1990 Book of Mormon Bibliography

1990 Book of Mormon Bibliography
Publication Type
Journal Article
Year of Publication
Teasdale, Andrew (Primary)
FARMS Review
Bibliography of publications on the Book of Mormon in 1990.
1990 Book of Mormon Bibliography
Anderson, Rodger I. Joseph Smith’s New York Reputation Reexamined. Salt Lake City: Signature Books, 1990.
Burgess, Allan K., and Max H. Molgard. Fun for Family Night: Book of Mormon Edition. Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1990.
Hales, Robert E., and Sandra L. Hales. How to Hiss Forth with the Book of Mormon, illustrated by Susan Curtis. n.p.: 7 Up Publishing, 1989.
McConkie, Joseph Fielding, and Donald W. Parry. A Guide to Scriptural Symbols. Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1990.
Mehew, Randall K. A Most Convincing Witness: Reasons Why the Book of Mormon Is the True Word of God. Orem: Keepsake, 1990.
Nyman, Monte S., and Charles D. Tate, Jr., eds. The Book of Mormon: Jacob through Words of Mormon, To Learn with Joy. Provo: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1990.
Review of Books on the Book of Mormon, vol. 2, edited by Daniel C. Peterson. Provo: F.A.R.M.S., 1990.
Ricks, Stephen D., and William J. Hamblin, eds. Warfare in the Book of Mormon. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book and F.A.R.M.S., 1990.
Schlesinger, Philip J. Isaiah and the Book of Mormon: A Study Guide for Understanding the Writings of Isaiah in the Book of Mormon. Published by the author, 1990.
Sorenson, John L., and Martin Raish. Pre-Columbian Contacts with the Americas. 2 vols. Provo, UT: F.A.R.M.S. Research Press, 1990.
Tanner, Jerald, and Sandra Tanner. Covering Up the Black Hole in the Book of Mormon. Salt Lake City: Utah Lighthouse Ministry, 1990.
Vogel, Dan, ed. The Word of God: Essays on Mormon Scripture. Salt Lake City: Signature Books, 1990.
Welch, John W. The Sermon at the Temple and the Sermon on the Mount. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book and F.A.R.M.S., 1990.
Anderson, Richard Lloyd. “Religious Validity: The Sacrament Covenant in Third Nephi.” In By Study and Also by Faith: Essays in Honor of Hugh W. Nibley, edited by John M. Lundquist and Stephen D. Ricks. 2 vols. 2:1-51. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book and F.A.R.M.S., 1990.
Barber, John. “Oriental Enigma.” F.A.R.M.S. reprint from Equinox, 1990. 11 pp.
Barrett, Robert T. (illustrator). “The Destruction of the Jaredites,” Friend 20 (June 1990): 18-20.
Barrett, Robert T. (illustrator). “The Jaredites Leave the Tower of Babel,” Friend 20 (April 1990): 20-21.
Barrett, Robert T. (illustrator). “The Lord Leads the Jaredites to a Promised Land,” Friend 20 (May 1990): 19-22.
Bennion, Francine. “Women and the Book of Mormon.” F.A.R.M.S. reprint from Women of Wisdom and Knowledge (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1990), 169-78.
Brotherton, Helen. “Chinese Translation of the Book of Mormon.” The Witness 70 (Fall 1990): 9.
Brown, Cheryl. “I Speak Somewhat Concerning That Which I Have Written.” In Nyman and Tate, eds., The Book of Mormon: Jacob through Words of Mormon, 55-72.
Brown, S. Kent. “The Exodus Pattern in the Book of Mormon.” BYU Studies 30/3 (1990): 111-26.
Bushman, Richard L. “The Lamanite View of Book of Mormon History.” In By Study and Also by Faith: Essays in Honor of Hugh W. Nibley, edited by John M. Lundquist and Stephen D. Ricks. 2:52-72. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book and F.A.R.M.S., 1990.
