The Diachronic Usage of Exclamation Marks across the Major Book of Mormon Editions


The Diachronic Usage of Exclamation Marks across the Major Book of Mormon Editions

Publication Type

Journal Article

Year of Publication



Howell, Scott L. (Primary), Anderson, Brooke (Primary), Hingson, LaReina (Primary), McRae, Lanna (Primary), Vincent, Jesse (Primary), and Torruella, Brandon (Primary)


Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship





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The usage of the exclamation mark has changed over time but continues to serve as an important textual interpretation aid. Punctuation itself has not been a permanent fixture in English, rather it was slowly introduced to English documents with changing standard usages after the invention of the printing press. Here we highlight the use of the exclamation mark across major editions of the Book of Mormon and document the presence of the exclamation mark in a reference table.

For a summary of this article, check out Interpreting Interpreter

Textual Analysis

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