Death, Time, and Redemption: Structural Possibilities and Thematic Potential in Jacob 7:26

Death, Time, and Redemption: Structural Possibilities and Thematic Potential in Jacob 7:26
Publication Type
Journal Article
Year of Publication
Webb, Jenny (Primary)
Journal of Book of Mormon Studies
Jacob 7:26 has often been noted for its pathos and nostalgia. A close reading of the verse finds that these effects result from the author’s own problematic family relationships, specifically Jacob’s troubled relationship with his older brothers, Laman and Lemuel, who have potentially hated him since his birth because of his position and alignment with Nephi. While Nephi seeks reconciliation with his brothers, Jacob seeks redemption as a healing of a preexistent family breach. In other words, Jacob seeks sealing. This emphasis on sealing can be seen in his temporal orientation, which simultaneously looks toward the past as the source of the family conflict and toward the future (through Enos) as the ongoing hope for the family’s eventual healing.
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