Index to FARMS Review of Books, 1997
Index to FARMS Review of Books, 1997
Publication Type
Journal Article
Year of Publication
Corporate Authors
FARMS Staff (Secondary)
FARMS Review
Index to FARMS Review of Books 1997
The entries in this section are listed by author, title, reviewer (in parentheses), volume number, and beginning page number.
Arnold, Marilyn, Sweet Is the Word: Reflections on the Book of Mormon—Its Narrative, Teachings, and People (Karen Lynn Davidson), 9/1:1.
Andersen, H. Verlan, The Book of Mormon and the Constitution (Ralph C. Hancock), 9/2:1.
Bankhead, Reid E., Building Faith with the Book of Mormon (Richard I. Winwood), 9/1:31.
Biddulph, Stephen, Dead Sea Scrolls and the Mormon Connection (Dana M. Pike), 9/2:88.
Black, Susan Easton, ed., Expressions of Faith: Testimonies of Latter-day Saint Scholars (J. Howard Rytting), 9/2:39.
Brewster, Hoyt W., Jr., Isaiah Plain and Simple: The Message of Isaiah in the Book of Mormon (John S. Thompson), 9/2:11.
Burgess, Allan K., Timely Truths from the Book of Mormon (Amy L. Livingstone), 9/1:4.
Farkas, John R., Mormonism: Changes, Contradictions, and Errors (Craig L. Foster), 9/1:51.
Givens, Terryl L., The Viper on the Hearth: Mormons, Myths, and the Construction of Heresy (Richard H. Cracroft), 9/2:47; (Neal W. Kramer), 9/2:55.
Griffith, Michael T., One Lord, One Faith: Writings of the Early Christian Fathers as Evidences of the Restoration (John A. Tvedtnes), 9/1:33.
Hainsworth, Brad E., If Men Were Angels: The Book of Mormon, Christ and the Constitution (Ralph C. Hancock), 9/2:1.
Harris, David T., Truths from the Earth, vol. 2: The Story of the Creations to the Floods (John A. Tvedtnes), 9/2:68.
Hauth, Rüdiger, Die Mormonen: Sekte oder neue Kirche Jesu Christi? (Daniel C. Peterson), 9/2:99.
Hilton, Hope A., Discovering Lehi: New Evidence of Lehi and Nephi in Arabia (Warren P. Aston), 9/1:15.
Hilton, Lynn M., Discovering Lehi: New Evidence of Lehi and Nephi in Arabia (Warren P. Aston), 9/1:15.
Lucas, James W., Working toward Zion: Principles of the United Order for the Modern World (T. Allen Lambert), 9/2:74; (Don Norton), 9/2:85.
Keller, Roger R., Book of Mormon Authors: Their Words and Messages (John A. Tvedtnes), 9/2:16.
Miller, Jeannette W., ed., A Comprehensive Annotated Book of Mormon Bibliography (Richard D. Van Orden), 9/2:33.
Miller, Jeannette W., ed., A Guide to Publications on the Book of Mormon: A Selected Annotated Bibliography (Richard D. Van Orden), 9/2:33.
Miner, Alan C., Step by Step through the Book of Mormon (Fred W. Nelson), 9/1:25.
Myers, Katherine, The Lehi Tree: A Novel (Shirley S. Ricks), 9/1:175.
Parry, Donald W., ed., A Comprehensive Annotated Book of Mormon Bibliography (Richard D. Van Orden), 9/2:33.
Parry, Donald W., ed., A Guide to Publications on the Book of Mormon: A Selected Annotated Bibliography (Richard D. Van Orden), 9/2:33.
Pearson, Glenn L., Building Faith with the Book of Mormon (Richard I. Winwood), 9/1:31.
Price, Lynn F., Every Person in the Book of Mormon: A Chronological Reference and Synopsis (Paul Hoskisson), 9/2:28.
Quinn, D. Michael, The Mormon Hierarchy: Extensions of Power (Duane Boyce), 9/2:147.
Reed, David A., Mormonism: Changes, Contradictions, and Errors (Craig L. Foster), 9/1:51.
Rust, Richard Dilworth, Feasting on the Word: The Literary Testimony of the Book of Mormon (Madison U. Sowell), 9/2:29.
Smith, Ethan, View of the Hebrews (Andrew H. Hedges), 9/1:63.
Spencer, James R., “The Disappointment of B. H. Roberts: Five Questions That Forced a Mormon General Authority to Abandon the Book of Mormon” (Daniel C. Peterson), 9/1:69.
Tanner, Jerald, Answering Mormon Scholars: A Response to Criticism Raised by Mormon Defenders (Matthew Roper), 9/1:87.
Tanner, Sandra, Answering Mormon Scholars: A Response to Criticism Raised by Mormon Defenders (Matthew Roper), 9/1:87.
Terry, Keith, Dead Sea Scrolls and the Mormon Connection (Dana M. Pike), 9/2:88.
Thorne, Sandra A., ed., A Comprehensive Annotated Book of Mormon Bibliography (Richard D. Van Orden), 9/2:33.
Thorne, Sandra A., ed., A Guide to Publications on the Book of Mormon: A Selected Annotated Bibliography (Richard D. Van Orden), 9/2:33.
Todd, Michael R., Book of Mormon Stories (Charles D. Bush), 9/1:159.
Van Gorden, Kurt, Mormonism (L. Ara Norwood), 9/2:164.
Van Horn, Ted E., Book of Mormon Stories (Charles D. Bush), 9/1:159.
Van Horn, Mark, Book of Mormon Stories (Charles D. Bush), 9/1:159.
White, James, “Of Cities and Swords: The Impossible Task of Mormon Apologetics” (Matthew Roper), 9/1:146.
Williams, Jeff, Who Was the Pharaoh of the Exodus? (John Gee), 9/1:43.
Woodworth, Warner P., Working toward Zion: Principles of the United Order for the Modern World (T. Allen Lambert), 9/2:74; (Don Norton), 9/2:85.
By Title
The entries in this section are listed by title, author, reviewer (in parentheses), volume number, and beginning page number.
Answering Mormon Scholars: A Response to Criticism Raised by Mormon Defenders, by Jerald and Sandra Tanner (Matthew Roper), 9/1:87.
The Book of Mormon and the Constitution, by H. Verlan Andersen (Ralph C. Hancock), 9/2:1.
Book of Mormon Authors: Their Words and Messages, by Roger R. Keller (John A. Tvedtnes), 9/2:16.
Book of Mormon Stories, by Michael R. Todd, Ted E. Van Horn, and Mark Van Horn (Charles D. Bush), 9/1:159.
Building Faith with the Book of Mormon, by Glenn L. Pearson and Reid E. Bankhead (Richard I. Winwood), 9/1:31.
A Comprehensive Annotated Book of Mormon Bibliography, edited by Donald W. Parry, Jeannette W. Miller, and Sandra A. Thorne (Richard D. Van Orden), 9/2:33.
Dead Sea Scrolls and the Mormon Connection, by Keith Terry and Stephen Biddulph (Dana M. Pike), 9/2:88.
“The Disappointment of B. H. Roberts: Five Questions That Forced a Mormon General Authority to Abandon the Book of Mormon,” by James R. Spencer (Daniel C. Peterson), 9/1:69.
Discovering Lehi: New Evidence of Lehi and Nephi in Arabia, by Lynn M. and Hope A. Hilton (Warren P. Aston), 9/1:15.
