1997 Book of Mormon Bibliography

1997 Book of Mormon Bibliography
Publication Type
Journal Article
Year of Publication
FARMS Staff (Corporate/Institutional)
FARMS Review
Bibliography of publications on the Book of Mormon in 1997.
1997 Book of Mormon Bibliography
Bird, Lori G. Nephi Gets the Brass Plates: A Story from the Book of Mormon. Early LDS reader series, Bird, 1997.
Gorton, H. Clay. A New Witness for Christ: Chiastic Structures in the Book of Mormon. Bountiful, Utah: Horizon, 1997.
Holland, Jeffrey R. Christ and the New Covenant: The Messianic Message of the Book of Mormon. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1997.
Jensen, Jay E. Treasure up the Word. Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1997.
Moss, Robert H. A Reader’s Book of Mormon Digest: Condensed from the Book of Mormon, a New Witness for Christ: A Monthly Reading Program and Study Guide of the Doctrines of the Book of Mormon. Springville, Utah: CFI, 1996, 1997.
Poelman, Anne O. The Amulek Alternative: Exercising Agency in a World of Choice. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1997.
Reynolds, George. The Myth of the “Manuscript Found,” or, The Absurdities of the “Spaulding Story.” Grantsville, Utah: LDS Archive Publishers, 1997.
Reynolds, Noel B., ed. Book of Mormon Authorship Revisited: The Evidence for Ancient Origins. Provo, Utah: FARMS, 1997.
Rostrom, Laura Lee. My Book of Mormon Storybook: 90 Favorite Stories. Springville, Utah: Cedar Fort, 1997.
Rust, Richard Dilworth. Feasting on the Word: The Literary Testimony of the Book of Mormon. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book and FARMS, 1997.
Smith, Joseph Jr. Book of Mormon: An Account Written by the Hand of Mormon, upon Plates Taken from the Plates of Nephi etc. Manti, Utah: True and Living Church of Jesus Christ of Saints of the Last Days, 1997.
Welch, John W., and Doris R. Dant. The Book of Mormon Paintings of Minerva Teichert. Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1997.
Anderson, Richard L. “Personal Writings of the Book of Mormon Witnesses.” In Book of Mormon Authorship Revisited, ed. Reynolds, 39-60.
Barney, Kevin L. “Divine Discourse Directed at a Prophet’s Posterity in the Plural: Further Light on Enallage.” Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 6/2 (1997): 229-34.
Barrett, Robert T. (illustrator). “How We Got the Book of Mormon.” Friend (July 1997): 8-10.
Bradford, M. Gerald. “How Was the Book of Mormon Translated?” This People 18/4 (1997): 101-4.
Bradford, M. Gerald. “Relying on the Book of Mormon.” This People 18/3 (1997): 87-91.
Brown, Matthew B. “Girded about with a Lambskin.” Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 6/2 (1997): 124-51.
Brown, S. Kent. “A Case for Lehi’s Bondage in Arabia.” Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 6/2 (1997): 205-17.
Bushman, Richard L. “The Recovery of the Book of Mormon.” In Book of Mormon Authorship Revisited, ed. Reynolds, 21-38.
Childs, Larry G. “Present Participle Adjuncts in the Book of Mormon.” Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 6/1 (1997): 24-38.
Choucair, Ali K. “My Guide to Jesus Christ.” Ensign (July 1997): 52-57.
Christenson, Allen J. “The Sacred Tree of the Ancient Maya.” Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 6/1 (1997): 1-23.
Crowell, Angela M., and John A. Tvedtnes. “The Nephite and Jewish Practice of Blessing God after Eating One’s Fill.” Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 6/2 (1997): 251-54.
De Santiago, Juan. “Recovering the Signifier: New Jack Mormons.” Dialogue 30/1 (1997): 47-50.
Elder, Candace. “The Book of Mormon Changed Our Missions.” Ensign (June 1997): 65-66.
Gee, John. “Another Note on the Three Days of Darkness.” Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 6/2 (1997): 235-44.
