Abraham’s Amen and Believing in Christ: Possible Applications in the Book of Mormon Text


Abraham’s Amen and Believing in Christ: Possible Applications in the Book of Mormon Text

Publication Type

Journal Article

Year of Publication




Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship





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Bibliographic Citation


Following the discovery of delocutive verbs and their likely usage in the Hebrew Bible, Meredith Kline proposed that the verb האמין (he’emin) in Genesis 15:6 — traditionally interpreted as a denominative verb meaning “he believed” — should be understood as a delocutive verb meaning “he declared ‘amen.’” Rather than reading Genesis 15:6 as a passive statement — Abraham believed in Yahweh — Kline argued that we should interpret this verse in the active sense, that Abraham vocally declared his amen in Yahweh’s covenantal promise. In this light, I have analyzed various passages in the Book of Mormon that utilize similar verbiage — “believe in Christ,” for example — to examine how their meanings might be enhanced by interpreting the verbs as delocutives rather than denominatives.

Abraham (Prophet)

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