Every Person in the Book of Mormon: A Chronological Reference and Synopsis, by Lynn F. Price (Paul Hoskisson), 9/2:28.
Expressions of Faith: Testimonies of Latter-day Saint Scholars, edited by Susan Easton Black (J. Howard Rytting), 9/2:39.
Feasting on the Word: The Literary Testimony of the Book of Mormon, by Richard Dilworth Rust (Madison U. Sowell), 9/2:29.
A Guide to Publications on the Book of Mormon: A Selected Annotated Bibliography, edited by Donald W. Parry, Jeannette W. Miller, and Sandra A. Thorne (Richard D. Van Orden), 9/2:33.
Heroes from the Book of Mormon (Cristie B. Gardner), 9/1:7.
If Men Were Angels: The Book of Mormon, Christ and the Constitution, by Brad E. Hainsworth (Ralph C. Hancock), 9/2:1.
Isaiah Plain and Simple: The Message of Isaiah in the Book of Mormon, by Hoyt W. Brewster Jr. (John S. Thompson), 9/2:11.
The Lehi Tree: A Novel, by Katherine Myers (Shirley S. Ricks), 9/1:175.
Die Mormonen: Sekte oder neue Kirche Jesu Christi? by Rüdiger Hauth (Daniel C. Peterson), 9/2:99.
The Mormon Hierarchy, Extensions of Power, by D. Michael Quinn (Duane Boyce), 9/2:147.
Mormonism, by Kurt Van Gorden (L. Ara Norwood), 9/2:164.
Mormonism: Changes, Contradictions, and Errors, by John R. Farkas and David A. Reed (Craig L. Foster), 9/1:51.
Mormonism on the Internet (Gregory H. Taggart), 9/1:161.
Nurturing Faith through the Book of Mormon (Marilyn Higbee Walker), 9/1:28.
“Of Cities and Swords: The Impossible Task of Mormon Apologetics,” by James White (Matthew Roper), 9/1:146.
One Lord, One Faith: Writings of the Early Christian Fathers as Evidences of the Restoration, by Michael T. Griffith (John A. Tvedtnes), 9/1:33.
Step by Step through the Book of Mormon, by Alan C. Miner (Fred W. Nelson), 9/1:25.
Sweet Is the Word: Reflections on the Book of Mormon—Its Narrative, Teachings, and People, by Marilyn Arnold (Karen Lynn Davidson), 9/1:1.
Timely Truths from the Book of Mormon, by Allan K. Burgess (Amy L. Livingstone), 9/1:4.
Truths from the Earth, vol. 2: The Story of the Creations to the Floods, by David T. Harris (John A. Tvedtnes), 9/2:68.
View of the Hebrews, by Ethan Smith (Andrew H. Hedges), 9/1:63.
The Viper on the Hearth: Mormons, Myths, and the Construction of Heresy, by Terryl L. Givens (Richard H. Cracroft) 9/2:47; (Neal W. Kramer), 9/2:55.
Who Was the Pharaoh of the Exodus? by Jeff Williams (John Gee), 9/1:43.
Working toward Zion: Principles of the United Order for the Modern World, by James W. Lucas and Warner P. Woodworth (T. Allen Lambert), 9/2:74; (Don Norton), 9/2:85.
By Reviewer
The entries in this section are listed by reviewer, author, title, volume number, and beginning page number.
Aston, Warren P., review of Lynn M. and Hope A. Hilton, Discovering Lehi: New Evidence of Lehi and Nephi in Arabia, 9/1:15.
Boyce, Duane, review of D. Michael Quinn, The Mormon Hierarchy: Extensions of Power, 9/2:147.
Bush, Charles D., review of Michael R. Todd, Ted E. Van Horn, and Mark Van Horn, Book of Mormon Stories, 9/1:159.
Cracroft, Richard H., review of Terryl L. Givens, The Viper on the Hearth: Mormons, Myths, and the Construction of Heresy, 9/2:47.
Davidson, Karen Lynn, review of Marilyn Arnold, Sweet Is the Word: Reflections on the Book of Mormon—Its Narrative, Teachings, and People, 9/1:1.
Foster, Craig L., review of John R. Farkas and David A. Reed, Mormonism: Changes, Contradictions, and Errors, 9/1:51.
Gardner, Cristie B., review of Heroes from the Book of Mormon, 9/1:7.
Gee, John, review of Jeff Williams, Who Was the Pharaoh of the Exodus? 9/1:43.
Hancock, Ralph C., review of Brad E. Hainsworth, If Men Were Angels: The Book of Mormon, Christ and the Constitution, 9/2:1.
Hancock, Ralph C., review of H. Verlan Andersen, The Book of Mormon and the Constitution, 9/2:1.
Hedges, Andrew H., review of Ethan Smith, View of the Hebrews, 9/1:63.
Hoskisson, Paul, review of Lynn F. Price, Every Person in the Book of Mormon: A Chronological Reference and Synopsis, 9/2:28.
Kramer, Neal W., review of Terryl L. Givens, The Viper on the Hearth: Mormons, Myths, and the Construction of Heresy, 9/2:55.
Lambert, T. Allen, review of James W. Lucas and Warner P. Woodworth, Working toward Zion: Principles of the United Order for the Modern World, 9/2:74.
Livingstone, Amy L., review of Allan K. Burgess, Timely Truths from the Book of Mormon, 9/1:4.
Nelson, Fred W., review of Alan C. Miner, Step by Step through the Book of Mormon, 9/1:25.
Norton, Don, review of James W. Lucas and Warner P. Woodworth, Working toward Zion: Principles of the United Order for the Modern World, 9/2:85.
Norwood, L. Ara, review of Kurt Van Gorden, Mormonism, 9/2:164.
Peterson, Daniel C., review of James R. Spencer, “The Disappointment of B. H. Roberts: Five Questions That Forced a Mormon General Authority to Abandon the Book of Mormon,” 9/1:69.
Peterson, Daniel C., review of Rüdiger Hauth, Die Mormonen: Sekte oder neue Kirche Jesu Christi? 9/2:99.
Pike, Dana M., review of Keith Terry and Stephen Biddulph, Dead Sea Scrolls and the Mormon Connection, 9/2:88.
Ricks, Shirley S., review of Katherine Myers, The Lehi Tree: A Novel, 9/1:175.
Roper, Matthew, review of James White, “Of Cities and Swords: The Impossible Task of Mormon Apologetics,” 9/1:146.
Roper, Matthew, review of Jerald and Sandra Tanner, Answering Mormon Scholars: A Response to Criticism Raised by Mormon Defenders, 9/1:87.
Rytting, J. Howard, review of Susan Easton Black, ed., Expressions of Faith: Testimonies of Latter-day Saint Scholars, 9/2:39.
Sowell, Madison U., review of Richard Dilworth Rust, Feasting on the Word: The Literary Testimony of the Book of Mormon, 9/2:29.
Taggart, Gregory H., review of Mormonism on the Internet, 9/1:161.
Thompson, John S., review of Hoyt W. Brewster Jr., Isaiah Plain and Simple: The Message of Isaiah in the Book of Mormon, 9/2:11.
Tvedtnes, John A., review of David T. Harris, Truths from the Earth, vol. 2: The Story of the Creations to the Floods, 9/2:68.
Tvedtnes, John A., review of Michael T. Griffith, One Lord, One Faith: Writings of the Early Christian Fathers as Evidences of the Restoration, 9/1:33.