Gee, John. “New and Old Light on Shawabtis from Mesoamerica.” Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 6/1 (1997): 64-69.
Godfrey, Dale. “And the Lord Sent Prophets.” The Witness: Newsletter of the Foundation for Research on Ancient America 93 (1997): 3-4.
Godfrey, Dale, et al. “The Book of Mormon Prophets Witness of the Savior.” The Witness: Newsletter of the Foundation for Research on Ancient America 93 (1997): 5-7.
Hamblin, William J. “The Importance of Warfare in Book of Mormon Studies.” In Book of Mormon Authorship Revisited, ed. Reynolds, 523-43.
Harris, Tod R. “The Journey of the Hero: Archetypes of Earthly Adventure and Spiritual Passage in 1 Nephi.” Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 6/2 (1997): 43-66.
Hilton, John L. “On Verifying Wordprint Studies: Book of Mormon Authorship.” In Book of Mormon Authorship Revisited, ed. Reynolds, 225-53.
Hinckley, Gordon B. “The Book of Mormon.” Speaking Today: Excerpts from Recent Addresses of President Gordon B. Hinckley. Ensign (September 1997): 72.
Hinckley, Gordon B. “The Purpose of the Book of Mormon.” Speaking Today: Excerpts from Recent Addresses of President Gordon B. Hinckley. Ensign (July 1997): 72-73.
Huggins, Ronald V. “Did the Author of 3 Nephi Know the Gospel of Matthew?” Dialogue 30/3 (1997): 137-48.
Madsen, Brigham D. “Reflections on LDS Disbelief in the Book of Mormon as History.” Dialogue 30/3 (1997): 87-97.
Maxwell, Neal A. “‘By the Gift and Power of God.'” Ensign (January 1997): 36-41.
Midgley, Louis. “‘Inspiring’ but Not True: An Added Glimpse of the RLDS Stance on the Book of Mormon.” Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 6/2 (1997): 218-28.
Midgley, Louis “Who Really Wrote the Book of Mormon? The Critics and Their Theories.” In Book of Mormon Authorship Revisited, ed. Reynolds, 101-39.
Murphy, Thomas W. “Laban’s Ghost: On Writing and Transgression.” Dialogue 30/2(1997): 105-26.
Nickerson, Matthew. “Nephi’s Psalm: 2 Nephi 4:16-35 in the Light of Form-Critical Analysis.” Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 6/2 (1997): 26-42.
Parry, Donald W. “Power through Repetition: The Dynamics of Book of Mormon Parallelism.” In Book of Mormon Authorship Revisited, ed. Reynolds, 295-309.
Petersen, Boyd. “‘Something to Move Mountains’: The Book of Mormon in Hugh Nibley’s Correspondence.” Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 6/2 (1997): 1-25.
Peterson, Daniel C. “Is the Book of Mormon True? Notes on the Debate.” In Book of Mormon Authorship Revisited, ed. Reynolds, 141-77.
Reynolds, Noel B. “Lehi’s Arabian Journey Updated.” In Book of Mormon Authorship Revisited, ed. Reynolds, 379-89.
Reynolds, Noel B., and Jim Bell. “From a Faithful Point of View: An Interview with Noel Reynolds on Ancient Studies and Book of Mormon Research.” This People 18/1 (1997): 20-34.
Ricks, Stephen D., and John A. Tvedtnes. “The Hebrew Origin of Some Book of Mormon Place Names.” Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 6/2 (1997): 255-59.
Schaalje, G. Bruce., John L. Hilton, and John B. Archer. “Comparative Power of Three Author-Attribution Techniques for Differentiating Authors.” Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 6/1 (1997): 47-63.
Scott, Glenn A. “A Surprising New Development Supports a Book of Mormon Theory.” The Witness: Newsletter of the Foundation for Research on Ancient America 93 (1997): 12-13.
