 5:53, 5:61-84, 5:101, 5:123, 5:150-54, 5:162-70, 5:231-89, 5:350-54, 6/1:v-562, 6/2:v-ix, 6/2:3-9, 6/2:156-203
editions, 6/2:1-2
evidences, 2:28, 2:54, 2:90, 2:137-39, 2:167-68, 2:199, 2:258-66, 4:65, 4:117-19, 4:129, 4:166, 5:35, 5:114, 5:256-57
historicity (see also Book of Mormon, translation into English), 1:90-91, 1:93-100, 1:106-9, 1:116, 1:127, 2:87, 2:119-27, 2:134-38, 2:214, 2:257, 3:32, 3:52-80, 3:101, 3:118, 3:158-318, 4:9-12, 4:78-92, 4:176-79, 4:186, 4:191-92, 5:231-50, 5:271, 5:328-34, 6/1:1-10, 6/1:12, 6/1:40-48, 6/1:56-57, 6/1:65, 6/1:111-12, 6/1:116-17, 6/1:119, 6/1:135-37, 6/1:150-69, 6/1:180-86, 6/1:200-259, 6/1:280-82, 6/1:362-433, 6/1:452-56, 6/1:527-62, 6/2:3-58, 6/2:61-66, 6/2:121-33
linguistic style, 2:165-67, 2:237-47, 2:262-66, 4:41-42, 4:52-62, 4:167, 5:73-74, 5:81, 5:163, 5:286, 5:307-8, 5:310-11, 6/1:11, 6/1:14-15, 6/1:30-48, 6/1:71-72, 6/1:88-106, 6/1:140-43, 6/1:379-417, 6/2:150-55
literary qualities(see also Poetry), 1:5-9, 1:10-17, 1:126, 2:xx-xxii, 2:28, 2:51-52, 2:93, 3:108-10, 3:243, 3:264, 4:30-31, 4:167, 5:203-7, 5:284-86, 6/1:67-71
manuscripts, 1:12, 2:28-29, 3:159, 3:170-71, 3:190, 3:199-201, 6/1:40-48, 6/1:124-27, 6/1:131-32, 6/1:135-37, 6/1:144, 6/2:174-79, 6/2:217-20
scholarship, 1:vii-x, 1:3-4, 1:90, 1:93-100, 1:105-13, 1:115-16, 2:vii-xxv, 2:32-33, 2:40, 2:54, 2:86-95, 2:141, 2:176, 2:234, 3:261-318, 3:158, 4:vii-lxxv, 4:21-23, 4:26, 4:137, 4:148, 4:150-53, 4:162-63, 5:17-19, 5:39, 6/1:v-xii, 6/1:1-8, 6/1:33, 6/1:52-66, 6/1:102, 6/1:114-19, 6/1:145-52, 6/1:182-86, 6/1:198-99, 6/1:201-3, 6/1:295-96, 6/1:306, 6/1:358-61, 6/1:379-81, 6/1:416-17, 6/1:434-523, 6/1:527-62, 6/2:37-9, 6/2:156-208
sophistication, 1:v, 2:xxi-xxii, 2:168, 4:26, 4:91, 4:137, 6/1:146, 6/1:182, 6/2:61-2, 6/2:202-3
study, 2:77-85, 2:118, 2:207-8, 3:86-95, 4:24, 4:63-64, 4:164-65
themes, 4:28, 4:130, 6/2:134-38, 6/2:199-202
translation into English, 2:51-54, 2:65, 2:93, 2:200, 2:236-47, 2:261, 3:164, 3:171-72, 3:201-13, 3:228-29, 3:263-64, 4:9, 5:163, 5:337-39, 6/1:v, 6/1:33-48, 6/1:74-102, 6/1:122-23, 6/1:130-31, 6/1:135-37, 6/1:181, 6/1:362-78, 6/2:150-55, 6/2:12-95, 6/2:208-9
translations into other languages, 2:82, 2:264
Calvinism, 5:348-49
Canaanites, 2:140
Catholicism, 1:127, 2:54-55, 2:84-85, 2:165, 2:201, 2:223, 3:1-12, 3:40, 3:314, 5:33
Censorship, 5:238-40
Central America. See Mesoamerica
Chiasmus. See also Poetry, 2:64, 3:244-46, 4:42, 4:167-68, 4:216, 5:204-8, 6/1:493-99
Children, 1:24-25, 2:165, 3:81-83
Choctaw, 1:19
Cloth, 3:196
Colophon. See also Poetry, 4:167
Columbus, 1:125, 3:97-98, 5:109
Commandments, 2:181, 5:181, 5:295, 6/1:404-5
Computer, 1:119
Condescension of God, 5:297