Tvedtnes, John A., review of Roger R. Keller, Book of Mormon Authors: Their Words and Messages, 9/2:16.
Van Orden, Richard, review of Donald W. Parry, Jeannette W. Miller, and Sandra A. Thorne, eds., A Comprehensive Annotated Book of Mormon Bibliography, 9/2:33.
Van Orden, Richard, review of Donald W. Parry, Jeannette W. Miller, and Sandra A. Thorne, eds., A Guide to Publications on the Book of Mormon: A Selected Annotated Bibliography, 9/2:33.
Walker, Marilyn Higbee, review of Nurturing Faith through the Book of Mormon, 9/1:28.
Winwood, Richard I., review of Glenn L. Pearson and Reid E. Bankhead, Building Faith with the Book of Mormon, 9/1:31.
By Subject
1 Corinthians 15:29, interpretation of, 9/2:137–42, 191–92
1 Corinthians 15:46, discussion of, 9/2:190
1 Peter 3:19, interpretation of, 9/2:131–37
Abinadi, 9/1:10
aborigines, American, 9/1:64
Abraham, book of, 9/2:68, 124, 125
academic inquiry, limitations of, 9/2:45
Adam and Eve, story of, 9/2:69
Adams, Daniel B., 9/1:136
advocacy vs. inquiry among anti-Mormons, 9/2:199
affluence and poverty, 9/2:87
afterlife, concept of, 9/2:195
Al-Ghazālī, 9/1:xiv, xv, 9/2:vi
Alma the Elder, 9/1:10, 176
Alma the Younger, 9/1:11
commandments and instructions of, to sons, 9/2:31–32
Alpha Internet Ministries, 9/1:173
Al-Shimas, Kamar, 9/1:129
ambitious men, 9/2:8
American history, 9/2:126
Amerindian languages, diversity of, 9/1:71
Ammon, 9/1:12
Amulek, 9/1:11
Amulon, 9/1:176
Ancient Near East word category, 9/2:22
Andersen, H. Verlan, 9/2:1
Anderson, Einar, 9/2:125
Anderson, Richard Lloyd, 9/2:44
Andrus, Hyrum L., 9/2:79
angel, words of, to Nephi, 9/2:19
linguistic problems in naming, 9/1:132–33
names of, 9/1:131
annotations in Book of Mormon bibliography, 9/2:34
Anthon episode, 9/2:171–72
anthropomorphism, 9/2:118 n. 26
anti-anti-Mormon, 9/1:88
anti-Christ doctrines, 9/2:8
activism, 9/2:140
book, 9/1:61
novels, 9/2:49
publication, 9/2:165
websites, 9/1:172–73
anti-Mormonism, 9/2:54
in nineteenth-century American fiction, 9/2:47
study of, 9/2:47
anti-Mormons, 9/2:52
flawed methods of, 9/2:198
motivated by insecurity, 9/2:200
rejection of label by, 9/2:199–200, 199–200 nn. 62–63
anti-polygamy turmoil in Utah, 9/2:48
apocryphal gospels, modern, compared to Book of Mormon, 9/2:123
apocryphal story of woman and husbands, 9/1:41
apostasy, 9/1:38
denial of, 9/2:115
of the early Christian church, 9/2:177
apostles and prophets, 9/2:168
Apostles’ Creed, 9/2:132
apotheosis or deification, 9/2:190–91
culture and customs of, 9/1:16
Lehi’s trail through, 9/1:15
Arabia Felix, 9/1:118
archaeological method, 9/2:xxvi
archaeological support for the Bible, 9/2:123
Book of Mormon, 9/1:26
tentativeness and incompleteness of, 9/2:xxiii
arguments, responding to, 9/2:viii
Arnold, Marilyn, 9/1:1, 9/2:45
artifacts, discovery of, 9/2:xxvi
Asay, Carlos E., 9/1:13
Ashment, Edward H., 9/1:xi
Ashton, Marvin J., 9/1:88
assertion without evidence or analysis, 9/2:166
Aston, Warren and Michaela, 9/1:116
Athanasian Creed, 9/2:132
atheistic presuppositions, 9/2:vi
Atiya, Aziz, 9/2:124
atonement of Christ, location of, 9/2:192–93
atonement, 9/1:9, 29
efficacy of, 9/1:viii
attitudes toward learning and testimony, 9/2:41
author word use in the Book of Mormon, 9/2:27
authors and principal word clusters, 9/2:26
authorship, individual, within the Book of Mormon, 9/2:21
autobiographical genre in the Book of Mormon, 9/2:31
Baker Book, publications of, 9/1:54
Ballard, M. Russell, 9/2:156
Bancroft, Hubert Howe, 9/2:177
baptism for the dead, 9/1:41, 9/2:139, 142, 191
baptism, infant, 9/1:40
baptism, use of term, 9/2:95
baptismal prayer, 9/1:56
baptisms, LDS, rejection of, as Christian, 9/2:141
Barker, Margaret, 9/1:36
barley, 9/1:135
found at Hohokam site, 9/1:136
Barr, Stephen, 9/2:vii
Barth, Karl, 9/2:117
Bartholow, Roberts, 9/2:59
Bat Creek inscription, 9/1:139–43
Bateman, Merrill J., 9/1:8
belief, religious, 9/1:xi
beliefs of the church, 9/1:165, 168
Benjamin, King, 9/1:10
Bennion, Steven D., 9/2:41
Benson, Ezra Taft, 9/1:1, 9/2:1, 37, 152
Berge, Dale L., 9/2:xxiv
Bergin, Allen E., 9/2:40
beverages, Native American, 9/1:137
acceptance of, 9/2:171
animals of, 9/1:131
archaeological support for, 9/2:xxiii
use of, during translation of Book of Mormon, 9/1:91–93
biblical books, missing, 9/1:59
biblical prophecies, format of, 9/1:61
biblical prophets, magical practices of, 9/1:95 biblical scholarship, contemporary, 9/2:ix, xviii
categories of, 9/2:35
electronic format of, 9/2:37
on Zion and economics, 9/2:79–80
Big Fifteen, Hauth’s designation of, 9/2:111
bishop, office of, 9/1:39
“Black Hole” theory, 9/1:143
Black, Susan Easton, 9/2:40
Blomberg, Craig, 9/2:198
Bloom, Harold, 9/2:51
Bonneville LDS Radio Network, 9/1:169
Book of Mormon, the
abridgment of, by Moroni, 9/1:143
animals of, 9/1:131
Arabian portion of, 9/1:15
archaeological evidence for, lack of, 9/2:xxiii
archaeology, 9/1:26
assumptions about, 9/1:101
authenticity of, 9/2:44
authors of, 9/1:xvii, 9/2:26
autobiographical genre in, 9/2:31
bibliography, 9/2:33–38
chronology of, 9/1:25
commentary on, 9/1:26
compared to modern apocryphal gospels, 9/2:123
compared with Old Testament passages, 9/1:114
computer software for, 9/1:159 Book of Mormon, the (continued)
criticisms of, 9/1:143–45
critics of, 9/2:xxiii
culture of, 9/1:25
divine origin and antiquity of, 9/1:85
and epics, 9/2:30
evidence for, 9/1:70 n. 2
geography of, 9/1:16, 25, 123, 9/2:36
heroes of, 9/1:7
historicity of, 9/1:22, 70, 9/2:144
history of, 9/1:25
