


Book Title

Gospel Doctrine: Selections from the Sermons and Writings of Joseph F. Smith

Publication Type

Book Chapter



Year of Publication






The Deseret News


Salt Lake City

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Items in the BMC Archive are made publicly available for non-commercial, private use. Inclusion within the BMC Archive does not imply endorsement. Items do not represent the official views of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints or of Book of Mormon Central.

Bibliographic Citation


God is at the Helm—Distinction Between Keys of the Priesthood and Priesthood—Conferring the Priesthood—An Authoritative Declaration—The Church Not Man-made—What is the Priesthood?—The Priesthood—Definition, Purpose and Power—Mission of the Priesthood—What are the Keys of the Priesthood?—Sanctity of the Ordinances of the Priesthood—On Church Government—A Blessing and an Explanation of the Priesthood—The Privilege of the Priesthood to Bless—The Priesthood Greater than Any of its Offices—Necessity of Organization—Acceptance of the Priesthood a Serious matter—How Authority Should be Administered—Authority Gives Enduring Power—Ministry Should Know its Duties and the Use of Authority—How Officers in the Church are Chosen—A Word to Bishops—Jurisdiction of Quorums of Priesthood—Jurisdiction in Stakes and Wards—Duties of Those Engaged in the Ministry—The Purpose and the Duty of the Church: Qualities of Leaders—Leaders Must be Courageous—Duties of Officers of the Church—Truth Will Unite Us—Words to Church Officers—Officers to Set the Example—Duty of the Holy Priesthood—How to Vote on Church Propositions—Order of Voting for Officers of the Church—Officers Dependent on Voice of People—Nearly All Male Members Hold the Priesthood; Responsibility—Many hold the Melchizedek Priesthood—Priesthood Quorums' Responsibilities—What is Priesthood?—Where and How Counsel Should be Sought—Parents Should be Consulted—Proper use of Titles of the Priesthood—All Officers of the Priesthood Necessary and Should be Respected—Checks Upon Church Members—The Priesthood Should Know Section 107 of the Doctrine and Covenants—Who is Fit to Preside?—Obligations of the Priesthood—How Honor for Those Who Bear the Priesthood is Begotten—Priesthood Membership Rolls—All Should Exercise Their Authority—The Leaders in Israel—A Testimony of Joseph Smith and His Successors—Goodness of the Leaders of the Church—Divine Missions of Presidents of the Church—The Presidents of the Church Have Been Inspired—When to Organize the First Presidency—First Presidency Not Necessarily Apostles—The Priesthood and Its Offices—Authority of the President of the Church—Relation of Members of First Presidency—Duties of Apostles—Testimony of the Apostles—The Presiding Bishopric—When to Submit Questions to the General Authorities—No Need to Point Out Defects of Church Leaders—Help the General Authorities—Temporal Support of General Authorities—A Blessing Upon Stake Presidencies and Other Officers—Counsel to Stake Presidents and Bishops—Duties of Stake Presidents—Duty of High Councils—Duties of Patriarchs—Duties of High Priests—Duties of High Priests' Quorums—Duty of High Priests—Purpose and Duties of Seventies—Duty of Seventies—Duties of Seventies—Seventies' Quorums to be Replenished from Elders' Quorums—Elders to Proclaim Gospel—Duties of Elders—Authority of the Bishops and Other Presiding Officers—Duties of Bishops—Bishops and Lesser Priesthood Should be Active—Duties of the Lesser Priesthood—Lesser Priesthood—The Work of the Bishopric—Dignity of Teachers' Calling—Value of Teachers' Work—The Restoration of the Melchizedek Priesthood—Tribute to Heber C. Kimball—Tribute to Erastus Snow—Purpose of Visits of Church Leaders

Melchizedek Priesthood
Church Organization
Aaronic Priesthood
Priesthood Keys
Priesthood Organization

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