Book of Mormon Bibliography (1989)

Book of Mormon Bibliography (1989)
Publication Type
Journal Article
Year of Publication
Lamoreax, Adam (Primary)
FARMS Review
Bibliography of publications on the Book of Mormon in 1989.
Book of Mormon Bibliography
Allen, Joseph L. Exploring the Lands of the Book of Mormon. Orem, UT: S. A. Publishers, 1989.
Book of Mormon Companion: Dictionary & More. Sandy, UT: Bright Impressions, n.d.
Card, Orson Scott. The Folk of the Fringe. West Bloomfield, MI: Phantasia, 1989.
Card, Orson Scott. Prentice Alvin. New York: TOR, 1989.
Card, Orson Scott. The Red Prophet. New York: TOR, 1988.
Card, Orson Scott. Seventh Son. New York: TOR, 1987.
Carlsen, Earl W. Christ’s Answer to the Atheist, to the Jew: Who Wrote It? Amherst, WI: Palmer, 1987.
Cheesman, Paul R. The Keystone of Mormonism: Early Visions of the Prophet Joseph Smith. Provo: Eagle Systems International, 1988.
England, Eugene. Converted to Christ through the Book of Mormon. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1989.
Heimerdinger, Chris. Tennis Shoes among the Nephites: A Novel. Salt Lake City: Covenant, 1989.
Hemingway, Donald W. Christianity in America before Columbus? Salt Lake City: Hawkes, 1988.
Kocherhans, Arthur J. Lehi’s Isle of Promise. Placentia, CA: Kobo Enterprises, 1989.
Larson, Anthony E. Parallel Histories: The Nephites and the Americans. Orem, UT: Zedek Books, 1989.
Millet, Robert L. By Grace Are We Saved. Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1989.
Moss, Robert H. I Nephi . . .-A Novel of the Sons of Lehi. Bountiful: Horizon, 1984.
Moss, Robert H. The Covenant Coat-A Novel of Joseph. Bountiful: Horizon, 1985.
Moss, Robert H. The Waters of Mormon, A Novel of Alma the Elder. Bountiful: Horizon, 1986.
Moss, Robert H. That I Were an Angel, A Novel of Alma the Younger. Salt Lake City: Acme, 1987.
Moss, Robert H. Title of Liberty, A Novel of Helaman and Moroni. Salt Lake City: Acme, 1988.
Moss, Robert H. The Abridger, A Novel of Mormon. Salt Lake City: Acme, 1989.
Moss, Robert H. Valiant Witness, A Novel of Moroni. Bountiful: Horizon, 1989.
Mulholland, David H. A Reading Guide to the Book of Mormon. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1989.
Nibley, Hugh. The Prophetic Book of Mormon, ed. by John W. Welch, vol. 8 in The Collected Works of Hugh Nibley. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book and F.A.R.M.S., 1989.
Nyman, Monte S. and Charles D. Tate, Jr., eds. The Book of Mormon: Second Nephi, the Doctrinal Structure. Salt Lake City: Bookcraft and Brigham Young University Religious Studies Center, 1989.
Persuitte, David. Joseph Smith and the Origins of the Book of Mormon. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 1985.
Review of Books on the Book of Mormon, vol. 1., ed. by Daniel C. Peterson. Provo: F.A.R.M.S., 1989.
Ropp, Harry L., with revisions from Wesley P. Walters. Are the Mormon Scriptures Reliable? Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity, 1987.
A Sure Foundation: Answers to Difficult Gospel Questions. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1988.
Tryk, Loftes. The Best Kept Secrets in the Book of Mormon. Redondo Beach, CA: Jacob’s Well Foundation, 1988.
Vogel, Dan. Indian Origins and the Book of Mormon. Salt Lake City: Signature Books, 1986.
Yorgason, Brenton G. Little Known Evidences of the Book of Mormon. Salt Lake City: Covenant, 1989.
Anderson, Richard Lloyd. “Religious Validity: The Sacrament Covenant in Third Nephi.” Provo: F.A.R.M.S., 1989. First Annual Book of Mormon Lecture. 31 pp.
Archaeological Research Committee. “La Mojarra: A Voice from the Past.” The Witness: Newsletter of the Foundation for Research on Ancient America 64 (February 1989): 4-6.
Archaeological Research Committee. “Archaeology Alert.” The Witness: Newsletter of the Foundation for Research on Ancient America 67 (Winter 1989): 15.
Aston, Warren and Michaela. “The Search for Nahom and Lehi’s Trail.” Provo: F.A.R.M.S., 1989. 35 pp.
Brown, S. Kent, and John Tvedtnes. “When Did Jesus Appear to the Nephites in Bountiful?” Provo: F.A.R.M.S., 1989. 26 pp.
Bushman, Richard L. “The Lamanite View of Book of Mormon History.” Provo: F.A.R.M.S., 1989. 16 pp.
Christenson, Allen J. “The Use of Chiasmus by the Ancient Quiché-Maya.” Provo: F.A.R.M.S., 1989. 13 pp.
Delong, Richard A. “Maya Glyphs May Identify Hill Cumorah.” The Witness: Newsletter of the Foundation for Research on Ancient America 67 (Winter 1989): 4-5, 14.
Duff, Sean G. “The Four Quadrants.” Zarahemla Record 45 (November 1989): 3-4.
Edwards, Kay P. “What the Doctrine and Covenants Says about the Book of Mormon.” Ensign 19 (January 1989): 34-37.
England, Eugene. “Why Nephi Killed Laban: Reflections on the Truth of the Book of Mormon.” Dialogue 22 (Fall 1989): 32-51.
F.A.R.M.S. “Getting Things Straight.” Update January 1989.
F.A.R.M.S. ” ‘Holy War’ in the Book of Mormon and the Ancient Near East.” Update March 1989.
