Fantasy and Reality in the Translation of the Book of Abraham


Fantasy and Reality in the Translation of the Book of Abraham

Publication Type

Journal Article

Year of Publication



Gee, John (Primary)


Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship





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The volume editors of The Joseph Smith Papers Revelations and Translations: Volume 4 propose a theory of translation of the Book of Abraham that is at odds with the documents they publish and with other documents and editorial comments published in the other volumes of the Joseph Smith Papers Project. Two key elements of their proposal are the idea of simultaneous dictation of Book of Abraham Manuscripts in the handwritings of Frederick G. Williams and Warren Parrish, and Joseph Smith’s use of the so-called Alphabet and Grammar. An examination of these theories in the light of the documents published in the Joseph Smith Papers shows that neither of these theories is historically tenable. The chronology the volume editors propose for the translation of the Book of Abraham creates more problems than it solves. A different chronology is proposed. Unfortunately, the analysis shows that the theory of translation of the Book of Abraham adopted by the Joseph Smith Papers volume editors is highly flawed.

Early Church History
Book of Abraham
Book of Abraham Translation
Smith, Joseph, Jr.

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