Carter, George F. “Elephants and Ethnologists: Fifty Years Later.” Diffusionist Quarterly 1/3 (Fall 1990): 19-39; reprinted from The New Diffusionist 21/5 (October 1975): 139-52.
Carter, George F. “Movement of People and Ideas across the Pacific.” The Cornerstone of Book of Mormon Archaeology 1/4 (October 1990): 45-59; reprinted from Plants and the Migration of Pacific Peoples, a Symposium Held at the Tenth Pacific Sciences Congress (Honolulu 1961), edited by Jacques Barrau. 7-22. Bishop Museum: Honolulu, 1963.
Cheesman, Paul R. “External Evidences of the Book of Mormon.” In By Study and Also by Faith: Essays in Honor of Hugh W. Nibley, edited by John M. Lundquist and Stephen D. Ricks. 2:73-90. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book and F.A.R.M.S., 1990.
Clark, David L. “Lehi and El Niño: A Method of Migration.” BYU Studies 30/3 (1990): 57-65.
Cottam, William. “Wickedness of Lamanites and Nephites.” Ensign 20 (June 1990): 15.
Cowan, Richard O. “We Did Magnify Our Office unto the Lord.” In Nyman and Tate, eds., The Book of Mormon: Jacob through Words of Mormon, 73-86.
Curtis, Susan. “Early Nineteenth-Century American and the Book of Mormon.” In Vogel, ed., The Word of God, 81- 96; first appeared as “Palmyra Revisited: A Look at Early Nineteenth-Century American and the Book of Mormon.” John Whitmer Historical Association Journal 2 (1982): 21-31.
England, Eugene. “A Second Witness for the Logos: The Book of Mormon and Contemporary Literary Criticism.” In By Study and Also by Faith: Essays in Honor of Hugh W. Nibley, edited by John M. Lundquist and Stephen D. Ricks. 2:91-125. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book and F.A.R.M.S., 1990.
“First Hard Evidence of the Jaredite Migration Route.” The Cornerstone of Book of Mormon Archaeology 1/4 (October 1990): 13-16.
Hamblin, William J. “Armor in the Book of Mormon.” In Ricks and Hamblin, eds., Warfare in the Book of Mormon, 400-424.
Hamblin, William J. “The Bow and Arrow in the Book of Mormon.” In Ricks and Hamblin, eds., Warfare in the Book of Mormon, 365-99.
Hamblin, William J. “Directions in Hebrew, Egyptian, and Nephite Languages.” F.A.R.M.S. Update 69, May 1990.
Hamblin, William J. “The Importance of Warfare in Book of Mormon Studies.” In Ricks and Hamblin, eds., Warfare in the Book of Mormon, 481-99.
Hamblin, William J., and A. Brent Merrill. “Notes on the Cimeter (Scimitar) in the Book of Mormon.” In Ricks and Hamblin, eds., Warfare in the Book of Mormon, 360-64.
Hamblin, William J., and A. Brent Merrill. “Swords in the Book of Mormon.” In Ricks and Hamblin, eds., Warfare in the Book of Mormon, 329-51.
Hardy, Grant. “Mormon’s Agenda.” F.A.R.M.S. Update 71-2, July 1990.
Heady, Gordon. “Time and the Calendar in the Book of Mormon.” The Witness 71 (Winter 1990): 9-10.
Heater, Shirley R. “Manuscripts & Editions.” Zarahemla Record 48 (April 1990): 2-3.
Heater, Shirley R. “A Preview of Textual Corrections in the New Corrected Edition of the Book of Mormon: Variances between the Original and Printer’s Manuscripts.” Zarahemla Record 51 (October 1990): 2-4.
Heater, Shirley R. “A Preview of Textual Corrections in the New Corrected Edition of the Book of Mormon: Variances between the Printer’s Manuscript and the 1830 Edition.” Zarahemla Record 52 (December 1990): 2-4.
Heater, Shirley, and Mary Lee Treat. “A New Edition of the Book of Mormon: A Compared, Corrected Text in Poetry Like Format.” Zarahemla Record 50 (August 1990): 1.