imagery in, 9/2:32
individual authorship within, 9/2:21
internal consistency of, 9/2:45
Isaiah passages in, 9/2:12
Jesus Christ as protagonist in, 9/2:30
legal details of, 9/2:46
letters in, 9/2:31
literary analysis of, 9/2:29
literary aspects of, 9/2:45
as a modern product of Joseph Smith, 9/1:102
motivational vs. instructional approach to, 9/1:5
names in, 9/1:119–22
narratives of repetition and contrast in, 9/2:30
naturalistic arguments concerning, 9/1:99
nineteenth-century explanation of, 9/1:107
online access to, 9/1:164
parallels of, with Wonders of Nature and Providence Displayed, 9/1:110–11
people of, 9/1:25
personal names in, 9/2:28
places of, 9/1:25
poetic qualities of, 9/2:31
potential criticisms of, 9/1:98
prophets of, 9/1:13
Roberts’s conclusions about, 9/1:100–102
scholarship, 9/1:26
as a second witness to the Gospels, 9/1:xvii
sermons in, 9/2:31
study guide for, 9/1:31
testimony of, 9/1:xxii
themes of, 9/1:4
translation of, 9/1:91
as a true classic of literature, 9/2:46
truth of, 9/1:xviii, 81
typology in, 9/2:32
understanding and appreciation of, 9/1:29
verse arrangement of, 9/2:31
witnesses to, 9/1:xviii, 91, 9/2:175
women in, 9/1:10
wordprint studies of, 9/2:16
as a written document, 9/1:29 Booth, Ezra, 9/1:89
botany in Mesoamerica, 9/1:134–36
Bountiful, 9/1:20, 23
characteristics of, 9/1:118–19
Bowie, David, 9/1:164
Britain, Latter-day Saints in, 9/2:113
Brough, Monte J., 9/1:13
Brown, Benjamin, 9/1:xxiv
Buonarroti, Michelangelo, 9/2:170
Burgess, Harrison, 9/1:xxiv
Bushman, Richard L., 9/2:42
Cage, Nicholas, 9/2:53
Campbell, Alexander, 9/2:57
Cannon, George, 9/1:xxvi
Cannon, George Q., 9/1:124
Cannon, James W., 9/2:42
equated with Bible, 9/2:180 n. 34
open vs. closed, 9/2:173, 179
capitalism, use of term, 9/2:82 Carmack, John K., 9/1:12
Carnegie, Andrew, 9/2:79
Chamberlain, Solomon, 9/1:xxiv
charitable organizations, 9/2:75
chiasmus, discussion of, 9/1:170
Christensen, Joe J., 9/1:12
Christensen, Ross, 9/1:116
Christian writing and art about Christ’s visit to the spirit world, 9/2:132–37
Christianity, 9/2:107
based on Jesus-centered discipleship, 9/2:65
definition of, 9/2:119
historical tradition of, 9/2:65
of Mormons, 9/2:49
rehistoricizing of, 9/2:63
teachings of, 9/2:44
vs. magic, 9/2:130
Christians, charge that Mormons are not, 9/2:65 chronology
of the Book of Mormon, 9/1:25
Egyptian, 9/1:43
church colleges and universities, 9/1:169
church fathers, 9/1:33
church history online, 9/1:165, 166
church of Jesus Christ, true, 9/1:34
name of, 9/1:39
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
critics of, 9/1:88
defense of, 9/1:88 n. 3, 162
depicted as alien, evil, and stupid, 9/2:128
growth of, 9/1:169, 9/2:59
home page of, 9/1:167
missionary activities of, 9/2:172
published material about, online, 9/1:164
unofficial introduction to, 9/1:163 church organization, 9/2:168
church, use of word, 9/2:18
cimeters in the Book of Mormon, 9/1:77
circumcision, 9/1:40
Civil War, prophecy of, 9/1:60
Clancy, Tom, fiction of, 9/2:53
Clark, J. Reuben, 9/2:156
Coe, Michael, 9/1:113
coercion and bondage, tales of, 9/2:51
colleges and universities, church, 9/1:169
combinations, 9/2:8
commentary on Isaiah passages, 9/2:12
communism, 9/2:2
definition of, 9/2:4
computer software, 9/1:159
computerized story programs, 9/1:159
Condie, Spencer J., 9/1:13
conspiracy theory, 9/2:94
Constitution, U.S., 9/2:2, 4
produced by wise men, 9/2:5
prophetic warnings about, 9/2:8
constitutional amendments, 9/2:8
constitutional themes, 9/2:7
conversion stories, 9/1:169
converts portrayed as victims, 9/2:61
cooperatives, 9/2:76
Mondragon in Spain, 9/2:76, 87
Corbin, Henry, 9/2:107
corporate contributions, 9/2:76
corporeality of the Father and the Son, 9/1:35
cosmos, explanation of, 9/2:vii
council in heaven, 9/1:37
Council of the Twelve Apostles, 9/2:111
councils, divinely appointed, 9/2:157
Cowdery, Oliver, 9/1:xix
charge of, to the Twelve, 9/2:153
Cox, Paul Alan, 9/2:43
Craddock, P. T., 9/1:140
creatio ex nihilo, 9/2:118
creation, story of, 9/2:68
critics, 9/2:143
response to, 9/1:167, 168
Cross, Frank Moore, 9/1:141
cross, symbolism of, 9/1:40
“cults,” characteristics of, 9/2:108
Cumorah, theories of, 9/1:126 n. 97, 147
Cyrus, coming of, prophesied by Isaiah, 9/2:xxi
darkness, skin of, 9/1:18
Dead Sea Scrolls
and the Mormon connection, 9/2:95
as sacred writings, 9/2:96
value of, 9/2:88
deaf church members, 9/1:170
death penalty, 9/2:2
Decker, Ed, 9/2:102
Tanners’ opinion of, 9/2:103
Decker, Rod, 9/1:x
defense, fortified line of, 9/1:127
defensive line “from the east to the west sea,” 9/1:129
deification, 9/2:190–91
Demke, Jared, 9/1:170
Department of Religious Education, BYU, 9/1:163
Descartes, René, 9/2:vii
Descensus, 9/2:132
Descent into Limbo, 9/2:132
destruction in 3 Nephi, 9/1:111–14
Dhofar, 9/1:22
differences, mocking vs. understanding, 9/2:198
disciple, life of, 9/1:8
distance as estimated by speed, 9/1:127
diversity in the Amerindian languages, 9/1:71
divination practices, biblical, 9/1:95
doctrines, fundamental and objectionable, 9/2:59–60
Documentary History of the Church, online access to, 9/1:163
documents online, 9/1:164
doubt as an invitation to think, 9/2:vii
Dürer, Albrecht, 9/2:137
dynasties, Egyptian, 9/1:45
earth, use of word, 9/2:22–25
Easter, 9/1:xv
Eby, Arden L., 9/1:171
economic equity, principles of, 9/2:87
economic systems, differences in, 9/2:84
economic topics, discussion of, 9/2:81
editorial slips, 9/2:89–90