Conversion, 1:3-4, 2:74-76, 4:12-19
Coptic, 4:75
Copyright, 2:200
Cosmology, 6/2:3-58
Covenant, 1:99, 4:127-28, 6/1:65-66, 6/1:396-412, 6/2:137-38
Creation, 2:60, 2:248-49, 2:252, 3:115, 5:209-10, 5:221-22
Mesoamerican, 3:28, 3:40-43, 3:128
Mormon, 6/1:206-8
Near Eastern, 2:119-27, 2:143-63, 2:175-81, 6/1:145
Cumorah, 1:56-61, 2:68-73, 2:205, 2:232-33, 2:260-62, 3:49, 3:57, 4:77, 6/1:476-81, 6/2:79-113
Curses, 2:182
Davidic King, 4:40-51, 4:57
Dead Sea Scrolls, 2:140, 2:173, 2:175, 2:238, 3:173, 4:54, 4:231, 6/1:17, 6/1:20-22, 6/2:241-46
Death, 6/1:108
Deliverance, 4:25
Destruction, 2:78-85
Devil, 3:234, 3:242-43
Didache, 6/1:390-92
Diversity, 6/2:59-78
Doctrine. See Theology
Documentary hypothesis. See also Bible, scholarship, 2:31, 2:89-95
Documents. See Texts, ancient
Economy, 2:148
Eden, Garden of, 3:222
Egyptian, 2:201, 2:210-12, 2:235, 2:258, 4:67-76, 4:90-117, 4:120-26, 5:44, 6/1:30-40, 6/1:39-40, 6/1:79-88, 6/1:94-99, 6/1:106-8, 6/1:112-14, 6/2:150-55
Episcopalianism, 2:xx
Essenes, 2:140
Evolution, 3:106-8, 5:212-16
FARMS, 1:vi, 1:116-18, 1:126, 2:xxv, 2:40, 2:119, 2:126, 2:234, 2:257, 3:86, 3:118, 5:11-12, 5:34, 5:223-24, 5:305-6, 6/1:v-xii, 6/1:4, 6/1:23, 6/1:114, 6/1:146, 6/1:532-36, 6/2:37, 6/2:119, 6/2:206-7
Facsimile No. 2, 4:109, 4:123-26
Facsimile No. 3, 4:100, 4:109
Faith, 4:126, 6/1:4-6, 6/1:211, 6/2:285-87
Family, 3:81-83, 4:24-39, 4:133-34, 4:258-61
Famine, 4:145
Feasts. See Festivals
Festivals, 2:122-25, 3:1-31, 3:185-86, 4:134, 4:179-81, 5:309, 6/2:223-30
Fiction, 2:57-62, 2:96-97, 2:107-17, 4:77, 4:154, 4:216-19, 6/2:59-78, 6/2:118-21
Book of Mormon as, 6/1:6, 6/1:200, 6/1:210, 6/1:222-35
Flood, 3:111-15
Food, 2:149, 3:43, 3:160
Free Agency. See Agency
Free Speech, 6/1:531-34
Fundamentalists, 5:49
Gematria, 4:58
Geography, 1:20-79, 1:84-88, 1:119-20, 2:67-73, 2:125-26, 2:231-35, 3:150-53, 3:32-51, 3:150-53, 3:194-96, 4:252-55, 6/1:10-11, 6/1:29-30, 6/1:264-70, 6/1:297-361, 6/1:470-74, 6/2:79-113, 6/2:139-49
directions, 1:20, 1:23-25, 1:73, 3:33, 5:63-64, 5:74-77, 6/1:10-11, 6/1:299-300, 6/1:305-15
distances, 1:76, 1:25-58, 1:120
maps, 1:23-70, 1:76, 1:85-88, 1:119-20, 2:205-6, 3:150-53, 6/2:141-42
scholarship, 6/1:318-19, 6/1:358-61, 6/1:471-74, 6/2:80-82, 6/2:110-13, 6/2:140-48
typology, 1:67-70
Gnosticism, 2:140, 2:175
Gold plates. See Plates
Grace, 2:100-106, 5:343-50
Greek, 2:101, 2:136-37, 2:154, 3:21-22, 6/1:11, 6/1:49-50, 6/1:68-70, 6/1:150-68, 6/1:438-39
Harvest, 3:1-31
Hebrew, 1:5-6, 1:10-12, 2:42-43, 2:210, 4:41-43, 4:52-62, 4:216, 6/1:11, 6/1:30-40, 6/1:49-50, 6/1:68-70, 6/1:79-99, 6/1:132-35, 6/1:145, 6/1:325, 6/1:344-45, 6/2:150-55
Hell, 2:29, 5:301-3