Hess, Wilford M. “Botanical Comparisons in the Allegory of the Olive Tree.” In Nyman and Tate, eds., The Book of Mormon: Jacob through Words of Mormon, 87-102.
“Hill Cumorah.” The Cornerstone of Book of Mormon Archaeology 1/4 (October 1990): 2-12.
Hilton, John L. “On Verifying Wordprint Studies: Book of Mormon Authorship.” BYU Studies 30/3 (1990): 89-108.
Hilton, Matthew M. F., and Neil J. Flinders. “The Impact of Shifting Cultural Assumptions on the Military Policies Directing Armed Conflict Reported in the Book of Alma.” In Ricks and Hamblin, eds., Warfare in the Book of Mormon, 237-65.
Hlavaty, Lauri. “The Religion of Moses and the Book of Mormon.” In Nyman and Tate, eds., The Book of Mormon: Jacob through Words of Mormon, 103-24.
Hoskisson, Paul Y. “Explicating the Mystery of the Rejected Foundation Stone: The Allegory of the Olive Tree.” BYU Studies 30/3 (1990): 77-87.
Hoskisson, Paul Y. “An Introduction to the Relevance of and a Methodology for a Study of the Proper Names of the Book of Mormon.” In By Study and Also by Faith: Essays in Honor of Hugh W. Nibley, edited by John M. Lundquist and Stephen D. Ricks. 2:126-35. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book and F.A.R.M.S., 1990.
Hoskisson, Paul Y. “Scimitars, Cimeters! We Have Scimitars! Do We Need Another Cimeter?” In Ricks and Hamblin, eds., Warfare in the Book of Mormon, 352-59.
Howard, Richard P. “Latter Day Saint Scriptures and the Doctrine of Propositional Revelation.” In Vogel, ed., The Word of God, 1-18; first appeared in Courage: A Journal of History, Thought and Action 1 (1971): 209-25.
Hutchinson, Anthony A. “Prophetic Foreknowledge: Hope and Fulfillment in an Inspired Community.” In Vogel, ed., The Word of God, 29-42; first appeared in Sunstone 21 (July 1987): 13-20.
Jackson, Kent P. ” ‘Never Have I Showed Myself unto Man’: A Suggestion for Understanding Ether 3:15a.” BYU Studies 30/3 (1990): 71-76.
Johnson, Clark V. “Prophetic Decree and Ancient Histories Tell the Story of America.” In Nyman and Tate, eds., The Book of Mormon: Jacob through Words of Mormon, 125-39.
Keck, Brian E., “Ezekiel 37, Sticks, and Babylonian Writing Boards: A Critical Reappraisal.” Dialogue 23 (Spring 1990): 126-38.
Kunich, John C. “Multiply Exceedingly: Book of Mormon Population Sizes.” Sunstone 14 /3 (1990): 27-44.
Lamb, David. “Behold, He Is the Word of Truth.” Zarahemla Record 50 (August 1990): 2.
Lamb, David. “Friend: A Covenant Term.” Zarahemla Record 49 (June 1990): 1, 3-4.
Lamb, David. “The Righteous Branch.” Zarahemla Record 48 (April 1990): 1, 4.
Lancaster, James E. “The Translation of the Book of Mormon.” In Vogel, ed., The Word of God, 97-112; first appeared as “By the Gift and Power of God.” Saints’ Herald, 15 November 1962 and as “The Method of Translation of the Book of Mormon.” John Whitmer Historical Association Journal 3 (1983): 51-61.
Largey, Dennis L. “Enos: His Mission and His Message.” In Nyman and Tate, eds., The Book of Mormon: Jacob through Words of Mormon, 141-56.
Larson, Stan. “The Odyssey of Thomas Stuart Ferguson.” Dialogue 23 (Spring 1990): 55-93.
Lindgren, A. Bruce. “Sign or Scripture: Approaches to the Book of Mormon.” In Vogel, ed., The Word of God, 55-62; first appeared in Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought 19 (Spring 1986): 69-78.