editor’s picks, 9/1:xxviii–xxix, 9/2:xxvii–xxix
education and religious commitment, 9/2:39–40
Egypt, 9/1:16
chronology of, 9/1:43
dynasties of, 9/1:45
Egyptian, 9/1:139
Eight Witnesses to the Book of Mormon, 9/2:175
elder, office of, 9/1:39
electronic format of bibliography, 9/2:37
Eliot, John, 9/1:64
Enders, Donald L., 9/2:xxv
Engels, Friedrich, 9/2:82
Enos, 9/1:10
Epicurus, 9/1:xiv
Ether, 9/1:13
external evidences of gospel principles, 9/2:45
Eyring, Henry B., 9/1:11, 9/2:43
factual errors, 9/2:90–93
nurturing of, 9/1:29
political implications of, 9/2:6
fall, the, 9/1:29
falsehoods, response to, 9/1:88 n. 3
family history websites, 9/1:166
family, nuclear, values of, 9/2:9
FARMS home page, 9/1:162
Farrer, Austin, 9/1:91
Father, Son’s subordination of, to the, 9/1:36
Father and Son as two separate personages, 9/2:186
father, charges of, to sons, 9/2:32
fathering, promotion of good, 9/1:169
fathers, early Christian, 9/1:33
Faust, James E., 9/2:156
fiction as a means of civilizing Mormons, 9/2:56
First Presidency, 9/2:111, 168
first vision
accounts of, 9/1:164
paintings of, 9/2:169
Fisher, Irving, 9/2:viii
flesh and bones, body of, 9/1:35 n. 2
Foucault, Michel, 9/2:56
freedom, individual, argument for, 9/2:5
Fussell, Paul, 9/2:52
future, knowledge of, 9/2:xxi
Gadianton robbers, 9/1:xiii
genealogical records, microfilming of, 9/2:141
genealogy websites, 9/1:166
General Authorities, photographs and biographies of, 9/1:167
general conference talks, online access to, 9/1:162
generosity and redemption, Book of Mormon teachings on, 9/1:3
Genesis, multiple authorship of, 9/2:ix, xiii
Book of Mormon, 9/1:16, 25, 9/2:36
limited, 9/1:122, 126
Gideon, 9/1:176
Ginzberg, Louis, 9/2:72
becoming like, 9/1:36
biblical concept of, 9/2:117, 119
as deity, 9/2:170
existence of, 9/2:v
as Father, 9/2:186
inadequate attempts to describe, 9/2:169
kingdom of, 9/2:183
of the Latter-day Saints, 9/2:119
as a man, 9/2:170
nature of, 9/1:62, 9/2:185
rejection of, 9/2:v
relationship of, to man, 9/1:xvi
as a spirit, 9/1:35
supposed ignorance of, 9/2:120
God the Father, incorporeality of, 9/2:167 Godhead as separate deities, 9/1:34
Goff, Alan, 9/1:121
Golden Rule, 9/2:5
Gookin, Daniel, 9/1:64
Gordon, Cyrus, 9/1:139, 142
gospel of Jesus Christ
acceptance of, 9/1:vii
preached by the Savior to the dead, 9/2:131
themes of, 9/1:4
Gospel of Nicodemus, 9/2:132
minimalist, identified with Ten Commandments, 9/2:5
scope of, 9/2:4
theory of, 9/2:7
grains, New World, 9/1:135
Granger, Oliver, 9/1:xxiv
Grant, Heber J., 9/1:55, 9/2:154
Great Depression, 9/2:viii
Greene, John, 9/1:xxiii
Griggs, C. Wilfred, 9/2:45
Groberg, John H., 9/1:10, 9/2:155
growth, spiritual, 9/1:10
Gutches, Drew, 9/1:169, 170
Hadhramaut coast, 9/1:21
Hafen, Bruce C., 9/2:42
Halpern, Baruch, 9/2:xx
Hamblin, William J., 9/1:147, 156
hand as a cup in ancient temple worship, 9/1:19
Hanegraaff, Hank, 9/1:viii
Hardison, Richard, 9/1:168
Harrowing of Hell, 9/2:132–37
Hart, James H., 9/1:xxvi
Hassig, Ross, 9/1:128, 155, 157
Hauth, Rüdiger, 9/2:103
background of, 9/2:104
Hebrew, 9/1:139
presence of, in Indian languages, 9/1:73
hell, concept of, 9/2:195
identification of, 9/2:56
vs. orthodoxy, 9/2:62
heroes in the Book of Mormon, 9/1:7
Hill Cumorah, 9/1:125
Hill, Marvin, 9/1:x
Hilton, John, 9/2:18
Hilton, Lynn M. and Hope A., 9/1:15, 116
Hinckley, Gordon B., 9/1:xxvi, 13, 9/2:37
historians, 9/2:56
Hittites, 9/1:47
Holland, Jeffrey R., 9/1:9, 28
Holy Ghost vs. Holy Spirit, 9/2:189
Holy Spirit, 9/2:185
Holzapfel, Richard Neitzel, 9/2:45
Hook, Sidney, 9/1:xvi
Hope, Edward R., 9/1:131
horse, existence of, 9/1:74
Houtman, C., 9/1:97
Howard, F. Burton, 9/1:12
Howe, E. D., 9/2:58
Huggins, Ronald V., 9/2:146
human deification, 9/2:117
humor, LDS, 9/1:164
Hyde, Orson, 9/1:144
hypotheses, 9/2:164
imagery in the Book of Mormon, 9/2:32
Immanuel prophecy, 9/2:12
individualism and the minimal state, political theory of, 9/2:9
infallibility, 9/2:156, 158 n. 19
Infobases, online links of, 9/1:172
inquiry vs. advocacy among anti-Mormons, 9/2:199
inspiration and diligent study, 9/2:42
interest groups, 9/2:8
Introvigne, Massimo, 9/2:143
in the Americas, 9/1:75, 75–76 n. 14
mention of, 9/1:150
Irvine, Robert, 9/2:53
Isaiah, words of, 9/2:11
Isaiah, book of, multiple authorship of, 9/2:xx
Isaiah passages
in the Book of Mormon, 9/2:12
Book of Mormon context of, 9/2:13–14
parallel versions of, 9/2:12
selection of, by Book of Mormon writers, 9/2:14–15
Israel, house of, destiny of, 9/1:28
Israel, use of word, 9/2:26
Israelites, pre-Christian migration of, 9/1:65
Ivins, Anthony W., 9/1:89, 125, 129–30
Jacob, son of Lehi, 9/1:9
Jared, brother of, 9/1:13
encounter of, with Jehovah, 9/1:28
Jasher, book of, 9/2:70–71
Jaspers, Karl, 9/1:vi
Jastrow, Morris, Jr., 9/2:xxii
Jehovah of the Old Testament, 9/1:36
Jehovah’s Witnesses, 9/1:53
Jershon, 9/1:119
city of, 9/1:16
land of, 9/1:16
Jesus Christ
atonement of, 9/1:viii, 9, 9/2:192
as the Firstborn, 9/1:37
as Jehovah of the Old Testament, 9/1:36
Latter-day Saint teachings on, 9/2:114
life and exaltation of, 9/2:170
as the Messiah, 9/2:97
miracles of, 9/2:183
as prophet like unto Moses, 9/1:39
as protagonist in the Book of Mormon, 9/2:30
resurrection of, 9/1:84
salvation through, 9/2:114
understanding the premortal, 9/1:28
visit of, to the spirit world, 9/2:131
Jesus Seminar, 9/1:xi, xiii, xv
John, the apostle, 9/2:182
Johnson, Paul, 9/2:6
Johnson, Phillip E., 9/2:vi
Jones, Cleo, 9/2:53
Kenison, David, 9/1:165, 166
Khor Kharfot as site of Bountiful, 9/1:20, 21