Silver, Melinda. “The Effect of the Book of Mormon Diglot Reader: A Study of the Vocabulary Acquisition, Reading Comprehension, and the Reduction of Negative Affective Variables in Missionaries.” Master’s thesis, Brigham Young University, 1997.
Skousen, Royal. “Hebraic Elements in the Language of the Book of Mormon.” Insights: An Ancient Window (December 1997): 2.
Skousen, Royal. “John Gilbert’s 1892 Account of the 1830 Printing of the Book of Mormon.” Provo, Utah: FARMS, 1997.
Skousen, Royal. “Translating the Book of Mormon: Evidence from the Original Manuscript.” In Book of Mormon Authorship Revisited, ed. Reynolds, 61-93.
Sloan, David E. “The Book of Lehi and the Plates of Lehi.” Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 6/2 (1997): 269-72.
Sloan, David E. “Nephi’s Convincing of Christ through Chiasmus: Plain and Precious Persuading from a Prophet of God.” Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 6/2 (1997): 67-98.
Smith, James E. “How Many Nephites? The Book of Mormon at the Bar of Demography.” In Book of Mormon Authorship Revisited, ed. Reynolds, 255-93.
Sorenson, John L. “The Book of Mormon as a Mesoamerican Record.” In Book of Mormon Authorship Revisited, ed. Reynolds, 391-521.
Sorenson, John L. “New Technology and Ancient Questions (Part 2).” Insights: An Ancient Window (February 1997): 2.
Sorenson, John L., and John. W. Welch, “The Sobering Lesson of the Grolier Codex.” Insights: An Ancient Window (October 1997): 2.
Stirling, Mack C. “The Way of Life and the Way of Death in the Book of Mormon.” Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 6/2 (1997): 152-204.
Stubbs, Brian D. “A Short Addition to Length: Some Relative Frequencies of Circumstantial Structures.” Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 6/1 (1997): 39-46.
Swain, R. Stanley. “Two Precious Books.” Ensign (July 1997): 60-61.
Thompson, Jerry (illustrator). “The Promise of the Book of Mormon.” Friend (June 1997): 27.
Thorne, Melvin J. “Complexity, Consistency, Ignorance, and Probabilities.” In Book of Mormon Authorship Revisited, ed. Reynolds, 179-93.
Top, Brent L. “A Book That Transforms Lives.” Ensign (September 1997): 6-13.
Tvedtnes, John A. “‘As a Garment in a Hot Furnace.'” Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 6/1 (1997): 76-79.
Tvedtnes, John A. “Drought and Serpents.” Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 6/1 (1997): 70-72.
Tvedtnes, John A. “Glowing Stones in Ancient and Medieval Lore.” Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 6/2 (1997): 99-123.
Tvedtnes, John A. “More on the Hanging of Zemnarihah.” Insights: An Ancient Window (April 1997): 2.
Tvedtnes, John A. “‘That Which Is to Come.'” Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 6/2 (1997): 245-50.
Tvedtnes, John A. “‘A Visionary Man.'” Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 6/2 (1997): 260-61.
Tvedtnes, John A. “The Voice of an Angel.” In Book of Mormon Authorship Revisited, ed. Reynolds, 311-21.
Tvedtnes, John A. “Word Groups in the Book of Mormon.” Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 6/2 (1997): 262-68.
Tvedtnes, John A. “‘The Workmanship Thereof Was Exceedingly Fine.'” Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 6/1 (1997): 73-75.
Welch, John W. “The Narrative of Zosimus (History of the Rechabites) and the Book of Mormon.” In Book of Mormon Authorship Revisited, ed. Reynolds, 323-74.
Welch, John W. “Oliver Cowdery’s Response to Alexander Campbell.” Provo, Utah: FARMS, 1997.
Welch, John W. “What Does Chiasmus in the Book of Mormon Prove?” In Book of Mormon Authorship Revisited, ed. Reynolds, 199-224.
Wellington, Alice. “The Sword and the Spirit.” The Witness: Newsletter of the Foundation for Research on Ancient America 94 (1997): 3-15.
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