Lesson 43 - The Prophet Lehi
Lesson 43 - The Prophet Lehi
Manual Title
Deseret Sunday School Union Leaflets
Publication Type
Manual Lesson
Year of Publication
Deseret Sunday School Union (Corporate/Institutional)
George Q. Cannon & Sons Company
Place Published
Salt Lake City
At the commencement of the reign of Zedekiah, the last king of Judah, there lived in Jerusalem a worthy, prayerful man named Lehi. At that time many prophets of God came to the Jews, calling upon them to repent of their sins, or the great city of Jerusalem would be destroyed. Lehi, hearing these prophecies, prayed to the Lord with all his heart in behalf of his people. As he prayed a pillar of fire came and dwelt on a rock before him, and many things were then shown him by the Lord which caused him much sorrow and fear. When he returned to his home in Jerusalem he was carried away in a vision. The heavens were opened to his view, and he saw God sitting upon His throne, surrounded by vast hosts of angels who in songs, were praising the Lord. Then he saw a bright and holy Being who was followed by twelve others, come down out of heaven on to this earth. These were Jesus Christ, our Lord, and His Apostles. Then in the vision, Jesus came to Lehi and gave him a book, which he bade him read. When Lehi did so he found it contained the word of the Lord against Jerusalem; that because of its great wickedness it should be destroyed, many of its people should be slain and many should be carried away 1 captive into Babylon. When Lehi learned these terrible truths he went forth among the people, pleading with them to repent and reform, lest these judgments come upon them. But the inhabitants of Jerusalem, at that time, would not give heed to the warnings of the servants of God, and they mocked at Lehi, and sought to take away his life, as they had the prophets of earlier times, whom they had cast out, and stoned and slain. Elijah they had cast out. Zenos they had slain. Zechariah they had stoned. Isaiah they had sawn asunder, and Jeremiah, who prophesied at the same time as Lehi, they imprisoned and otherwise abused.Subject Keywords
Scripture Study
Jerusalem (Old World)
Lehi (Prophet)
Bibliographic Citation
Scripture Central. “Lesson 43 - The Prophet Lehi.” In Deseret Sunday School Union Leaflets. Salt Lake City: George Q. Cannon & Sons Company, 1898.
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