Hellenism, 1:viii, 1:127
Hermeticism, 6/2:12-58
History, 2:87-95, 5:231, 5:236-37
Homosexuality, 6/2:71-73
Horse, 2:148-49, 3:43, 4:208, 6/1:10, 6/1:344
Idolatry, 6/1:5-7
Imagery. See Symbolism
Immorality, 6/1:537-42
Indians. See Native Americans
Institute for Religious Research, 4:93
Iraq, 2:137
Isaiah, 2:90, 2:180, 2:183, 2:237, 3:147-49, 3:163, 3:183-84, 3:191-98, 3:264, 4:40-62, 4:164-65, 4:227-28, 6/2:238-46
Islam, 2:xv-xix, 2:263, 5:267-68, 5:1
Israelites, 2:92-93, 2:121-22, 6/1:269-70
Izapa stela, 1:126, 3:23-25, 3:39, 5:267-68
Jaredites, 1:8, 1:23-70, 1:116, 2:53, 2:68-69, 2:143, 2:159, 2:163, 2:205, 2:228, 3:33-36, 4:90, 6/1:24, 6/1:27, 6/1:253-59
Jerusalem, 2:169, 2:226, 3:26, 3:34-35, 3:194, 3:215, 3:242, 4:88-89, 5:75-77
Jews, 1:3, 2:180, 2:201
Joseph Smith Papyri, 4:93-117, 4:120-26, 5:274-75, 6/1:207-8
Kabbalah, 6/2:150-55
Kinderhook plates, 2:210-11, 4:252-53
Kingship, 2:251, 3:161-62, 3:192-93
Kirtland Egyptian Papers, 4:109-14, 4:121, 6/1:39-40, 6/1:112-14, 6/2:150-55
Koran, 2:xv-xix, 3:143, 5:59
Lamanites, 1:15-16, 1:23-70, 3:26, 3:30, 3:49-50, 3:102, 3:128, 3:136, 4:128-29, 5:225-29, 6/1:259-60, 6/1:268-69, 6/1:284-94, 6/1:474-76
Land, promised, 6/2:82-93
Liahona, 2:175, 2:221-22, 3:99, 5:290-91
Linen, 3:180
Literature, 2:107-17
Lucifer, 3:234, 3:242-43
Magic, 2:58-62, 5:143-45
Manuscript found. See Spalding Manuscript
Masonry, 2:169, 4:184, 6/1:499-286, 6/2:31-32, 6/2:52-56
Materialism, 5:192-93, 6/1:328
Maya, 2:46, 2:50, 3:1, 3:8, 3:30, 3:34, 3:37, 3:42, 3:135, 6/1:82-83, 6/1:302-3, 6/1:312-15, 6/1:334
Melchizedek, 6/1:19-23, 6/1:170-74
Mesoamerica. See also Culture, Mesoamerican, 2:67-73, 2:98-99, 2:134, 2:137, 2:205, 2:218, 2:220, 2:256, 3:1, 3:32-33, 3:96, 4:252, 5:259-63, 6/1:29-30, 6/1:299-301, 6/1:310-16
Metallurgy, 2:48-49, 3:43, 3:146, 4:209, 6/1:30-31, 6/1:299-300, 6/1:319-28, 6/2:30-31
Methodology, 1:71-74, 2:86-95, 2:123-26, 2:134-35, 2:139-41, 2:214-19, 3:53, 3:291-95, 3:321-22, 4:72-76, 6/1:52-57, 6/1:59-66, 6/1:91-92, 6/1:102, 6/1:116, 6/1:119, 6/1:121, 6/1:144-47, 6/1:182-86, 6/1:223-24, 6/1:259-63, 6/1:297-98, 6/1:301-4, 6/1:319, 6/1:358-61, 6/1:379-81, 6/1:422-32, 6/1:434-523, 6/1:552, 6/1:434-523, 6/2:48-52
Military. See Warfare
Millennium, 5:183
Mongolia, 2:229-31, 4:210
Mulekites, 2:200-201, 2:228-29, 3:26, 3:33, 3:36-38, 3:161-62, 3:199-210, 6/1:24, 6/1:27-28, 6/1:259-60, 6/1:289-91
Names, people, 3:191-93, 3:246-51, 4:132, 4:198-202, 4:232-33, 6/1:37-40, 6/1:102-6, 6/1:131, 6/2:144, 6/2:237-38
Names, places, 1:85-88, 2:24, 2:76, 3:195
Native Americans, 1:129-31, 2:41-42, 2:134, 2:165-68, 2:171, 2:173, 2:197, 2:220, 2:225, 2:229-31, 2:257, 2:261, 3:101-2, 4:21-23, 4:65-76, 6/1:474-76
