General Smith's Views of the Powers and Policy of the Government of the United States


General Smith's Views of the Powers and Policy of the Government of the United States

Publication Type


Year of Publication



Smith, Joseph, Jr. (Primary), and Phelps, William W. (Primary)

Number of Pages



John Taylor, Printer


Nauvoo, IL

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This short pamphlet summarized the political views that the prophet Joseph Smith set forth during his 1844 presidential campaign, which would be cut short by his murder at Carthage Jail on 27 June 1844. Drafted by William W. Phelps and distributed on a national scale by hundreds of electioneers (also called political missionaries) it set out his plans for reforming the federal government and dealt with many of the national issues dividing the country, such as banks, Texas annexation, and slavery. One of Smith’s proposals included the sale of public lands to buy the freedom of slaves.

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Smith, Joseph, Jr.

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