Kiddle, Lawrence, 9/1:132
Kimball, Heber C., 9/1:xxiii
Kimball, Spencer W., 9/2:160
Kimball, Vilate, 9/1:xxiii
kingdom of God, inheritance of, 9/2:114
Kirk, Russell, 9/2:6
Knight, Joseph, Jr., 9/1:xxiii
knowledge, secular, vs. saving principles of the gospel, 9/2:42
Kofford, Cree-L, 9/1:10
Kushner, Tony, 9/2:53
Kwas, Mary, 9/1:141
La Barre, Weston, 9/1:137
Lamanite bondage and captivity, 9/1:175
Lamanite daughters, 9/1:176
Lamanite skin of darkness, 9/1:18
Lamb, M. T., 9/1:112
land(s), use of terms, 9/2:25
Langland, William, 9/2:134
languages, New World, 9/1:139
Larsen, Dean L., 9/1:11
Larson, Stan, 9/2:146
Latter-day Saints
and Christians, 9/2:115
distinguised leaders among, 9/2:110
negative portrayal of, 9/2:109
law of Moses, 9/2:98, 184
as foreshadowing sacrifice of Christ, 9/1:xvii
law/command category, 9/2:25
LDS beliefs, understanding, 9/1:165
LDS business driven to bankruptcy, 9/2:140
LDS corporate cultures, 9/2:78
LDS link sites, 9/1:171
LDS music online, 9/1:170
LDS singles, 9/1:171
LDS websites, 9/1:167, 172
Le Carré, John, 9/2:53
learning and testimony, attitudes toward, 9/2:41
by faith, 9/2:43
interest in, 9/2:40
Lee, Harold B., 9/2:43, 152
legal details of the Book of Mormon, 9/2:46
legal system, 9/1:12
as an author, 9/2:19
trail of, 9/1:15–24
Lehi Cave, 9/1:16
Lehyanites, 9/1:17
Leigh, Allen, 9/1:165
letters in the Book of Mormon, 9/2:31
Lewis, C. S., 9/1:xii
library collections of Mormon materials, 9/2:33
Limhi, King, 9/1:176
Lincoln, Abraham, 9/2:139
Lindsay, Jeff, 9/1:163
linguistics, pre-Columbian, 9/1:72
link site to articles online, 9/1:165
Literski, Nick, 9/1:170
Lloyd, Wesley, journal of, 9/1:106
Locke, John, 9/2:5
Lord, use of title, 9/2:20
Lucretius, 9/1:xiv
Ludlow, Daniel H., 9/1:28, 9/2:43
Lund, Gerald N., 9/2:41
MacDonald, George, 9/1:90
macuahuitl, 9/1:148, 151, 156
Madsen, Brigham D., 9/2:144
Madsen, Truman G., 9/2:41
vs. Christianity, 9/2:130
issue of, 9/1:94–98, 95 n. 20
“magical” practices, 9/2:130–31 n. 65
Mainfort, Robert, 9/1:141
man, divine potential of, 9/1:38
Manetho, 9/1:48–49
map of Book of Mormon events, 9/1:124
marketplace, Latter-day Saint prominence in, 9/2:110
markets and equality, problem of, 9/2:83
customs, Semitic, 9/1:17
following the resurrection, 9/2:117
plural, 9/1:57
Martin, Walter, 9/1:viii, 146
Marty, Martin, 9/2:52
Marx, Karl, 9/2:82
materialistic ideology, 9/2:vi
Matthews, Robert J., 9/1:29, 9/2:44
Maxwell, Neal A., 9/1:10, 90, 9/2:148
McCarter, P. Kyle, 9/1:140
McConkie, Bruce R., 9/2:37, 44, 153
McCulloch, J. Huston, 9/1:140
McKay, Robert, 9/2:143
McKenzie, John L., 9/2:xx
medieval English mystery drama, 9/2:136
Melchizedek Priesthood, 9/2:168
Mendoza Codex, 9/1:155
Merrill, Brent, 9/1:147
metals, 9/1:138–39
Metcalfe, Brent Lee, 9/2:145
Meyer, Eduard, 9/2:103
Mill, John Stuart, 9/1:xiii, 9/2:55
millet, 9/1:134
Millet, Robert L., 9/1:29, 9/2:42
mind, redemption of, 9/1:30
minutes (of meetings)
consulting of, 9/2:159
tailoring of, 9/2:149–50
mission of the church, threefold, 9/1:167
missionary activities, 9/2:172
missionary lessons, teachings within, 9/2:105
missions, description of current LDS, 9/1:168
Missouri persecutions, 9/2:57
religious component of, 9/2:57–58
Mondragon cooperative in Spain, 9/2:76, 87
monetary terms, 9/2:21
money, love of, 9/2:86
moral conduct of business, 9/2:78
Mormon culture, 9/2:57
Mormon doctrine, 9/2:114
Mormon History Association, 9/1:xi, 9/2:127
Mormon leaders, teachings of, 9/2:105
Mormon mind-control, 9/2:109
Mormon offenses, 9/2:49
Mormon politics or culture, condemnation of, 9/2:56
Mormon position, strength of, 9/2:67
Mormon stereotype, 9/2:52
Mormon’s abridgment, 9/2:18
basic beliefs of, 9/1:168
and Christianity, 9/2:115
compared with Hinduism, 9/2:100
criticism of, 9/1:173
as a “cult,” 9/1:54
errors and contradictions of, 9/1:51
and fiction, 9/2:49
non-Christian designation of, 9/2:48
as a religion, 9/2:66
religious persecution of, 9/2:47
response to critics of, 9/1:167
so-called “crimes” of, 9/2:47
syncretism of, 9/2:107
websites for, 9/1:161
defined out of Christendom, 9/2:143
described as a new and inferior race, 9/2:58
as an indigenously developed ethnic minority, 9/2:47
ostensible racism of, toward American Indians, 9/2:176
popular image of, 9/2:49
Moroni, Captain, 9/1:12
Moroni, son of Mormon, 9/1:13
Morse, Jedidiah, 9/1:118
book of, 9/2:68
law of, 9/2:98 n. 3
Mother, Heavenly, 9/1:37
Muhammad, Joseph Smith compared to, 9/2:58
music, LDS, online, 9/1:170
NAFTA, 9/2:79
Nahom, 9/1:18, 23, 116, 117, 120–22
narrative forms, 9/2:56
of coercion and captivity, 9/2:60–62
of conversion, 9/2:60
narrow neck of land, 9/1:126
narrow passage, 9/1:126
naturalism, 9/1:xiv
neas, 9/1:176
Necho II, 9/1:46
Nehem, 9/1:116
Nelson, Dee Jay, 9/2:100
Nelson, Russell M., 9/1:7
Nephi, discipleship of, 9/1:7
Nephi, son of Helaman, 9/1:12
Nevada, prosperity of, 9/2:77
New Historicism, 9/2:56
New Mormon History, 9/2:56
New World, population of, 9/1:18
Nibley, Hugh W., 9/2:44, 124–25
Nibley, Tom, 9/1:146
Noah, King, 9/1:175, 9/2:7
Oaks, Dallin H., 9/1:130, 9/2:149, 156
obedience of Nephi, 9/1:7
obsidian, 9/1:152
Occam, William of, 9/2:9
online forum for discussion of issues of interest to faithful Latter-day Saints, 9/1:168
Only Begotten, designation of, 9/2:167
original sin, 9/2:187, 188
orthodoxy vs. heresy, 9/2:62
other people, presence of, 9/1:130
ownership, 9/2:84
Packer, Boyd K., 9/2:148, 152
Pahoran, 9/1:12
Palmer, David, 9/1:127
Palmer, Mrs., 9/1:xxiv
