Discovering the Lehi-Nephi Trail


Discovering the Lehi-Nephi Trail

Publication Type

Unpublished Book

Year of Publication



Potter, George (Primary), and Wellington, Richard (Primary)

Date Published

July 2000

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Bibliographic Citation


This is a pre-publication draft, dated July 2000, of the manuscript that eventually would be published with modifications as Lehi in the Wilderness: 81 NEW, documented evidences that the Book of Mormon is a true history in 2003.

Tree of Life
Khor Kharfot
Valley of Lemuel
Bountiful (Old World)
Lehi's Trail
River of Laman
Lehi’s Dream
Jerusalem (Old World)
Wadi Sayq
Khor Rori
Nephi's Ship
Nephi's Broken Bow

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