Near East. See Culture, Near Eastern
Nephites, 1:23-70, 2:68-69, 2:96-97, 3:26-28, 3:38, 3:102-9, 3:128, 3:136, 3:161, 5:227-29, 6/1:24-29, 6/1:253, 6/1:259-61, 6/1:268-69, 6/1:284-94, 6/1:371-72, 6/1:378-84
New World Archaeological Foundation, 1:133, 4:117-18, 5:55-56
Newark Stones, 5:70
Nibley, Hugh, 2:53, 2:55, 3:52-56, 3:125, 3:162-63, 3:182-85, 3:244-46, 3:283-89, 3:322, 4:26, 4:87, 4:96-97, 4:105, 4:137, 4:242, 5:9, 5:17, 5:190-97, 6/1:vi, 6/1:146, 6/1:148, 6/1:394-96, 6/2:37, 6/2:300-302
Olives, 2:178-79, 3:112-13, 3:225, 4:216
Olmec, 2:46, 3:36-37, 6/1:320, 6/1:355-59
Opposition, 2:60, 2:183, 2:252, 3:158, 3:270
Ordinances, 2:81
Parahyba text, 5:269
Parallelism. See also Poetry, 1:5-9, 1:10-17, 2:13, 4:53, 5:202-8, 6/1:178-79
Parallels, 1:80-88, 2:90, 2:189-204, 3:101-2, 3:170, 4:91-92, 5:1, 5:17-19, 5:105-7, 5:227-29, 6/1:67, 6/1:382-412, 6/1:488-93
Parallels, Transoceanic. See Transoceanic comparisons
Passover, 6/1:388
Personal names. See Names, people
Petroglyphs, 4:65, 4:72
Pioneers, 5:195
Piute Indians, 1:129-31
Place names. See Names, places
Plates, 2:29, 2:68-69, 2:183, 3:159, 3:170, 3:185, 3:190, 3:193-96, 3:201-10, 4:135-36, 6/1:39, 6/1:111, 6/1:463-70, 6/2:186-99, 6/2:217-23
Poetry. See also Chiasmus, Colophon, Parallelism, and Book of Mormon, literary qualities, 1:5-17, 1:90, 2:153-55, 4:167, 5:203-8
Politics, 5:97-99
Population, 6/1:24-29, 6/1:259-94
Prayer, 2:255, 5:35, 5:326-28, 6/1:72-74, 6/1:396-403
Pre-Columbian, 2:50, 2:98-99, 5:259-60, 6/1:266-68, 6/1:335-42
grain, 2:49-50
metal, 2:48-49
metallurgy, 6/1:30-31, 6/1:299-300, 6/1:319-28
people, 6/1:266-68
plants, 6/1:335-42
Prejudice. See Agenda
Pre-Hispanic. See Pre-Columbian
Pride, 3:111-12, 5:295
Priestcraft, 4:183
Priesthood, 4:161, 6/1:23, 6/2:259-82
Prophecy, 3:198-99, 3:312-13, 6/1:62-63, 6/1:362-78, 6/1:453-56
Prophets, 2:58, 2:84, 2:115-16, 6/1:199, 6/1:452-56
Protestantism, 1:102, 2:xx, 2:165, 6/1:14, 6/1:382-84, 6/1:393, 6/1:407-15, 6/2:290-334
Pseudepigrapha, 4:122
Quetzalcoatl, 1:132-34, 2:43, 2:56, 2:64, 3:41-43, 5:266-67
Quran. See Koran
RLDS, 3:56, 3:68, 3:70, 3:110, 3:261-311
Records. See Texts, ancient
Religious Studies Center, 2:185-86
Remembrance, 6/1:400-403
Renaissance, 6/2:3-58
Repentance, 5:292-93
Repetition, 2:165
Restoration, 2:165, 3:265, 3:271, 4:15, 6/1:413, 6/2:3-9
Resurrection, 3:11, 3:35, 6/1:75-76
Revelation, 2:35, 2:65-66, 2:80-81, 3:314-15, 5:277, 6/1:199
Revival, 4:179
Rhetoric, 6/1:418-33
Riches, 5:192-93, 6/1:328
Rituals. See Festivals
Roberts, B. H., 1:125, 2:27, 2:30, 2:110, 2:188, 2:214, 2:219, 2:233, 4:193-94, 4:215, 5:10, 5:315
Sacrament, 2:251-52, 4:127-28, 6/1:14-15, 6/1:71-74, 6/1:379-417
