Plural Marriage, as Taught by the Prophet Joseph: A Reply to Joseph Smith, Editor of the Lamoni (Iowa) "Herald."


Plural Marriage, as Taught by the Prophet Joseph: A Reply to Joseph Smith, Editor of the Lamoni (Iowa) "Herald."

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Juvenile Instructor Office


Salt Lake City

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Bibliographic Citation


The Woman's Exponent of June 1st, 1882, contained an article written by Helen Mar Whitney, in which reference was made to some statements of Joseph Smith, editor of the Herald, published at Lamoni, Iowa, which he made while delivering a lecture against “polygamy and the Utah ‘Mormons,’ ” in Chicago. This article called forth some expressions of dissatisfaction from Mr. Smith, to which the writer will endeavor to reply in pamphlet form, as she cannot do so through the Exponent.

A feeling of delicacy takes possession of the author in attempting to perform a labor of this nature, but as her object is to open the eyes and throw light upon the minds of those who are laboring under false impressions concerning the religion and works of the Latter-day Saints of Utah, she will undertake the task, trusting in the Almighty for His assistance and guidance. She will also take the liberty of dropping the indirect style and will speak only for herself although her sentiments are in unison with those of many of her sisters in the Church.

I should have paid attention to Joseph Smith, editor of the Herald at an earlier date had not my time been occupied in the performance of a more pleasing and interesting labor— preparing a portion of my father’s journal for publication.

Trusting to a charitable public, I commend this humble effort to my sisters and friends in Zion and to all who honestly desire to learn truths concerning a “peculiar people,” or to study the philosophy of plural marriage.


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