Palmyra, New York, 9/2:xxiv
papyrus find at the Metropolitan Museum in New York City, 9/2:124
parallels between View of the Hebrews and the Book of Mormon, 9/1:103 n. 41
Parry, Donald W., 9/2:45
Paul, apostle, warnings of, 9/1:vii
peace and love, gospel message of, 9/1:177
Pearce, Mike, 9/1:172
Pearl of Great Price, 9/2:68
Penrose, Charles W., 9/1:89
Perry, L. Tom, 9/1:11
personal property, 9/2:83
Peterson, Andrew W., 9/1:12
Peterson, Daniel C., 9/2:44
response of, to Van Gorden, 9/2:196–98
pharaoh of the oppression, 9/1:44
philosophy, 9/1:vi
Piers Plowman, 9/2:134
Pinker, Steven, 9/2:vii
plagiarism, 9/2:73
plan of salvation, 9/2:195
plural marriage, 9/1:57
revelation on, 9/2:127
poetic qualities in the Book of Mormon, 9/2:31
polygamy, 9/2:50, 53, 58
polygyny, contradictions concerning, 9/2:174
Popper, Sir Karl, 9/2:xx
Porter, Muriel, 9/1:113
Porter, Roger B., 9/2:41
poverty and affluence, 9/2:87
Pratt, Orson, 9/1:xx
Pratt, Parley P., 9/1:xxv
prayer, 9/2:44
pre-Columbian linguistics, 9/1:72
Priest, Josiah, 9/1:110
priest, office of, 9/1:39
priestcraft, 9/2:86
Book of Mormon warnings against, 9/2:3
practice of, 9/2:3
priesthood, 9/2:110
authority, 9/2:176
ordination, policy of, 9/2:112
revelation on, 9/2:162
primitive church, 9/2:115
prophet like unto Moses, 9/1:39
prophet spectacles, 9/2:111
prophetic fulfillment, 9/2:11
prophetic statements, 9/2:3
continuation of, 9/2:173
foundational, 9/2:184
Old Testament, 9/2:183
revelation to, in latter days, 9/2:173
prophets and apostles, necessity of, 9/2:183
prophets in the Book of Mormon, 9/1:13
proselyting new members, 9/2:59
Protestantism inadequate for salvation, 9/2:63
quenching of iron, 9/1:149
questions of B. H. Roberts, 9/1:70
Quinn, D. Michael, 9/1:x, 9/2:147
errors by, 9/2:161
research of, 9/2:147
Qumran community, 9/2:97
Qumran documents, concealment of, 9/2:94
Qumran, inhabitants of, 9/2:97, 98 n. 3
quorum votes, negative outcome of, 9/2:160
quorum, unanimity in, 9/2:160
Ramses II, 9/1:46
Rasmussen, Ellis T., 9/1:28
Recovery from Mormonism, 9/1:172, 173
redemption and generosity, Book of Mormon teachings on, 9/1:3
redemption of the mind, 9/1:30
redness, quality of, 9/2:vii
reformed Egyptian, 9/1:138–39
reign of judges, 9/2:2
religion and politics, separation of, 9/2:1
religions, world, 9/1:165, 171
religious beliefs, political implications of, 9/2:1
religious commitment and education, 9/2:39–40
religious nonconformity vs. heresy, 9/2:48
Religious Studies Center, BYU, 9/1:163
religious texts online, 9/1:165
remembrance, role of, 9/1:2
Rencher, Alvin, 9/2:18
repetition and contrast in Book of Mormon narratives, 9/2:30
responsibility, individual and collective, 9/2:87
founding narratives of, 9/2:126
by Joseph Smith, 9/2:116
and modern evils, connection between, 9/2:8
necessity of, 9/1:38
reformation, 9/2:49, 62
writings on, 9/2:127
restored gospel and the ancient church, 9/2:44
Mormon concept of, 9/2:117
necessity of ongoing, 9/2:183
rejection of, 9/2:180
worldview based on, 9/2:vi
riches, grasping for, 9/1:11
Ricks, Stephen D., 9/2:44
Rigdon, Sidney, 9/1:89
Riley, I. Woodbridge, 9/1:63, 107
Roberts, B. H., 9/1:69, 78, 9/2:144
and the Book of Mormon, 9/1:98–110
Book of Mormon study of, 9/1:100–106
faith of, 9/1:79–86
literature on, 9/2:144–45
questions of, 9/1:70 Robinson, Stephen, 9/2:198
rod and root of Jesse, 9/2:13
Romans 5:12, interpretation of, 9/2:187
Roper, Matthew, acknowledgment of error of, 9/1:105–6
Rust, Richard Dilworth, 9/2:45
sacrament, use of wine and water for, 9/1:40, 55
sacred experiences of modern apostles, 9/2:151
sacred space, 9/1:176
Sagan, Carl, 9/2:vi
Saints, persecution of, 9/2:106
Salisbury, Katherine Smith, 9/1:xxi
salvation, 9/1:vi
by faith alone, 9/2:194
by grace, 9/1:ix
history, Americanization of, 9/2:113
plan of, 9/2:195
through Jesus Christ, 9/2:114
Samuel the Lamanite, 9/1:12
Samuelson, Cecil O., Jr., 9/1:13
Satan as a spirit child of God, 9/1:37
saving principles of the gospel vs. secular knowledge, 9/2:42
scholarly methodology, 9/2:56
scholarly tools for understanding the gospel, 9/2:45
scholars, 9/2:ix
biblical, 9/2:xx
Book of Mormon, 9/1:2
New Testament, 9/2:131
testimonies and experiences of, 9/2:39
scholarship, 9/1:52
Book of Mormon, 9/1:26
naive and dishonest, 9/2:xix
weaknesses of traditional, 9/2:42
science and scholarship, 9/2:v
Scott, Richard G., 9/1:12
scouting, 9/1:171
scriptural authority, 9/2:179–83
scripture-marking system, 9/1:31
scriptures, extrabiblical, 9/2:118
second coming, events leading up to, 9/1:167
secrecy and Christianity, 9/2:120
secret combinations, 9/2:2
Book of Mormon warnings against, 9/2:3
of Gadianton, identified with communism, 9/2:3
secret signs and symbols of early Christians, 9/1:56
secret teachings in ancient Christianity, 9/1:40
sect, recognition of, as Christian, 9/2:63
secularization, process of, 9/2:9
seed of Alma vs. Lehi’s tree, 9/1:8
seer stone, 9/2:175
self and other, awareness of, 9/2:viii
self-interest and special interest groups, role of, 9/2:7
Semitic languages, roots in, 9/1:117
seniority, role of, in decision making, 9/2:158
sermon at the temple, antiquity of, 9/2:146
sermons in the Book of Mormon, 9/2:31
services, institutionalization of, 9/2:86
sexual sin, social costs of, 9/2:5
Shakespeare, parallels of, to Book of Mormon, 9/1:114–15
Shanks, Hershel, 9/1:149
Shaw, George Bernard, 9/2:131
sheath of Laban’s sword, 9/1:152
Sheets, Payson, 9/1:113
Sherem, 9/1:9
sheum, 9/1:120
shilum, 9/1:120
Shurtliff, Luman, 9/1:xxiv
