Lesson 31 - The Visit of Jesus to the Nephites


Lesson 31 - The Visit of Jesus to the Nephites

Manual Title

Deseret Sunday School Union Leaflets

Publication Type

Manual Lesson



Year of Publication



Deseret Sunday School Union (Corporate/Institutional)


George Q. Cannon & Sons Company

Place Published

Salt Lake City

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Bibliographic Citation


After Jesus’ resurrection and ascension into heaven He appeared to the Nephites in fulfillment of the words of a number of their ancient prophets. The people to whom He came were those who had assembled near the temple in the Land Bountiful. They were conversing about the marvelous changes that had taken place on the face of the land by reason of convulsions that occurred at the death of the Savior. While thus engaged they heard a voice from heaven. At first they did not understand it, but the third time they understood that it was the voice of the Father calling upon them to behold His beloved Son. They then cast their eyes toward heaven and beheld a man, clothed in a white robe coming down out of heaven. He announced Himself to be Jesus Christ the Son of God, who was slain for the sins of the world. He then permitted them to feel the prints of the nails in His hands and feet and thrust their hands into His side, that they might be fully satisfied that it was He of whom the prophets had testified. And the people fell at His feet and worshiped Him.
Jesus Christ
Scripture Study
Sermon at the Temple
Bountiful (City of)

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