Elias: Prophet of the Restoration


Elias: Prophet of the Restoration

Publication Type

Journal Article

Year of Publication



Francisco, Jan (Primary)


Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship





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The Prophet Elias is a puzzle, with a handful of pieces scattered through the standard works and the teachings of Joseph Smith. Rather than proving a point conclusively, this paper will put the pieces together to show a new picture of this important figure. The interpretation in this article weaves together the scriptures regarding Elias into a cohesive narrative, with the prophet Noah at the center. The pieces of the puzzle investigated here are Elias’s role as the angel Gabriel in the New Testament, on the Mount of Transfiguration, the Kirtland Temple, in the Book of Revelation, and in D&C 27. These few visitations occur during significant transfers of priesthood power. Elias — the keyholder — is identified as holding “the keys of bringing to pass the restoration of all things spoken by the mouth of all the holy prophets since the world began, concerning the last days” (D&C 27:6). This vast calling of restoring all things in the last days requires the original Elias (Noah) at the heavenly helm and various agents of Elias (John the Baptist and John the Beloved, among others) working on the earth during different phases of the restoration

Spirit of Elias
John the Baptist
Priesthood Keys
Kirtland Temple
Revelation (Book)
Noah (Prophet)
John the Beloved
Mount of Transfiguration
Elias (Prophet)
Angel Gabriel

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