Siedenschnur, Günther, 9/2:106
Signature Books, 9/1:x
signs of the times, 9/1:61
sign seeking, 9/2:153
silk in pre-Columbian America, 9/1:78
Smith, Adam, 9/2:5
linked to Joseph Smith, 9/2:81
Smith, Emma, 9/1:xxii
Smith, Ethan, 9/1:63
Smith family cabin, excavation of, 9/2:xxiv-xxvi
Smith, George Albert, 9/1:x
Smith, George D., 9/1:x
Smith, Gerald, 9/1:168
Smith, Hyrum, 9/1:xxi
Smith, Joseph, 9/1:89, 125, 9/2:58
and 1826 trial, 9/1:94
compared to Muhammad, 9/2:58
daguerreotype of, 9/1:166
and his family, 9/2:119
as a good worker, 9/1:xxv
linked to Adam Smith, 9/2:81
religion of parents of, 9/2:175
story of, 9/2:126
visions of, 9/2:64
Smith, Joseph F., 9/1:xx, 55, 9/2:43
Smith, Joseph Fielding, 9/2:37, 157
Smith, Joseph, III, 9/1:xx
Smith, Lucy Mack, 9/2:119–20
Smith, T. Michael, 9/2:xxv
Smith, William, 9/1:xxi
Society of Biblical Literature, 9/2:ix
Solis (Spanish historian), 9/1:157
Sorenson, John L., 9/1:147, 9/2:xxiv
souls, premortal existence of, 9/2:167, 190
source criticism, 9/2:ix-xxiii
source materials, lack of, during translation of the Book of Mormon, 9/1:93
Southern Baptist Convention, 9/2:109
Spanish Archive Manuscripts, 9/2:68
Spaulding theory, 9/2:100, 122
Spencer, Daniel, Jr., 9/1:xxv
Sperry, Sidney B., tribute to, 9/1:28
spirit prison, 9/2:195
spiritual body, 9/1:35 n. 2
spiritual growth, 9/1:10
standard works, online access to, 9/1:163
mention of, 9/1:150
in Nephi’s time, 9/1:74
presence of, in New World, 9/1:149
Stephen, vision of, 9/2:188–89
stewardships of consumption and production, 9/2:83
Stout, Richard, 9/2:140
Strang, James, claim by Van Gorden that witnesses followed, 9/2:175–76, 176 n. 23
straw-man arguments, 9/2:168–71
study and inspiration, 9/2:42
study guide for the Book of Mormon, 9/1:31
Supreme Court, 9/2:7
sword found near Jericho, 9/1:149
in the Book of Mormon, 9/1:148–58
drawing of, 9/1:152–53
hilts of, 9/1:156
Mexican, 9/1:154
pointed, 9/1:155–56
staining of, 9/1:151
Talmage, James E., 9/1:125
Talmage, Thomas De Witt, 9/2:48
Tanner, Jerald, 9/2:101
Tanner, Jerald and Sandra, 9/1:87, 146, 9/2:125
critique of writings of, 9/2:101>
omissions of evidence by, 9/1:109–10
Tanner, Sandra, 9/2:100
tapir, 9/1:133
Tate, Charles D., Jr., 9/1:63, 67
Taylor, John, 9/1:xxii
Teacher of Righteousness, 9/2:97
Tehuantepec, 9/1:126, 128
temple garments, 9/2:176
temple at Jerusalem, 9/2:122
“temple Mormons,” 9/2:111
temple ordinances, 9/2:114
temple practices, ancient and modern, 9/2:121, 121 n. 36
ancient, 9/2:122
dedicatory prayers of, 9/1:170
temporal welfare, 9/2:87
Ten Commandments, 9/2:5
Teotihuacan, 9/1:113
terms used as weapons, 9/2:129
testability as a feature of science, 9/2:xx
testimonies, 9/1:169
and experiences of scholars, 9/2:39
characteristics of, 9/2:43
process of obtaining a, 9/2:42
text of the scriptures, 9/1:160
texts, ancient, 9/1:34
theory, judging a, 9/1:vi
theosis, or human deification, 9/2:117 and 117 n. 5
thinking for oneself, 9/1:ix
Thomas, Robert K., 9/2:29
Todd, Jay, 9/1:15
toleration, approaches to, 9/2:63
Arabic and Persian, 9/2:vi
of the fathers, 9/1:vi
of the gospel, 9/1:xxvii
of men, 9/1:vi, vii
overcoming false, 9/1:vi
of the world, 9/1:xxvii
tree of Lehi vs. Alma’s seed, 9/1:8
tree of life, 9/1:176
Christian doctrine of, 9/2:118
Nicene doctrine of, 9/2:188
representation of, on Norman baptismal font, 9/2:134
in author’s conclusions, 9/2:163
in the Lord, 9/1:8
truth, recognizing and accepting, 9/1:vi
plain and precious, 9/2:96
worth of, 9/2:42
Twelve, relationship between senior and junior members of, 9/2:159
typology in the Book of Mormon, 9/2:32
united order principles, 9/2:77
application of, 9/2:78, 85
united order principles inspired enterprises (UOPIEs), 9/2:77
united-order living, failure of, 9/2:87
units of value, 9/1:176
universal toleration, 9/2:48
universities, church colleges and, 9/1:169
unpardonable sin, 9/2:196
Urim and Thummim
biblical use of, 9/1:96
use of, for translation, 9/2:175
Van Dam, Cornelis, 9/1:96
Vanatter, Scott, 9/1:170
veil, splitting of, 9/2:122
View of the Hebrews, 9/1:63, 78, 99, 102, 9/2:122
testimonials of, 9/1:67
vision of an army of soldiers, 9/1:xxiii
vision of the redemption of the dead, 9/2:132
Visser, John, 9/1:172
volcanic activity in Mesoamerica, 9/1:112
Wadi Sayq, as site of Bountiful, 9/1:20
Walters, Wesley P., 9/1:94, 94 n. 18
war among all nations, 9/1:60
Ward, Maria, 9/2:61
warfare, Mesoamerican, 9/1:154
Warren, Bruce, 9/1:112
weaknesses or strengths, 9/2:44
accumulation of, 9/2:8
distribution of, 9/2:87
inequitable distribution of, 9/2:86
in the perspective of the Zion society, 9/2:85
uses and abuses of, 9/2:85
uses of, 9/2:87
Welch, John W., 9/1:29, 9/2:46, 146
Western civilization, traditions of, 9/2:9
Whalen, William, 9/2:125
wheat, 9/1:135
White, James, 9/1:146
Whitmer, David, 9/1:xix
interviews of, 9/1:xix, xx
Whitney, Orson F., 9/2:66
Widtsoe, John A., 9/1:125
Williams, Fredrick G., statement of, 9/1:124
wine, Book of Mormon references to, 9/1:136
Wirthlin, Joseph B., 9/1:10
witnesses to the Book of Mormon, 9/1:xviii, 91
Word of Wisdom, 9/1:55
wordprint studies
of the Book of Mormon, 9/2:16
statistical methodology for, 9/2:18
word groups or clusters for, 9/2:16, 20
worker/employee ownership, 9/2:76
antireligious, 9/2:vi
based on revelation, 9/2:vi
Yamauchi, Edwin, 9/2:xxiii
Yemen, 9/1:116
Yemen Arab Republic, 9/1:18
Young, Brigham, 9/2:178
Zeezrom, 9/1:11
Zelph the Lamanite, 9/1:58
Zion-building, 9/2:75–76, 79
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