Sacrifice, 3:14-16, 3:165-66, 6/2:143-44, 6/2:169-74
Salvation, 5:343-50, 6/1:424-33
Satan, 3:234, 3:242-43
Scripture, 6/1:228-42
Scrolls. See Texts, ancient
Second Coming, 3:102-3
Second death, 5:302
Secret combinations, 4:184
Secular humanism, 4:vii-lxxv, 4:5, 4:144, 6/1:v-562
Sermon at the Temple, 3:319-22, 6/1:152-68
Sermon on the Mount, 3:319-22, 6/1:121, 6/1:152-68
Serpents, 3:43
Signature Books, 3:305-11, 4:vii-lxxv, 4:9, 6/1:v-xii, 6/1:52-54, 6/1:56, 6/1:114, 6/1:121, 6/1:200, 6/1:212-14, 6/1:524-62
Smithsonian statement, 4:204, 5:258-59
Society for Early Historic Archaeology, 4:117-18
Spanish, 1:133, 3:1-10, 3:115, 5:223-25, 5:229-30, 6/1:331-34, 6/1:346
Spalding manuscript, 1:80-88, 2:187-99, 2:221-24, 2:235, 3:60-61, 4:7, 4:84-86, 4:235, 6/2:114-17
Spalding, Samuel, 1:80-88, 2:29, 2:91, 2:224, 3:60, 4:84-86
Spirit world, 5:202
Spiritual death, 5:302-4
Sumerian, 6/1:82
Symbolism, 3:147-49, 4:40-62, 4:143, 6/2:150-55, 6/2:261-68
Synagogues, 2:177
Tanner, Jerald and Sandra, 2:188, 4:94-95, 4:220, 4:235, 5:20-22, 5:42, 5:171, 5:250-57
Temples, 2:247-56, 3:16-18, 3:181, 3:234, 3:319-22, 5:78-81, 6/2:52-58, 6/2:262
Tents, 2:148, 2:161, 6/1:299-300, 6/1:331-35
Testimony, 2:74-76, 3:104-5, 4:13-19, 5:96-97, 5:189, 6/1:151, 6/1:404-5, 6/1:453-55
Texts, ancient, 1:115, 2:125, 5:194, 5:269, 6/1:23, 6/1:40-48, 6/1:70-71, 6/2:261-68
Theology, 1:3-4, 1:90-104, 2:xx, 2:27-28, 2:78-79, 2:100-106, 2:182-86, 3:110-13, 4:20, 4:64, 4:139-53, 4:155-59, 5:57-58, 5:181-84, 5:200, 5:290-304, 6/1:145, 6/2:34-39, 6/2:250-334
Three Nephites, 5:87-92
Title page, 2:191, 6/1:189, 6/1:225, 6/2:179-80
Tower of Babel, 2:145, 2:227, 2:246
Transoceanic comparisons, 2:119-27, 2:136-42, 3:154-57, 4:21-23, 4:129, 4:212-15
Transoceanic crossings, 1:19, 1:126, 1:132, 1:-134, 2:41-43, 2:230, 2:298-99
Treaty/Covenant pattern, 1:90-98, 1:106-7
Tree of life, 2:177-80, 3:15-16, 6/2:76
Truth, 2:181, 6/1:9-10
Types. See Symbolism
Uniformitarianism, 5:214-15
Universalism, 2:223, 6/1:12-13, 6/1:418-33
View of the Hebrews. See Spalding Manuscript
Warfare, 2:138, 2:153, 2:122, 3:118-46, 3:196-97, 4:216, 5:39, 5:192, 6/1:25-27
Washington, George, 1:125, 3:270
Wealth, 2:181
Weapons, 2:260, 3:43, 3:132, 3:146, 4:226, 6/1:299-300, 6/1:328-31, 6/1:481-86
Wentworth Letter, 2:225-31, 5:107
Witnesses, 2:xxvi, 2:29, 2:35-37, 2:66, 2:182, 4:170-76, 5:48, 5:113-15, 6/1:47, 6/1:111, 6/1:373-75, 6/1:404-5, 6/1:506-20, 6/1:553
Women, 2:91, 2:113-14, 4:258-61, 5:282, 6/2:65-71, 6/2:259-82
Wordprints, 4:216
Writing, 5:260-65
Zoramites, 2:170, 2:223, 2:228, 5:192, 6/1:371-72
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