Allan K. Burgess, Living the Book of Mormon: A Guide to Understanding and Applying Its Principles in Today's World

Allan K. Burgess, Living the Book of Mormon: A Guide to Understanding and Applying Its Principles in Today's World
Publication Type
Journal Article
Year of Publication
Snow, Edward (Primary)
FARMS Review
Number of Pages
Review of Living the Book of Mormon: A Guide to Understanding and Applying Its Principles in Today’s World (1991), by Allen K. Burgess.
Living the Book of Mormon:
A Guide to Understanding and Applying Its Principles in Today's World
Allan K. Burgess, principal of the Tooele Seminary, appropriately dedicated his latest book to his 1990-91 seminary students. Each of the 61 chapters in this 182-page book contains gospel themes that are tailor-made for a 30-45 minute seminary or Sunday School class.
The simplicity of the writing and the obvious restating of gospel principles make Burgess’s book an excellent gift for teenagers and young adults and a valuable tool for Sunday School teachers.
In each chapter, Burgess analyzes a gospel principle set forth in the Book of Mormon, then usually quotes a latter-day prophet or General Authority to bolster his analysis. Many chapters contain modern faith-promoting vignettes (usually with casts of young actors) that nicely illustrate the gospel principle under discussion. Chapter themes range from “A Ball of Curious Workmanship” to “He Numbereth His Sheep.”
Even though Living the Book of Mormon is not a volume you would curl up with on a cold winter’s evening, it provides a fine resource for young and old alike who wish to study the gospel and prepare for church lessons and talks.
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