F.A.R.M.S. “What Was a ‘Mosiah’?” Update April 1989.
F.A.R.M.S. “Exemption from Military Duty.” Update June 1989.
F.A.R.M.S. “The Coronation of Kings.” Update July 1989.
F.A.R.M.S. “Climactic Forms in the Book of Mormon.” Update August 1989.
F.A.R.M.S. “Secret Combinations.” Update October 1989.
Godfrey, Kenneth A. “The Zelph Story.” BYU Studies 29 (Spring 1989): 31-56; also a F.A.R.M.S. paper, 96 pp.
Hamblin, William. “Armor in the Book of Mormon.” Provo: F.A.R.M.S., 1989. 21 pp.
Heady, Gordon, Brenda Trimble, Sherri Smith. “Reading Maya Hieroglyphs.” The Witness: Newsletter of the Foundation for Research on Ancient America 67 (Winter 1989): 10-11.
Heater, Shirley R. “Lehi’s Blessing to His Son Joseph.” Zarahemla Record 44 (August 1989): 2-5, 7.
Heater, Shirley R. “Chiasmus Brings New Understanding of Geography.” Zarahemla Record 46 (December 1989): 3.
Johannessen, Karl L., and Anne Z. Parker. “Maize Ears Sculpted in 12th and 13th Century A.D. India as Indicators of Pre-Columbian Diffusion.” Economic Botany 43/2 (1989): 164-80 (F.A.R.M.S. reprint).
Lamb, David. “The Four-Part Pattern in Prophecies.” Zarahemla Record 44 (August 1989): 1, 8.
Lamb, David. “The Meaning Behind Moroni’s Title of Liberty.” Zarahemla Record 45 (November 1989): 1-2.
Largey, Dennis L. ” ‘Enemies of Righteousness’: The Book of Mormon Identifies Latter-day Forces That Oppose the Lord.” Ensign 19 (December 1989): 7-11.
McCulloch, J. H. “The Bat Creek Inscription: Cherokee or Hebrew?” Tennessee Anthropologist 13/2 (Fall 1988): 79-123 (F.A.R.M.S. reprint).
Parry, Donald W. “Hebrew Literary Patterns in the Book of Mormon.” Ensign 19 (October 1989): 58-61.
Perkins, Keith W. “True to the Book of Mormon: The Whitmers.” Ensign 19 (February 1989): 34-41.
Peterson, Daniel C. “The Gadianton Robbers as Guerrilla Warriors.” Provo: F.A.R.M.S., 1989. 16 pp.
Pritchett, Bruce. “Lehi’s Theology of the Fall in Its Preexilic/ Exilic Context.” Provo: F.A.R.M.S., 1989. 43 pp.
“Recent Studies on the Book of Mormon.” Ensign 19 (June 1989): 50-53; (July 1989): 62-65.
Reynolds, Noel B. “The Brass Plates Version of Genesis.” Provo: F.A.R.M.S., 1989. 26 pp.
Rowland, Linda. “Chiasmus Settles the Question.” Zarahemla Record 44 (August 1989): 6-7.
Rust, Richard. ” ‘I Know Your Doing’: The Book of Mormon Speaks to Our Times.” Ensign 18 (December 1988): 14-19.
Scharffs, Gilbert W. “Unique Insights on Christ from the Book of Mormon.” Ensign 18 (December 1988): 8-12.
Smith, Lyle. “Chiasmus.” The Witness: Newsletter of the Foundation for Research on Ancient America 65 (May 1989): 4-6.
Smith, Lyle. “Mirror Images in Mesoamerica.” The Witness: Newsletter of the Foundation for Research on Ancient America 66 (Fall 1989): 4-7, 10.
Sorenson, John L. “Fortifications in the Book of Mormon and in Mesoamerica.” Provo: F.A.R.M.S., 1989. 16 pp.
Szink, Terrence L. “An Oath of Allegiance in the Book of Mormon.” Provo: F.A.R.M.S., 1989. 6 pp.
Toscano, Paul James. “Priesthood Concepts in the Book of Mormon: Insights on Church Leadership and Organization.” Sunstone 13 (December 1989): 8-17.
Treat, Ray, and Mary Lee. “158 Years: A Type for Our Day.” Zarahemla Record 46 (December 1989): 1-4.
Tvedtnes, John A. “Book of Mormon Tribal Affiliation and Military Caste.” Provo: F.A.R.M.S., 1989. 20 pp.
Vogel, Dan. “Mormonism’s ‘Anti-Masonick Bible’,” John Whitmer Historical Association Journal 9 (1989): 17-30.
Wadsworth, Richard. I Have a Question: “Does the Book of Mormon Prophesy of the Prophet Joseph Smith?” Ensign 19 (April 1989): 52-53.
“‘We Add Our Witness’: Living Prophets Share Their Feelings about the Book of Mormon.” Ensign 19 (March 1989): 5-9.
Welch, John W. “Chiasmus in Alma 36.” Provo: F.A.R.M.S., 1989. 40 pp.
Welch, John W. “Criteria for Identifying the Presence of Chiasmus.” Provo: F.A.R.M.S., 1989. 13 pp.
Weldon, Roy. “Emergence of the Nephite Record.” The Witness: Newsletter of the Foundation for Research on Ancient America 65 (May 1989): 14-15.
Weldon, Roy. “When God Moves, Satan Moves.” The Witness: Newsletter of the Foundation for Research on Ancient America 66 (Fall 1989): 14-15.
Woodford, Robert J. “The Articles and Covenants of the Church of Christ and the Book of Mormon.” Sperry Symposium, 1989, 262-73.
Proctor, Paul D. “American Book of Mormon Map.” n.p., 1988.
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