Beyond Understanding: Narrative Theory as Expansion in Book of Mormon Exegesis


Beyond Understanding: Narrative Theory as Expansion in Book of Mormon Exegesis

Publication Type

Journal Article

Year of Publication




Journal of Book of Mormon Studies





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The vibrant fields of narratology and biblical narrative criticism provide common ground from which scholars who either accept or reject the historical reality of the Book of Mormon may speak to one another. To encourage research that may speak across divisions, this article provides a theoretical overview of some of the major areas within the narrative-critical approach (i.e., the intricacies and subtleties of setting, plot, narrative time, characters, point of view, narrators, and implied readers). The applied analysis of select Book of Mormon passages that accompany these overviews illustrates how borrowing from more established fields may expose new considerations, explain different aspects of the text, make familiar narratives fresh, and stimulate greater appreciation for its literary design.

Narrative Criticism
Literary Analysis

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