The Restoration of the Aaronic Priesthood. Joseph Smith Jun. and Oliver Cowdery Being Ordained by the Angel, John the Baptist, May 15, 1829


The Restoration of the Aaronic Priesthood. Joseph Smith Jun. and Oliver Cowdery Being Ordained by the Angel, John the Baptist, May 15, 1829

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Possibly based on Christensen's small painting of the same subject, this lithograph was printed during Christensen's last mission to Scandinavia. He sent at least fifteen hundred copies home to his family so that the proceeds from sales could help support them during his absence. The lithograph is considerably more ambitious than the original painting. The process of lithography required the original to be redrawn before it could be printed. The redrawing was obviously done by someone who had more experience and expertise in classical academic art than Christensen. This lithograph is one of the earliest examples of this subject made widely available with the Latter-day Saint community. Christensen's experience is somewhat like that of Albrecht Durer, who made prints and then sent his wife around to the fairs to peddle them.
Early Church History
John the Baptist
Aaronic Priesthood
Smith, Joseph, Jr.
Cowdery, Oliver

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