A Documentary History of the Book of Mormon By Larry E. Morris


A Documentary History of the Book of Mormon By Larry E. Morris

Publication Type

Journal Article

Year of Publication



Welch, John W. (Primary)







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This book fills an important need in Latter-day Saint scholarship. Although other collections of early Latter-day Saint documents have been published, none has focused exclusively on the documents pertaining to the Book of Mormon, beginning with Moroni’s first appearance to the seventeen-year-old Joseph Smith in September 1823 and ending in March 1830 with the publication of the Book of Mormon. Having these documents organized, numbered, sourced, introduced, transcribed, edited, typeset, annotated, and indexed adds to the library of early Latter-day Saint research tools. This book belongs on the shelf of every library that is serious about the beginnings of new religious movements in general and Mormon origins in particular. Initial responses to this book’s release were rightfully prompt and enthusiastic.

Eight Witnesses
Three Witnesses
Angel Moroni
Printing of the Book of Mormon
Book of Mormon Translation
Latter-day Saint History (1820-1846)
Smith, Joseph, Jr.

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