McConkie, Joseph Fielding. “The Testimony of Christ through the Ages.” In Nyman and Tate, eds., The Book of Mormon: Jacob through Words of Mormon, 157-73.
McNeely, Brent E. “The Book of Mormon and the Heavenly Book Motif.” F.A.R.M.S. Update 73, November 1990.
Matthews, Robert J. “The Doctrine of the Resurrection as Taught in the Book of Mormon.” BYU Studies 30/3 (1990): 41-56.
Matthews, Robert J. “Jacob: Prophet, Theologian, Historian.” In Nyman and Tate, eds., The Book of Mormon: Jacob through Words of Mormon, 33-53.
Merrill, A. Brent. “Nephite Captains and Armies.” In Ricks and Hamblin, eds., Warfare in the Book of Mormon, 266-95.
Midgley, Louis. ” ‘O Man, Remember, and Perish Not’ (Mosiah 4:30).” F.A.R.M.S. Update 67, March 1990.
Millet, Robert L. “Sherem the Anti-Christ.” In Nyman and Tate, eds., The Book of Mormon: Jacob through Words of Mormon, 175-91.
Nibley, Hugh W. “Warfare and the Book of Mormon.” In Ricks and Hamblin, eds., Warfare in the Book of Mormon, 127- 45.
Novak, Gary F. “Naturalistic Assumptions and the Book of Mormon.” BYU Studies 30/3 (1990): 23-40.
Nyman, Monte S. “To Learn with Joy: Sacred Preaching, Great Revelation, Prophesying.” In Nyman and Tate, eds., The Book of Mormon: Jacob through Words of Mormon, 193- 208.
Parry, Donald W. “Antithetical Parallelism in the Book of Mormon.” F.A.R.M.S. Update 72, September 1990.
Peterson, Daniel C. “The Gadianton Robbers as Guerrilla Warriors.” In Ricks and Hamblin, eds., Warfare in the Book of Mormon, 146-73.
Peterson, Daniel C. “Notes on ‘Gadianton Masonry.’ ” In Ricks and Hamblin, eds., Warfare in the Book of Mormon, 174-224.
Phillips, R. Douglas. “Why Is So Much of the Book of Mormon Given Over to Military Accounts?” In Ricks and Hamblin, eds., Warfare in the Book of Mormon, 25-28.
Ricks, Eldin. “The Small Plates of Nephi and the Words of Mormon.” In Nyman and Tate, eds., The Book of Mormon: Jacob through Words of Mormon, 209-19.
Ricks, Stephen D. ” ‘Holy War’: The Sacral Ideology of War in the Book of Mormon and the Ancient Near East.” In Ricks and Hamblin, eds., Warfare in the Book of Mormon, 103- 17.
Riddle, Chauncey C. “Pride and Riches.” In Nyman and Tate, eds., The Book of Mormon: Jacob through Words of Mormon, 221-33.
Rust, Richard Dilworth. “The Book of Mormon, Designed for Our Day.” Provo: F.A.R.M.S., 1990. Second Annual Book of Mormon Lecture. 14 pp; also in Review of Books on the Book of Mormon 2 (1990): 1-23.
Rust, Richard Dilworth. “Purpose of the War Chapters in the Book of Mormon.” In Ricks and Hamblin, eds., Warfare in the Book of Mormon, 29-32.
Searle, Don L. “The Book Convicted Him.” Ensign 20 (March 1990): 50-52.
Seely, David R. “Enos and the Words concerning Eternal Life.” In Nyman and Tate, eds., The Book of Mormon: Jacob through Words of Mormon, 235-50.
Simmons, Rae. “Zenos: One of the Major Prophets.” The Witness 70 (Fall 1990): 11.
Skousen, Royal. “Towards a Critical Edition of the Book of Mormon.” BYU Studies 30/1 (1990): 41-69.
Smith, George D. “Isaiah Updated.” In Vogel, ed., The Word of God, 113-30; first appeared in Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought 16 (Summer 1983): 37-51.
