Did Captain Moroni Lack the Typical Religious Virtues?


Did Captain Moroni Lack the Typical Religious Virtues?

Publication Type

Journal Article

Year of Publication



Boyce, Duane (Primary)


Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship





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In his well-known volume about the Book of Mormon, Grant Hardy focuses primarily on the book’s main narrators. However, he also makes a number of observations about other figures in the book that are of particular interest, including some about Captain Moroni. In addition to those I address elsewhere, these observations include the claim that Moroni lacked the typical religious virtues — which Hardy identifies as “humility, self-sacrifice, kindness, and relying upon the Lord.” They also include the assertion that Helaman, in his manifest reliance upon God, serves as a counterexample to Moroni’s military leadership. A close look at the text, however, indicates that both these claims are mistaken.

Captain Moroni
Helaman (Son of Alma the Younger)

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