Smith, Lucy “The Printing of the Book of Mormon.” Reprinted from “Joseph Smith the Prophet and His Progenitors.” Restoration Voice 69 (January-February 1990): 5-8.
Smith, Lyle, “Maya Language and the Book of Mormon.” The Witness 70 (Fall 1990): 12-14.
Smith, Lyle. “Royal Fifth.” The Witness 69 (Summer 1990): 14-15.
Smith, Sherrie Kline. “Copan Carvings Depict Nephite/Lamanite Warfare Methods.” The Witness 69 (Summer 1990): 12- 13.
Sorenson, John L. “The Chronological Discrepancy between Alma 53:22 and Alma 67:9.” Provo: F.A.R.M.S., 1990. 14 pp.
Sorenson, John L. “The Composition of Lehi’s Family.” In By Study and Also by Faith: Essays in Honor of Hugh W. Nibley, edited by John M. Lundquist and Stephen D. Ricks. 2:174-96. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book and F.A.R.M.S., 1990.
Sorenson, John L. “Fortifications in the Book of Mormon Account Compared with Mesoamerican Fortifications.” In Ricks and Hamblin, eds., Warfare in the Book of Mormon, 425-44.
Sorenson, John L. “The Geography of Book of Mormon Events.” Provo: F.A.R.M.S., 1990. 428 pp.
Sorenson, John L. “Latest Discoveries.” F.A.R.M.S. Update 65, January 1990.
Sorenson, John L. “The Mulekites.” Provo: F.A.R.M.S., 1990. 20 pp.; also appearing in BYU Studies 30/3 (1990): 6-22.
Sorenson, John L. “The Nephite Calendar in Mosiah, Alma, and Helaman.” F.A.R.M.S. Update 70, June 1990.
Sorenson, John L. “Seasonality of Warfare in the Book of Mormon and in Mesoamerica.” In Ricks and Hamblin, eds., Warfare in the Book of Mormon, 445-77.
Spencer, Geoffrey F. “A Reinterpretation of Inspiration, Revelation, and Scripture.” In Vogel, ed., The Word of God, 19-27; first appeared as “A Reinterpretation of Inspiration, Revelation and L.D.S. Scripture.” University Bulletin 20 (Winter 1968): 41-51, 103.
Szink, Terrence L. “An Oath of Allegiance in the Book of Mormon.” In Ricks and Hamblin, eds., Warfare in the Book of Mormon, 35-45.
Tanner, Jerald. “A Cover-Up Revealed: Joseph Smith’s Attempt to Save the Book of Mormon.” Salt Lake City Messenger 74 (February, 1990): 1-13.
Tanner, Jerald, and Sandra Tanner. “Ferguson’s Rejection of the Book of Mormon Verified.” Salt Lake City Messenger 76 (November 1990): 6-10.
Tanner, John S. “Literary Reflections on Jacob and His Descendants.” In Nyman and Tate, eds., The Book of Mormon: Jacob through Words of Mormon, 251-69.
Thomas, Mark D. “Scholarship and the Book of Mormon.” In Vogel, ed., The Word of God, 63-79; first appeared as “Scholarship and the Future of the Book of Mormon.” Sunstone 5 (May/June 1980): 24-29.
Thompson, Jerry (illustrator). “Enos.” Friend 20 (March 1990): 28-29.
Thompson, Jerry (illustrator). “Jacob and Sherem.” Friend 20 (February 1990): 8-10.
Thompson, Jerry (illustrator). “A New Home in the Promised Land.” Friend 20 (January 1990): 20-21.
Thompson, Jerry, Robert Barrett, and Harry Anderson (illustrators). “King Benjamin.” Friend 20 (August 1990): 18-21.
Thompson, Jerry (illustrator). “Zeniff.” Friend 20 (October 1990): 8-9.
Treat, Mary Lee. “A Call to Repentance.” Zarahemla Record 51 (October 1990): 1, 4.
Treat, Mary Lee. “O House of Israel.” Zarahemla Record 47 (February 1990): 3-4.
Treat, Raymond C. “Chiasmus in the News.” Zarahemla Record 47 (February 1990): 1.
Treat, Raymond C. “The Importance of Covenant in the Restoration of the House of Israel.” Zarahemla Record 50 (August 1990): 3-4.
Turner, Rodney. “Morality and Marriage in the Book of Mormon.” In Nyman and Tate, eds., The Book of Mormon: Jacob through Words of Mormon, 271-94.
Tvedtnes, John A. “King Benjamin and the Feast of Tabernacles.” In By Study and Also by Faith: Essays in Honor of Hugh W. Nibley, edited by John M. Lundquist and Stephen D. Ricks. 2:197-237. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book and F.A.R.M.S., 1990.
Tvedtnes, John A. “Book of Mormon Tribal Affiliation and Military Castes.” In Ricks and Hamblin, eds., Warfare in the Book of Mormon, 296-326.
Tvedtnes, John A. “Colophons in the Book of Mormon.” F.A.R.M.S. Update 71-1, July 1990.
Tvedtnes, John A. “The Sons of Mosiah: Emissaries of Peace.” In Ricks and Hamblin, eds., Warfare in the Book of Mormon, 118-23.
“Update: Book of Mormon Translations.” Ensign 20 (February 1990): 80.
Van Orden, Bruce A. “We Prophesy of Christ: The Law of Witnesses in 2 Nephi.” Ensign 20 (February 1990): 22- 25.
Warren, Bruce W. “Secret Combinations, Warfare, and Captive Sacrifice in Mesoamerica and the Book of Mormon.” In Ricks and Hamblin, eds., Warfare in the Book of Mormon, 225-36.
Walters, Wesley P. The Use of the Old Testament in the Book of Mormon. St. Louis: Covenant Theological Seminary, 1981. (Reprinted and made generally available by Utah Lighthouse Ministries, 1990.)
Welch, John W. “The Case of an Unobserved Murder.” F.A.R.M.S. Update 66, February 1990.
Welch, John W. “Chiasmus in Biblical Law: An Approach to the Structure of Legal Texts in the Hebrew Bible.” In Jewish Law Association Studies IV, edited by Bernard Jackson. 5-22. Atlanta, GA: Scholars, 1990.
Welch, John W. “Law and War in the Book of Mormon.” In Ricks and Hamblin, eds., Warfare in the Book of Mormon, 46-102.
Welch, John W. “The Melchizedek Material in Alma 13:13-19.” In By Study and Also by Faith: Essays in Honor of Hugh W. Nibley, edited by John M. Lundquist and Stephen D. Ricks. 2:238-72. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book and F.A.R.M.S., 1990.
Welch, John W. “Why Study Warfare in the Book of Mormon?” In Ricks and Hamblin, eds., Warfare in the Book of Mormon, 3-24.
Welch, John W., Donald W. Parry, and Stephen D. Ricks. ” ‘This Day.’ ” F.A.R.M.S. Update 68, April 1990.
Weldon, Roy. “A New Star Did Appear.” The Witness 71 (Winter 1990): 5-7.
Whiting, Gary R. “The Testimony of Amaleki.” In Nyman and Tate, eds., The Book of Mormon: Jacob through Words of Mormon, 295-306.
“Why Comalcalco Should Be Important to the Book of Mormon Believer.” The Cornerstone of Book of Mormon Archaeology 1/4 (October 1990): 41-43.
Wright, H. Curtis. “Ancient Burials of Metal Documents.” In By Study and Also by Faith: Essays in Honor of Hugh W. Nibley, edited by John M. Lundquist and Stephen D. Ricks. 2:273-334. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book and F.A.R.M.S., 1990.
Wright, Ruth B. “Draw Strength from the Book of Mormon.” Ensign 20 (November 1990): 78-79.
ZRF Staff. “Why Bountiful? Why Desolation?” Zarahemla Record 52 (December 1990): 2-4.
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